"Okay!" After the complaint, Fan Jingang immediately called Wang Yongzheng!

"Mr. Ye, what do you want to see me for?" Wang Yongzheng looked at Ye Shenyan blankly, not knowing what he wanted to do with him.

Ye Jinyan said straightforwardly:

"I remember you mentioned several times before that there is a manor project in Xinchuang, and you said you wanted to take over this project!"

Wang Yongzheng's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this, and he immediately said:

"Yes, this is a project from Xinchuang, and it was entrusted to my mentor, Professor Dong!"

"How is the progress of the manor project now?" Ye Jinyan asked.

Wang Yongzheng reacted immediately. Knowing that Ye Jinyan was interested in this manor project, he immediately explained enthusiastically:

"The design draft of the manor has been released, but I asked Professor Dong to temporarily slow down the progress!"

Then Wang Yongzheng asked: "Mr. Ye, can we take over this project now?"

Ye Jinyan thought for a while and arranged loudly:

"Now I will use the company's connections to contact the company responsible for this project, and I will leave this project to you. Do you have confidence?"

"Yes!" Wang Yongzheng said confidently:

"Actually, I have already investigated this company. It was initially a new live broadcast company, and later a video production company joined in!"

"It is said that the two companies are planning to stir up the estate and then use it as a hot topic to share the popularity of the estate for the production of live broadcasts and videos."

"Okay!" Ye Jinyan was not interested in the so-called hot topics. Before Wang Yongzheng finished speaking, he immediately arranged:

"Let's split up and win this project as soon as possible!"

"No problem! I'll do it right away!" Wang Yongzheng picked up the phone and was about to contact Professor Dong!

On the other side, Professor Dong looked at the design of the manor. He and a group of doctoral students spent a lot of energy, thought, and painstaking efforts to design this.

However, what caught him off guard was that he was still unable to pass Party A's father's request and was repeatedly called back for redesign.

At the beginning, Professor Dong listened to Wang Yongzheng's words. Every time Lin Hao asked, he said that he had not adjusted it yet, so it was delayed for a while.

However, what he didn't expect was that Wang Yongzheng had never been able to convince Ye Jinyan, so he couldn't sit still and wait for death!

So during one of Lin Hao's inquiries, he took out the design drawings, but Party A beat him back mercilessly!

Professor Dong had no choice but to revise it again and again. At the same time, he couldn't help but blame Lin Hao for introducing such a difficult Party A.

"Professor Dong, I actually think that the plan you have designed now has fully met the needs of the customer. I don't know why Party A has always disagreed!"

Afterwards, Lin Hao began to persuade with "good intentions":

“Why don’t we just not take on this project?”

Professor Dong immediately glared at Lin Hao and said dissatisfied:

"How can you just forget about it, tens of millions of dollars in design fees~!"

"No, since we have taken on other projects, we must be responsible to Party A to the end. How can we give up halfway!"

Lin Hao looked at Professor Dong amusedly. In fact, in Lin Hao's opinion, this design drawing has fully met Party A's needs.

I just don’t know why Party A keeps disagreeing and asks Professor Dong to keep revising it!

"Hey~! It seems like Party A is me!"

"Well~, in that case, let Professor Dong continue to revise!"

"There is a saying that goes well: life lies in tossing!"

"No problem!"

At this moment, Professor Dong received a call from Wang Yongzheng. Then Professor Dong slowly walked out of the office and finished answering the phone in a short time.

Then Professor Dong returned to the office and said directly to Lin Hao:

"Xiao Lin! This new start-up company you are relying on is not good!"

"I heard that this project has been re-entrusted to Jingyan Group. I wonder if you have heard about it!"

Lin Hao was not surprised by the news, but seeing Professor Dong so happy, he couldn't bear to disturb his mood, so he said with a look of great surprise:

"No way! How could this happen?"

"Professor Dong, don't worry, I'll go back and find out what's going on!"

With that said, Lin Hao left the school, of course not to investigate Jingyan Group's project to cut off his own manor.

But because Lin Hao also received the news that Dai Qian was back from Italy!

Not only did he come back, he also sold two of his houses as soon as he came back!

The reason is that Dai Qian led the studio to damage several important works of art while renovating an old castle!

Therefore, Dai Qian not only gave up the business of renovating the castle, but in order to compensate for those pieces of art, Dai Qian also sold all her property, and then the matter was settled.

But it also meant that Dai Qian was bankrupt. As an insider of this matter, Lin Hao naturally wanted to hear the detailed report.

But what was even more amazing was that Ye Jinyan, who was very busy at this time, found out about Dai Qian's current situation and immediately extended an olive branch to Dai Qian.

After some negotiations between the two, Ye Jinyan announced at the board meeting that he was ready to resign and invited her to serve as the general manager of the company and take control of Jingyan Group!

As soon as Ye Jinyan announced this matter, it immediately caused an uproar and was questioned by shareholders and company executives.

As the third shareholder, Mr. Li asked Ye Jinyan:

"Excuse me, Mr. Ye, what ability does Dai Qian have to control Jingyan Group, just because she once worked in Jingyan Group?"

"After all, Dai Qian worked hard with us during the founding of Jingyan and made a lot of contributions to Jingyan!"

Then another shareholder scoffed:

"Don't talk about your contribution. When it comes to your contribution to Jingyan, who among you has contributed less? This alone cannot convince us!"

Chapter 270

As soon as this sentence was said, it immediately resonated with everyone present!

Seeing that the atmosphere was in place, Mr. Li looked at each other and said meaningfully:

"Old Ye, I think we should proceed with caution in this matter to avoid picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons in the future!"

"To put it bluntly, after leaving an industry for one year, you are almost a novice. Dai Qian has been away from Jingyan for more than ten years!"

Then Mr. Li turned to look at Dai Qian:

"Forgive me for asking, what have you been doing in the past ten years, and how much do you know about the development of this industry?"

Mr. Li's words have touched everyone's heart. Even if Ye Jinyan wants to resign, it should be done by other shareholders or people with sufficient ability in the group, not by an outsider!

At this time, facing everyone's rejection, Dai Qian showed off her old qualifications and said:

"I should have met you before. I just joined the company ten years ago, and if I remember correctly, you were the one interviewed by me. What qualifications do you have to judge Mr. Ye's order!"

If it weren't for the huge foreign debt she still owed, Dai Qian would not have been willing to return to Jingyan, but she couldn't refuse Ye Jinyan's conditions!

Ye Jinyan promised that as long as she returned to Jingyan Group and took control of Jingyan Group on his behalf, he would lend her money to settle her foreign debts.

However, when Mr. Li heard this, he said indifferently:

"Look, you are still looking at people from the same perspective as ten years ago. I had just entered Jingyan back then, but now I am already a shareholder of Jingyan Group, and Jingyan Group is only a part of my industry!"

Mr. Li then asked, "What about you?"

"Does showing your so-called seniority mean that you have enough ability to control Jingyan Group?"

Speaking of this, Dai Qian immediately said confidently:

"Okay, then let me tell you what I have done in the past ten years!"

"After leaving Jingyan, I went to Italy and spent ten years renovating ancient cities in Europe, including the renovation of several art galleries in Venice and the renovation of several ancient castles in the Loire Valley!"

Seeing everyone nodding in agreement, Dai Qian smiled and said:

"Everyone here is a professional. If you want to know my resume, you can log on to my studio's website!"

"Tch~!" However, Mr. Li sneered indifferently: "So, what do you want to express?"

Mr. Li stood up and said to everyone in the office:

"Daisy said it herself. She has been working in European castles and art galleries over the years. Although they are both in the construction industry, don't forget that we are a real estate company, not tinkering masons!"

"Besides, after more than ten years, everyone should know how much domestic policies have changed."

Then Li Zong shouted angrily: "As for such a person who has stayed abroad for a long time, can she still adapt to the development of the current domestic era? Can she lead Jingyan Group out of the predicament?"

"It's just child's play!"

Dai Qian was shocked by Li Zong's momentum, but she had experienced strong winds and waves before, so she recovered quickly and said immediately:

"If Jingyan Group does not pursue innovation and development and keeps spinning in the quagmire, it will sooner or later be squeezed out by other peers, just like the crisis caused by the competition among new startups this time!"

"So we need to leverage the advantages of Jingyan Group and develop high-end quality projects. For example, the library project proposed by Mr. Ye is a bold attempt!"

Everyone here is an experienced veteran, and they are not new to the workplace. They do not agree with Dai Qian's broad and superficial ideas.

No matter how bright the future prospects are, we must first solve the current survival problem!

Ye Jinyan discovered that a group of people headed by Mr. Li seemed to be preparing to join forces to squeeze out Dai Qian and take over his position.

So he didn't care about pretending anymore. He needed to let Dai Qian take over the work as soon as possible so that he could turn his energy to other places, so he lowered his face and said:

"Okay, let me say one more thing. Although I resigned, I am still the major shareholder of Jingyan Group."

"I think at this time of crisis, everyone should work together to tide over the difficulties, instead of constantly fighting among themselves!"

"So I decided to appoint Dai Qian to hold my shares in Jingyan Group on my behalf, take over my position, and start to rectify the development strategy of Jingyan Group."

"Who is for, who is against!"

"Okay! Support Mr. Ye's decision!" Wang Yongzheng immediately clapped excitedly. Under his leadership, others began to applaud reluctantly.

As Ye Jinyan said, even if he resigned from Jingyan Group, he is still the major shareholder of Jingyan Group. If he makes a decision, other small shareholders cannot change it after all!

Ye Jinyan's domineering and revealing speech temporarily suppressed all objections, so Dai Qian temporarily took control of Jingyan Group.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that her ideas are not supported by most people, but this does not change Ye Jinyan's decision!

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