While talking, he picked up Chu Renmei's bath water and took a sip!

"His~! This warrior is as terrifying as his!" Lin Hao walked directly to the side and said:

"You guys can play, I am born with yin and yang eyes, I will help you see if you have been hit!"

After saying that, Lin Hao sat on the sofa on one side, looked in the direction of the people, and immediately used the solidification skill with his mind:

"Use the solidification skills to solidify the yin and yang eyes!"

Ding: "Skills are being solidified...!"

Ding: "Curing skill failed!"

"Hey, why did you fail again!" Lin Hao frowned and looked at the system prompts, and then realized that such a situation had also happened in the "Time Planning Bureau"!

Therefore, if you want to successfully solidify a skill, the ability must be in use to successfully solidify the skill!

It seems that we can only wait until Chu Renmei comes to solidify this yin and yang eye skill!

At this time, the room was filled with a pungent and disgusting smell, and four suicide masters were holding hands around the table of burning corpse oil!

At this time Anne coughed twice and said:

"What kind of oil is this? It smells so bad!"

Daji also frowned and said, "Yes, this is the oil you got from there!"

Xiaobi also said: "It's so disgusting, I can't stand it!"

Carrot Head said nonchalantly: "This is corpse oil. The oil drips from the corpse before it decomposes. It's very difficult to deal with!"

"What?" Daji was so surprised that he wanted to run away and didn't want to play anymore.

Annie and Xiaobi were too frightened to want to play. When they thought it was something from a dead person and the disgusting smell, they immediately regretted it!

On the side, Lin Hao seriously suspected that in the original drama, the reason why Chu Renmei went to Luotou first was because he came into contact with corpse oil, an evil thing on the dead!

At this time, Luobotou immediately explained in order to prevent everyone from letting go:

"Don't let go, everyone. We are now psychic. If you let go, our souls will shift and we will go crazy, you know!"

At this time, Lin Hao could see clearly that Anne was originally ready to let go, but Carrot Tou grabbed Anne's hand tightly and wouldn't let go. It was obvious that he also had thoughts about Anne.

Lin Hao's eyes narrowed. He didn't notice this situation in the plot. Only when Teacher Mao was analyzing the psychic incident, he suspected that Carrot Head might like Annie and wanted to get close to girls through this method!

Sure enough, seeing that no one dared to let go, the carrot head turned to look at Annie, with a smile on his lips!

Lin Hao felt unhappy, even if the girlfriend was given by the system, she was still his girlfriend.

Just when he was about to step forward to stop them, Lin Hao felt that he was too petty. After all, it was just holding hands, and he would not lose a piece of flesh.

Besides, Chu Renmei hadn't come yet, and her skills hadn't been solidified yet, so she suppressed her unhappiness and thought that a beautiful girl would come to play with Carrot Head later, and Lin Hao smiled unconsciously!

Besides, Carrot Head is just a minor supporting character, and his value is only 10 destiny points at most. If Lin Hao simply accepts it, the worst he can do is not earn your destiny points!

Carrot Tou's words forced everyone to continue playing. After all, no one knew whether it was true or false. If it was true, it would be the end of the world!

Then everyone closed their eyes again, and soon the carrot head started shaking like an electric shock, and then everyone else started shaking too!

Lin Hao didn't know if they were really psychic, but Lin Hao suddenly felt a chill coming over him!

At this moment, Lin Hao's heart suddenly tightened!

Because a blue figure flashed at the door in the blink of an eye, and I saw this woman covering her face with hair and floating to her side!

Surprisingly, it is Chu Renmei, the protagonist of this drama!

Lin Hao saw Chu Renmei through his yin and yang eyes, not by drinking her bath water, so Chu Renmei should not cause trouble for him.

However, Lin Hao still felt that Chu Renmei seemed to be looking up at him. This made Lin Hao, who saw Ah Piao for the first time, instantly stand on end!

However, Chu Renmei's target was obviously not herself, because she lowered her head to look at the four people again, and then slowly floated towards Carrot Head.

And Lin Hao's feeling of impending disaster also disappeared!

"I knew it was like this!" Seeing Chu Renmei floating towards Carrot Head, Lin Hao finally broke free from the feeling of heartache!

Lin Hao immediately seized the opportunity and recited silently in his heart: "Cure the Yin and Yang Eyes!"

Ding: "Skills are being solidified...!"

Congratulations on getting the general skill: "Yin Yang Eyes!"

Yin and Yang Eyes: "Recognize the spirit body with the naked eye. When you look at it, it is also looking at you!"

At this time, Lin Hao didn't care to read the explanation of Yin Yang Eyes, because Chu Renmei was already lying on Luobotou's back!

At this time, Chu Renmei was using her ability, so Lin Hao immediately seized the opportunity and said silently in his heart:

"Cure the skills used by Chu Renmei!"

Ding: "Skills are being solidified...!"

Congratulations on getting the general skill: "Illusion!"

Illusion: "Compile an illusion in the target's consciousness. The better you understand the compiled things, the more real the illusion will be. At the same time, the higher the mental power of the caster, the stronger the illusion effect will be!"

Chapter 286 Illusion

Sure enough, he obtained another "Illusion" skill. Lin Hao didn't dare to delay and looked at Liao Cai again. No, he looked at Chu Renmei. At the same time, he thought silently in his heart:

"Continue to solidify the skills used by Chu Renmei!"

Ding: "Skills are being solidified...!"

Ding: "The skill is repeated and the solidification failed!"

"Hey, it failed again! This time, the skill was repeated. It seems that it can't hit leeks?" Lin Hao clearly remembered that Chu Renmei also had the ability to possess. Not only did she control Xiaobi to kill her mother, but she also possessed the ability to possess Xiaobi. He also manipulated Xiaobi into committing suicide!

It should be that Chu Renmei hasn't used this skill yet, so it seems she can only find another chance!

At this time, the four little masters of suicide were sitting around the table holding hands, listening to Carrot Head with his eyes closed saying:

"I saw... saw a woman wearing... red clothes!"

The big arm on the opposite side also said: "I seem to have seen a little bit of red clothes!"

Xiaobi said nervously: "I, why didn't I see it?"

Annie also closed her eyes and said, "Yes, I didn't see anything either!"

Lin Hao knew that the so-called red-clothed Ah Piao they saw was actually an illusion cast by Chu Renmei on them, and there was no real red-clothed Ah Piao.

Because Lin Hao only saw Chu Renmei through his yin and yang eyes, and no other ghosts existed!

However, Lin Hao didn't sit still and wait for death. He couldn't watch them being dealt with by Chu Renmei. After all, Luobotou was scared to death by Chu Renmei and turned into a male Ah Piao. He also didn't forget to remind his good brothers to run away!

So Lin Hao immediately used his newly acquired fantasy skills to focus on the carrot head, and soon found that he was like watching a movie, gaining his God's perspective.

In Luobotou's consciousness, he saw that several people were still in this room. At the same time, there was actually a red-clothed Ah Piao slowly approaching him, and Luobotou was looking at the red-clothed Ah Piao tremblingly!

So Lin Hao began to weave an illusion. Since he knew that this guy had a small crush on Annie, Lin Hao was going to give him a thrill, which could be regarded as a small punishment!

Yes, you read that right, Lin Hao is such a selfless person.

This can be regarded as giving him a vaccination in advance, so as not to be scared to death by Chu Renmei later.

Later, Lin Hao started to use it in Carrot Head's consciousness. First, he changed the face of the red-dressed girl Ah Piao to look like Annie, and then covered it up with her hair!

Then he controlled the girl in red, Ah Piao, to wander to Annie's position, and then turned her head 90 degrees sideways without moving her body.

Then he faced Carrot Tou's face, then slowly pushed his hair to both sides, and then matched the childish version of the voice:


"I'm here!" Seeing such a strange scene, Carrot Tou let go of Annie's hand and took two steps back.

When the others discovered this change, they immediately opened their eyes and looked at Carrot Head, and asked:

"What are you doing!"

"what's wrong?"

"What do you see?"

Carrot Head panted heavily and looked at Annie, and then said in fear:

"Apiao, the female Apiao in red, turned into Annie!"

"She, she's scaring me!" Carrot Head said aggrievedly.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hao was immediately overjoyed. He had not been so happy for a long time.

"Let you take advantage of my girlfriend!" However, the smile on Lin Hao's face had not yet subsided, and a blue figure flashed in front of him.

Lin Hao's breath suddenly stagnated, and he felt like he was in trouble. This is a supernatural world!

I just stole Chu Renmei's business, what should I do now? Will she deal with herself?

Although I have never drank Chu Renmei's bath water, I guess I won't do anything to myself, but I can't stand Chu Renmei's face to face!

Lin Hao's breathing slowed down unconsciously and he forced himself to calm down. Some things had to be faced after all.

Later, Lin Hao looked at Chu Renmei's face covered by her hair and persuaded her seriously:

"Now that you have taken your revenge, even if you have huge grievances, it is time to resolve them. Go and be reincarnated. Don't stay in the world and harm innocent people anymore!"

Suddenly, Lin Hao saw Chu Renmei in front of her. She pushed back her long black hair and rolled her eyes on her pale face. No, it should be said that she had no piercings in her eyes and looked very strange.

At the same time, dark blood flowed from Chu Renmei's mouth, and she got closer to Lin Hao little by little, as if she wanted to get close to Lin Hao.

At the same time, Lin Hao vaguely heard the terrifying voice of a woman singing, which made him shudder!

The people who had been talking before all turned their heads to Lin Hao at some point, facing Lin Hao's arms, and looked at Lin Hao with sinister expressions. Annie and Xiaobi turned their heads at 90 degrees, and finally The scariest one was the carrot head. His head slowly twisted 180 degrees, and his posture was extremely weird!

Then, the four of them walked towards him slowly, and Lin Hao immediately felt a sense of impending disaster. At this time, he found a dagger on the table, and instinctively wanted to get the dagger to kill these weirdos.

But Lin Hao suddenly felt that his head was a little swollen, and everything in front of him felt unreal, which made Lin Hao feel a little weird.

Didn't it mean that only if you drank Chu Renmei's bath water would she come to her door for a heart-to-heart talk?

Why did Chu Renmei attack him directly? Could it be that he was taking revenge on himself because he robbed her of her business?

Lin Hao was a little panicked now. If Chu Renmei could attack without restriction, then he might not be able to defeat her!

Otherwise, just go back and forget it. After all, you have already obtained two solidification skills!

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