So far, the Hexi Corridor has been recovered.

Several other Song armies also started a major counterattack, and then took the entire Hetao Plain into their hands!

This battle lasted for more than a year. When Lin Hao originally wanted to continue fighting west, Lin Hao received a piece of bad news!

According to the news from the radio station in the Liao Kingdom, the Liao Emperor revealed many times in the court that he wanted to raise troops to go south and threatened the Song Dynasty to give up its intention to attack Xixia.

After all, Xixia is like a needle. Every time there is a conflict between the Song Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom, Xixia will conflict with the Song Dynasty on the border, which consumes the energy of the Song Dynasty!

Seeing the Song Dynasty destroy Xixia, what if the Song Dynasty took advantage of the power of victory and continued to attack the Liao Kingdom?

Soon, the latest news came from the Bianjing Radio Station, and the Song Dynasty court also wanted them to return to the DPRK as soon as possible to defend against the Liao Kingdom!

Lin Hao knew that their war was basically over.

In fact, Lin Hao himself knew that continuing to fight westward would not be worth the gain. After all, the Uighurs and Tibetans were watching eagerly.

Lin Hao really had the idea of ​​turning around to the northeast and continuing to attack the Liao Kingdom, but this time it was impossible.

Because after a year of conquest, the army was actually exhausted and in urgent need of a rest!

In fact, Lin Hao is very satisfied to be able to play like this!

Later, Lin Hao left some cavalry to temporarily station in the Hexi Corridor, while Lin Hao himself led [-] elite cavalry and finally returned to the capital after a month.

When Lin Hao returned to the capital with [-] cavalry and the British Duke returned to the capital with [-] infantry, both the emperor and central ministers became extremely nervous!

Chapter 330: Ennoblement, knowing how to advance and retreat

Warlord separatism!

The lessons learned from the warlord separatism of the Tang Dynasty are right in front of us, making many ministers nervous.

The Xixia and Liao Kingdoms were essentially the products of the warlord era of the Tang Dynasty!

At this time, the courtiers were a little regretful. If they had known that the British father-in-law and his son were so powerful, they would not have allowed him to fight so far.

If there hadn't been any changes in the Liao Kingdom this time, they wouldn't have known what excuse they would use to bring the British Duke back!

But when I think of the British Duke and Lin Hao, bringing more than [-] people back to Bianjing, the whole court feels a little worried!

Of course, the emperor was actually a little confused, but the British Duke had always been loyal to him for so many years, so he was much calmer than these ministers.

"Let's talk about it! People are coming to Bianjing soon. How to reward them? Hurry up and get the regulations!" After the emperor finished speaking, he looked at the ministers below!

At this time, the mood of the civil servants was undoubtedly heavy. The British father-in-law and his son had contributed to the destruction of the country, and they needed to be rewarded.

And the noble disciples of Bianjing led by them also need to be rewarded!

Therefore, they cannot turn a blind eye and need to set a reward as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the honorable nobles make a fuss, they may not be able to put an end to it.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the power of military commanders will greatly increase in the next few years, but this is not a situation they want to see, so they have delayed the reward for so long!

Just when the court was discussing how to reward the meritorious officials in the national war that wiped out Xixia, Lin Hao and the British Duke were on their way back to Bianjing!

And Lin Hao has a problem that needs to be solved urgently:

"Father, what do you think the court will do with the cavalry I recruited myself?"

At this time, the British Duke smiled and said: "It's easy to handle! Send them to the north to defend against the Liao Kingdom!"

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "I'm just afraid that the court will be jealous!"

Lin Hao understood what the British Lord meant. He had recruited more than 7 cavalry, and more than 1 were stationed in the northwest. This time he brought back nearly [-].

Not to mention the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, even if Lin Hao was in that position, he probably wouldn't be relieved!

Moreover, these cavalry were not trained by the Song Dynasty, but were recruited by Lin Hao himself, and they only obeyed Lin Hao's orders. One can imagine how the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty would be afraid!

At this time, the British Duke did not speak, but looked in the direction of Bianjing in a daze. After a while of silence, he spoke:

"Then do you have any ideas?"

Lin Hao shook his head and sighed: "Oh, what a pity, the people of the Song Dynasty are so determined!"

Lin Hao looked at the silent British father-in-law, and then said with a smile:

"Father, what do you think we want a prince?"

The British prince's eyes lit up, and then he half-squinted his eyes and said:

"It's difficult. The Song Dynasty has not granted a king with a different surname for decades, but~, this time is a battle to destroy the country!"

"Hahaha! Drive!"

"Rumble, rumble~!" Lin Hao was followed by tens of thousands of cavalry, and the roar while running shocked the pedestrians along the official road!

At the same time, the court of the Song Dynasty was still discussing the reward plan!

"Your Majesty! A king with a different surname is the source of trouble!"

"Although it's just a false seal, we still have to guard against it!"

The emperor shook his head and said: "Then what do you think we should do? We are seeing the British prince getting closer and closer to Bianjing!"

At this time, Master Shi stood up, took out the wat tablet and said:

"Your Majesty, I have an idea. This time, Zhang Haolin, the son of the British Duke, has made outstanding achievements and led troops to attack Xingqing Mansion. Why not record the British Duke's achievements on his son!"

Then Taifu Shi said loudly: "Feng Guogong!"

One word stirred up a thousand waves, and the whole court suddenly exploded!

"A dual-state master!"

“Two titles can be passed down in the future!”

"What an honor this is, it's no worse than being crowned a king!"

At this moment, these ministers in the DPRK were crazy with envy, and then they all started to think about their own little thoughts!

After all the courtiers were quiet, the emperor's face showed a faint smile, and then he said:

"What Ai Qing said is true, so let's reward him according to this plan!"

At the same time, the emperor also breathed a sigh of relief. It was indeed a good method. It not only avoided the title of king, but also did not treat the Zhang family badly!

Then he asked: "What about the [-] cavalry he has?"

Everyone was shocked again, this was indeed a big trouble!

On the other side, the British public also asked the same question.

"Haolin, what do you think about these [-] cavalry?"

But Lin Hao smiled and said:

"Father, these are [-] cavalry. Of course, they must be handed over to His Majesty!"

"Are you willing?" the British duke asked in surprise.

Lin Hao said as he should: "Can't we raise them ourselves?"

The British prince was stunned. He didn't expect Lin Hao's answer. He thought his son would hold on to the [-] cavalry. After all, Lin Hao had accidentally revealed something just now!

But think about it, not everyone can afford to raise cavalry. A cavalry capable of fighting consumes a lot every year.

Not to mention anything else, just armor, weapons, horses, grain and grass, cavalry pay, etc., all added up, consume at least 100 to 150 yuan of money every year.

And these 600 cavalry means that 900 to [-] million taels of silver are consumed every year!

Of course, this refers to the armored cavalry of the Song Dynasty, and the light cavalry recruited by Xixia, although the consumption is greatly reduced, still requires more than 300 million taels of silver every year!

This is a huge financial burden!

next day

The army finally returned to the camp outside Bianjing City, and then the emperor's imperial edict was delivered.

Eunuch Gao, who came to read out the decree, looked at the fierce-looking soldiers in the audience, calmed himself down, and read out the rewards for these meritorious soldiers!

Finally, the rewards for the British father-in-law and his son were announced, and they were allowed to enter the palace to be honored!

After the eunuch read out the decree, he carefully looked at the British father-in-law and his son. They were not fools, and they were not unaware of the current situation!

As long as the British father-in-law and his son enter the palace, they must return the Tiger Talisman. Everyone knows what this means!

If the British father-in-law and his son accepted the order, everyone would be happy, but what if they didn't?

"Hi~! I don't dare to think about it, I don't dare to think about it!" Eunuch Gao prayed in his heart.

"Sir, obey the order!"

"Sir, obey the order!"

Duke Ying and Lin Hao replied at the same time, which was considered to be recognition of the emperor's reward. The eunuch Gao who delivered the order immediately breathed a sigh of relief and then stepped forward to congratulate him!

"Congratulations to the two gentlemen, you are a glorious family, two gentlemen from one family!" Eunuch Gao congratulated the two of them, but he was also glad that everything went well!

The British Duke and the high eunuch were chatting, while Lin Hao was looking at the reward in the imperial edict. He was awarded the title of Duke Rong Guo!

In fact, Lin Hao received the news last night, so there was no surprise about it, although the plan to become the king failed.

But that’s it!There is ample time!

At this time, the school grounds were full of joy and laughter. Lin Hao was made a Duke, making the Zhang family a double Duke, but the other officers and noble families who were awarded the title were also good.

At this time, Gu Tingye took the initiative to come to Lin Hao and said:

"Congratulations to the Duke of the Kingdom. You have a double family of Dukes. I am so envious of you!"

Lin Hao joked to Gu Tingye:

"Then I also congratulate Uncle Gu!"

"Congratulations, congratulations! The Duke is so polite!" Gu Tingye said with envy: "Hey! It's a pity that I'm just an earl, so I can't compare with you!"

Before Lin Hao could say anything, Liang Han also came over to congratulate:

"My lord, congratulations!"

"Next time something good like this happens, don't forget about me!"

The second eldest son of the Yuan family, Yuan Wenshao, also came to join in the fun:

"Yes, yes! This honor of being a master of two kingdoms is really enviable!"

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