After saying that, he and the staff helped the semi-conscious Yang Xi to leave. The staff immediately helped Lin Hao and Britney connect the spinal cord nerves.

As before, after the staff left, Lin Hao activated the illusion again and took away Britney's left brain controller.

After getting ready, Lin Hao reported to Cai Tiantonghui: "Preparations are complete!"

And Cai Tiantong immediately said: "Thinking and empathy are ready!"

Then he continued: The countdown begins:

"start up!"

A few seconds later, Cai Tiantong said in surprise:

"The neuron docking is stable, and the synchronization rate actually reached 100%!"

At this time, on the console in the command room, the two brain images overlapped into one on the display screen, and then the connection diagram between them and the "Rover"'s control system and power system also lit up.

It means that Lin Hao and Britney are integrated with the "Wanderer" and can exert [-]% of the mecha's combat effectiveness.

"Soldiers!" Pendercost ordered: "Your mission is to defend the "Miracle Line" outside Anchorage, do you understand?"

The Ten Mile Cordon was the last line of defense and was also known as the "Miracle Line."

The reason why it is so named is because once the monster breaks through this line of defense, it would be an absolute miracle if the mecha can prevent it from landing.

"Understood!" Lin Hao replied immediately.

Then the "Wanderer" mecha was pushed to the gate, and Lin Hao was extremely excited and couldn't help but say:

"Little monster, wait for labor and management to favor you!"

Chapter 437: Fight the little monster!

"Little monster, wait for the labor and management to favor you!" As he said this, Lin Hao and Britney, who thought he was driving the Ranger, pressed the power system control button at the same time.

Then Lin Hao stepped forward, and the "Wanderer" started rumbling. On a stormy night, he turned his back to the command center and strode towards the monster. Wherever he passed, waves surged and water mist rose.

At the same time, the monster codenamed Scythe Head was heading towards Kodiak Island. There was just a ship floating on the sea on the road, and the monster seemed to be somewhat interested in the ship.

A few minutes later, 7 miles from the coastline, a severe storm made the Ocean's captain and first mate worried, and they were discussing how to find somewhere to take shelter as soon as possible.

Then the captain looked at the radar and said:

"Where's the island three miles away? Why is it missing?"

The first mate said with a confused look:

"It was still there just now~!"

However, before they finished speaking, the two of them were stunned at the same time as they looked at the island that was approaching from the radar. Then they looked at each other and said in unison:

"It's a monster!"

Sure enough, at this moment, the monster "Sickle Head" had jumped up from the port side of the "Ocean" and was more than 30 meters high above the water.

"Ouch~!" The sickle head suddenly raised its head and roared.

Its head was shaped like a huge arc-shaped blade. The blade on the upper jaw narrowed from wide to a sharp point, and there was also a sharp blade on its head.

It has two legs, a powerful tail, and four arms ending in huge webbed claws that can easily crush a fishing boat.

Lin Hao was driving the Wanderer through the wind and waves, rushing towards the Ocean fishing boat, and the sonar outlined the outline of the monster's body hidden under the water.

Lin Hao then said to the people in the command room:

"Have you noticed? This guy looks a bit like a dinosaur, but it's several times bigger than any dinosaur!"

"It does look a bit like a dinosaur, but its head looks more distinctive!" Cai Tiantong said through the communicator.

He then continued: "Man, you gotta speed it up!"

"We've arrived!" With that, Lin Hao turned off the communicator and concentrated on operating the mecha.

Lin Hao drove the Rover, then lowered his center of gravity and quickly passed through the deep waters of the Gulf of Alaska.

After finding a foothold in the shallower water, the wanderer stood firm, then stood upright and suddenly broke out of the water, raising a water column dozens of meters high.

Everyone on the fishing boat stared blankly at the monster. Everyone on the boat knew that they were doomed, but just when they were desperate, Lin Hao emerged from the starboard side of the boat in a Wanderer mecha.

However, the situation at this time was still very bad. They knew that this was a mecha designed to fight monsters, but the problem was that their small fishing boat was sandwiched between two behemoths.

For a time, except for the pounding rain, the atmosphere became a little solid for a while.

However, the target of the monster was obviously the small fish in front of him, but the mecha that jumped out of the water, so the monster suddenly attacked forward.

"Ah ah ah, the show is about to begin!" Lin Hao shouted excitedly: "Come on, my little baby!"

Before Lin Hao escaped from the water, his left fist quickly reorganized into a gun barrel. After rushing out of the water, he had completed charging the plasma cannon.

At this time, seeing the monster about to rush over, Lin Hao aimed directly at the monster's abdomen and shot it!

"Boom!" After a loud noise, the monster's abdomen was knocked back several steps by the powerful impact of the plasma cannon, and its abdomen was also beaten to pieces!

Just when the monster was repelled, Lin Hao grabbed the Ocean fishing boat and put it directly to the side to prevent them from being affected.

Then he used a loudspeaker to say: "Get out of here quickly, be careful not to be affected!"

Lin Hao, who was guarding him, turned around and rushed towards the monster. At this time, although the monster's belly was torn apart by the great virtue, it was only knocked back a few steps.

Because its vitality was too strong, it didn't care about its injuries at all. Seeing Lin Hao rushing over, it struggled to rush towards Lin Hao.

Just when he was about to collide, Lin Hao suddenly turned sideways and lowered his waist, and instantly made an uppercut with his right hand.

"Bump~!" The big head of the sickle head was immediately hit upwards, followed by another left hook. Before it could react, I grabbed its big head with my right hand, charged up my left arm, and then smashed it hard. Go down.


With a set of smooth movements, his violent fists hit the monster until his brain hemorrhaged, and blue blood overflowed from his mouth.

Then the whole body lost its balance and fell to one side.

The corrosive blood flowing out of the monster's mouth reacted instantly after mixing with seawater, and the surrounding seawater boiled instantly.

The four arms of the sickle head flapped randomly on the sea surface, and then began to sink slowly until the head also disappeared from the sea surface.

At this time, Lin Hao discovered a message in front of the cockpit, which turned out to be an information access request from the base's command center.

So Lin Hao connected to the communicator and asked:

"Sir, what's the matter?"

In the Wanderer's operating cabin, Pendercost's angry face was immediately projected, and then he roared loudly:

"Wanderers, what's going on with you?!"

"I asked you to guard the Ten Mile Miracle Line outside Anchorage. Why did you two disobey my order!"

However, Lin Hao didn't care about Pendercost's roar and just said lightly:

"Mission accomplished, sir. As long as we destroy this monster, it will never be able to break through the ten-mile miracle line!"

Lin Hao was well aware of Pendercost's little thoughts. In the cooperation between several countries in the Pacific Rim, they did share technology at the beginning, and some monsters also took the initiative to eliminate them.

But the problem is that the maintenance cost of mechas is too high, such as the plasma cannon used by Lin Hao, because it has been used just now.

In order to ensure that it can be used next time, many expensive core parts will be replaced without damage, which will undoubtedly increase a lot of expenses.

Not to mention the maintenance of the mecha, so as long as the monster does not clearly want to land locally, the monster will be allowed to go to bases in other countries. After all, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

That's why he gave the vague order to defend the base's ten-mile cordon instead of destroying the monsters.

But Pendercost could not refute Lin Hao's words. Both he and Lin Hao knew it well.

It’s just that Pendercost didn’t support Lin Hao’s use of this method of making claims, so he could only say angrily:

"Come right back, now~!"

However, Lin Hao said again:

"Sir, the monster's vital signs have not been confirmed yet!"

However, at this time, the people in the base command center immediately began to cheer and celebrate, because they discovered that as soon as Lin Hao finished speaking, the vital signs of the sickle head were disappearing.

However, Lin Hao is not optimistic and has no intention of letting down his guard at all, because in the movie, this monster deceived the Raleigh brothers by pretending to be dead.

In the end, a sneak attack caused a hole in the wanderer's head, causing Raleigh's brother Yang Xi to be killed by the monster, so Lin Hao did not relax at all.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Hao had already used the mental mark skill on the sickle-headed monster when he saw it.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for Sickle Tou to deceive Lin Hao through Zhang Si.

Sure enough, after sinking into the water, the monster used its good swimming ability to go directly around Lin Hao's back, preparing to find the right moment to ambush him.

At this time, Cai Tiantong's profile picture suddenly appeared on the screen in front of Lin Hao.In the base command center and the mecha operating cabin, alarms sounded at the same time.

"The monster has regained signs of life!" Cai Tiantong's face changed drastically, and then he exclaimed: "It's getting stronger!"

At this time Pendercost's voice came:

"Attention, wanderers, retreat immediately. The monster's vital signs have recovered~!"

However, their news obviously came a little late. Lin Hao already knew the location of the sickle head, so the plasma cannon on his right arm had completed charging.

Lin Hao then turned towards the fishing boat, and at this moment the sickle head rushed out of the water, and used his strong front paws to slap the wanderer's big head, while the sickle on the head stabbed the mecha's left chest. !

However, what the monster didn't know was that Lin Hao had been waiting for it to make a move. Lin Hao squatted slightly and shifted his weight downward.

Then the mecha's left arm met the monster's slap, and pulled it to the left. In an instant, it grabbed the wrist, twisted the arm, and tripped the leg.

After a set of movements, he used his inertia to trip the monster down. Not only did he break the straight thrust of the monster's sickle head, but he also flipped it over.

Then the plasma cannon in his right arm, which was already ready to fire, hit the monster's roaring mouth.

"Boom~Boom~Boom~Boom!" Four consecutive saturation attacks directly destroyed most of the monster's head, and the monster could no longer die.

At this time, in the base command center, Cai Tiantong suddenly noticed that the red dot on the monitor disappeared, so he said:

"Sir, the monster's health index has disappeared and the monster has been destroyed!"

Pendercost was relieved after hearing this, and then asked Lin Hao:

"Wanderer, confirm the status of the monster!"

"I can't die any more!" Lin Hao sighed with unfinished meaning: "It's so cool to fight monsters from the No. 1 perspective!"

Lin Hao then reported to the base command center again:

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