Fan Shengmei could only suppress the anger in her heart, walked over and grabbed her mother's hand and said:

"Mom, these clothes are quite expensive, don't get them dirty!" Cha

However, Fan's mother grabbed a silk satin dress. When her fingers were looking through it, when her nails touched the fabric of the dress, a silk thread was drawn!

She immediately felt heartbroken. These were not imitations from the past. These were luxuries that Lin Hao bought for her.

However, Mother Fan still said reluctantly:

"Oh, these are shabby clothes. The quality is not good at first glance. So much money has been wasted. Every time I tell you not to buy so many clothes, what's the point of spending money on clothes? I haven't saved much to this day. Money, your brother now~!"

Fan's mother's words finally made Fan Shengmei unable to bear it any longer. Fortunately, when she was in Lin Hao's room just now, she thought of a countermeasure and immediately shouted angrily:

"Half of my salary is spent on my brother. I usually don't have money for myself, so why not buy a few clothes? Don't I wear clothes when I go to work?"

She slammed the closet door and continued: Check

"The house is the boss's house and has been rented to us at a low price. The two girls in the room just now are my colleagues."

"The man who took those two girls away just now is my boss. With your behavior today, I might lose this job tomorrow!"

"And the trouble you caused this time, you want millions just to open your mouth and shut up. You really think of me as a god. How do you think everything in me is worth millions?"

"Every time I get paid, I keep asking for it. Now I only have this money on hand~!" As she said this, Fan Shengmei opened her bag, took out her wallet, and threw it to Fan's mother.

"Originally, I have been living on these few hundred dollars this month, but now all my belongings are here, and now they are all handed over to you, you can decide on your own!

Fan's mother was furious when she heard this:

"Your brother has finally given birth to a grandson for the Fan family in the past few years. What about you, besides buying a bunch of clothes?" Cha

Then Fan's mother received her daughter's wallet and counted only more than 400 yuan in it, leaving Father Fan and Mother Fan speechless:

"That's all?"

"Then you go find your son. Why are you coming to me?" Fan Shengmei sat on the sofa holding her forehead.

Fan Shengmei's output was too tough, so the two could only play the emotional card:

"Xiao Mei, please understand, Mom, I really don't blame him for what happened to your brother this time. It was that woman who provoked him in the first place~!"

"Your brother said that when he finds a place to stay, he will call us. Then you can send him some money. They will go to a place where no one knows them. They can't survive without money!"

Fan Shengmei felt angry for a moment when she heard this: Check it out

"When I came to work in Shanghai alone, you didn't give me a penny. Why didn't anyone ask me if I could survive without money?"

As she spoke, Fan Shengmei opened the drawer, took out an old diary and said:

"This is the money I have given to my brother over the years. I remember it one by one. From today on, I will first transfer his house to my name!"

Father Fan then spoke: "Your money is all for us, not for your brother. Don't ask what we will do with the money. The house is in your brother's name, not yours, lest you get married. The house has someone else’s surname!”

"Well, with someone else's last name, it seems that I am the outsider!" Fan Shengmei was speechless, locked the drawer and continued:

"Okay, I paid him the down payment when he bought the house, and I also paid the monthly payment on weekdays. In addition to the 10 yuan he borrowed last month, he owes me a total of 40 yuan!"

"Let him pay back the money. If my brother has no money, let him transfer the house to my name!" Cha

Upon hearing this, Mother Fan immediately said angrily and heartbroken:

"He is your brother. He gave the house to your unfilial daughter. What will your brother do? What will your nephew do? Do you want this family anymore? Do you still have a surname of Fan?"

At this time, Fan Shengmei's mind became clearer and clearer, and then she continued:

"So I think you'd better transfer the house to my name, otherwise when my brother pays millions to others, this house will also be sold."

"When the time comes, not only will my brother go to jail, but the house will also be sold, and eventually everything will go bankrupt. You will have nothing left. Do you think my sister-in-law will still stay in our home?"

"Don't forget, my sister-in-law has said more than once before that she wants to divorce my brother and leave with Lei Lei. By then you won't even be able to keep your precious grandson!"

After being angry and seeing her parents in despair, Fan Shengmei suddenly let out the depression that had accumulated in her heart for many years, and she felt extremely relaxed all over her body.inspect

Fan's father and Fan's mother were immediately frightened by Fan Shengmei's words, and for a moment they didn't know what to do?

Fan Shengmei walked outside happily. She was not going to live here anymore. She would go to Lin Hao's room to sleep tonight.

As for her brother's life and death, she will definitely not help this time. She has made up her mind and will never go around looking for money for him to settle the matter.

Unfortunately, Fan Shengmei was too lazy to take the elevator and planned to go down the stairs to the 21st floor. However, at this time, Fan's father chased him out with it.

"You unfilial daughter, if I beat you to death, I will treat you as if I never had a daughter!" As he said this, Father Fan grabbed a wooden stick and wanted to beat Fan Shengmei.

"Bang~!" As a result, no one was hit, and Fan's father fell first on the aisle at the door of 2202.

"Old man, what's wrong with you, old man?" Fan's mother stepped forward in a panic, hugged Fan's father, and shook her vigorously...inspect

This scene was seen by Andy in room 2201 through the camera.

When we saw the door of 2202, there was already a commotion. The loudest sounds were the crying of the children, Fan's mother's cry for help, and Fan Shengmei's desperate eyes.

When Andy saw this, he thought about it and decided to go out and help.

At the same time, in Lin Hao's room, Lin Hao's attention shifted away from Fan's father's mental mark.

In fact, Lin Hao didn't care about Fan's father's life.After all, after experiencing so many worlds, he must have killed thousands of people with his own hands, and even more died because of him.

If you want to get more destiny points, you need to trap more people. People from the Fan family are a very good target.

Therefore, Lin Hao did not prepare to kill people all at once, but chose to take his time to maximize the benefits.inspect

Then I received a call from Andy, so I took Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer upstairs to help...!

After sending Fan's father to the hospital, he was finally rescued after a series of rescue operations, but the doctor was still operating on Fan's mother.

Lin Hao glanced at the anxious Fan Shengmei:

"My life has been saved, but your dad's condition is not very good. As for the money, I have helped pay for it. Here is the receipt. Go to the ward to check on your dad's condition first. You can ask the doctor for the rest!"

"Thank you, I~, I, I feel like I owe you, I'm afraid I won't be able to repay it in this lifetime!" Fan Shengmei said with a sad face.

Lin Hao waved his hand, and then said with a solemn expression:

"I heard the doctor said it was just a stroke and cerebral congestion. You have to be mentally prepared. Your dad may be lying in bed for the rest of his life!" Cha

At this time, Fan's mother, who was dragging her child with her, looked at the amount on the receipt and immediately widened her eyes and said:

"Why don't they grab 2000 yuan!"

When Fan Shengmei heard this, her eyes turned red and she became silent, feeling extremely complicated in her heart.

Originally, her brother's messy problems at home had not been resolved yet, but now they were resolved. Not only was the situation worse, her father also collapsed.

At this time, Fan Shengmei was worried about her father's life on the one hand, and worried about money on the other, and she lost her bearings for a while.

But now she was the only one who could make up her mind and calmed down:

"Mom, let's ask the doctor first to see what's going on with my dad?"

"Oh, yes, yes, let's go quickly." Mother Fan took the child and left. After taking two steps, she looked back at Fan Shengmei and said:

"Let's go, Xiaomei, I~, I can't find it~!"

Fan Shengmei wiped her tears, took Fan's mother to the emergency room, and found the attending doctor:

"Hello, doctor, I am a family member of the patient. How is my dad's condition?"

The doctor nodded and explained:

"Your father fell down due to a stroke. After he fell, the bleeding point was on the brain stem. It would cause damage to the surrounding tissues...!"

After the doctor's explanation, Fan Shengmei knew that her father's life would be in danger at any time and that surgery must be performed as soon as possible.inspect

How could Mother Fan have so many ideas at the moment? She just held the child and cried. She lost her sense of proportion for a moment and was at a loss for a moment.

Fan Shengmei forced herself to calm down:

"Doctor, will my father be okay after the operation?"

The doctor shook his head and then said calmly:

"I can't guarantee this to you. I have just told you about the situation. Now we need to perform surgery as soon as possible, otherwise the bleeding point will continue to expand!

"And~!" The doctor hesitated to speak.

"And what? Doctor, please tell me~! The key is that even if the person is rescued, there is a high chance that the patient will have to lie in bed!" Cha

Fan Shengmei was also panicked at this time, so she quickly asked:

"Okay, I know the doctor, but I want to ask now, how much does this surgery cost?"

"It's not expensive, only about tens of thousands of yuan at most!" The doctor thought for a moment before continuing:

"The operation fee is not expensive, but several foreign drugs are required after the operation, and the follow-up cost is at least 30 to [-] yuan!"

When Fan's mother, who was waiting anxiously on the side, heard this, she immediately exclaimed:

"What, you actually need 30 to [-] yuan? Where do we have so much money? Xiaomei, think of a way, think of a way quickly, your father can't die!"

At this time, Fan's mother was even more panicked. She didn't know what to do for a moment, but she knew she had to save Fan's father's life.inspect

The doctor was well-informed and understood the situation instantly, so he patiently said:

"In this way, there is still enough time. Considering the current condition of the patient, your father's condition is relatively urgent. No one can say whether the condition will change!"

"You must think carefully. If you don't save him, your father's life or death will be uncertain. You should know the consequences."

"If the operation continues and is successful, there is a high chance that the whole body will be paralyzed. Moreover, you will have to go to a rehabilitation center to recover after the operation. Not only is it expensive, but the possibility of recovery is not high. This is the situation. Whether to save or not, you think about it. Just give it a try!”

Fan's mother became even more anxious when she saw the doctor leaving: "Xiaomei, your dad is like this, you must save your dad!"

Fan Shengmei's head was buzzing. When she heard her mother nagging, she immediately shouted:

"Mom, can you please let me be quiet? I won't just watch my dad wait for death. The operation must be done. Can you let me think of a way?" Cha

Then Fan Shengmei looked at Lin Hao, and Lin Hao whispered a few words in her ear. Fan Shengmei narrowed her eyes and said to Fan's mother:

"What can I do? The [-] yuan I borrowed before has not been repaid. How can I borrow so much money now? The only way now is to sell the house or mortgage it."

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the house book right now, and you can use it as a mortgage to save your father!" As he said this, he took out the property certificate he kept in his pocket.

Then Fan Mu thought of a question and said:

"Then what should we do now? We have to pay now. Where can we get so much money!"

At this time, Lin Hao said to Fan Shengmei:

"Well, as your boss, I can lend you this money, but you have to give me an IOU!" Cha

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