"Thank you, sister Wu. I am also grateful to you today!" Lin Hao thanked him. He was not the original Qiao Zuwang who was ungrateful.蠳

Sister Wu was somewhat surprised when she heard Lin Hao's thanks. She still knew what kind of person Qiao Zuwang was, but she and Wei Shuying had a better relationship and often helped each other. However, she was still very happy for Lin Hao's thanks.

"It's okay, brother Qiao, you're welcome. As neighbors, we should help each other!"

More than 20 minutes passed like this, but there was still no news from Wei Shuying. At this time, Sister Wu said:

"It's been so long since I've been in here, why is there still no movement?"

Wei Shufang said uneasily: "Is something going to happen to us?"

Lin Hao knew that he must not have given birth yet, so he comforted him:

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. This is a hospital after all. If anything happens, the doctor will handle it right away!"

At this time, a nurse finally came out and shouted to the three people:

"Wei Shuying's family!"

"Here, here, here!" The three of them stood up quickly, and Wei Shufang quickly said, "How is my sister doing?"

"Boy, he's weighing two pounds!" the nurse said directly.

"Four catties and eight taels?" Sister Wu said in disbelief: "It's not even five catties!"

"Why is it so small?" Wei Shufang was also puzzled.

"Where is the child?" Lin Hao then continued to ask: "How is the mother of the child? Nothing happened, right?"

Seeing the nervous look of the three of them, the nurse said warmly:

"The child is still too young. We are checking to confirm the condition. Wei Shufang is also doing the finishing work!"

Wei Shufang turned and hammered her head, and then complained:

"What did you borrow to eat? The child is so small. Our Weimin weighed eight pounds when he was born!"

At this time, Lin Hao ignored his sister-in-law and looked at the door of the delivery room. Lin Hao knew that Wei Shuying died of massive bleeding after giving birth!

Sure enough, a nurse rushed out at this time and whispered to the nurse who had just come out:

"Call Dr. Wang in quickly, it's massive bleeding!"

Although the nurse's voice was low, Lin Hao and the other three could still hear it. Especially Wei Shufang, who knew her sister was bleeding heavily and immediately froze on the spot.

Then the nurse immediately ran to the office, and then a doctor rushed to the delivery room at the same time.

Lin Hao knew he couldn't wait any longer. The first person to change was Wei Shuying.

As long as Wei Shuying does not die, I believe that the four children of the Qiao family may not be as miserable as in the original drama, so Lin Hao immediately activated his illusion skills.

He made up that he was outside the door of the delivery room, waiting anxiously, while his own body followed the sound and entered the delivery room.

The situation in the delivery room was a bit bad. The child had just cut the umbilical cord, and Wei Shuying was bleeding heavily. The doctor immediately started to help Wei Shuying stop the bleeding as soon as she entered the door.

In the illusion created by Lin Hao, they saw themselves, so they immediately stepped forward to grab Wei Shuying's hand and input life energy into her.蠳

Sure enough, the effect of the life energy was immediate. Wei Shuying, who was in a semi-conscious state, suddenly felt that she had regained her strength, her consciousness slowly rose, and then she vaguely seemed to see her husband standing in front of her.

The doctor who was stopping Wei Shuying's bleeding said:

"The bleeding has stopped, hurry up and finish the work!"

Looking at such a scene, Lin Hao suddenly realized that this was a health center where minor illnesses and pains could be treated.

But if a maintenance worker encounters a massive bleeding situation, he obviously does not have the emergency response capabilities of a formal hospital.

If in the original drama, Wei Shuying had not run so far away to give birth, but had gone to a better hospital nearby, she might not have died of hemorrhage.

Seeing that Wei Shuying's condition had stabilized and that her left arm had three days left to live, Lin Hao withdrew his hand and quietly left the delivery room and returned to the lobby to wait.蠳

"Brother-in-law, my sister will be fine, right?" Wei Shufang felt as if a big stone was weighing on her heart at this time, and her voice was trembling when she asked Lin Hao.

Lin Hao quickly came to his position in the illusion. After seeing that there was no flaw, he immediately canceled the illusion skills, and then comforted:

"Don't worry! Your sister is so kind, she must be lucky!"

Although Lin Hao said this, Wei Shufang still looked at the delivery room worriedly, and Sister Wu also stepped forward to support Wei Shufang and comfort her in a low voice.

After a while, the nurse finally came out of the delivery room and said with a relaxed face:

"Don't worry, the bleeding has stopped. Mother and child are safe!"

"Great, great!"

"God bless!"

Wei Shufang and Sister Wu rejoiced excitedly, but when Lin Hao saw the nurse's expression was not good, he immediately said:

"Thank you, comrade nurses! Thank you for your timely rescue!"

At this time, the nurse's complexion improved, and then she told Lin Hao:

"Wei Shuying's body is malnourished, which is why she will bleed heavily after giving birth. You should be careful in the future."

"In addition, although the heavy bleeding has stopped, my vitality has been severely damaged after giving birth this time. I need to be observed in the hospital for a while, just in case anything happens!"

"Okay, okay, it's okay. Thank you very much!" Lin Hao thanked him again.蠳

After a while, Dr. Wang finally came out and knew that Lin Hao was the mother's husband, so he repeated what the nurse had just said,

However, Dr. Wang finally warned seriously:

"Also, you will have to recuperate for at least a few months after you return, and you won't be able to have sex during this period until she fully recovers. Do you understand?"

"Understood, I am a person who knows the importance!"

Then the doctor left. Now that the person was rescued, the tense atmosphere finally relaxed. At this time, Wei Shufang said repeatedly:

"It's okay, it's okay!"

As he spoke, he hit Lin Hao again, and then complained:

"The doctor just said that my sister is malnourished. Are you just taking care of yourself and taking my sister's nutritional supplements?"

Not to mention, according to Qiao Zuwang's urinary properties, he can really do it.

At this time, Sister Wu saw that the situation was a bit tense, so she quickly smoothed things over and said:

"Oh, it's good that mother and child are safe. Just give the adults and children some replenishment during the confinement period and it'll be fine!"

Then Sister Wu smiled and said to Lin Hao:

“Brother Qiao, what’s a good name for your little baby?”

Lin Hao smiled and then said:

"What's so good about a name? It's not like we're from a rich and expensive family. It takes seven or seven years to finish it off, so we might as well call it Qiqi!"

After saying that, even Lin Hao couldn't help but laugh, while Wei Shufang on the side rolled her eyes at Lin Hao speechlessly, clasped her fingers and said:

"Look at the names given to you, Yi Cheng, Er Qiang, San Li, Simei, Qiqi! You are just trying to save trouble!"

oops!Lin Hao suddenly slapped his head and said:

"The name Qiqi is really not good. If there are children in the future, what should Lao Qi do?"

As he spoke, Lin Hao ignored his stunned sister-in-law and neighbor Sister Wu. Lin Hao continued:

"Why don't you call me Wu Wu! Qiao Wu Wu!"

"I've thought about it all, and I'll take turns to arrange the names later. They'll be called sixty-six, seventy-seven, and eighty-eight~!"

"Qiao Zuwang!" Before Lin Hao could finish speaking, the sister-in-law finally became angry:

"How can I be a father like you! They all have such crappy names!"

"Hahaha!" Seeing that his sister-in-law was really angry, Lin Hao calmed down a little, and then said seriously:

"I was teasing you just now. In fact, I have already thought of a name! It is called Qiao Wugong, but my nickname can be Wuwu!"

Wei Shufang felt that Lin Hao was sick today and seemed a little nagging.

Although this name still doesn't sound good, it is better than the five-five-six-six, seven-seven-eighth name.蠳

At this time, the nurse shouted to Lin Hao:

"Wei Shuying's family members, come and pay the fees!"

"Here it comes! Fortunately, I'm prepared!" After saying that, Lin Hao took the money he just borrowed to pay the bill.

Chapter 491: First involvement in smuggling

After paying the hospitalization fee, Lin Hao and his sister-in-law came to the ward. Seeing that Wei Shuying was still sleeping, Lin Hao asked the nurse:

"Nurse, when will my wife wake up?"

The nurse connected Wei Shuying's intravenous drip and said:

The mother is weak, and the physical exertion of childbirth is excessive, and there is heavy bleeding. In addition, she has been given anesthesia just now, and she will not wake up for a while!

Having said this, the nurse looked at her watch:

"It will be almost midnight when the anesthetic wears off!"

Lin Hao nodded, and then the three of them went to see the newborn child. At this time, the child had been treated and was wrapped in swaddling clothes by the nurse.

Wei Shufang carefully held the newborn Qiao Wugong, and then began to complain to Lin Hao.禊

However, Lin Hao didn't answer. After all, it wasn't him who did it before. He just carefully took the child from Wei Shufang's hand and shook it gently.

In fact, Lin Hao has always had a question in his mind. Now that Lin Hao and I have replaced the original Qiao Zuwang, are the children of the Qiao family related to him or to the original Qiao Zuwang?

Although he was confused, Lin Hao didn't mean to dislike it. After all, he was a small life, and he was also an important figure in the plot. Especially the children of the Qiao family had miserable lives.

No matter from which angle he looked at it, Lin Hao wanted to help them. As for the issue of blood relationship, he would just check it out when he had the chance.

After seeing the child, Lin Hao thought for a while and said:

"Shuying will have to wait a few hours to wake up. Let's go back first. You also have your own things to do!"

When Wei Shufang heard this, she immediately glared at Lin Hao and said, "Don't you still want to play cards?"

Lin Hao shook his head and said, "What kind of cards are you playing? I'm planning to come over to take care of you at night, so the children at home also need to be accounted for."

Seeing Lin Hao's serious expression, Wei Shufang finally believed it. After all, Lin Hao's performance today was remarkable.

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