After World War II, consortiums revived again and developed numerous industries, centered on banks.

There is no need to be suspicious of the strength of the Sanjing Consortium, but they never expected that such a big thing would happen in their own bank.

The top management's face turned dark and they shouted that the person in charge should commit hara-kiri, but the problem now is that the Sankoi Consortium must solve this matter now.

Mitsui Bank executive, Kameda Shogo said with a gloomy face:

"Can anyone find it?"

One of my subordinates immediately reported:

"We have sent out manpower to search, and we have asked the police to help find traces of Nakamura Bozhi. I believe it won't take long to find this bastard!"

Kameda Shogo gritted his teeth and said:

"We must tear those bastards into pieces, how can we repair them!"

Another executive, Sosuke Fujishima, glanced at Kameda Shogo with disdain, and then said:

"The most important thing now is not to find this employee named Nakamura Hochi, but how to solve the current problems!"

Kameda Shogo thought for a while, then thought of an idea, and said:

"If it doesn't work, let the people below hold back the investors first. If it doesn't work, just hold them back first~!"

His meaning is obvious, what else can be done?Of course, it was delayed until the investors were exhausted and until they were bankrupt.

Soujima Fujishima immediately pointed at Kameda’s forehead and angrily said:

"Baga, you idiot, you are simply a stupid idiot. Do you want to completely destroy the Sankou Consortium, or do you want to give your competitors a chance?"

The island country is currently in a period of rapid development. There are not only three wells and one consortium in the entire island country, but there are also five other consortiums competing for the entire island country market.

And if Sanjing Bank becomes a scumbag, the reputation of the bank will be a huge blow, and it is likely that competitors will seize this little pigtail and try to discredit it.

The key is that regardless of the life and death of his subordinates, his behavior of defaulting on investors' debts has caused public damage to the reputation of Sanjing Consortium, which cannot be compensated by a mere loss of hundreds of billions, unless it has reached an irreversible point.

It doesn't hurt to stand and talk. If you have a way, just say it. Don't criticize and criticize Huai in a weird way!

Sou Fujishima sneered disdainfully, then stood up and said loudly:

"My personal suggestion is that the head office takes the money directly and cashes in the profits of all investors, and then we continue using the same method!"

Sou Fujishima said, fortunately, when he was chatting with Miss Fukada Ayumi, he gave him some ideas, which solved the problem perfectly.

I believe that after this incident is over, I will definitely be taken seriously by the Sankui family, and further progress is just around the corner!

Kameda Shogo sneered and said:

"We are paying out nearly [-] billion losses in one day. Do you know how much loss it will bring to the consortium? Do you know what the consequences will be?"

However, Kameda Shogo's stupid performance finally made other executives unable to bear it:

"Bagaya! Idiot, what Fujishima means is that we first use system failures to delay payment, and then mobilize funds to pay the proceeds."

"Follow Nakamura Bozhi's model and accumulate funds again. As long as there is no risk of a run, the money will continue to roll in!"

Kameda Shogo said bravely: "This is obviously a Ponzi scheme, you~!"

"As long as it can recover the bank's losses, why can't we use it?" Another executive couldn't help but said.

Kameda Shogo said harshly: "But once something goes wrong, our consortium will be doomed!"

Seeing Kameda at a loss, Soujima Fujishima said calmly:

"Then just don't have any problems. We can absorb more funds for development. With the current situation, can't our annual profit exceed 50%?"

If it were placed in other countries, it would be impossible to operate like this, but in the island country of this era, it is completely possible.

The ultra-rapid development period of the island country was in the 70s and [-]s. The development of this era was particularly stable.

In the 80s, the risk of a bubble would have been huge, but now bank interest rates are stable, social demand is huge, and the rate of population prosperity is also increasing.

"Of course, if there is a chance, we can put the blame on others!" Sou Fujishima's last words became the last piece of wool that overwhelmed Taishan.

"Bah bang bang~!" A group of Mitsui executives looked at each other and started applauding Sou Fujishima!

"By the way, let the person named Matsumoto Takumi be responsible for this matter. He proposed this plan, so he will be responsible!"


"Really successful?" Lin Hao was still a little surprised when he got the news.

Because Lin Hao planned to ask Matsumoto Takumi to come forward, the purpose was to protect Kawagoe Ryoma. The reason for arranging for Matsumoto Takumi to come forward was because the senior management of Sankoi had different opinions.

Therefore, Lin Hao asked Matsumoto Takumi to come forward. If the senior management of Sanjing was not interested, then Kawagoe Yoshima would be Lin Hao's guarantee.

However, Lin Hao did not give up on Matsumoto Takumi. Instead, when Nakamura Yoshichi was about to run away, Lin Hao asked Fukada Ayumi to use his influence to influence the thoughts of Mitsui executives.

It would be great if we could directly control the Three Wells Consortium!

Of course, control is impossible, but it can be exploited.

As long as the profit is sufficient, the inferior can overcome the superior, isn't that an old traditional art of the island country?

The reason why he was arranged to come forward was because he was an ordinary person with weaknesses.

Unlike Nakamura Yasushiro, Matsumoto Takumi has parents and loves his wife and daughter, so this is his biggest weakness, but it is precisely for this reason that he is more likely to be appreciated by senior officials.

Matsumoto Takumi can use the solution to the problem this time as a petition to climb up!

Unexpectedly, I really climbed up, but climbed on the head of Kawagoe Horse!

But Lin Hao didn't care, since his goal had been achieved anyway.

Soon, Matsumoto Takumi mobilized 350 billion funds from another bank, then invited all Sunshine Project investors to cash in their profits, and finally promoted the Sunshine Project project with great fanfare.

Sure enough, after some investors got the principal and interest income, the rest immediately asked to pay only the interest. As for the principal, they hoped to carry out the next round of the Sunshine Factory project.

Later, Matsumoto Takumi and the president of another branch personally came out to the platform and directly stabilized the investors' emotions.

The No. 15 Sunshine Project started to attract funds again. This time, in order to once again build the confidence of depositors, the interest redemption time was shortened to one quarter instead of the previous half year.

Of course, as before, we will definitely not advertise. The people above will definitely not advertise, because banks will be regulated if they do so.

Although supervision is not strict these days, once they are reported by other banks, the three wells will be in trouble.

Therefore, all this was done independently by Matsumoto Takumi, but the money was deposited in the bank.

But if you think about it carefully, you will immediately find that the money secretly belongs to the "bank" from beginning to end, and this bank is called Sankou Bank.

"Hahahaha, you are doing a good job, come on, hurry up and keep doing it, this is a rare opportunity!"

As expected, although they did not leave this dirty work to Kawagoe Ryoma, they actually left it to Matsumoto Takumi.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, as long as the goal is achieved.

Originally, Lin Hao thought that Matsumoto Takumi would rely on this performance at most, and then slowly rise up in the next few years. When he reached the top of the bank, he was actually no longer a capitalist, but a politician.

However, I never expected it!

The money was sent to Lin Hao's hands.

Of course, money cannot be transferred directly, but assets can be transferred.

Don’t forget, the most convenient way to transfer assets is valuables such as gold.

As a financial project, the proportion of these so-called valuables on the asset statement also accounts for a large part, especially now that gold is appreciating, real estate is appreciating, and all kinds of things are appreciating.

This means that Takumi Matsumoto has a lot of opportunities to turn money into fixed assets and then transfer it to others without anyone noticing through various methods.

And this person is definitely not Lin Hao, but Ichiro Nakamori, who is currently the chairman of the Sakura Consortium!

As for Nakamori Ichiro, his social status is not high, but he is extremely capable. As long as the times develop, his social status will naturally be high.

As early as a few months ago, the application for the bank had been approved.

This means that the Sakura Consortium, centered on Sakura Bank, is about to be officially listed!

Therefore, now Lin Hao is using the money of the islanders and the relationship between Sankoujing to create a consortium of his own.

In the future, this consortium will focus on high-precision equipment and chips, and the rest will be about making money.

Financial investment, physical manufacturing, bubble real estate, the money-burning Internet, in short, no money-making projects will be spared.

Thinking that black society is still legal in the island country these days, Lin Hao arranged for Nakamura Hochi to change his appearance and form a vigorous social group like Sakura Club, wearing black clothes.

Moreover, this club is attached to the Sakura Foundation and controls industries such as movies and customs.

All of this is working hard for the vigorous development of Sakura Group.

"Next, come on, work hard to climb up and become the top part of the island country!" Lin Hao encouraged several people.

politician?No, in the world of capital, capital is the most powerful entity, and politicians are just puppets of capital.

Lin Hao is really looking forward to this kind of development and what it will be like in the future.

Lin Hao felt that there was nothing left to do in the island country except develop the Sakura Consortium.

In other words, Lin Hao was tired of staying in the island country.

Those future famous Showa beauties have either not debuted yet, or are not yet adults, or even just a few years old, so they still need to be raised.

As for developing the Sakura Consortium, Lin Hao feels that he has done enough.

Nowadays, the Sakura Consortium has a very solid foundation. Lin Hao can't do everything, so he has to leave room for development for his subordinates.

Moreover, if you want to develop the Sakura Consortium, you need to acquire or control island companies on a large scale.

The best opportunity is naturally during the economic crisis, and the second is when the Sankou Ponzi scheme explodes.

Only then will Lin Hao have the opportunity to acquire potential island companies that are bankrupt or about to go bankrupt.

However, the Ponzi scheme of Sankou Bank will not be exposed for a while. Lin Hao estimates that it will take half a year at the earliest.

Therefore, it is not interesting for Lin Hao to stay in the island country, and he is here to enjoy himself, not to work as a cow and contribute to the economic construction of the island country, so Lin Hao is preparing to return to Hong Kong Island.

Lin Hao came back with the victory this time, but he was still as low-key as before, with no intention of making any fanfare.

Labor Day holiday

I thought, this is not Labor Day, so why does Labor Day not promote labor but instead have a holiday?I couldn't help but fall into deep thought. I have to take a day off to think about this problem...

Chapter 506: Encounter when returning to Hong Kong

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