
One cubic meter can hold about 0.88 tons of oil, and 8000 cubic meters is 7070 tons. If it holds 7.62 bullets, it can hold 2000 million rounds of bullets.

"Boom~Boom, boom!"

When Lin Hao left, all the evidence was reduced to ashes in explosions.

The weapons and equipment transported by Lin Hao were quickly divided up by Xian Dian and the island country.

After all, they were not needed elsewhere, and with the help of these weapons, Wu Qiao successfully captured more nearby sites and more mines in two months.

Now that the Xiandian side is temporarily controlled by Lin Hao, the bottom layer of Hong Kong Island has greater control, and relying on the jadeite, Sakura will develop better on the island country.

Even relying on Jade, Matsumoto Takumi once again entered the sight of Sankoi senior executives.

Matsumoto Takumi went through formal channels, spent a large amount of money to buy some rough stones at high prices, and then directly opened them himself. As a result, he nearly doubled his funds.

At the same time, relying on the Ponzi scheme, the Sanjing Group made a lot of money this time, and even used financial management methods openly to come up with a legal financial investment contract.

A new bank was even established to deal with this matter specifically.

Matsumoto Takumi is the boss among them, but~.

There are many problems here. First of all, the money is placed in Mikui Bank, and the bank in charge of Matsumoto Takumi is just a fully functional empty shell.

This makes it difficult for Matsumoto Takumi to transfer the money, but since he has to do accounting, he has to do it well, so there will still be money spent and transferred to Matsumoto Takumi.

This is why Matsumoto Takumi went through the formal procedures and bought the jadeite stone in Lin Hao's hand. He originally wanted to use this to transfer a sum of money, but instead he made a huge fortune.

Then, Matsumoto Takumi used investments, which were actually internal low-interest loans or even interest-free loans, to other downstream companies under the Sankui Consortium.

In fact, it is also an investment, but the problem is that the money is spent on Sankoujing itself, rather than on the investment of the whole society.

But for investors, what they see is that after the money goes down, a company gets better, and then a lot of interest is paid back to the investment.

The Sankoujing Consortium uses people's money to help a company tide over difficulties, and the money it makes is actually Sankoujing's own money.

He used other people's money to save his own life, but in the end he still made a big profit. This is the operation of Sankoujing. It cannot be said to be exactly the same as Lin Hao's method, but it can only be said to be exactly the same.

Lin Hao's funds are nearly 3000 billion, while Sankoujing's funds have reached more than [-] billion yen in just a few months, which is more than three times Lin Hao's!

Such a large flow of funds naturally attracted the attention of other banks, but Sankou Bank's operations were even more ruthless.

On the surface, the profits promised to all investors are only 8% interest, but the actual payment is 24%!

This won't appear in the contract, but you can see that as long as I don't pay, you will get the principal back.

This kind of fundraising method is definitely prohibited by the state, but it can’t stop everyone from wanting it.

In the early days, ordinary people saw such a high interest rate, 24% a year, doubling their assets in four years, which was much better than depositing money in the bank.

Besides, this is endorsed by Sankou Bank, so how could there be a problem?

As a result, more people have directly converted their bank accounts into investment accounts.

Once a problem occurs, more than 3000 billion yen will directly affect dozens or millions of people.

So when it comes to ruthlessness, Xiaoli is still ruthless enough, and he will never show mercy to his own people.

On the contrary, on Lin Hao's side, the establishment of the Sakura Consortium, although it was fierce, combined with the Sakura Society, brutally annexed many companies.

But it did not involve a Ponzi scheme. After all, it had just entered the development stage, and word of mouth still needed to be maintained. Besides, Lin Hao was still waiting for them to take a bite after the thunderstorm.

Of course, Lin Hao will not wait for the Ponzi scheme of Sanjing to explode before making large-scale acquisitions. Instead, he will look for suitable factories and enterprises to invest.

For example, ocean fishing boats and cargo ships, because Lin Hao knew that this future would be the world of freight.

You know, the land of Xiaoli is an island country. It is such a small place and it does not have many resources of its own. A large amount of materials need to be imported.

You can't import by air because the cost is too high, so shipping by sea is the lowest cost. This is just needed, so you don't have to worry about running out of business.

The Sakura Consortium has obtained the permission to build a port. Now that the island country is opening up to the West in all directions, there are only a lot more ports.

In addition, there is a large shipyard, which was won with wisdom and force.

Ship building, fishing and cargo ships, will continue to increase demand in island countries and even around the world.

And this is also a systematic production chain, so the derived factories will be very numerous and very complex.

Therefore, Lin Hao is very supportive of this thing.

And more and more banks are starting to play Ponzi schemes. Originally this was a bad thing, but under the control of Ryuji Abe, it turned into a good thing!

Abe Ryuji, the apparent president of the Sakura Consortium, was a decent figure supported by Lin Hao, and his appearance must be upright.

Because he knew that the Sankou Consortium was currently running a Ponzi scheme, Lin Hao stopped playing it.

One reason is that it is no longer necessary. The original capital has been accumulated, and the remaining direct industrial development is actually more profitable than a Ponzi scheme.

The foundation of Biyi's Ponzi scheme is the deposits of ordinary people, and other banks can clearly see the actions of one wealthy person. Rather than exposing it, other banks hope that they can also get a piece of their flesh.

Financial groups such as Futu, [-], and Zhuyou also joined in, but everyone carried out regional planning with a tacit understanding to avoid conflicts in financial management.

On the contrary, the Sakura Consortium develops the shipbuilding industry, the fishing industry, the light industry, and then feeds back the heavy industry of shipbuilding.

The main reason why Lin Hao did not let Sakura Group engage in a Ponzi scheme was that Sakura had a better way to accumulate wealth.

Gambling, to be precise, Sakura Club’s underground casino, do you think it’s gambling on stones?

No, that's just low-end gameplay!

In just six months, it has developed extremely fiercely. It will find and develop casino members, and then open high-end casinos.

To put it simply, not only can you gamble money, but you can also gamble your life!

Just like in many island country comics, it is cruel but exciting, but for island countries, in the ultra-rapidly developing social environment, people are inherently crazy.

In other words, many islanders are crazy and perverted to begin with, and the appearance of such a place only arouses their cheers.

The low-end ones are the simplest casinos. All kinds of conventional gambling methods, the banker takes a commission, which is a guaranteed profit without loss.

In fact, in mainland China, almost all bookmakers are like this, so don’t expect the bookmakers to lose money. Gambling is really a fool, and staying away from gambling is the best choice!

The mid-range ones satisfy the excitement of some rich people, such as dog fighting, cock fighting, horse betting, and some relatively large card games. However, these people are not qualified to join the high-end members of the Sakura Club. inner.

The low-end and mid-range are all used to kill pigs. To put it simply, the association will not give them any help, they will just be a ruthless dealer who watches with a cold eye.

What really makes Sakura Club rise is the high-end membership system.

There are some comics and movies in the island country, and I believe many people have read them, such as Gambling Apocalypse, Gambling Abyss, The Lie Game, etc.

The yuyu game over at Bangzi is actually leftover from the island country.

And the high-end, that's all, playing with the lives of the people at the bottom!

Find those who have no worries, put them on the gambling table, let the people at the top gamble, and let the people at the bottom win the huge bonuses.

In various game modes, the upper class people enjoy fine wines and beauties, while watching the lower class people fight for their lives like pigs and dogs, fighting for what is only a small amount of money for the rich, but a huge bonus in their eyes.

Moreover, the biggest profit point on the high-end side is not the commission from gambling.

So what makes money?

The first one is membership fees, which amount to hundreds of millions of yen every year.

Second, agency fees

Third, talent dispatch

After all, those who can enter high-end gambling games are all powerful bosses, and they are all carefully selected. To put it simply, they are all able to cooperate.

The association draws up to 10% of the cooperation fee, and each party contributes 5%.

You don’t have to give it, but I can let you and the company die together, literally.

I gave you a platform for you to have fun and discuss business at the same time. If you don’t even pay me the agency fee, then there is no need for it to exist.

The market is right there, if you are gone, some people will come out to devour your market. If you don't obey, that's great. You will become the next gambler.

Of course, it's not just people at the bottom who use their lives to gain wealth. The Sakura Club also sets up traps for talents in some high-tech jobs to lure them into participating.

Once they fail, they will either be sent to Xiantian or Africa to mine, or they will work for a company designated by Sakura Club to pay back the money.

Money, beauty, and bloody killings, all mixed together, are the truly terrifying weapons of the Sakura Society.

A terrifying power network spread like this.

With the development of this network, the Sakura Consortium's industry began to develop, and sales channels were completely opened. A simple buyer-seller relationship could easily provide the entire consortium with massive amounts of cash!

Chapter 510 Laying out Eagle Sauce

After having money, part of it was invested in research and development, part of it was invested in industry, and part of it went directly into mining.

That's right, it's the mining industry. Lin Hao directly recruits those who have been eliminated, arms them and sends them to Africa for mining.

As for the local government's disapproval, it has nothing to do with the local government. Anyone who disagrees will be killed.

Lin Hao doesn't care anyway, he doesn't even need spiritual link and illusion harmony skills. He can easily suppress that side just by relying on the "labor talents" dispatched by the company!

Then adding space for illegal smuggling, it can be said that the Sakura Consortium has directly completed the first round of expansion.

Lin Hao also got a lot of good jade here, but there are always some that are broken. If they are broken, he will dig them out himself. If he digs them out, he will keep the good ones and sell the bad ones.

The Sakura Club and the Wu Qiao forces now form a complete production chain.

The association sent people to mine, and the excess labor was sent to Africa. The jadeite stones were dug up in Xiandian and sold to the Sakura Club. The money they sold was used to buy Lin Hao's weapons. If the arms were bought, they would be split in half with the Sakura Club. ·····.

In the next period of time, the Sakura Consortium developed rapidly, and the Xiandian side was also on the right track. There was nothing for Lin Hao to worry about.

Therefore, Lin Hao was relatively free, so he went home peacefully to be with his wife and children.

Mainly because both Wei Shuying and Deborah were pregnant, and they were pregnant at about the same time, so Lin Hao had to take time to accompany them.

However, Lin Hao was extremely bored and took some time to make a small layout of Yingjiang's house.


In 1979, the country's GDP exceeded 2.6 trillion US dollars. You can imagine how rich Eagle Sauce is!

However, with the economic development of the island country, coupled with the internal chaos of Eagle Sauce, and the escalation of racial conflicts, many factories have been merged and even bankrupted.

As a result, the economy was in severe recession and a large number of people were unemployed, which gave Lin Hao a huge opportunity.

As we all know, the more chaotic the times, the more opportunities there are.

Lin Hao will not touch politics, especially at home, and he dare not touch it at home, but abroad, politics will always be an accessory of capital!

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