Chapter 511 Jiayi TV Station

In many situations, Lin Hao does not need to come forward at all. He only needs to leave everything to his subordinates. If necessary, Lin Hao can even use possession to come.

Therefore, Lin Hao is not afraid of being assassinated at all. Since others can't hurt him, what is there to be afraid of?

Originally, Lin Hao just wanted to make money, but now Lin Hao found out that if someone refused to let him make money, then Lin Hao would be rude!

However, the time to deal with them has not yet come, and the layout is only completed at the moment.

Speaking of layout, Lin Hao almost forgot about South Korea, so after the Yingjiang layout was completed, Lin Hao still sent someone to go to South Korea.

The economy of South Korea has also begun to take off, and the per capita GDP of the people has reached 669 billion US dollars!

Although it is only a fraction of the GDP of the island country, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. Besides, leeks can grow on their own after all.

In the next ten years or so, GDP will continue to rise, and it can increase tenfold, reaching more than 5000 billion U.S. dollars. By then, people will be rich.

Well, in more than ten years, the GDP of the island country will have reached five trillion US dollars. After thinking about it, I felt that South Korea was a waste of food and a pity to abandon.

But even so, South Korea has begun to industrialize at a high speed, so Lin Hao is ready to take a ride on them.

Not only that, Lin Hao is also preparing to replace the Sanxing Consortium and become the core consortium in South Korea!

The main development of Sanxing Consortium actually started in 1965, but at that time it was mainly the establishment of insurance companies, and then it began to enter an era of rapid expansion.

In the 70s, the real core competitiveness began to shift to electronics and shipbuilding, and then it completely began to explode.

There is a saying in Bangzi that Bangzi can't live without three things in his life.

Death, taxes, and three awakenings.

However, Sanxing is now in the development stage and has not yet reached its peak, and at this time, the people sent by Lin Hao began to exert their strength.

Shuangmu Consortium was officially established.

He immediately entered the insurance business, and then expanded with the insurance business. By occupying the upstream, and Lin Hao personally went to South Korea and chatted with their little leader, he solved many problems of the Shuangmu Consortium. question.

In just a few dozen days, it obtained a banking license and began to expand aggressively. At the same time, it used the insurance business to select a group of wealthy people.

Well, it’s still the familiar routine, Ponzi scheme starts first and then harvests gradually.

Lin Hao had money, and South Korea also had it, but Lin Hao had his choice.

Then a series of means such as clubs and stone gambling came out, and they quickly entered the global trading system woven by Lin Hao.

However, South Korea provides a large amount of talent output through the Fighting Club, and at the same time opens up personal channels and relationships.

After all, the female employees in South Korea at this time were still energetic and willing to work hard.

After doing all this, Lin Hao could finally take a rest.

Therefore, when Lin Hao was extremely bored, Lin Hao suddenly thought of the entertainment industry in Hong Kong. He had been here for so long and only accepted a Dibora. This was not his character.

After thinking about the female celebrities of this era, Lin Hao suddenly thought of the White Snake with whom he had a relationship before.

I don’t know if Lin Hao was subjected to domestic violence at this time, but I guess it won’t be long.

Previously, because Lady White was a married woman with a good relationship, she had just given birth to a child, and she yearned for love and family, she had no chance to take advantage of her.

Now Lin Hao felt that the time was almost there, and then Lin Hao thought that she was about to film The Legend of Chu Liuxiang, and Lin Hao probably couldn't get involved in this drama.

However, there is another movie called Shanghai Tang that made her popular. I don’t know if the script of Shanghai Tang has been written at this time.

"It probably wasn't written down!" Lin Hao guessed in his mind.

Because Hong Kong TV stations in this era usually shoot and broadcast at the same time. If the ratings are good, they will continue to shoot. If the ratings are not good, they will be cut off.

Later, Lin Hao sent someone to TVB to inquire about the situation of these two dramas. As expected, The Legend of Chu Liuxiang has been approved and preparations are being made.

There was no news from Shanghai for the time being, and when Lin Hao tried to intervene in the legend of Chu Liuxiang, he found that there was no one of his own.

Looking at Shao Dong who didn't even want to see him, Lin Hao discovered something that he had ignored before, that is, whether he was too low-key.

But yes, although I have made a lot of noise in the island country, people here on Hong Kong Island don't know. On the one hand, I am hiding under the water to avoid causing a backlash from the people on the island country.

On the other hand, in Hong Kong Island, Lin Hao mainly contacted the underground society when engaging in stone gambling, and also hid himself behind the scenes to avoid being liquidated in the future.

It's just a trading company that sells TV sets, Eternal Star, which is pretty good, but I was mainly in island countries before, so it's normal that people on Hong Kong Island don't know me.

However, Lin Hao was still very unhappy. Originally, Lin Hao wanted to invest in TVB, but it seemed that he had no chance.

Lin Hao had learned before that there were three other founders of TVB. If Lin Hao acquired their shares, he should be able to compete with Director Shao.

However, Lin Hao thinks that doesn't make much sense, because what Lin Hao wants now is not just a holding, what Lin Hao wants is control.

Lin Hao needed a wholly-owned TV station, and he happened to find an opportunity, which was Jiayi TV, which was preparing for bankruptcy.

But Jiayi itself also has a huge problem, and the root of its problem lies in the control of Hong Kong Island by the Great Empire.

Hong Kong Island seems to be a free world, but in fact, Hong Kong Island has always been under tight control.

In the 70s and [-]s, many companies close to the mainland suffered various overt and covert suppressions in Hong Kong and even within the Commonwealth.

Jiayi TV, one of the three free TV stations on Hong Kong Island, is the most obvious example.

On August 1973, 8, Hong Kong Island issued two wireless television operating licenses. Jiayi TV obtained the operating rights of "Chinese Television Station" and also spent part of its time broadcasting educational programs. Such programs cannot meet the needs of the audience. As a result, Jiayi experienced an imbalance in ratings.

The other is that Li TV has obtained the new "Chinese and English TV station" operating rights.

This means that Jiayi TV, unlike the other two TV stations, can only operate one Chinese channel.

It has to be said that the birth of Jiayi TV Station was a tragedy. The various restrictions placed on it by the Hong Kong government caused it to be trapped alive even though it opened up the situation.

Back then, the investors behind the scenes took a chance and spent huge sums of money to recruit a large number of talents. The management lived up to expectations and produced many excellent TV programs, which were also loved by the people of Hong Kong Island.

Jiayi TV has produced many classic film and television dramas, and even broadcast Michelle's version of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" which shocked the whole Hong Kong. Later, there are also high-quality TV series such as "Blood Sword" and "Snowy Mountain Flying Fox".

Jiayi TV is coming with great momentum and is known as the prototype that started the three-legged trend of Hong Kong TV stations.

However, no matter how good the drama is, it cannot make up for the inherent defects. Part of the broadcast time must be used to broadcast educational programs.

However, such programs could not meet the needs of the audience, resulting in Jiayi's ratings imbalance, leading to a rapid deterioration in finances.

Then the Hong Kong Government investigated them for economic issues. At this time, the new management team also realized that these were the various restrictions imposed by the Hong Kong Government and were the fundamental reason why the TV station could not develop.

In order to get rid of this layer of shackles, they persuaded investors and put pressure on the British Hong Kong government to terminate operations. As a result, some people got rid of it at that time.

He actually took the initiative to spread the word and prepared to contact several Hong Kong businessmen close to the mainland, saying that he would sell Jiayi TV to them.

Lin Hao seriously suspected that this was done deliberately by some shareholders. You must know that among the shareholders of Jiayi TV, there is a guy named Jardine Matheson.

It's the one mainly engaged in tableting and tea trade.When the smoking ban was implemented in 1839, William Jardine, the founder of Jardine, personally lobbied the British government in London to start a war with the Qing Dynasty, and also urged the Qing Dynasty to acquire Hong Kong Island as a trading base.

in······. (It’s inconvenient to go into details later, otherwise this chapter will be dangerous!)

Thinking of this, Lin Hao couldn't help but frowned, because of the inherent shortcomings of Jiayi TV, coupled with the instigation of suspected traitors, as well as various targets and restrictions in the later period.

Therefore, even if Lin Hao takes over, he still cannot change the fate of losing money.

However, these are not big problems for Lin Hao.

First let’s talk about operating at a loss. Lin Hao earns billions of dollars a year and the TV station loses millions. To Lin Hao, it’s really nothing. He can afford the loss.

Secondly, Lin Hao's consortium needs such a publicity mouthpiece. Compared with the income of the entire group, it can't even be said to be a loss. The annual advertising expenses are more than this.

There is also the talent resource that Jiayi itself has cultivated for so many years. From logistics handymen to TV stars, from post-production to management, they are all ready-made, which will save Lin Hao countless time and energy.

The most important thing is that with Lin Hao's advice, this TV station is not necessarily losing money, such as arranging educational programs in the most popular time slots, or adding new variety shows and TV series.

It happened that Shanghai Beach had not been filmed yet, and there was not even a script, so Lin Hao took action immediately.

But instead of preparing for a new drama, I went to the Governor's Mansion to prepare to meet Governor Mailhose.

At this time, Governor Mailihao was facing the Jiayi employees' demonstration with a headache. He naturally knew about Jiayi.

After listening to Lin Hao's request, he was naturally happy for someone to be the successor, as long as it did not ruin their plan.

Lin Hao immediately understood their thoughts from the mind of this old white man, and also knew why Hong Kong required Chinese to speak Cantonese.

Isn't it just the way to create cultural division? There's also...!

But these people who led the empire did not know that Cantonese itself is also one of the authentic ancient Chinese languages. Moreover, the policy of writing in the same language and writing in the same track has been implemented for 2000 years, and it cannot be changed in just 20 or [-] years.

Unless the Han people were not allowed to speak Chinese when they first captured this small fishing village, this bloodline inheritance integrated into genes would not be changed in a short time.

Moreover, if they are not allowed to speak Chinese, how much manpower, material and financial resources will they have to invest?

It is simply impossible to discuss a small matter like leadership for three to five years, and then change the Prime Minister to overturn a policy of his predecessor.

Closer to home, the final result of the discussion was to wait for Jiayi TV to announce its bankruptcy and cease broadcasting, and then Lin Hao, as the savior, would fully acquire Jiayi.

This is what Lin Hao hopes. After all, Jiayi's share structure was too complicated before.

The logo of Jiashi TV Station is a ring-shaped hexagon composed of six lines at 120-degree angles.

It represents the "six arts" of Chinese Confucianism - etiquette, music, archery, chastity, calligraphy, and mathematics; it also represents the six major shareholders of Jiayi TV.

Among the six shareholders, the commercial radio station had the largest dominance. The others were the Lin Pengyan family (one of the founders of Hang Seng Bank), Jardine Matheson, and the three most important Chinese newspapers on Hong Kong Island at the time.

That is, the Sing Tao Daily, the Overseas Chinese Daily and the Industrial and Commercial Daily, which have high credibility and are pro-Obligational Party (Sing Tao Daily), are still published today, but the difference is that their stance has now changed to pro-Obligation Party. red).

Lin Hao naturally hopes to take all the shares to avoid being restricted in the future. After all, if Lin Hao takes over this TV station, he will not necessarily lose money.

After all, the Governor of Hong Kong has promised that the time for educational programs can be arranged by himself, and he has also promised Lin Hao to open a new satellite station.

After Lin Hao achieved his goal, he also began to recruit the backbone of Eternal Star, ready to take over Jiayi TV Station at any time.

At the same time, Lin Hao also wrote the plot summary of Shanghai Beach, recruited a group of screenwriters, and tapped TVB screenwriters.

Then let them fill in the content according to their own story outline, and make some preliminary preparations at the same time.

Sure enough, within a few days, Jiayi TV suddenly issued a statement announcing that it would cease operations, and posted a notice at the company's entrance stating that Jiayi TV would cease operations from that day.

After Jiashi's sudden collapse, most of the staff and artists went to the Chief Secretary's Office to petition, asking the government to lend a hand to help restore the station, but in the end, nothing came of it.

They didn't know that if Lin Hao hadn't wanted this mess, they would have forced Jiayi TV to death.

However, although the channel is suspended now, it has not gone bankrupt after all. No one thinks that they will go bankrupt at this time.

However, what people didn't expect was that Jiayi TV simply declared bankruptcy the very next day.

Just when everyone was lamenting the demise of Jiayi TV, the people of Hong Kong Island also lost a TV station that produced excellent TV series.

Eternal Star Trading Company suddenly announced in a high profile that it had fully acquired Jiayi TV Station, and their jaws suddenly dropped.

So everyone asked what kind of company this Eternal Star was. Without Lin Hao covering up, the company's situation was quickly investigated.

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