Lin Hao, half drunk and half awake, supported the person next to him and said:

"I'm not drunk, let's keep drinking!"

"Okay, okay, you're not drunk! How about we take you home and then drink with you!" There are no bad intentions for drunk people, so Wei Qiuhua could only comfort him and calm him down first. Send it back and talk about it later.

Then the two of them continued to ask:

"Where is your home? Let's take you back!"

"My home, my home is here~?" Lin Hao got stuck as he said that. He paused before asking, "Wait a minute, which home are you asking about?"

In the end, Michelle and Wei Qiuhua sent Lin Hao home.

It wasn't the Mid-Levels Villa, but a villa that Lin Hao bought in Kowloon. Don't ask how Michelle and Wei Qiuhua knew about it.

Asking is fate!

Late at night in Kowloon, there is a lot of excitement with the sound of wind, gongs and drums.

By three o'clock in the morning, the sun was already shining in Lin Hao's bedroom, making the whole bedroom feel hazy.

Chapter 513 Qiao Liuyi and Lin Feng

By three o'clock in the morning, the sun was already shining in Lin Hao's bedroom, making the whole bedroom feel hazy.

However, as soon as Lin Hao made a move, Michelle woke up immediately.

"Hmm~hmm!" Michelle moved coquettishly, and Lin Hao also felt it

At the same time, on the other side of the arm, it turned out to be Wei Qiuhua.

Three months later.

Jiayi TV Station is ready and has started a new revision.

A series of advanced broadcasting and recording equipment purchased from Yingjiang and Benzi have been updated.

Various TV programs produced with brand-new equipment have suddenly upgraded TVs that were accustomed to watching 200p picture quality to 480p picture quality.

The working principles of picture tube TVs and monitors are different. If we want to talk about the difference, the difference between 360p and 480p monitors is not big, but for picture tube TVs, the difference is too big.

Of course, if it is the oldest 200-line scanning TV, the difference will not be big. After all, the hardware limit of the TV is there.

But for TVs from the 80s and [-]s, especially color TVs or large-screen TVs, the feeling becomes more and more obvious.

This feeling of myopic people suddenly wearing glasses and the world suddenly becoming brighter suddenly gave Hong Kong residents a whole new experience when watching Jiayi TV.

It makes people unable to extricate themselves in an instant. When I go back to watch ATV and Wireless, I can't watch it at all. No one wants to experience the feeling of having my glasses taken off for myopia.

So Jiayi relied on its technical advantages and high-quality TV sets to surpass Wireless Wireless and become the number one TV station on Hong Kong Island. Subsequently, various media rushed to report on it, and Jiayi TV Station received rave reviews.

From Lin Hao's point of view, the improvement in picture quality is not much. After all, for eyes accustomed to watching 2K or 4K, anything below 1K is regarded as smooth playback.

Not to mention that Jiayi's reform this time has also produced several excellent variety shows, which are extremely excellent in themselves and have attracted a large number of viewers.

Therefore, Hong Kong viewers would rather watch Jiayi Channel [-] than watch TV programs from ATV and TVB. Unless they are extremely good ones, they will have to tolerate low picture quality to watch them.

With Jiayi TV on the right track, Lin Hao handed over the management of Jiayi to Zhou Liang Shu.

After all, Lin Hao has too many things to worry about. He can't do everything by himself. Leaving professional matters to professionals is the right way to start life.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Wei Shuying's due date has arrived, and Deborah is not far away from giving birth, so Lin Hao needs to take time to accompany them.

Fortunately, Wei Shuying's due date is half a month earlier than Deborah, otherwise it would be difficult to allocate time by then.

Until now, Wei Shuying did not know the existence of Deborah, and when she was with Deborah, she was Lin Hao, not Qiao Zuwang.

In Lin Hao's plan, Qiao Zuwang was a good husband and a good father, while Lin Hao's identity was that of a prodigal son in love, and the two identities did not interfere with each other.

When she arrived at the hospital, Wei Shuying was in the special care delivery room. When she saw Lin Hao suddenly arriving, she asked in surprise:

"Old Qiao, why are you here? Didn't you say that you are very busy during this period and have to deal with the company's affairs?"

Lin Hao sat on Wei Shuying's bedside, gently caressed her belly and said:

"The company's affairs are not as important as your having children. I am making money outside just to make you and your children live a better life!"

Wei Shuying held Lin Hao's hand, and then looked at Lin Hao's young face, her joy was beyond words.

Perhaps because she was too excited, Wei Shuying suddenly held her belly and said:

"Old Qiao, call the doctor quickly, this little guy can't wait to come out!"

In a happy mood, Wei Shuying actually thought about teasing the child in her belly. Lin Hao was also a little dumbfounded, and then pressed the calling bell.

At the same time, he held Wei Shuying's hand and checked her remaining life time. He found that there were still more than three months left, so no life energy was injected into her.

Soon, Wei Shuying was sent to the delivery room, and Lin Hao sat at the door of the delivery room with great anticipation.

After a while, there was a sound, mixed with moans and cries.Lin Hao knew that this was a sign that the child was about to be born.

Because of the relationship between life time, Lin Hao is not worried about Wei Shuying's birth. After all, the essence of life time is life energy.

With the protection of life energy, there is no danger in giving birth, and besides, this is a hospital.


Sure enough, less than an hour after entering the delivery room, Wei Shuying successfully gave birth to a baby.

At this time, the doctor opened the door and the nurse held a little guy with a red face and wrinkles. Lin Hao's eyes were full of emotion and joy.

At this time, the nurse held the child in front of Lin Hao and said:

"Mr. Qiao, congratulations. Your wife successfully passed the delivery process and gave you a healthy baby, a son!"

Lin Hao immediately took out the red envelope he had prepared long ago and asked people to distribute it to everyone. At the same time, he said:

"We are all happy, thank you for your hard work, I would like to treat you all to tea!"

All the doctors and nurses immediately congratulated Lin Hao happily and accepted the red envelope from Lin Hao. After all, it is rare to see a boss as generous as Lin Hao.

Yes, this hospital is also Lin Hao's property. Not only that, Lin Hao also runs a one-stop school from kindergarten to middle school, and is currently applying to run a university.

Currently, Qiao Yicheng, Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Sanli, and Qiao Simei are all studying in their own schools. As for Qiao Wugong, the wet nurse is still taking care of him.

At this time, Lin Hao discovered that Wei Shuying had been sent to the postpartum ward to rest, so he came to the ward with his son in his arms.

Seeing her sweat from exertion, Lin Hao held his son in front of her and said softly to Wei Shuying:

"Baby, thank you for your hard work. Look, this is our son."

When Wei Shuying heard these words, she felt that the fatigue and discomfort all over her body dissipated instantly, and a warm current poured into her heart. She looked at Lin Hao with a smile and said:

"As long as you are by my side, I feel extremely at ease!" Then he looked at the newborn child and then asked:

"What should I name this sixth child?"

Lin Hao gently touched Wei Shuying's forehead, thought for a while and said:

"Why don't you give me a name?"

Wei Shuying hesitated for a moment and finally said:

"You are the head of the family, otherwise, you should choose the name!"

Lin Hao was not polite when he heard this and blurted out:

"Liuquan, what is Qiao Liuquan!"

"Uh~!" Wei Shuying was just being polite, but she didn't expect Lin Hao to give her name directly. She opened her mouth but didn't refute in the end!

At this time, Lin Hao suddenly smiled and said:

"You see, in ancient times a gentleman had six skills to be called a gentleman: etiquette, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and numeracy. There are six skills in total. If our son learns them all, will he become a gentleman? That's right. He’s an all-rounder!”

Lin Hao thought to himself and said: "So, our son is Qiao Liuquan. Isn't it good? The meaning is also very good!"

Wei Shuying was speechless, she was not as good as [-]% or top [-] before!But she suddenly thought of a better name, so she immediately said:

"You just said the Six Arts of the Gentleman, so you might as well call it the Six Arts! Not only does it have a good meaning, it also sounds much nicer than the Liuquan!"

Lin Hao nodded in sudden realization, and then praised seriously:

"Our wife is different. She is not only educated, but also knowledgeable and wise. She is much better than the name I gave her!"

Wei Shuying looked at her husband and children happily after hearing this, but at this moment she suddenly realized that since her husband could name the Six Arts of the Gentleman, why didn't he just use this name before.

The name she chose was thought of under his guidance. Then Wei Shuying asked suspiciously.

"You have already thought of the name Liuyi, right?" Seeing Lin Hao's expression, he immediately knew that he had guessed it right.

"You also asked me to choose a name. In fact, you had already thought of it and then guided me to choose the name Liu Yi!"

As she spoke, Wei Shuying grabbed the soft flesh around Lin Hao's waist and said angrily.

"Hahaha!" Lin Hao laughed and said happily:

"My wife, you are obviously smart and wise. You thought of it yourself! This is all your credit!"

Lin Hao said jokingly:

"Quan is a very good word. If we have a tenth child from now on, the boy will call him Shiquan, and the girl will call her Shimei. If we have twins, Shiquan Shimei can be used. What do you think?"

"You treat me like a pig! Who wants to give birth to ten children for you?" Wei Shuying immediately couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, knowing that her husband was just teasing her.

But it felt really interesting, so I asked curiously:

"What if the twins in life are two sons or two daughters?"

"Uh~?" Lin Hao paused at this time, he really hadn't thought about this problem!


By the afternoon, Qiao Yicheng, three children who were going to school, and Wu Gong, who was being held by the wet nurse, were all taken to the hospital by the bodyguards.

Seeing that their mother had given birth to a younger brother, several children came forward to see this newborn little life.

Only Qiao Yicheng, looking at his mother who had become young, was filled with doubts. Could this place be able to support people?

However, he was soon attracted to the newborn Qiao Liuyi. Although he held Sanli, Simei, and Wugong when they were born, he was always instinctively happy for the new little lives.

It cannot be ruled out that it is because every time the mother gives birth to a child, they always have a few delicious bites. But now that the living conditions are better, they are still very happy for this new family member.

Lin Hao looked at the family gathered in front of him and felt a little emotional in his heart, thinking that these children would not be paranoid in the future due to lack of maternal love!

Of course, Lin Hao had not been a good man for long. After Wei Shuying rested for a few days, Lin Hao sent her home from the hospital and hired several people to take care of her.

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