"OK!" Lin Hao nodded expressionlessly.

At this moment, Gan Hong gave up the last trace of fantasy and nodded when asked by the staff.


"Marriage property distribution?" the staff continued to ask.

Lin Hao didn't even look at Gan Hong and said directly:

"The woman cleans herself and leaves the house!"

"Gan Hong, do you agree?" The staff member looked at Gan Hong, who also nodded in agreement.

The staff member looked at Gan Hong again, his eyes full of regret.

She has worked here for so many years, and she could tell what was going on at a glance from the two men's demeanor after they entered the door.

This man has such a tough attitude, but the woman agrees to leave the house cleanly, which means that it is very likely that the woman has cheated!

"Oh, you don't know how to cherish such a handsome man, but he is still out here flirting with women. I really don't know what is going on in his head!" The staff complained silently in their hearts.

After completing the form, the staff continued to ask:

"You have a son. Who will take care of this child?"

Lin Hao said without hesitation:

"The issue of custody needs to be decided after I take care of my son and do a paternity test. If it is my child, he will be raised by me!"

"If not, she will take care of her, and I will not pay alimony to her. After all, he is not my son, and I have no obligation to raise someone else's son!"

"Ms. Gan Hong, what's your opinion?" the staff member asked again.

"Me~!" Gan Hong said uncharacteristically: "Whether it is Yu Huanshui's child or not, I will raise it!"

Lin Hao didn't want a spoiler in the first place, but whose child Yu Chen was, Lin Hao didn't know yet. What if it was really Yu Huanshui's?

Since he couldn't find out for the time being, Lin Hao couldn't do anything about it, so he said:

"This matter can be put aside to discuss the matter after the paternity test. During this period, I will fulfill my responsibilities as a father until the test results come out!"

"What do you mean?" After saying this, Lin Hao looked at Gan Hong.

When the staff saw Gan Hong nodding, they said:

"Okay, please wait a moment, the divorce agreement is being printed...!"

After Lin Hao and Gan Hong signed, the staff took back the marriage certificate and issued a divorce certificate to the two.

After the two received the divorce certificate, their marriage ended.

Fortunately, it is not yet 2021, otherwise we would have to go through a one-month cooling-off period for marriage, which would be painful at that time.

Lin Hao and Gan Hong then left the Civil Affairs Bureau, and Lin Hao took a taxi and left without any regrets, while Gan Hong looked at Lin Hao's figure with a complicated expression.

After looking away, Gan Hong picked up the phone, dialed the number of his old lover, and said anxiously:

"Hey, I'm divorced!"

"Really? Great!"

"He found out about us, so I was kicked out of the house!"

"It doesn't matter, I don't care about the money, as long as I have you!"

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Gan Hong was immediately moved beyond measure.

"Baby, how could I lie to you!"

"Where are you now? I'll pick you up!"

"Go directly to me~!" Gan Hong reacted here, and then said: "Go to his house! Help get my things back!"

"Okay, we'll be there soon!"


On the other side, after Lin Hao left the Civil Affairs Bureau, he went directly to an agent and prepared to sell the house!

I originally wanted to go find Lu Fumeng, but suddenly I received a call from the school teacher.He said that Yu Chen was at school, so he beat up his classmate and asked him to go to school.

Of course Lin Hao knew about this. In the play, Yu Chen saw his little friend Zhang Ziming being bullied, so he stepped forward to help fight the injustice.

In this incident, the children of both parties were injured. It was originally an ordinary children's fight. It was enough to simply call the parents of both parties and explain the matter clearly.

But in this trivial incident of children fighting, the teaching tool projector in the class was broken.

The kid who bullied Yu Chen was severely beaten, and his parents were very reluctant to let him go.

I don’t know if it’s because the other parent is difficult to deal with, or because I’m afraid of taking responsibility, or because I’m afraid of losing the teaching tools.

But no matter what the reason was, when the teacher learned that Yu Chen and Zhang Ziming were not seriously injured, he indiscriminately put all the blame on them.

In short, it doesn't matter what is right or wrong, whoever gets hurt will be justified!

Lin Hao hesitated for a moment, but decided to go, not for Yu Chen, but for Yu Chen's classmate Zhang Ziming...

Well, yes, that's it. It has nothing to do with Zhang Ziming's mother. Lin Hao just went to seek justice for the two children and set a great example for them!

Of course, the teacher who does not distinguish between right and wrong also needs to be punished and teach the class teacher what it means to be a role model!

People with such impure minds are simply harming the next generation.

After a while, Lin Hao arrived at the school gate, but Lin Hao did not go in directly, but went to the monitoring room.

I found the security guard responsible for monitoring and copied a copy of the monitoring records at that time.

However, the security guard was very principled and said that he needed the school's approval before he could copy the video.

However, after Lin Hao used his money making ability and some guidance from Lin Hao, the security guard said there was no problem at all.

Afterwards, Lin Hao found the other classmate who was fighting through the guidance of the security guard. Then Lin Hao discussed it with their parents, and soon the two parties reached a consensus.

Chapter 551: There are many schools, and my heart is full of enthusiasm (Ten Thousand Completed)

Chapter 558 Forbidden Fruit

"And they have a common understanding of certain things, such as the desire for certain things, and what we often call telepathy!"

Lin Hao looked directly into Tang Yun's eyes. Their eyes met and they looked at each other. There was me in you and you in me!

At this time, Tang Yun's heartbeat accelerated violently. This was an emotional feeling that she had never experienced before when she was with Lu Fumeng.

Until she met the man in front of her, Tang Yun raised her head and slowly closed her eyes.

However, the hug he imagined did not come, nor did the passionate kiss he longed for. Instead, he heard Lin Hao's eloquent voice:

"If you want to express the charm in the painting, you must have a personal experience!"

When Tang Yun opened her eyes again, she found that Lin Hao had picked up her brush and began to draw lines on her original painting.

At this time, Tang Yun's body was filled with disappointment, longing, and lust, which made her feel hot all over when she looked at Lin Hao.

At this time, Lin Hao was still explaining his thoughts:

"The colors in your original paintings are bright and vibrant, and they all reflect a desire for life!"

"But you have never been in a real relationship, and you only ate an apple with Lu Fumeng, not the forbidden fruit, so it's normal that you can't draw it!"

Tang Yun listened to Lin Hao's story, suppressed the strangeness in her heart, and came to Lin Hao's side.

Lin Hao glanced at her and then continued:

"I will recompose your painting, re-adjust the characters' expressions, and I will do the rest for you!"

"Really? That's great!" Tang Yun's eyes were filled with stars.

But the next moment, she blushed slightly and lowered her head.

"By the way, senior, just call me Tang Yun from now on. You always call me Miss Tang. I feel so weird~!"

"Okay!" Lin Hao chuckled and nodded.

Then Lin Hao stood in front of the easel. Painting figures was his specialty, especially female figures, for which he was a master.

In the new composition, Lin Hao erased the apples in the painting and replaced them with a blank space, while the shadow of the apple tree loomed on the ground.

At the same time, Tang Yun's body in the painting is slightly tilted forward, her head is slightly raised, facing the direction of the apple tree outside the painting, her lips are slightly open, and she is looking towards the direction of the apple tree with a longing expression.

At the same time, he adjusted his body movements. Just a slight adjustment made Tang Yun in the painting look more attractive.

Tang Yun, who was on the side, looked at herself in the painting in surprise. Even though the composition alone made her heart beat faster.

At this time, Tang Yun looked at herself in the painting and couldn't help but said:

"Master Yu, this painting is based on me. How about I be your model?"

"Okay, that's what I meant!" Lin Hao said with a smile.

"Senior, please wait a moment, I'll be here soon!" Tang Yun then ran to the bedroom with a blushing face.

Not long after, Tang Yun returned to the studio wearing a tulle. The tulle was so thin that it had a translucent feel and looked very cool.

Tang Yun then assumed the posture in the painting, with her body half-leaning, leaning forward slightly, and raising her head in a longing posture.

Lin Hao's Adam's apple moved up and down at this time, then he chuckled, shook his head and said:

"You don't have to pose so deliberately. Just turn sideways and face me. Just think of me as the apple you long for in the painting!"

"Hmm~!" Tang Yun responded softly and adjusted her position.

At the same time, her slender hands were raised slightly, just enough to cover the part of her body that needed to be slapped. Adding the translucent gauze, Tang Yun looked like she was half-covering up shyly.

At this time, she finally looked exactly like Eve in Lin Hao's composition.

After Lin Hao took a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down. His eyes wandered over the drawing board and Tang Yun's delicate body, and the brush in his hand began to dance accordingly.

Although art is what it is, Lin Hao still didn't expect Tang Yun to be so generous.

At the same time, Tang Yun, who was a model on the sofa, kept looking at Lin Hao, and her eyes slowly became more and more shy.

The more pure Lin Hao's eyes looked at her, the more distracting thoughts became in her mind, and she even wanted to avoid Lin Hao's eyes.

This was her first time acting as a model for others, so she could only try to maintain her posture, not wanting to disappoint Lin Hao.

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