After everyone returned to the police station, the Lin Hao trio listened to Lao Zhang telling the whole story. Only then did they learn about Wang Mengmeng's experience, and the three of them were all in awe!

Li Shiqing asked puzzledly:

"But I still don't understand. Since Wang Mengmeng dared to grab the driver's steering wheel, why didn't she make it clear to the driver and let him handle it?"

After hearing Li Shiqing's question, Lin Hao said:

"I have heard a saying that when people are severely stimulated, some people will have a stress reaction. This reaction tends to be subconscious or instinctive, and even they themselves cannot predict their next move!"

Zhang Cheng nodded at Lin Hao's reading comprehension and continued:

"Yes, Lin Hao is right. For example, some people who are threatened or bullied do not dare to resist for one reason or another. This will make the perpetrators even more aggressive!"

"I heard Teacher Wu say that Wang Mengmeng's character is introverted, has few friends, is not good at communication, and is submissive!"

"So when he was molested by a pervert, he suffered silently until he couldn't bear it anymore. He called his father for help but no one answered. Then he suddenly collapsed and took the driver's steering wheel!"

At this point, Officer Zhang said to Li Shiqing:

"So, if you encounter something similar in the future, you must call for help as soon as possible, ask the driver for help, or call the police immediately!"

"Under normal circumstances, if the driver knows there is a pervert in the car, he will close the door tightly, call the police, and hand it over to the police at the next stop!"

Li Shiqing thought about how she pulled Xiao Heyun and Lin Hao out of the car before, and said with some embarrassment:

"Yeah! I understand. I have used this method before, but Wang Xingde let me get off!"

Zhang Cheng sighed and said:

"It can be seen that this Wang Xingde has not completely lost his conscience. At least he doesn't want you to die with him after seeing you!"

Li Shiqing was stunned when she heard this!

Lin Hao heard from Li Shiqing that Wang Xingde helped retrieve his wallet and admission ticket, so he said:

"I think it was Wang Xingde who was touched after seeing Shi Qing, and subconsciously regarded her as his daughter!"

Zhang Cheng said: "It is possible. After all, Li Shiqing and Wang Mengmeng are from the same school. They are similar in age to their daughter before the car accident. They subconsciously don't want to hurt her!"

Xiao Heyun thought of the subsequent cycle and said:

"Hey, that's right, Lao Zhang! Why don't you give us the account password of that network disk!"

"When we wake up next time, log in directly, and then show the photos of Shiqing Bar to Wang Xingde, so that he can stop the car too!"

Zhang Cheng shook his head and rejected Xiao Heyun's approach and said:

"First of all, I will not give you this photo and the account password of the network disk. This is related to the confidentiality of other people's personal information!"

"Of course, if I really enter the cycle you are talking about, then I can send you the photos and let you assist the police in handling the case!"

"Secondly, this photo cannot be shown to Wang Xingde or Tao Yinghong unless it is absolutely necessary, or if we do not have the initiative!"

Li Shiqing asked puzzledly:

"Why can't you just show it to Wang Xingde?"

"If Wang Xingde can cooperate with us, it will be much easier for us to control Tao Yinghong alone or persuade her to give up the detonation!"

Zhang Cheng's words made it impossible for anyone to refute:

"Wang Xingde was driving at the time. Are you sure that after you showed him the photo, Wang Xingde would not do more dangerous things after being stimulated?"


Even Lin Hao didn't think about this. Thinking about Wang Mengmeng losing control of her emotions and grabbing the steering wheel, thinking about Tao Yinghong turning from a victim to a perpetrator of car bombing!

Just imagine, when you and others wake up on the bus and try to show Wang Xingde a photo of this pervert, who can guarantee that Wang Xingde will not cause a car accident on the spot.

I shudder when I think about it. In order to deal with these criminals, we still need these professional police officers!

Sure enough, professional matters should be left to professionals to handle, which is the correct way to start.

Lin Hao also thought about entering the loop. The man in front of him had been a criminal policeman for more than 20 years, and now he didn't have to play tricks on him to get information like before. Thinking of this, he asked directly:

"By the way, should we make a plan!"

"Old Zhang, this is your strength. You can design a foolproof plan for us!"

Zhang Cheng smiled and said:

"There is no foolproof plan. We can only formulate one or several plans based on the events that occur, and try to eliminate factors that interfere with the implementation of the plan!"

Xiao Heyun heard this and said, "What about the specifics?"

Zhang Cheng said: "Our purpose is to save people, so we need to stop the bus and then throw the bomb into the river!"

"So our current task is to summarize the lessons learned from your previous failures!"

"Let's see what factors interfere with the implementation of the plan, and then we can find ways to solve them one by one, and then a highly feasible plan will be ready!"

Chapter 83 The Plan Does Not Change Fast

Your previous plan was actually very good, but you did not eliminate those interfering factors. Now let’s talk about the difficulties you encountered!

"The first thing that needs to be solved is the lack of time!" Lin Hao said.

Thinking of the last time Lao Zhang and the people around him were killed, Lin Hao continued:

"Actually, we were only ten seconds behind last time, so what if we stopped the bus when it just entered the bridge!"

Lao Zhang said: "That is not safe. It can save a few seconds at most. We must leave enough redundant time, otherwise if any unexpected situation occurs, it will lead to failure!"

"The operation of the bus is planned, and the explosion they created was obviously carefully arranged. As long as the bus is running normally, we will only have 1 to 2 minutes at most when the bus comes to the bridge! "

Lin Hao said: "The way the traffic police stopped the car last time was definitely not good. Stop the car, stop the car, open the door, take away the pressure cooker and then run to the bridge and throw it into the river!"

Zhang Cheng certainly has a solution to Lin Hao's concerns:

"You don't have to worry about this. I will ask the traffic police to clear the road and give Wang Xingde the green light all the way. This will save at least 1 to 2 minutes!"

"If the estimated time is not enough, we will reveal our identity and ask him to stop, but there is a high probability that he will not stop because the bridge is right in front of us, so he will definitely speed up!"

"Of course, if he really stops the car, we will have more time to deal with the bomb, which is naturally the best result!"

"What if he doesn't stop when he gets to the bridge!" Li Shiqing thought of the time Wang Xingde didn't stop.

Lao Zhang said: "When the time comes, I will directly arrange the traffic stop and use the car to block the way of the bus. You must be prepared to avoid collision when the time comes!"

Xiao Heyun said: "Then the next question is how to open the car door!"

Lao Zhang said: "There is an emergency valve on the bus. Turn it half a turn clockwise and the door will open!"

Li Shiqing said: "But last time we tried it, the emergency valve didn't work at all, and the car was still locked!"

Lao Zhang thought for a while and asked:

"Under what circumstances did you open the emergency valve? Was it driving or parking?"

Xiao Heyun said: "Driving while driving!"

Lao Zhang said:

"That's right. Opening the emergency escape valve while the bus is driving may cause the vehicle's braking system to malfunction, so later some vehicles were designed so that the emergency valve can only be used when the bus is stopped!"

"Of course, if it still can't be opened when parking, just open the window directly, or use a window hammer to break it open!"

Li Shiqian sighed and said:

"So that's it, no wonder it didn't work before!"

“I learned useful knowledge again!”

Zhang Cheng warned again: "Oh, by the way, you must take some photos of the car for me. I want to show the situation inside the car to other police officers. Don't forget it!"

After an hour of discussion, the four finally completed the plan and also made a backup plan!

Zhang Chengdao: "By the way, if the cycle really happens, remember to send me an alarm text message. You still have to go through the necessary procedures!"

It is very necessary to send this alarm text message. After all, Zhang Cheng, as deputy captain Zhang, does not have that much right to mobilize the police force at will without any evidence!


When Lin Hao woke up again, he looked at the time at 13:31 and reset a time node. This time he didn't want to be bombed back into the loop!

So as long as there is any sign of failure this time, he will immediately use the time retrieval skill!

At the same time, Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun also woke up at the same time, and the three of them started their own actions!

Xiao Heyun began to edit the alarm text message and prepared to send it to Lao Zhang!

Li Shiqing edited the text and walked to the front to show it to the bungee jumping coach!

Lin Hao took out his mobile phone and called Lao Zhang. After the call was answered, Lin Hao said:

"How about Lao Zhang, I didn't lie to you!"

Zhang Cheng, who had just come to his senses, said involuntarily: "We have really entered a cycle!"

Now Captain Zhang completely believed what they said!

His team member asked: "Team Zhang, what kind of ring did you just talk about?"

"Gather quickly, we have a mission now!" After that, he said anxiously into the phone:

"I'll take action right away. Send me the photos of the car quickly and follow the previous plan!"


Zhang Cheng immediately called on the team members to set off across the river bridge and said as they walked:

"Yu Lei, take people to block the bridge deck, arrange traffic stoppers on the bridge deck, and find a few heavy-duty vehicles to block the road. If not, use police cars to block the road!


"Also, just in case, the river is also blocked and no ships are allowed to approach the bridge!"


Ye Qian, please contact the traffic police and give the green light to bus No. 45 all the way!

"Okay, Captain Zhang!"

"Xiaojiang, follow the bus with me!"

"Okay, master!"

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