Hearing Dragon Soul call his name, Chu Fengyun stood up and came to the front of the chief judge.

"Chu family, Chu Fengyun, have met all the elders."

"Yes." The Chu family is a major force in the mainland, and the five elders nodded in greeting.

"Everyone, I guarantee the reputation of my Chu family. What Zhou Lei said, that Ye Chenfeng colluded with powerful people from other worlds to poison Lord Wu Luohu, causing him to lose the inner court competition, is all true.

Ye Chenfeng, Long Yu, and Yun Tianze were all killed by Lord Wu Luohu himself. If you don't believe it, you will know after you ask Lord Wu when he returns. "Chu Fengyun cupped his hands and said.

"Martial Lord Luohu, that 1.1 is the ruthless man who is number one on the list of strong men. I believe he should not lie."

"Moreover, Luo Hu is a complete fighting maniac. He has nothing but cultivation and fighting in his eyes. It is impossible for him to participate in such a conspiracy."

The students of Tianwu Academy still respected Luo Hu very much, and it was indeed a bit strange that Luo Hu lost to Long Yu in the inner academy competition.

"Haha, now that Lord Wu is not here, you can say whatever you want." He Ximo said with a smile: "I also heard that Junior Brother Chu, you had a very difficult time winning the first round of the freshman competition, and you were also seriously injured. It was Ning Feng who used the holy crystal to heal your wounds, is this possible?"

Chapter 315 The guess is almost the same

"Uh!" Chu Fengyun was stunned for a moment. He Ximo was really well-informed. He even knew this: "This is indeed the case."

"Ning Feng is even willing to give you such a rare thing as the Holy Crystal. It shows that you two have a close friendship. Even if it is to save his life, it is impossible to lie for him. Therefore, what you say is also not credible."

Huang Tong was on the side and his teeth were itching with hatred. This He Ximo was really hateful. He wanted to rush up and tear his mouth apart!

"Furthermore, I heard that in the second round of the knockout round, Junior Brother Chu suddenly became stronger. What's going on?" He Ximo continued to ask.

"This..." Chu Fengyun once promised Ning Feng that the matter of the Extreme Sword should be kept a secret. Of course, at this moment, he could not tell the matter.

"I guess it was Ning Feng who gave you some benefit that made your strength suddenly increase greatly. If he is not an undercover cultivator, then you might as well tell me what benefit he gave you that made your strength increase so much. listen."

He Ximo looked at Chu Feng 28 Yun's troubled eyes and knew that his guess should be accurate.

"Ning Feng didn't teach me anything, he just told me... not to suppress my feelings." Chu Fengyun thought for a moment and decided to tell Ning Feng about persuading him to have three wives and four concubines. In this way, he might be able to get away with it.

After everyone heard this, they laughed, this Chu Fengyun was quite romantic, and this Ning Feng was also the best.Dragon Soul was speechless after hearing this. He turned around and glared at Ning Feng. This fat man actually came up with such a bad idea. He was simply the public enemy of women.

"Hahaha!" He Ximo laughed, "Just a little suggestion can greatly improve your swordsmanship? I don't believe it, everyone, do you believe it?"

"Haha, I really don't believe it."

"Never heard of anything like this."

"You're deceiving a three-year-old child, right?" Everyone in the Xiu Xue Building also laughed, but the more everyone laughed, the more disadvantageous it was for Ning Feng.

"There is Xiao Yuan, the genius of the Xiao family, who can testify about this matter." Chu Fengyun had no choice but to carry Xiao Yuan out.

"Junior brother Xiao once announced in public that he would join Ning Feng's team. This is tantamount to publicity for Ning Feng. It shows that his relationship with Ning Feng is not ordinary. Therefore, his words cannot be accepted." He Ximo said .

"Well, that's true." The four presiding elders also nodded.

Elder Xuan was helpless. He could not compete with the four elders with his own strength. Now four against one, his opinion did not matter at all.

"You are wrong. Ning Feng's understanding of martial arts exceeds that of anyone I have ever met." Chu Fengyun argued.

"Haha, how dare a mere Xuan Realm warrior dare to speak so brazenly and talk about it? It's simply ridiculous." He Ximo mocked.

"Dear judges, I would like to invite another witness to prove that what Chu Fengyun said is true."

Chu Fengyun turned the topic well. If it can prove Ning Feng's talent in martial arts, then it also reflects his value. Dragon Soul had an idea and heard that there was once a person, a person from Tianwu Academy, who witnessed Ning Feng's amazing performance. Martial arts insights.


Soon, a man in white came to the crowd. "I've met the elders."

"Who are you and what is your relationship with Ning Feng?" Elder Xuan asked.

"I, Lan Xuanjing, have nothing to do with Ning Feng." The man said.

"Defense, stop dawdling." The four elders urged.

"Okay, Lan Xuanjing, where have you and Ning Feng met?" Dragon Soul asked.

"Jiangnan, because of Junior Sister Ning Huimei, Elder Dao Emei specially gave Jiangnan an extra spot and asked me to be the special envoy to select a talent." Lan Xuanjing said respectfully.

"Who is that talent?" Dragon Soul asked.

"It's Ning Feng." Lan Xuanjing replied.

"What do you think of his martial arts talent and attainments?" Dragon Soul continued to ask.

"My knowledge is shallow, but judging from my limited eyesight, Ning Feng's views on martial arts exceed those of anyone I know."

"What's the meaning of this?"

"When the Jiangnan Alliance was formed, all geniuses from Jiangnan gathered together. Ning Feng had seen Fenglei Mansion's Wind and Thunder Phantom Body the day before, and the next day he used the Wind and Thunder Phantom Body technique.

Moreover, his phantom body of wind and thunder can induce the power of wind and thunder, which is more than a hundred times more exquisite than that of the wind and thunder palace. It cannot be taught to him by the wind and thunder palace. It can only be improved and cultivated by him after seeing it once. . 993" Lan Xuanjing replied.

"This is impossible." One of the four presiding elders shouted, "In one day, it is too late for us to improve our body skills and succeed in cultivation, let alone a mere Xuanjing boy. ?”

"I thought it was weird at the time, but that's what I saw with my own eyes. After that, Ning Feng repeatedly used his opponent's martial arts, and he was more skillful than his opponent. This was true for his Hundred Refining Body and many other martial arts. Gotta get it.”

"This..." The four presiding elders were stunned. Is Ning Feng really so fierce?

"Indeed, with Ning Feng's martial arts talent and understanding of martial arts, I have never seen a talent like him in all these years." Elder Xuan nodded.

During the entrance examination, Ning Feng chose the residual martial arts, and then derived a variety of martial arts. Now it seems that this is no coincidence.

The four presiding elders also hesitated. If Ning Feng was just an ordinary student, or even if he was a specially recruited disciple, then it would be open. Tianwu Academy has no shortage of geniuses.

Chapter 316 Come and kneel down to admit your mistake

But now it seems that this kid is no longer a genius, but a monster.Isn’t it a bit of a loss to expel such a monster?

The four elders looked at each other and saw hesitation in each other's eyes. The senior officials of Tianwu Academy asked the four of them to come here in order to prove Ning Feng's crime and expel him from the hospital to make him feel bad.

But Ye Chenfeng is already dead. Even if Ning Feng is expelled, he will not come back to life. On the contrary, Ning Feng, whose abilities are known to everyone, would expel him for the sake of a dead man. Isn't that to sacrifice the good and the bad?

"Step back." Seeing that Lan Xuanjing seemed to have nothing to say, Elder Xuan waved his hand.

They hesitated, Dragon Soul's eyes sparkled, and she saw all the entanglements of the four elders in her eyes. At this moment, it was the perfect moment to pursue victory. She nodded secretly to Bai Zhou, who understood it.

"Report!" Soon, a member of the law enforcement team came forward and reported to the five presiding elders: "Elder Qi, Chu Huaijin, the head of the Sun family, and Xiao Yan, the head of the Xiao family, want to see you."

"Two family heads?" The five elders were all slightly startled. The Xiao family and the Sun family are both the leading powers in the mainland. The two family heads actually came to the public trial in person. Could it be that... they are here for this boy Ning Feng?The five elders looked at Ning Feng with a hint of confusion.

With the tacit approval of the five elders, Chu Huaijin, the head of the Sun family, and Xiao Yan, the head of the Xiao family, came to Xiuxue Tower together.As the leaders of the two major forces, the five elders did not dare to neglect and quickly asked people to give them seats.

"No need, we only have a few words..." Xiao Yan said.

"I came here today just to prove that what my Sun family, Chu Fengyun, said is true. That day in the battle with the powerful men from another world, the ones who suffered heavy casualties were the warriors of my Sun family."

"It's actually the Sun family..."

"Even the head of the Sun family said so, so it's probably true!"

"Head of the Sun family, you won't even give up your family's reputation just to protect Ning Feng!" "This Ning Feng is really powerful. He can even invite the heads of the Sun family and the Xiao family to stand up for him. .”

Chu Huaijin's words immediately turned the whole situation upside down, and everyone understood the weight of the Sun family head's words.

"Xiao Yuan from the Xiao family was also involved in this matter, and I absolutely believe what he said."

Xiao Yan, the head of the Xiao family, smiled, but soon he put away his smile and stared at Zi Ning'er, "It's your Zi family who falsely accused others but dared to threaten someone at the scene. The one who said he wanted to kill You are the one who lost the geniuses of my Xiao family and Sun family, right?"


Zi Ning'er took a step back in fright. She never expected that even the two heads of the Sun family and the Xiao family would come to today's public trial.

That day, she was in a state of desperation and could not speak her mind, so she uttered threatening words. Unexpectedly, at this moment, the head of the other family came directly to her door. What should she do?

"If you don't say anything, do you admit it?" Xiao Yan locked his eyes firmly on Zi Ning'er, "I want to see what the Zi family is capable of. They dare to threaten my Xiao family. Go back and bring a message to your family master about this matter. Son, it’s not over yet!”

"My Sun family will definitely go to the Zi family to settle the matter." Chu Huaijin said without hesitation.

Threats, naked threats, the Xiuxue Building was completely boiling at this moment.

The appearance of the two bosses turned the situation around in minutes. It turned out that it was Zi Ning'er who framed Ning Feng and threatened to kill the geniuses of the Xiao family and the Sun family!

Everyone looked at Zi Ning'er. This girl looked like a fairy, but she turned out to be big-breasted, brainless, with long hair and short-sightedness.

"Report! The head of the Zi family wants to see you!" the law enforcement team reported again.

"This..." The five presiding elders were speechless. It was only Ning Feng, but three big-shot figures came to the public trial at once. Is this kid's influence already so great?

"Brother Chu, Brother Xiao, you're fine!" The head of the Zi family walked up with a smile on his face.

"Very good, but your Zi family is really amazing. With this talent, you actually want to kill the genius of my Xiao family. The Zi family is really amazing." Xiao Yan said with a strange expression.

"Haha, I haven't seen Master Zi for a while, you really have a lot of skills." Chu Huaijin also said sarcastically.

The face of Zi Xiaoyao, the head of the Zi family, changed, and he quickly apologized to the two of them and said with a smile: "This girl is still young and ignorant. You two must not be on the same level as her."

"You still young?"

"Could it be that we have to wait until she kills all the geniuses from my family and then pursue her?"

Xiao Yan and Chu Huaijin came here today, on the one hand, to support Ning Feng, and on the other hand, they also wanted to kill his Zi family. How could (Nonnuo) let Zi Xiaoyao go so easily.

"You evildoer, why don't you come here, kneel down and admit your mistake!" Zi Xiaoyao turned to look at Zi Ning'er, furious.This girl, I asked her to stay at home, but she came out to cause trouble.


"Come here!"

With a grab with five fingers, a suction force sucked Zi Ning'er over. Zi Xiaoyao crushed her with force. Zi Ning'er's legs went weak and she immediately fell to her knees on the ground.

"Well...I was wrong. I made a mistake. Please don't punish me, the two heads of the family."

Harming others will ultimately harm oneself. Zi Ning'er could not have imagined that in today's situation, she would kneel down and admit her mistake in front of a large court. She was really embarrassed. At this time, there was no regret in her heart, only endless hatred. All of this It was all caused by Ning Feng.

Chapter 317 How to deal with this matter

"Why do you want to frame others?" Chu Fengyun yelled angrily.

"I, I didn't make a false accusation, it was indeed Ning Feng..." Zi Ning'er still wanted to bite Ning Feng to death.

"You didn't make a false accusation? Did I lie?" With Xiao Yan and Chu Huaijin as their backers, Chu Fengyun scolded Zi Ning'er unceremoniously.

I have to say that it is great to have a strong backstage. Now that the two masters are supporting me, I am the most handsome boy in Xiuxue Building.


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