"Even if you drive us away, we won't leave!"

Everyone was extremely excited. The aura here was richer than the Tianwu Academy's advanced spirit gathering array, and the cultivation effect was outstanding. It was all for free anyway, so no fool would stay.

As soon as the empty ship landed, everyone rushed out in a swarm, each looking for a suitable place for themselves, and couldn't wait to start practicing.

At this time, Dragon Soul looked worried. Along the way, she hesitated several times.

"What's wrong? If you have something to say, you might as well say it directly." Ning Feng saw her confused look and asked proactively.

"Then I said it." Dragon Soul took a deep breath and said, "You must be Lord Yun Shang."

"Uh!" Ning Feng was speechless. This girl, Longhun, was really amazing. She actually saw through her true identity!

"You shouldn't let Shang Zhe go." Dragon Soul didn't explain, but just sighed.


"Shang Zhe is extremely talented. If you cut off his arm, he will seek revenge on you in the future. This is one of the reasons. Second, Shang Zhe will appear in that place. It is expected that the Xianxiao sect intentionally informed him of the purpose. , just to find out the true identity of Yun Shangjun.

Because only Lord Yun Shang knows that there is a Dao tree and spiritual roots in that place. These two things are the most valuable opportunities in the secret realm.

The first person to arrive at that place is Yun Shangjun. Apart from Shang Zhe, the first person to arrive there is you, so you are Yun Shangjun. " Dragon Soul explained.

"This... I said it was just a coincidence, do you believe it?" Ning Feng scratched his head and said quibblely.

"Unless you think I'm a fool." Dragon Soul shook his feather fan, "If you don't kill Shang Zhe, your identity will definitely be known to the Xianxiao Sect. How should you deal with it then?"

"It doesn't matter, I used some methods and Shang Zhe told everyone what happened in the secret realm." Ning Feng explained.

"I know that it seems that you destroyed Shang Zhe's foundation, but in fact you helped him return to the correct path of martial arts. However, even if Shang Zhe chooses not to betray you, the Xianxiao Sect wants to know your identity. It’s hard to guess.”

"how do I say this?"

"Everyone sent by the Xianxiao sect to the Tianwu Academy has been wiped out. Lord Yun Shang must be in the Tianwu Academy. And the appearance of the secret realm in Jiangnan this time is not random."

"what do you mean……"

"Jiangnan is the weakest place in the entire continent. Even if there is a ruin, it will not be attractive to people from other parts of the continent.

But it is different for Yun Shangjun. Yun Shangjun knows what kind of opportunities there are in this secret realm. He will definitely travel thousands of miles to come here. Therefore, Yun Shangjun must be hidden among the Tianwuyuan group. "

Hearing this, Ning Feng nodded, Dragon Soul's analysis was correct.

"If Lord Yun Shang is someone else, then Shang Zhe will kill him if he wants. But Lord Yun Shang did not kill Shang Zhe, which means that there must be a certain degree of relationship between Shang Zhe and Lord Yun Shang, and in Tianwu Academy Among the group of people, only you and Shang Zhe are old acquaintances."

"Why didn't you say it then?" Ning Feng asked...

"I slowly figured out these problems on the way back. How about recalling Qin Ying and the others?" Dragon Soul said, "Calculating the time, they shouldn't have gone far yet. We have airships to chase them. Get on."

"No need." Ning Feng shook his head, "We can't let go of things at the academy. What's more, this trip to the secret realm has greatly increased our strength. Only after experiencing a battle can we fully digest it."

"However, if the Xianxiao Sect sends out a strong person that we cannot deal with."

"No." Ning Feng denied, "Last time, in order to kill me, the strong men of the Xianxiao Sect came out in full force, and we have almost killed them. There should be no strong men above the Golden Core stage in their hands. Even if there is, I have a way to deal with it. In addition to Senior Sister Qin, I also have killing moves."

"What other killing moves do you have?" Dragon Soul looked at Ning Feng in confusion. Even she couldn't think of any other killing moves in the current situation.

"Come with me and you will know at a glance."

Ning Feng and Long Soul came to an uninhabited place, and with a empty hand, several small round balls flew out of the Qiankun bag. They were the golden elixirs that Ning Feng 1.2 took in the secret realm.These golden elixirs are of good quality, generally second-grade golden elixirs, and there is even a peak first-grade golden elixir.

"This is..." Feeling the powerful power contained in the golden elixir, Dragon Soul was immediately shocked. It may seem like a small elixir, but the energy contained in each elixir is astonishingly strong.

"The golden elixir of a cultivator contains the essence of a cultivator, and is an excellent material for refining puppets."

With another wave of his right hand, a large number of stone guards appeared in front of the two of them.Ning Feng came to the stone guards, carefully checked, and selected a few with better quality to carry the power of the golden elixir.

Chapter 3: Only relying on him

Integrating these golden elixirs into these stone man guards, and supplementing them with the stone man formation, with the protection of these stone man guards, even if the other party comes with a strong first-grade golden elixir, the safety of Yangzhou will definitely be safe.This is Ning Feng's killer move.

He gently pushed forward with his hands, and under the pull of the true essence, the golden elixir merged into the body of the stone man guard. In an instant, the stone figures fused with the golden elixir turned golden in an instant.

Especially the stone guard who was fused with a first-grade peak golden elixir was bathed in golden light.

Ning Feng shook his head. Although they were integrated with the golden elixir, the quality of these stone figures was still too poor. They needed to be refined before they could fully exert the power of the golden elixir.

Each of the pieces of stone figures must be re-refined. This is a huge project that cannot be completed in less than ten days and a half.

Ning Feng asked Dragon Soul to send him a message, and then 28 began to refine the stone man day and night.


Within the secret realm, anxiety and fear continue to affect everyone, whether they are casual cultivators or Taoist allies.In the past few days, rumors about being unable to leave this secret realm have been rampant.

The anxious tempers of the people have become more and more violent. Several large-scale battles have occurred between the casual cultivators and the Taoist League, and between the various sects of the Taoist League.

In the end, it was the senior leaders of several major forces in the Dao League who took action and forcibly suppressed the situation, preventing the situation from deteriorating further.

But this is already the limit. If no exit can be found, there may be a mutiny soon, and even the Dao Alliance may not be able to suppress it.

Ning Shen paced back and forth anxiously. As the leader of the Taoist Alliance, one can imagine the pressure he was under at this moment.The people who came this time were all the elites of the Dao Alliance. If these people were really trapped here and died, the whole Jiangnan would be turned upside down.


Several figures descended from the sky, it was Cang Ningyang, Master Qingyue Zhai and others.Now they have all entered the holy realm and can fly in the air.


Seeing everyone returning, Ning Shen hurriedly stepped forward to ask. Everyone shook their heads slightly. Obviously, this time the search for an exit also ended in failure.

"I have searched the entire secret realm, but I can't find the exit. This is impossible!" Ning Shen was a little angry and even lost his usual calmness. "If I had known better, I would have brought Bai Xunming in with him. He has come in before and then again." If you have been out before, you must know where the exit is."

"Ning Feng's gang of boys are nowhere to be found. It's obvious that they have left here." Cang Ningyang's face was not as ugly as Ning Shen's. He searched the entire secret realm but could not find the whereabouts of Cangling Feng. I think he should He left here with Ning Feng.

"Look again!" Ning Shen slapped the table, "Even if we have to dig three feet into the ground, we still have to find the exit. The Dao Alliance must not be trapped here."

"Where is the head of the Ning family? Please show up and tell me."

Suddenly, a loud sound like a bell came from the distance, and everyone was stunned when they heard it.

"Who is he? He only has such strong true energy."

The people present were all Saint Realm experts. As soon as they heard the voice, they knew that the other party was extraordinary, at least a master of Saint Realm or above.Ning Shen frowned, and the other party asked him to show up by name, which seemed to mean that he was coming with bad intentions.

"If you don't want to show up to meet me, you can't leave here." The voice said again, "I am at the Xianxiao sect's martial arts training ground, waiting for you to come."

"Martial arts arena?"

"There is a vast platform inside the gate of Xianxiao Sect. It should be there."

"Master Ning..."

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Ning Shen. Although they didn't know who the other party was, they couldn't guarantee whether it was a trap.

But this is their only clue now. They would rather believe it or not. In any case, they can only give it a try.

"Let's go, I want to see who is this sacred person who dares to clamor with my Taoist alliance." A loud voice echoed in the secret realm.

"Walking in the air, they have all broken through to the holy realm!"

"God bless Jiangnan, a group of strong men from the Holy Realm have finally appeared in Jiangnan!"

I don't know who screamed, and everyone looked up, their eyes firmly fixed on the leader Ning Shen, their eyes full of awe.The other party wanted to talk to him by name, and now, 057 could only rely on him.

Ning Shen and others were flying in the air, looking down from a high position and scanning the entire scene.

"This is the world in the eyes of a strong man in the Holy Realm."

The corners of Ning Shen's mouth rose slightly. The warriors at his feet, even masters in the innate realm, were as small as ants at this moment.The taste of the Holy Land is indeed delicious.

The senior leaders of the Dao League gradually lowered their height, and everyone quickly dispersed to make a clear space for them.

"Master He Fang, Ning is already here, please show up."

Ning Shen circulated his true energy and this was the first time he took action after entering the holy realm.The loud and clear voice resounded throughout the entire audience, and those with weaker cultivation skills were immediately dizzy by his words.

"Master Ning is indeed worthy of being the leader of an alliance." A voice came from mid-air, and everyone turned to look.

In mid-air, a figure seemed to appear out of thin air. The leader was a young man, who looked to be around 20 years old.Behind the man, there were a group of mysterious people wearing windbreakers and hoods whose faces could not be seen clearly.

Chapter 361 Unable to know the truth

"Holy realm powerhouse?"

Ning Shen and other senior leaders of the Dao Alliance frowned. The energy fluctuations emitted by those mysterious people were not inferior to them at all, and they were able to fly in the air. This was the sign of a strong person in the Holy Realm.

The young man standing at the front was holding a flying sword, and his aura was obviously much weaker.But judging from his position and the respectful attitude of the people behind him, it can be seen that this young man with the weakest cultivation is actually the one with the highest status.

"Your Excellency called Ning to come. What advice do you have?" Ning Shen took a step forward. As the leader of the Taoist Alliance, he must stand up at this moment. Once what happens today, Ning Shen will be a warrior in Jiangnan in the future. Your status in your mind will skyrocket.

"If you know how to leave here, please enlighten me."

Looking at Ning Shen, who was still dreaming of spring and autumn dreams at this moment, Su Li had a smile on his face, which was beyond stupid.

"The purpose of inviting Alliance Leader Ning to come here today is to ask Alliance Leader Ning to hand over the position of Alliance Leader under the witness of all Jiangnan comrades." Su Li's tone was very calm, as if he was telling an ordinary matter that could no longer be Same as normal things.



"How can we allow outsiders to comment on the affairs of our Dao Alliance!"

The Dao Alliance warriors were angry, especially the Ning family warriors. The other party's rude request was a slap in their faces.

Ning Shen's face turned livid instantly. He had already expected that the other party was coming from a bad person, but he didn't expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, he would hand over his position as the leader of the alliance.

However, as the leader of the alliance, Ning Shen is also experienced in the battlefield. Naturally, he cannot be intimidated by the opponent so easily: "As soon as your Excellency opens your mouth, you ask the leader to give up. Could it be that you want to provoke our alliance?" "

Su Li smiled. This Ning Shen was indeed an old fool. Provoking the alliance leader became a provocation to the Dao Alliance in his mouth.But it doesn't matter, anyway, Japan is here to cause trouble today.

"No, I don't want to challenge the authority of the Dao Alliance, but rather for the sake of the authority of the Dao Alliance. Who would be willing to let an unkind and unjust person sit in the position of the leader of the Dao Alliance and eat nothing?"

"Unkind and unjust? Haha, I thought that in front of my fellow Jiangnan colleagues, your Excellency would have some high-level remarks when you called me here. I didn't expect to hear such vulgar and unfounded words, which is really disappointing." Ning Shen laughed. Said sarcastically.

"Really?" Su Li did not argue, clapped his hands together, and in the shadow below, an old man appeared out of thin air. "Can the alliance leader recognize this person?"

"Huh?" Ning Shen frowned. The old man who appeared out of nowhere was also wearing a windbreaker and a hood. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, his body shape looked very familiar.

"Ning Shen, don't you recognize me?" The old man ripped off his windbreaker, revealing his true face in Lushan.

"Is he the third elder of the Ning family?" A senior executive of Cangxing Tower recognized the old man.

"The third elder of the Ning family?"

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