
The moment he took the Taoist book, Ning Feng felt a powerful Taoist charm from the Taoist book. The person who wrote this book would have a cultivation level that would not be lower than the level of an immortal.Even if he is placed in his own cultivation world, he is still a very powerful cultivator.

Such a person can be the leader of the Immortal Family and one of the top nine. It seems that this world is not simple.

"Hundred Schools Forum..." Ning Feng's mind left to extract relevant information from the memory palace, "Will the Taiyi Immortal Sect also want to participate?"

"The leader personally invited me, can you not go?" Wen Qian'er suppressed her anger. Only the incompetent would be furious. "I want to see what Jitian Palace wants to do this time."

"I also want to take a look." Ning Feng said.

"You? But you..."

Wen Qian'er didn't say it clearly, but Ning Feng understood.The Hundred Forums were convened this time, probably to discuss the matter of the mainland's boundary protection formation.Ning Feng went to participate, wasn't he throwing himself into a trap?

But Ning Feng also had his own considerations. The reason why he came to this world was to find You Ying's enemies.And this time at Baijia Forum, the leader of Xianxiao Sect might also go. After finding that person, the rest can be handed over to Youying.

With Youying's strength, although she cannot be said to be the best in the world, it is not that easy for the strong men in this world to kill her. At least if she wants to run away, she will be able to escape.

"In that case, then you come with me, Jin Chen, Yin Xing, you two guard the Taiyi Sect. Once people from the Zixiao Sect come to invade, you don't need to be polite to them, just use the sword formation to protect the sect."

"Yes." Jin Chen nodded and replied.Protecting the Sect Sword Formation?It seems that the Taiyi Immortal Sect has some trump cards that it doesn't know about.


To the north of Liuli Fairyland, there is a towering mountain range, named Tianji Mountains. It stretches for thousands of miles and is a natural barrier to the north of Liuli Fairyland.

The Jitian Palace is built on the highest peak of the Tianji Mountains. Cultivators below the Golden Core cannot reach it at all. Only those with the Golden Core and above can set foot on the land of the Jitian Palace with a sword.In the Jitian Palace, the palace owner He Zudao's cave is located at the top of Tianji Peak.

The sea of ​​clouds flows under your feet, and the afterglow of the stars in the sky shines on Tianji Peak.

Chapter 393 Forever

He Zudao, who was practicing in the cave, slowly opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and then counted with his fingers.As his thumbs continued to count in his palms, the sadness on his face became more serious.

In the northern star field, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang, seven stars shine together, and among the stars, Beichen, located in the center of the star field, is even more dazzling.

He Zudao raised his head and looked at the dark night sky, which looked surprisingly bright under the shining stars~.

In He Zudao's mouth, he silently read eight words: "The great calamity is approaching, the Seven Emperors will appear in this world..."

The great catastrophe was approaching, and the Seven Emperors appeared in the world. He Zudao's prophecy quickly spread within the Jitian Palace and spread to the surrounding areas of the Tianji Mountains at an extremely fast speed.

As the leader of the Immortal Family, He Zudao is a powerful person who understands the secrets of heaven. He is looked up to by mortals as a god-like existence.

The catastrophe is approaching. No one knows what kind of catastrophe it is, but everyone can't help but feel worried.What kind of scale of disaster can be called a great disaster by He Zudao?

What are the Seven Emperors?A savior?Or is it a world-destroying demon?

Various rumors spread one after another, and both cultivators and ordinary people tried to interpret the meaning of He Zudao's words, and this made the Baijia Forum particularly interesting.

Fengcheng is located to the northwest of Taiyi Gate and extends in all directions. It is the only way to the Jitian Palace from the East China Sea.

In order not to attract other people's attention, Ning Feng and Wen Qian'er changed their appearances dozens of miles away from the closed city. Today, one of them is a fat vendor.

The other was a rickety old man with white hair.The two effortlessly sneaked into the closed city without attracting anyone's attention.

"This city is divided into an outer city and an inner city. The outer city is the world of mortals, and the inner city is the world of practitioners." Wen Qian'er introduced: "Mortals gather in the outer city, and practitioners cannot rely on their own practice in the outer city. Oppress the civilians, otherwise they will be killed by the practitioners who sealed the city."

"We are just passing by this time, so there is no need to enter the inner city." Ning Feng said.

Wen Qian'er nodded. Their destination was Jitian Palace. There was really no need to waste time in Fengcheng. They could continue on their way after taking a short rest here.

Many cultivators had the same idea as Ning Feng, and cultivators could be seen everywhere passing by them.

"Those wearing Qinglian Taoist uniforms are sword cultivators from Qinglian Sword Sect in Shushan Mountain, and those wearing purple clothes, needless to say, you can guess it." Wen Qian'er said softly with a look of disgust.

Ning Feng nodded. Those disciples in purple clothes were all arrogant and arrogant. They were exactly the same as the envoys who came to Taiyi Sect that day. Naturally, they came from Zixiao Sect.

At this time, a burst of fragrance came from a distance. The fragrance was charming and refreshing.Everyone around him stood up and looked around, and soon discovered the source of this charming fragrance.

It was a spotless woman, sitting cross-legged under the tree.Her eyes were closed tightly, and there were lotus-shaped colored lines on her forehead. It looked like the makeup used by ordinary women, but Ning Feng knew that it was the lotus sword charm that she had already cultivated.There is no doubt that this woman is strong.

"Ling Qingyu... I didn't expect that even she would participate in this Baijia Forum." Wen Qian'er frowned, as if she didn't like this woman very much.

"Who is she?" Ning Feng asked curiously.

Wen Qian'er glanced at the fat man next to her with disgust. Men are indeed big pigs, and they can't walk around beautiful women.

?A sand stick?A stick?A stick to ask for flowers??Concrete/p>

"Ling Qingyu is an unparalleled talent from the Qinglian Sword Sect in Shushan Mountain. Although she looks sweet and lovely, she is actually an old monster who has reached the Yuan Shen stage. She is over 300 years old at least."


It would be a joke if such a person could be called a genius until he reached the Yuan Shen stage at the age of over three hundred years.However, Wen Qian'er's hostility towards Ling Qingyu was so strong that what she said could not be taken seriously.

According to Ning Feng's estimation, this Ling Qingyu should not be over 40 years old. If this is the case, he can indeed be regarded as an unparalleled cultivation wizard.

...... 0

"What about you? You are already at the pinnacle of a first-grade golden elixir, and you are just around the corner to become a soul. That Ling Qingyu is so talented and already over 300 years old, wouldn't you..."

"Go away, go away, I will always do it."

Wen Qian'er didn't expect that her casual angry words would dig a hole for herself, and Ning Feng took the opportunity to tease her, and she suddenly became angry.

"Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble. You are also a rare swordsmanship wizard. How do you compare with her?" Ning Feng thought for a moment and asked.

"She is older than me. When I reach her age, my cultivation and strength will definitely surpass hers." Wen Qian'er is very confident. With her here, the rise of Taiyi Sect will be inevitable.

A young man in purple clothes walked out of the crowd. He looked quite handsome. He held his left hand behind his back and waved a folding fan in his right hand. He was handsome and suave, with an extraordinary bearing. He walked towards Ling Qingyu with a smile on his face.

"The bug of Zixiao Sect." Compared to Ling Qingyu, Wen Qian'er obviously disliked that man more, even said she was disgusted.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Ning Feng was also a little curious about Ding.

Chapter 394 Shocked

"Gold and jade are on the outside, but ruin is on the inside." Wen Qian'er spat, as if the man's name was an insult to her.

The man in purple came to Ling Qingyu, closed his folding fan, and cupped his fists in a salute.

"Fairy Qingyu, it's been a long time." The man in purple said with a smile: "I live in Xiachi Changsheng. I have heard about the name of the fairy for a long time and have admired her for a long time. When I saw her today, I was even more shocked."

"Get lost." Ling Qingyu didn't open her eyes or move, but a sword energy spontaneously came out and slashed towards Chi Changsheng.

"The lotus sword charm of the Qinglian Sword Sect is indeed well-deserved. Fairy is really a rare white lotus in the world."

Chi Changsheng was no ordinary person. He jumped back slightly and dodged the sword energy.At this time, Chi Changsheng was not angry because the other party took action against him, but instead smiled brighter and brighter.

At this time, Ning Feng finally understood why Wen Qianer was so disgusted with this person. Isn't this just a licking dog?As the saying goes, licking a dog will lead to a good death, and licking will lead to nothing. Chi Changsheng will not be able to escape the fate of being a licking dog in the end.

Ling Qingyu was a little irritated by Chi Changsheng's entanglement, and she tried to drive him away several times, but Chi Changsheng had a good cultivation level, and he dodged every sword attack.

Ning Feng looked at it for a while and felt bored.He didn't know Ling Qingyu or Chi Changsheng, so naturally he had no intention of being a hero to save the beauty.

"All the famous and upright sects in the world say that our Hehuan sect is shameless and obscene, but when we meet today, the so-called righteous people are nothing more than the same." As soon as he finished speaking, several golden needles, pulled by the red thread, suddenly flew out and stabbed straight towards Chi. Immortal back.

The golden needles were small and difficult to detect, but they couldn't deceive masters like Chi Changsheng in the Yuan Shen stage. He used a folding fan in his hand and set off a strong wind, which completely bounced away the golden needles.

Turning around, I saw a man in red sitting on the tree. He was dressed rather slutty. He was holding a brocade handkerchief in his left hand and an embroidery needle in his right hand. He was obviously a man, but he was doing needlework. He couldn't tell. of monsters.

"Hehuan Sect, Mr. Lianyin..." Wen Qian'er was slightly surprised, "I didn't expect that when I stopped in Fengcheng for a while today, I could see three geniuses from the three major sects appearing at the same time. This is simply a miracle."

Mr. Lianyin?Who is he?Acacia pie?Ning Feng quickly searched for relevant information in the memory palace and soon got the answer.

Mr. Lianyin is one of the geniuses cultivated by the Hehuan Sect. Although he looks feminine and a bit strange, he is actually a fierce man.

He once single-handedly killed dozens of geniuses from the Zixiao Sect. Even the elders of the Zixiao Sect were alarmed by him and wanted to kill him personally, but he still lived happily until now.

"Who I thought you were, turned out to be Mr. Lianyin. Looking at you, I don't know which girl you have harmed again." Chi Changsheng said scornfully.

"Although our Hehuan Sect practices the method of dual cultivation of Hehuan, we are not as dissolute and unrestrained as you said. But anyway, in the eyes of you decent people, our Hehuan Sect has long been classified as an evil heretic, and you don't have to be with us. I engage in verbal disputes.

If you are not convinced, you can come over and give me advice, or you can use all your Zixiao Sect's power to attack Hehuan Island, and our Hehuan Sect will follow. "

Although Mr. Lianyin seemed to be feminine, he was actually an extremely staunch person. In just a few words, Chi Changsheng was speechless.After all, with Chi Changsheng's strength, he is far from being a match for Young Master Lianyin. Even though they both claim to be geniuses, their strengths are worlds apart...

With Mr. Lianyin here, Chi Changsheng could no longer get even half a step closer to Ling Qingyu. If he continued to stay, it would only make him a laughing stock, so he left angrily.

"You have become stronger." Ling Qingyu said without opening her eyes.

Mr. Lianyin was just minding his own embroidery and did not answer the call.

"This... seems to be a little different from the Hehuan Sect I know!" There were several thick black lines hanging on Ning Feng's forehead. In his world of cultivation, the Hehuan Sect was not a good man and a believer in women. It can be said that they committed rape, robbery and robbery. Regardless of whether they are men or women, if they fall into the hands of the Acacia sect, they will end up extremely miserable.

"Although Hehuan Sect has a poor reputation, I have never heard of them doing any shocking things in recent years. Most of them are smeared by so-called decent people."

Wen Qian'er continued: "Especially this Mr. Lianyin, although he seems to be bohemian, in fact he has a deep love for Ling Qingyu. However, King Xiang is interested in the goddess but not the goddess. Ling Qingyu is devoted to the pursuit of immortality. As for the love between men and women, It has long been forgotten."

"If that's the case, this Lianyin 1.2 young master is worth making friends with." Ning Feng said with a smile.

"Only you?" Wen Qian'er looked at Ning Feng as if she were a fool, "Even this girl looks down on me. You are just a pill-forming person, but you actually want to get to know a big shot at the Yuan Shen stage. I advise you, or Save it."

Ning Feng laughed and said nothing. This time they felt comfortable watching the show, so the two of them set off again without further delay.

The next destination for Ning Feng and the two of them is Daliang City in the northwest, which is thousands of miles away. It may take a year and a half for Yujian Flying to arrive, not to mention that Ning Feng has not yet reached the holy realm. I can't even fly anymore.

Chapter 395: Becoming possessive

Fortunately, there is an airport in the closed city, which provides starship services to and from the entire Liuli Wonderland.

The so-called starships are very similar to the mainland's airships. They are driven by spiritual energy and are extremely fast.Daliang City, which originally took a year and a half to reach, can be reached in just one month by starship.

Ning Feng, a pauper, was completely destitute. He had no currency that could be circulated in Liuli Fairyland, and the spiritual stones brought from the mainland were slightly different from the spiritual stones in the world.Naturally, Ning Feng, who was afraid of exposing his identity, did not dare to use it.

Fortunately, there is Wen Qian'er by her side. Even if the Taiyi Sect declines, Wen Qian'er, as the sect leader, can still get away with this small amount of money, but her face doesn't look very good when she pays.

After boarding the starship, it is a long journey. However, for cultivators, it is normal to retreat for a year and a half at a time. For those with advanced cultivators, it is common for those who have advanced cultivation to retreat for hundreds or thousands of years.Most of the passengers on the starship also stayed in their rooms to practice behind closed doors, without seeing outsiders.

Ning Feng, who was practicing the Heaven-Seizing Creation Sutra, did not shut himself in the room, but went to the deck to enjoy the wind.Even if he doesn't practice deliberately now, his cultivation level has improved at an alarming rate.

The gathering of many people's cultivation talents and luck allowed his cultivation to improve faster than ordinary people's hard work day and night, so that he had to suppress his cultivation from time to time to avoid improving too quickly and arousing the curiosity of others.

Not all the other cultivators on the starship locked themselves in the room. When Ning Feng came to the deck, many people were exchanging opinions.This Baijia Forum has attracted worldwide attention, and the exchange of information is particularly important.

"Have you heard? This time, the leader even invited people from the Taiyi Sect to participate in the Baijia Forum."

The voice of a practitioner suddenly caught Ning Feng's attention. Ning Feng turned around and saw a group of practitioners surrounding one person.

Driven by curiosity, Ning Feng also leaned over, wanting to see what these people were talking about.

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