After the move, He Zhengqing opened his eyes and let out a long breath: "Where did this kid learn this evil technique?"

Originally, He Zhengqing had doubts about what Tianfo said, but now it seems that Ning Feng, this kid, is indeed extraordinary.Perhaps the Heavenly Buddha, who has experienced countless reincarnations, really saw something in him that he could not see?

In the Buddhist courtyard, Tianfozi, Emperor Tathagata, and Buddha Emperor held rosary beads in their hands and recited Buddhist scriptures.Suddenly, the chanting of the three people stopped abruptly, and the hands holding the rosary also stopped moving at the same time.

"Two Buddhist friends, what do you think??" Tian Fozi opened his eyes and looked at Emperor Tathagata and Buddha Emperor.

"This child's technique is extremely evil and may cause disaster in the future." Emperor Buddha said worriedly.

"Yes, that weird technique can not only disperse other people's cultivation, but can also deprive others of their luck. If these techniques are spread, I am afraid it will cause a bloody storm in the entire world. "Di Tathagata also said worriedly.

Emperor Tathagata and Emperor Buddha looked at Tianfozi at the same time. As the person with the highest status and seniority in Buddhism, Tianfo was also known as the existence closest to the Lord Buddha.

"Buddha friend, what is this?" Tianfozi grabbed it with his empty hand, and the Buddhist monk's sword enshrined next to Emperor Tathagata fell into his hand.


"Is it good or evil?"

"There is no good and no evil."

"Buddha friends are wise."

Emperor Tathagata and Buddha Emperor are both eminent Buddhist monks, and they instantly understood the meaning of Tianfozi.There is no distinction between good and evil in the sword. In the hands of good people, it is naturally good. But once it falls into the hands of evil people, it will become a murderous weapon.

It's not that Tathagata Tathagata and Emperor Buddha didn't understand this simple truth, but the matter was too involved, and they lost their original intention for a while and became obsessed with it.After being reminded by Tian Fozi, I realized that I had almost gone astray.

"There is God's will, everything, but it depends on his own creation and choice."


The day for the forum of hundreds of schools of thought was getting closer and closer, all the scholars gathered together, and the entire Jitian Palace became unusually calm.

Regardless of whether they are from the top nine schools, the three sects, or other small sects invited to attend, they all shut themselves in their own courtyards. Before the storm, there is the most tranquility.

In this weird atmosphere, the day for the forum finally came.Jitian Palace Zhaoyang Pavilion is the main venue for this forum.

As a member of the Jitian Palace and having He Zhengqing's personal token, Ning Feng is naturally qualified to attend the forum.There were still several hours before the opening of the forum, so Ning Feng arrived at Zhaoyang Pavilion early.

There is a round table with nine seats in the center of Zhaoyang Pavilion. Only the top nine leaders are qualified to sit on those nine seats.And behind each seat are the seats belonging to the major forces.

Behind Xianjia He Zhengqing's seat, Wen Qian'er also arrived at the venue early.As a person specially invited by the leader to attend the meeting, Wen Qianer's seat was very close to the front.

Ning Feng smiled. It had been a while since we parted ways with Wen Qian'er that day. This girl's cultivation had improved again, and she had actually broken through the golden elixir bottleneck and entered the Yuan Shen stage.

It has to be said that this girl boasts of being extremely talented, not because she is conceited, but because she is truly capable.

"Humph!" (De Nuo Zhao) Wen Qian'er glanced at Ning Feng, frowned, snorted and turned away, obviously she was not in a good mood.

Ning Feng chuckled, and he naturally understood why Wen Qian'er was angry.

Taiyi Sect is the former leader of the Immortal Family. Wen Qian'er has always been dissatisfied with Jitian Palace and has deep prejudices. She has become a member of Jitian Palace without saying a word, and it is rumored that she is the direct disciple of He Zhengqing. This makes Wen Qian'er How can I not be angry?

But Ning Feng didn't care. He was not a shameless person, but once he became shameless, he was no longer the same person.At this time, instead of avoiding Wen Qian'er, he took the initiative to stick to her.

"Why, when you meet old friends, don't you say hello?" Ning Feng joked.

Chapter 4 The greatest power

"Get lost, you scumbag." Wen Qian'er said angrily.

Ning Feng was speechless. This girl was so angry that she was no different from an ordinary woman. Regardless of Sanqi 21, she would directly label you a scumbag. She didn't look like a cultivator who had reached the Yuan Shen stage.

As the opening time of the forum got closer and closer, Zhaoyang Pavilion was crowded with people, and various forces from the world gradually came into Ning Feng's sight.

"Who are those people?"

Ning Feng asked curiously as a group of warriors wore colorful cloud robes and looked dazzling and cool.

"Oh, you are a disciple of Jitian Palace, and you are personally taught by the leader, how come you don't even know the people in Mufo Cave?" Wen Qian'er mocked.

Wooden Buddha Cave?

The moment he heard this term, the memory in Ning Feng's mind was quickly awakened.Wooden Buddha Cave is a world controlled by Dongqiao Shan, one of the nine great masters in the world.

The people of Wood Buddha 197 Dongtian are famous throughout the world for their expertise in alchemy. The owner of the mountain, Dongqiao Danjun, is even known as the God of Alchemy. He is the person with the most profound attainments in alchemy in the entire world.

"The people in Dongqiao Mountain practice the Nine-turn Golden Pill, which uses elixirs to improve their cultivation level. They use the power of elixirs to forcibly improve their cultivation level. Therefore, the cultivation level of the entire Mufo Cave people is very high. , but the sequelae of this method of using elixirs to improve cultivation are also very obvious, that is, their combat effectiveness is much weaker than that of strong men of the same realm."

Seeing that Ning Feng didn't seem to realize the power of the Wooden Buddha Cave, Wen Qian'er added another sentence.

"Although there is a huge difference in combat effectiveness between those at the same level, as long as the cultivation level is several levels higher than the opponent's, it is enough to crush the enemy. The advantage of this method of cultivation is that it is fast. It may take others ten years to improve the same level, but they , it may only take a year." Ning Feng nodded.

(cibc) This nine-turn golden elixir directly points to Dafa. Although it has its disadvantages, its advantages are equally significant.There are as many powerful people as there are in Mufo Cave, although their quality is not as good as other top nine-level experts.

But the number is surprisingly large. Anyone who wants to fight Mufo Dongtian will probably need to consider whether he can eat so many super powerful people.

While the two were talking, another large group of powerful people poured into Zhaoyang Pavilion. Unlike the powerful people from the Dan family, although this large group of people was large in number, each one of them was very low-key.After entering the pavilion, he quickly found his seat and sat down.

This time Wen Qian'er was very proactive. Without waiting for Ning Feng to ask questions, she took the initiative to introduce him to him, "Those people are from two groups, one from the Legal family and the other from the Zhen family."

The formation masters are good at formations, and the strongest ones among them are called formation masters. Their own strength is not particularly strong.Especially for the formation families, without the help of formations, even ten strong men from the formation families may not be able to win over a strong person from the Xian family.

However, once their formation is completed, the situation will reverse instantly.Ten strong men from the Immortal Family may not be able to win over a formation master who has opened the formation.

Legalists are good at magic, and they need enough time to chant and form seals. When facing enemies, they need someone to protect them in order to exert their maximum power.

In other words, if Legalists are fighting against others, they will probably be unable to defeat them. However, once there are many against many, the power of Legalists will be displayed in front of the world in a frightening manner.

After the strong men from the Legalist and Arrayist families, a group of black-armored warriors entered Zhaoyang Pavilion in an orderly manner.They quickly found their seats, sat down quickly and quietly, and then became motionless like sculptures.

"What a strict discipline."

These black-armored warriors are not ordinary warriors, more like soldiers.From their temperament, Ning Feng felt a sense of battle-hardened determination.

Ning Feng believed that these sergeants, as long as they gave the order, would die without even frowning.

Regarding the records of these black-armored warriors, Ning Feng read the relevant books in Liuli Pavilion.If what he expected was true, these black-armored sergeants should be military strategists from the Six Heavens Realm.

Military strategists are good at forging hundreds of soldiers and are proficient in military tactics and strategies. They are the most powerful force in the world.The entire military strategist is like a huge military empire.

Their leader calls himself the Emperor of Heaven, and he has many strong men under his command, and he enforces orders and prohibitions. Although he is only one place higher than the Immortal Family among the top nine ranks, if he really takes action, even the three sects will not dare to underestimate him. Their strength.

Just looking at these black-armored sergeants, Ning Feng could already imagine what a vigorous and resolute figure the Emperor of the Six Heavens Realm was.

As more and more people came to Zhaoyang Pavilion, the atmosphere of the entire venue became lively.Various schools of thought often interact with each other, some are closely related, and some are as powerful as fire and water.

When they meet, people who are on good terms will inevitably exchange a few words, while people who are on bad terms will laugh at each other. If it wasn't for Ji Tiangong's sake, they might have gotten into a fight.

Just when Ning Feng was expecting the nine masters of the Nine Ranks to appear, a murderous aura suddenly came from behind him, as if someone was pressing a sword against his back from behind, which made people very uncomfortable.

Looking back, I saw a man who looked less than thirty, looking at me expressionlessly.The two looked at each other, and for a moment, a tacit understanding emerged.

Chapter 4: Help

"He is Lord Yunshang." Kong Mingzi whispered.

There was no emotion on the face of the man in black. He had already been mentally prepared for this outcome.

That rather young man, his aura was as surging as the sea, Ning Feng's eyes were firmly locked on him. Is this person the mastermind behind a series of events?

Although Ning Feng wanted to take him down directly, the strength of the two sides was greatly different at this time.The opponent's cultivation level has probably reached the peak of the Mahayana stage, and is only one step away from the realm of immortality.

"What are you looking at?" Wen Qian'er saw that Ning Feng's expression was so abnormal, and there was a vague murderous aura floating around her body, so she quickly followed his line of sight and looked back, "Kong Mingzi of the Xianxiao Sect? "

"Do you know him?" Ning Feng withdrew his gaze and forced himself to calm down.

"The Xianxiao Sect is a new sect that has emerged among the Immortal Family. It has been inherited for only ten thousand years." Wen Qian'er said: "Looking at you, it seems that you have a grudge against Nakong Mingzi?"

"Blood feud." Ning Feng said calmly.

Wen Qian'er was slightly startled. Apparently Ning Feng still had a past that she didn't know about: "In that case, I kindly remind you that Kong Mingzi is not a simple person. He is now at the peak of the Mahayana period. He is only one step away from being banished to immortality, and it is even very possible that he will be the youngest person to be banished to immortality in the entire Immortal Family in countless years.~"


Ning Feng did not expect that the little-known Xianxiao Sect would now have such a figure.In his own world of cultivation, the Immortal was already a very powerful cultivator. Countless geniuses spent countless efforts and resources, but they were unable to break through the bottleneck of the Immortal, and were eventually tortured to death.

As for this Kong Mingzi, although his exact age is not known, judging from his aura, he cannot be more than three hundred years old.This kind of talent is even much better than what I used to be.

But Ning Feng is not worried. Although the banished immortal is powerful, it is not uncommon in the world of cultivation.You must know that in the past tens of millions of years, there have been astonishing and talented people in the world of cultivation, like crucian carp crossing the river, but he is the only one who can achieve the realm of a god.

There is a natural chasm between the banished immortal and the divine king.Even though I was endowed with peerless talent and great luck, I almost escaped death and broke through the bottleneck of the Divine Lord. Without my own guidance, the possibility of becoming a Divine Lord was basically zero.

Suddenly, Ning Feng thought of something.When Ning Duanchen was traveling in the south of the Yangtze River, he accidentally ran into the battle between Kong Mingzi and Youying. This meant that Kong Mingzi had a way to enter the mainland, and Shang Zhe after that should have traveled back and forth between the mainland and outside.

There is a world-protecting formation on the mainland. How did the Xianxiao sect pass through this world-protecting formation without attracting the attention of hundreds of schools of thought?

Various questions were forcibly suppressed by Ning Feng. Perhaps, as this forum progresses, these questions will be answered.

At this time, the entire venue suddenly became quiet.The first boss-level figure finally appears.

The visitor was dressed in flowing cloud clothes, with crane hair and a childlike face, and appeared in front of everyone out of thin air.

"Greetings to Mr. Dongqiao Dan." Everyone in the venue stood up and saluted the old man with gray hair and boyish face.

As one of the leaders of Shangjiu Liu, Dongqiao Danjun not only has a respected position, but is also very popular.After all, no matter which family's power it is, there will always be times when the alchemy master needs help.

And the best alchemists in the entire world are in Mufo Cave.It can be said that all the schools of thought owe a favor to Lord Dongqiao Dan. This is also one of the reasons why Mufo Cave is so powerful.

?A sand stick?A stick?A stick to ask for flowers??Concrete/p>

Dongqiao Danjun smiled and waved to everyone, then sat down in his seat.This old man has a somewhat kind face, but his aura is extremely powerful.

"He is not a cultivator, his cultivation has at least reached the Martial Lord realm." Wen Qian'er said.

"Martial Lord Realm?" Ning Feng was a little confused. There was no powerful person above the Venerable in the mainland, and the classics he read in Liuli Pavilion did not mention the cultivation realm of warriors in the world.

Maybe it's because these things are really basic and can no longer be basic, so those classics are not included.


"The realms of warriors and cultivators in the world are completely different. Above the holy realm is the source realm, and above the source realm is the Tao realm. Above the Tao realm, there are the realms of the Venerable, the Martial Emperor, and the Martial Lord. Each great realm has three It’s a small realm. Above the Martial Lord, there is the legendary Martial God Realm.”

"..." Ning Feng quickly ran through these realms in his mind, "Then can it be considered that the Martial Emperor Realm is equivalent to the Mahayana Stage of a cultivator, and the Martial Lord Realm is equivalent to the Immortal Realm?"

"That's pretty much understandable." Wen Qian'er nodded.

No wonder Shang Zhe told himself that no one in the entire continent could be the opponent of the leader of the Xianxiao Sect.Even Tianjizi, the acting dean of the Tianwu Academy, is only at the Venerable level, which is equivalent to the Yuanshen stage and is a whole level lower than him.

If you want to take down Kong Mingzi, you must have at least the strength at the peak of the Martial Emperor Realm.He is only innate now, and wanting to fight against Kong Mingzi is nothing more than a dream.

Ning Feng closed his eyes and tried to wake up the ghost in his body.If there is anyone in the world who is most likely to be her enemy, Kong Mingzi is undoubtedly the biggest suspect.

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