"That is……"

The mountain at Ning Feng's feet collapsed again. Just pulling out a sword had such power. This sword was absolutely extraordinary.

The moment she saw the long sword, Youying's already ugly face became even more gloomy, because the black long sword was made from the dragon's spine of her body... .

At this time, Kong Mingzi didn't know that he had completely narrowed the road. He was holding the divine sword with a stern look in his eyes. With this sword in his hand, he has the world.

Just when Ning Feng was paying attention to the battle situation at the upper level, a palm suddenly came from behind, hurting his heart. By the time Ning Feng noticed it, it was too late, and his whole body was completely blown away.


When he met Jianqing, he was overjoyed. Ning Feng gave him the feeling of being extremely dangerous, so he just took advantage of his distraction to make a sneak attack and succeeded in one fell swoop.In this way, it can be regarded as making a contribution to the Confucian sect and getting rid of a serious problem.


Above, Kong Mingzi and Jianru cursed at the same time.One of them covets Ning Feng's skills, and the other wants Ning Feng to pass on what he has learned throughout his life. Neither of them wants Ning Feng to have any shortcomings.

The moment the two were distracted, You Ying moved, and the black ball filled with destructive power in his right palm flew out of his hand and hit Kong Mingzi in the distance.

The moment Kong Mingzi came back to his senses, the small ball shining with black thunder and lightning was already in front of him.


Kong Mingzi swung the dark ancient sword in his hand almost instinctively. The sword's edge flashed and collided with the small ball. The dark ball was easily cut by the sword's edge and flew into the air in two parts. Behind Mingzi on both sides.


With two shocking explosions, large areas of space collapsed, and two terrifying space vortices began to devour everything around them. People with weaker cultivation levels were sucked into them, and they exploded and died on the spot. The energy in their bodies turned into the energy to repair the space. part.

The spectacular scene attracted the attention of most people present, and He Jianqing was no exception. At this moment, he looked at the two terrifying vortexes in the sky with a face filled with astonishment, as if he was watching the end of the world.

Chapter 4: Trading injuries for lives

He Jianqing was stunned, not noticing at all that a figure behind him shot out from the rubble and rushed towards his back.

"not good."

Sensing the murderous intent behind him, He Jianqing turned around for a moment, and Ning Feng's palm had already stabbed his chest.

Pfft, He Jianqing reacted very quickly, and tightly clamped Ning Feng's right arm with both hands, but Ning Feng's fingertips were still inserted half an inch into his chest.


Ning Feng pressed on to seize the Heavenly Creation Kung again. In an instant, He Jianqing only felt that the sky was dark and the earth was dark. His soul seemed to have been cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. The strength of his body was also passing away quickly. The true essence was emitted from the body at a terrifying speed. His state was crazy. of falling.


Painful wails resounded throughout Tianji Peak, but Ning Feng had no intention of stopping. The essence of life and the source of his soul continued to flow into his body, and his cracked hands healed rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Save me. 28"

He Jianqing looked at Yue Hanying in the distance. Now he had no way to resist Ning Feng and could only pin his hopes on his fellow disciples.

However, Yue Hanying and others had seen Ning Feng's methods, and they did not dare to step forward at this moment. They could only continue to attack from a distance with their sword energy, trying to save Me Jianqing.


Ning Feng's body opened a thin light curtain, and the sword energy of the Confucian sect fell on the light curtain. It only caused ripples, but could not hurt Ning Feng at all.

"..." He Jianqing looked at everything in front of him desperately. He knew that he might not be able to escape today.

With a clang, as He Jianqing's body fell to dust, Ning Feng's hands returned to their original state, and his whole body's energy returned to its peak.

"Come on the sword, come on the sword." Ning Feng spread his hands and shouted loudly, and the pair of swords that were chopped off by the swordsman fell into Ning Feng's hands tremblingly.

With the sword in hand, Ning Feng nodded with satisfaction: "Submit to me, and you will enjoy endless glory in the future."

The swords trembled, as if they were compromising and surrendering. No matter what, these swords did not dare to resist Ning Feng anymore.Ning Feng looked at the Confucian sect in the distance. His slow steps and slightly raised corners of his mouth looked like evil ghosts crawling out of hell.

Seeing this, all the powerful men in the realm of the Confucian sect couldn't help but take a step back and confront Ning Feng. The mummy-like He Jianqing on the side was their fate.

But at this moment, Yu Wuxia was watching from the side. If he just retreated, he would not only lose the reputation of the Confucian sect, but he would also be severely punished.

"Fight it all, attack together, I don't believe this guy can be equal to ten." A Confucian martial artist risked his life, but he didn't believe that dozens of their sages could be intimidated by an unknown brat.

"Kill." Dozens of Confucian masters took action at the same time, using their proud sword skills to kill Ning Feng.

After experiencing the battle with He Jianqing just now, Ning Feng has completely figured it out at this moment. With such magical skills as the Heavenly Creation Skill, as long as he is not killed instantly, no matter how serious the injury is, he can absorb the opponent's life essence. to repair the body.

With the sword in his hand at this moment, he simply did not bother to defend, but chose to trade injuries for lives.

Bang, the ground cracked under his feet. Ning Feng's body shot out, and his sword was raised like a wing, killing everyone in the Confucian sect.


A pair of swords from the Confucian sect pierced his body. Ning Feng didn't even blink. He slashed out his swords with both hands at the same time, and his two heads flew out.


With a deep voice, Zhenyuan shook out the sword inserted in his body at the same time, shooting at the strong man from the Confucian sect.The power of the sword attached to the soul of the Divine Lord was extraordinary. It directly cut off the heads of two Confucian sects, and then nailed the two Confucian sects to the mountain wall in the distance.


The Confucian sect's venerables were already furious. Ning Feng killed several people in the blink of an eye, all of whom were their comrades. At this moment, hatred was so intense that no one could care about anything else.


Ning Feng snorted coldly and released a layer of light curtain from his body. The blade of a strong man from the Confucian sect struck the light curtain, and his speed and strength were suddenly reduced by three points.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Feng pierced the body of the venerable man with his sword, wrapped his body with his own true energy, and at the same time activated the heaven-shaking creation power.

"Ah." After a wailing sound, the life essence merged into Ning Feng's body, and the sword he had just received was completely healed in the blink of an eye.

"You can actually do it with 243 true yuan?" Everyone in the Confucian sect was shocked. Ning Feng's methods seemed to have taken a step further in the battle.

Ning Feng was also a little surprised. He originally did it out of desperation, but unexpectedly the effect was surprisingly good. He wrapped his opponent with true energy and then used the divine creation power. The efficiency was dozens of times or even higher than that of physical contact. hundred times.

"So, wouldn't I be invincible?"

Ning Feng licked his lips, a look of greed flashed in his eyes.The power of seizing heaven and creation can amplify people's greedy nature to the greatest extent. It was because Xiao Xiao in the cultivation world could not restrain his greed that he was hunted down by the entire cultivation world.

At this moment, Ning Feng was unknowingly immersed in the powerful effects of the Heaven-Seizing Creation Art. In his eyes, the Confucian people in front of him were just a bunch of bait.


Ning Feng no longer hesitated, swung his sword and took the initiative to attack, killing everyone in the Confucian sect. He wrapped the sword with his own true energy, and with every sword and sword, he activated the divine creation power to the extreme.

Chapter 421 Kill this demon

Every time everyone in the Confucian sect is hit by a sword, they will lose a lot of life essence and soul origin, and even their luck will be constantly swallowed up by Ning Feng.Ning Fenghun was not afraid of death and became more courageous as he fought.

And every time everyone in the Confucian sect was hit by a sword, they would be tortured by the pain of tearing their souls apart.No matter how serious the injury was, he could recover quickly. Therefore, on the Tianji Peak battlefield at this moment, there was a spectacle of one man chasing dozens of people to chop him.

With a pop, the last Confucian sect fell in front of Ning Feng. At this time, his body was covered in blood, but his eyes were piercing. Under the extreme excitement, the hands holding the sword began to be unable to restrain their excitement. Tremble.

The luck, life essence and soul origin of dozens of powerful people in the Venerable Realm poured into Ning Feng's body, as if a door had been opened, and behind the door was a brand new unknown world.

However, at this moment, Ning Feng did not have much time to calm down and examine the changes in his body. The battle between the Confucian sect and the Immortal sect was still going on, and the two Immortal Confucian sects above had been killed in a dark and bloody manner.


There was another violent shock, and the spatial distortion visible to the naked eye was pushed around, and the center of this shock was Youying and Jianru.


With a shocking explosion, Jianru's body flew backwards. Although he was already the top powerhouse in the world, facing Youying who controlled all the soul power of Lord Yun Shang, he still didn't have much chance of winning. It could even be said that he was completely defeated by Youying. Fluorescence suppression.


Behind Youying, Kong Mingzi, who had been unable to intervene in the battle, looked at the gap and pierced Youying with his sword. The dark ancient sword penetrated the space, crossed the distance, appeared on Youying's back, and pierced towards the heart. Go down.


The moment the sword tip touched Youying's skin, her body glowed with a layer of faint light, and the entire ancient sword sank into her body.However, there was no feedback from the ancient sword in Kong Mingzi's hand, and the sword seemed to have failed.

"How could...?..."

Kong Mingzi was shocked. He was proficient in the laws of space and did not notice any space fluctuations at all. In other words, this sword should have actually hit.

At this moment, a suction force suddenly struck, sucking the ancient sword in Kong Mingzi's hand into Youying's body.Kong Mingzi was immediately shocked. This sword was a treasure that he had spent countless efforts refining. If it were lost like this, Kong Mingzi would be so angry that he would vomit blood.

However, the terrifying suction force was not something that Kong Mingzi could resist. Even if he held the hilt of the sword with both hands and pulled it backwards desperately, he still could not prevent the ancient sword from sinking into Youying's body inch by inch.


Youying roared angrily, and the majestic soul power erupted from her body, crushing Kong Mingzi with an overwhelming force.The moment Kong Mingzi hit the soul power, he could no longer hold the hilt of the sword. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

The ancient sword was completely submerged into Youying's body. She closed her eyes slightly, and then opened them again. Her whole aura changed again. A pair of black wings covering the sky spread out behind her, stretching for hundreds of miles. The originally clear sky suddenly became like a dark night. Advent.


The Xianru family, who were fighting fiercely, were also attracted by this vision at this moment, and stopped at the same time, looking towards Youying.Yin Chunqiu and He Zhengqing were also shocked by Youying's power.

"I didn't expect there to be such a strong person in this world..." Yin Chunqiu frowned.

"Haha, are there things in this world that you, a great scholar in the world, can't think of?" He Zhengqing mocked.

"Such a monster will definitely bring disaster to the world. Jiutian Xuanzun once predicted that a great catastrophe is coming, and he may be referring to this monster. Today, I, the Confucian sect, will act on behalf of heaven and kill this monster."

Yin Chunqiu ignored He Zhengqing's provocation and ridicule. He took out a token with his right hand and raised it to the sky. In an instant, the token shone brightly, as bright as day.

"This is the Order of the Light World." Yu Wuxia raised his eyes and then looked at the Buddhist and Taoist sects, "The three religions are united. Now that the catastrophe is approaching, we ask the Taoist and Buddhist sects to stand on the same front as our Confucian sect and kill them. This monster."

Obviously, the strength of the Confucian family is more than enough to deal with the Xian family, but if they are to deal with this mysterious woman who suddenly appears at the same time, it seems a little stretched.But if there is help from Taoism and Buddhism, it will be a completely different situation.

The strength of Taoism and Buddhism is not inferior to that of Confucianism. The three religions have maintained a good relationship for a long time and jointly govern the world. They are the absolute leaders of the nine schools of thought.

At this time, in the face of a great crisis, Yu has no time to speak. If Taoism and Buddhism refuse, there may be a gap between the three religions.

"It is the duty of my Taoist sect to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Daozhen will obey the order and help the Confucian sect fight." Dao Panyang Qianche swept the dust in his hand, and the three Taoists turned into streams of light and joined the battle.

"Thank you. So, where is Buddhism?" Yu Wuxia turned his attention to the Buddha Emperor of the Nine Realms.

"Amitabha, God has the virtue of good life, and our Buddhist sect will not participate in such killings." The Buddha Emperor shook his head and refused simply and neatly, without any sloppiness. This also made Yu Wuxia, who was in charge, feel that his face was shameless.

Buddhism, this is a blatant slap in the face of Confucianism.

However, at this moment, Yu Wuxia did not dare to fall out. If he forced Buddhism towards the Immortal Family, it would really be more than he would gain. As long as Buddhism did not interfere, then after taking care of the Immortal Family today, he would slowly deal with Buddhism in the future.

Chapter 422 Deep Despair

"Master Jade, our Mo family is willing to help you." At this time, the Mo family giant who had been silent until now suddenly said.

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