As a standard old Qin person (Qin fan).

Of course, Fu Che knew that Shao Siming was the elder of the Onmyoji family, the Wood Chief, and that he was also good at the Onmyoji of the wood system, Wan Ye Fei Hua Liu.

However, low-level yin-yang techniques such as lighting a fire should have no restrictions on the five elements attributes.

The two of them sat together by the fire.

The burning wood crackled from time to time.

The surrounding night wind was still desolate.

Just because of the presence of fire, it is no longer cold here.

"Are you hungry? I still have some food with me."

Fu Che asked Young Siming.

Shaoxing shook his head.

"If you are hungry, just tell me to go to bed early. I will keep watch at night."

Fu Che said.

Shao Siming still nodded.

This is the boredom of three-no girls.

He doesn't even say anything, he just nods and shakes his head, and the rest is all eye contact.

But the amazing thing is that Fu Che is actually used to this way of communication.

Shao Siming's slender white hands slowly brushed through the void.

A green aura of internal energy began to spread from the palm of his hand.

Then a miraculous scene appeared.

The land that was originally a little barren due to autumn actually started to sprout new grass buds at this moment. In just a few breaths, with the two of them as the center, dense green grass grew within a foot around them. .


Fu Che looked at this magical scene and said directly.

Shao Siming didn't say anything.

Wrapped in Fu Che's robe, he curled up on the lawn. Fortunately, the bonfire was burning, so he didn't have to worry about catching a cold while sleeping.

Fu Che, on the other hand, sat cross-legged, with his sword beside him, and began to use the breathing technique passed down from generation to generation by the Qin royal family.

Fu Che has the current martial arts skills.

Not only because of his extremely talented person and the guidance of an expert.

And his extreme self-discipline and diligence.

Even when resting, he will unconsciously use breathing techniques to cultivate his own internal strength.

The world was completely silent at this moment.

There was only the sound of the burning fire, and the sound of the wind and the movement of the nocturnal animals in the forest around me.

I don't know how long it has been.

Shao Siming, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his head and glanced at Fu Che, who was adjusting his breathing with his eyes closed.

He sat up from the lawn and moved to Fu Che's side.

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The latter opened his eyes and looked at her.

There was still no expression on her face, but her actions seemed a bit...intimate?

Shao Siming leaned close to Fu Che and rested his head on his shoulder.

This allowed him to clearly smell the other person's body fragrance.

A robe was draped over the two of them.

It makes such a cold night feel a little more warm.

Fu Che didn't know whether Shao Siming was sincere or fake.

But how can that be?

Fu Che grabbed one of Shao Siming's hands and slowly injected the rich internal energy into her eight extraordinary meridians.

The latter only felt a warm current sweeping through his body.

He opened his eyes and glanced at Fu Che, then leaned on the other person's shoulder and fell asleep.

Fu Che could feel that Shao Siming was really relaxed.

His body was no longer stiff, and his weight rested entirely on his body.

The small amount of internal energy consumed to keep Shao Siming warm was nothing to Fu Che.

Feeling the body temperature of the people around me, all the previous uneasiness seemed to be temporarily suppressed at this moment.

There were only two of them left in the world.

"It seems like it's nice to be able to stay together like this forever."

Fu Che thought so.

Don't worry about the enemies, both overt and covert.

Don't worry about the fate of your future empire.

There is no need to worry day and night about the life and death of himself and his brother.

Such an idea is ultimately unrealistic.

The Tomb of Heroes in Wenwen Township, but the same Wenwen Township is also a haven where heroes can temporarily return to themselves.

Fu Che closed his eyes.

While practicing breathing skills, he used his inner strength to help Shao Siming keep warm.

This long night seems to be passing slowly like this.

But suddenly Fu Che opened his eyes.

"Murderous intent..."

Fu Che frowned slightly.

At this moment, he felt the forbearing murderous intent from all directions.

Not one person, but...many people!

Chapter 14 Fu Che: "He is a first-rate man, and his kung fu is good!"

It has to be said that Fu Che underestimated their courage and their speed.

Tian Meng's death is a warning to Luo Wang from Fu Che.

This was also the first step Fu Che took to take the initiative in the chess game with Luo Wang.

But a snare is a snare after all.

Known as a dragnet that can penetrate every hole, this title is not for nothing after all.

The reputation of the snare is built on the fear of countless people.

Xuan Huwei naturally hides very deeply.

It is not easy for Luo Wang to find Xuanhu Guard, but Tian Meng's sudden death will definitely alert the attention of Luo Wang's senior officials.

And if you want to find the mastermind behind this, you often don’t need direct evidence.

Whoever gets the greatest benefit will be the most likely.

Of course, Fu Che cannot be directly suspected from this point of view, but from another aspect, the ultimate goal of the net is Fu Su.

The Nong family has a deep relationship with Chang Pingjun, and Chang Ping Jun is the uncle of Fu Su and Fu Che. The Nong family is likely to support Fu Su when necessary.

This is something that the snare cannot tolerate.

That's why Tian Meng exists. Of course, there are more than just Tian Meng, but this person is definitely the most critical one.

Killing Tian Meng was equivalent to removing a very important chess piece in the net.

As Fusu's younger brother, Fuche is the staunchest supporter.

It seems to be a logical thing to create a stumbling block in the net.

The Thirteenth Young Master helped Che, and it was not a secret that there was an unknown force lurking in the dark.

After all, it is simply impossible to hide the food and wages of 3 people quietly without the eyes and ears of the snare.

All Fu Che could do was to keep Luo Wang from knowing the specific use and whereabouts of the food and salary.

Just as Fu Che couldn't see through Luo Wang, Luo Wang also knew nothing about the power Fu Che had.

But Fu Che appeared on the bright side.

To capture a thief first capture the king, to shoot a man first shoot a horse.

Just kill Fu Che.

Then Zhao Gao can indeed offer Fusu a cup of sacrificial wine in advance.

At this time, Shao Siming seemed to feel something.

He raised his head from Fu Che's shoulder and looked around.

His eyes were full of solemnity.

"One Tian Zi is the first level, five Killing Zi is the first level, twelve earth levels, and twenty absolute levels."

Fu Che looked at Young Siming with a smile on his lips: "Are you afraid?"

Shaoxing shook his head.

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