It will only be stronger in the future.

The exercise is over.

Everyone returned to the big tent.


Fu Che said to Peng Yue: "If we can have more time, we will definitely be stronger."

Peng Yue said with some regret: "The effect of the training has basically been achieved. In terms of the individual combat effectiveness and overall combat ability of the soldiers, I believe that, looking at the world, there are very few who can compete with them. What is lacking now is experience. The test of blood and fire.”

What Peng Yue said makes sense.

Ancient armies are different from modern armies.

Modern armies can use a large amount of resources to simulate real battlefield environments, and the level of bloodshed is less cruel than in ancient times.

Therefore, modern armies can use a large number of actual combat exercises and the like to forge and maintain strong combat effectiveness.

But not in ancient times.

Ancient armies often fought face to face, which was extremely bloody and cruel, and often put great tests on the psychological quality of soldiers.

So actual combat is necessary.

but now.

But there is no way now.

There will always be opportunities in the future.

"Peng Yue."

Fu Che said.

"The end is here."

Peng Yue said.

"Take these 2 cavalry, and then gather [-] fine cavalry, a total of [-] people. Tomorrow we will go to Xianyang with the others."

Fu Che said.


Peng Yue was a little confused.

"His Majesty the First Emperor is about to tour the east, and he has ordered me to lead an army to accompany him. Twenty thousand cavalry is enough."

Fu Che said: "It's just a good way to show off the military power of Yan and Zhao."

"I will understand at the end."

Peng Yue smiled and said, "The king wants to take this opportunity to scare Xiao Xiao."

"Ahem, don't talk nonsense."

Fu Che smiled slightly: "The widow and the queen will stay here today. Prepare some food. The queen is hungry."


Peng Yue took the order and went down.

All the attendants around me got down.

Only Fu Che and Shao Siming were left in the big tent.

"how do you feel?"

Fu Che asked Young Siming.


Shao Siming said: "I like it."

"That's it." Fu Che said with a helpless smile: "It seems that from now on, I will lose a queen and gain an additional female general?"

Shao Siming shook his head: "Just follow you."


Fu Che reached out and touched Young Siming's belly: "Are you hungry?"


Shao Siming nodded: "Eat meat."

"Of course we eat meat. How can we not eat meat in the military camp?"

Fu Che smiled and said, "Barbecue?"


Shao Siming kept nodding: "It's delicious!"

Fu Che took Shao Siming into his arms and asked, "What's delicious?"

Shao Siming was startled: "Rogue."

"Speak the truth."

Fu Che smiled and asked, "Are you going to eat tonight?"


The wind howled.

On the wasteland, there are [-] cavalry and [-] horses galloping.

Galloping towards Xianyang.

The carriages of Fu Che and Shao Siming were guarded in the middle.

Peng Yue led three thousand cavalry at the forefront.

"Is it tasty?"

Fu Che looked at Shao Siming who was wiping his lips with a handkerchief and asked.

Shao Siming rolled his eyes at Fu Che.

There are still some bottom lines between two people before marriage.

But after marriage, I became more and more shameless.

"Eat another piece."

Fu Che picked up a piece of roast beef and put it into Young Siming's mouth.

Although the life of people in the military is relatively rough, when it comes to cooking, the food in the army is often very rough and not so refined.

But they all taste good.

It's just roast beef, albeit with some salt and a few simple spices.

But the taste is really nothing to say.

Shao Siming liked it very much.

Compared to the shark fin and bear paws eaten at Haiyue Xiaozhu, Shao Siming may have liked it more.

Fu Che's original need for food was just to keep him hungry to death, and he didn't have any high requirements in terms of taste.

But now, under the leadership of Shao Siming.

Gradually, some foodies began to appear.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Just what do you like to eat...

"what did you eat?"

Shao Siming asked Fu Che.

"What to eat..."

Fu Che looked at the actual objects inside the frame.

There are fruits, barbecue and snacks.

This is the benefit of being a king.

You can legitimately enjoy these.


Fu Che smiled.

Shao Siming frowned slightly.


Xianyang is not peaceful now.

The emperor is about to tour east, and there are many things that need to be prepared.

The accompanying ministers, the necessary chariots and horses, tens of thousands of accompanying troops, and all kinds of preparations.

Just coordinating the reception and preparation work in various counties along the way is a very complicated matter.

The First Emperor had already made three eastward tours before.

So this fourth time can be regarded as a familiar experience.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

"Have you heard? His Royal Highness King Zhao will also lead an army to accompany him this time."

"King Zhao? Is King Zhao on his way back?"

"Yes, King Zhao just severely damaged the Xiongnu a few months ago. Now the land of Yan and Zhao has been completely controlled by King Zhao. Your Majesty has now summoned King Zhao back. The meaning behind this..."

"Some people can't sit still."


"Your Majesty, all preparations for this eastward tour have been made. I wonder when your Majesty will set off?"

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