Gai Nie quickly lifted up Yuan Hong in his hand.

However, a man made a surprise attack from above. The two halberds in Yuan Hong's hands collided with each other, and his inner energy exploded.

Gai Nie suddenly exerted force, knocking back the attacker several feet.

Fifty men in black rushed out from the woods, each holding a powerful rhubarb crossbow in their hands. The shiny crossbow arrows made people's hair go up.

"Mr. Genie, long time no see."

The leader spoke under the mask: "Thirteenth Young Master, please let me tell you that if you surrender now, you will be spared the death penalty!"

Gai Nie pointed Yuan Hong in his hand at the leader: "General Peng Yue, are you trying to stop him?"

Peng Yue looked at Gai Nie: "No one in this world can escape from the killing of fifty Xuanhu Guards. Even if Mr. Gai Nie doesn't think about himself, he must think about the people around him."

"Really? Today I want to see if I can escape!"

Suddenly a deep voice came from above.

At the same time, a huge square box fell from the sky.

Chapter 17 Wei Zhuang: “I have a problem that I have had for many years!”

The big iron box was smashed on the head.

Several Xuanhu guards below were forced to dodge.

The originally encircling formation had a gap at this moment.

As a sword master, Gai Nie naturally reacts very quickly.

He immediately picked up the young man beside him and the two others beside him and rushed towards the gap.

But Xuan Huwei's reaction was also extremely fast.

The big yellow crossbow in his hand fired one after another.

But they were all blocked by Yuan Hong in Gai Nie's hand.

But the Dahuang Crossbow is the most powerful crossbow that can be used by a single person in the Qin Army. Each crossbow arrow has a power of one and a half stone.

Although Gai Nie was not shot dead, it did slow down Gai Nie's escape.

Peng Yue had an angry look in his eyes.

Holding two halberds, he attacked Gai Nie.

At this time, a huge wooden bird fell from the sky and stopped on the cliff beside the road. An old man with white hair and beard on it shouted: "Come up!"


Peng Yue said coldly: "Can you leave?"

However, just when Peng Yue was killing Gai Nie and others.

The big box that fell from the sky moved.

It began to transform rapidly like a Transformer, with four legs, two hands, and the blades on both hands spinning like giant windmills like crazy.

In just three or two breaths, it had already turned into a machine monster that was more than three feet tall and full of power.

The large windmills on the two arms caused the surrounding area to fly sand and rocks, running rampant among the numerous Black Tiger Guards, and the originally tight formation was instantly shattered.

Even Peng Yue was blocked.

"You guys should have a taste of the power of our Mo family's machine weapons!"

The old man on the wooden bird laughed.

And Gai Nie took advantage of this gap and led a few people to jump on the wooden bird. Under the control of the old man, the wooden bird quickly flew away.

Looking at Gai Nie and others escaping.

Peng Yue's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Then he looked at the machine weapon that was still running amok.

The Black Tiger Guards are powerful and well-trained, and every one of them is a warrior in the army.

But facing this machine weapon in a hurry, there was no way to start.

"Tear him down for me!"

The iron halberd in Peng Yue's hand pointed at the machine weapon.


"It was really dangerous just now. If the four-clawed iron spider hadn't broken up their formation, things would have been really bad today."

On top of the wooden bird, the old man wiped his hands with cold sweat.

"Thank you, Master Ban, for your timely rescue."

Gai Nie thanked Master Ban.

"It's okay, it's okay, but who were those people just now? Even you are in danger."

Master Ban curiously asked Gai Nie: "As far as I know, the Empire's Shadow Guards and Luo Wang are not like this. They cooperate with each other tacitly and enforce orders and prohibitions, which is quite similar to the military style."

"Master Ben has good eyesight."

Gai Nie said: "Xuan Hu Guard!"

"Xuan Hu Guard?"

Master Ban shook his head: "I really haven't heard of it."

"Uncle, what is this Black Tiger Guard? The man with the strange weapon just now is quite powerful."

Tianming also asked curiously at this time.

"The Black Tiger Guards are an extremely secretive force in the empire. Their number is unknown, but they are extremely hidden. Even within the empire, only a few people know of their existence. And it was an accident that I accompanied the King of Qin before him. It took me the opportunity to learn that such a force existed.”

Gai Nie said in a deep voice: "This force is led by the Thirteenth Young Master Fu Che. The King of Qin probably trusts him more than Luo Sheng and the Shadow Secret Guard."

"Sounds pretty awesome."

Tianming said in surprise, but then he laughed: "In my opinion, no matter the Black Tiger Guard or the Thirteenth Young Master, they are no match for this uncle."

Gai Nie looked at Tianming and sighed: "Tianming, there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world. The Xuanhu Guard is more powerful than Luowang and the Shadow Guard, and this Thirteenth Young Master is even more unfathomable. In terms of fighting alone, Fighting, even I am only between the two."

Master Ban listened for a long time, and then said with some worry: "So the combination of the Black Tiger Guard and the Thirteenth Young Master is really dangerous."

"As far as I know, all the members of the Black Tiger Guard are from the military, and they are all veterans of the army. They were dismissed from the army by feigning death and then joined the Black Tiger Guard."

Gai Nie said: "And this thirteenth son, Ying Fuche, studied under an expert and has a very high level of martial arts. He is the only martial arts genius I have seen in my life. He is also precocious and intelligent, and is very prestigious in the army and the clan. King Qin I once said that among all the young masters, only the Thirteenth Young Master is most like him."

Tianming was still a little unconvinced, but after Gai Nie said so, he didn't know what to say.

I can only look at the big wooden bird at my feet curiously.

"Hey, old man Ben, you Mo family are so powerful, you can actually make this bird made of wood fly so high!"

Tianming said with a smile next to Master Ban.

"Tianming, this is not a wooden bird. This is the Suzaku, one of the four spiritual beasts of our Mo family."

A gentle female voice came from the side.

But she is a cute little girl who looks to be about the same age as Tianming.

At this time, Gai Nie took a deep breath and looked into the distance. Suddenly, a black cloud in front of him caught his attention.

"Everyone, be careful, that cloud is not right!"


Fu Che stood on a cliff and looked at the shadow that was gradually receding in the distance.

Even I don't know whether to be happy or angry.

Shao Siming stood beside Fu Che, just standing quietly.

The mountain breeze ruffled their clothes.

Fu Che glanced at Shao Siming, and his irritable mood eased a bit.

He took off his robe and put it on Shao Siming again.

My master, there is more to come in this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the next part will be more exciting!

Fu Che then looked at the person who had been kneeling behind him for a while.

"Gane and the others escaped?"

Fu Che asked.


Peng Yue replied: "Almost."

“There is no difference in the outcome between a little closer and a lot worse.”

Fu Che said: "Describe the situation at that time."

Peng Yue simply described the situation at that time.

Fu Che: "A large iron box that can transform? The Mo family's machine beast?"


Peng Yue said.

"Where is that thing now?"

Fu Che asked.

"That thing was too threatening, so we dismantled it into parts."

Peng Yue said angrily.

"Stand back. Since the Mo family's machine beasts are involved, you are not to blame for this matter."

Fu Che said calmly.

"Thank you sir."

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