Duan Murong said seriously.


"The sun is up."

Fu Che sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the newly rising Yi Yi, with no expression on his face.

"Dong dong dong..."

The sound of war drums echoed in the mountains and forests.

"Sir, five hundred Black Tiger Guards have started climbing the cliff of Guan City from the back mountain, and ten thousand warriors are advancing towards Guan City according to the planned route."

A messenger behind him announced.


Fu Che nodded: "Tell everyone not to hurt that child, and shoot the rest without mercy."


The orderly led the way.

"I'm curious what kind of child makes you care so much."

Wei Zhuang asked Fu Che.

"My brother."

Fu Che said calmly: "If my father still recognizes this child."


Wei Zhuang seemed a little surprised: "It seems to be a very interesting story."


Fu Che sneered: "It's not bad to say it's bloody."

Fu Che said very rudely: "That's a child who likes to be with Gai Nie. Mr. Wei Zhuang will ask you when the time comes. Please be merciful."

Wei Zhuang didn't speak.

Neither agreed nor refused.

Some things don't need to be stated explicitly, as both parties have a tacit understanding.

Chapter 25 Central Hall!

There is a strong smell of blood in the air.

That was the blood of hundreds of death row prisoners.

Most of the seven hundred death row prisoners have not left this dense forest full of death.

They became stepping stones for the Imperial Legion to advance and used their lives to clear the traps in this forest.

It also washes away the sins on their bodies.

As for those who are still alive, Fu Che will abide by his promise, exempt them from the death penalty, and report to the court to grant them a rank.

At this time, the imperial army moved out, and a large number of soldiers marched towards the Mohist government city.

Fu Che walked in the woods.

There will be no one to collect the bodies of these prisoners, and the methods of death are also strange.

But without exception, the deaths of these people directly minimized the losses of the Imperial Legion.

Even if some of the remaining traps will still cause some casualties, they will not affect the overall situation.

According to the plot of the main drama, at this time, the poisonous gas should have spread throughout the entire city. Except for a small number of Mohist disciples who were not poisoned, most of the remaining people have been infected.

Just like Duan Murong said.

This was the biggest catastrophe that the Mohist family had encountered in hundreds of years.

The army is advancing.

People from the Gongshu family move faster.

With an old monster like Gong Shuqiu who is proficient in mechanism skills, the mechanisms in the mechanism city will no longer be a bigger threat.

After about half an hour.

A huge entrance has fully appeared ahead.

Dozens of elite heavy armored soldiers have already rushed into it.

Fu Che followed closely with a dozen Black Tiger Guards.

Lilac poisonous gas filled every space.

Fortunately, those who participated in the battle against the government city had all taken special detoxification pills, and the poisonous gas would not have any impact on them within a day.

"The machine city is really a masterpiece."

Gong Shuqiu, who was following Fu Che, sighed.

As the Gongshu family that has been fighting with the Mo family for hundreds of years, this moment is really the time to avenge their past humiliation.

"The more unexpected things are yet to come."

Fu Che said.

"That's nature, that's nature."

Gong Shuqiu nodded repeatedly.

Mohist disciples were lying everywhere on the ground. These people were not dead, but were just fainted by the poisonous gas.

As long as you take the antidote within a period of time, you can wake up again.

But Fu Che would not give these people a chance.

For thousands of years, the Mohists thought they were chivalrous and righteous in the name of non-attack and love, but in fact they did not know that the unification of the world was the general trend.

Only domestic unification can stop hundreds of years of continuous war.

Only then can we truly achieve both non-attack and love.

And now...

They are just trying to pull off the skin of a tiger by raising a banner, using the slogan of universal values, and are here to draw all the people of the world into the flames of war again.

Fu Che never shows mercy to his enemies.

The sound of sharp weapons piercing the human body kept coming.

The thick smell of blood rose.

Every fallen Mohist disciple will be mercilessly pierced.

The left ear was cut off.

The Qin Empire bestowed titles on military merit.

What's more, there are few wars in the world now, and the enemy's head is a rare military honor.

Of course can not let go.

The way forward.

Walking through the facilities in the agency city one after another.

There are indeed many agencies here, but with the Gongshu family here, these agencies have not caused any decent casualties to the Imperial Legion.

And behind the cliff.

Five hundred Black Tiger Guards climbed up from the cliff behind.

Many Mohist disciples who survived the poisonous gas were now moving from the back mountain corridor to a safe place.

"Kill them all!"

Following Peng Yue's order.

A feast of killing begins.

When the Mohist disciples reacted, hundreds of large yellow crossbows were already shooting arrows.

A large number of Mohist disciples were struck by arrows and fell down.

The crossbow arrows fired by the Big Yellow Crossbow are extremely powerful and can easily penetrate the human body.

It was a one-sided killing.

After a volley of arrows.

Many Black Tiger Guards drew out their scimitars and started killing the remaining Mohist disciples.


The remaining Mohist disciples roared and rushed towards the Xuanhu Guard.

These are brave people, a group of people with ideals and ambitions.

but also an enemy

A Mohist disciple was cut off in the neck with a knife as soon as he met him.

In less than a quarter of an hour, two to three hundred Mohist disciples were killed, leaving only one person.

The Mohist disciple's body was covered with blood and hideous wounds. He held a sword in his hand and looked at the Xuanhu Guards who had surrounded him in panic.

The next second, several flying scythes hit the man at the same time.

Each scythe pierced his body.

More than 300 Mohist disciples died tragically.

There were no casualties among the Black Tiger Guards.

"Find that kid!"

Peng Yue said in a deep voice.

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