The chain sword and the silk ribbon each retracted into their master's hands regardless of the outcome.

The owner of the blue ribbon is a very beautiful woman.

He is dressed in blue and has hair as white as snow.

Holding a jade flute.

The long sky blue ribbon flutters in the wind.

The former best dancer in the Zhao Kingdom, Snow Girl, truly captivated the city with her dance.


A muffled sound.

The heavy bronze hammer in the big hammer's hand hit Guan Wushuang's head hard.

Let the big hammer break free from the grip of Wushuang.

Guan Wushuang took several steps backward under the huge force.

At this moment, many members of the Mo family walked out of the Mo Core secret room to face the imperial power and the Quicksand Assassins who were waiting in the central hall.

"I finally came out of the bastard's shell."

Fu Che said coldly.

At this time, everyone in the Mo family was at the end of their strength.

Although Xue Nu was not injured, her martial arts skills were still lagging behind those of Chi Lian. The big hammer was injured by a hidden bat before, and as for Gao Jianli...

Fu Che looked at Gao Jianli: "Originally, I thought you would lie on the bed for at least ten days and a half, but now it seems that I underestimated you."

Gao Jianli glared at Fu Che and said nothing, but slowly raised the Shui Han Sword in his hand.

"Now that we're all out, there's no need to wait."

Wei Zhuang said slowly.

"The game is not interesting. It would be the most time-consuming and labor-saving to kill them directly."

Wei Zhuang said to Fu Che.

After saying that, he kicked over the hourglass of Ganges River.

The shark tooth in his hand has already arrived in front of Duan Murong.

The sword has been raised high.

At this moment Gao Jianli and others moved.

They moved quickly and wanted to come up to rescue Duan Murong, but at this moment they were blocked by the Hidden Bat and others in front of them, and hundreds of heavy armored soldiers looked around.

There was no time to rescue.

But at this moment, when Wei Zhuang's sword was about to be chopped off, Duan Murong was ready to die.

"Mr. Wei Zhuang."

Fu Che suddenly spoke.


Wei Zhuang asked Fu Che.

"Before you kill this woman, you'd better ask someone for permission.'

Fu Che said to Wei Zhuang, "If he doesn't agree, if you kill him, the consequences will be serious."


Wei Zhuang sneered, but did not drop the sword in his hand: "Is it him?"

"if not?"

Fu Che asked rhetorically.

Then Fu Che and Wei Zhuang seemed to sense something, and looked in the same direction together.

Several wailing cries before death.

A figure slowly walked out of a corridor.

The fierce murderous aura can still be felt even from a long distance.


Wei Zhuang looked at the visitor.

One person and one sword, with corpses all over the ground behind him.

"Great, Mr. Gai is here, Guancheng City can be saved, and so can Miss Duanmu."

Xiang Liang, who walked out of the Mohe secret room together, said at this time.

Wei Zhuang did not continue to waste energy on Duan Murong.

Instead, he walked to the front of the crowd and stood in front of Gai Nie.


Wei Zhuang said.

There seemed to be three parts emotion and seven parts expectation in his tone.

Gai Nie looked at Wei Zhuang with a calm expression.

"Little village."

Gai Nie said slowly.

Fu Che looked at the pair of junior brothers.

Sure enough, with the sound of "Xiao Zhuang", all the characters were lost.

Wei Zhuang, a person with the aura of a great villain, was called Xiao Zhuang in front of everyone.

The contrast at this moment is really...


Outside the city.

"Ah... that follower is really troublesome. Just let Bai Hu play with you for a while. Sir, I have something else to do."

Thief Zhi was leaning against a tree for a brief rest.

The chase with Bai Feng just now took a lot of energy from him. If the three little ones hadn't driven the white tiger to support him in time, even Thief Zhi himself didn't think he could escape easily.

However, just as Thief Zhi was about to get up and leave, a sudden chill rose from behind him.

After all, he is a famous thief in the world.

Robber Zhi instantly knew that he was being targeted by the enemy.

Turn around slowly and look up.

I saw a woman, or rather a beautiful woman, standing on the treetop not far away.

Wearing a purple and white dress, her long purple hair fluttered in the wind, and the thin white gauze made her beautiful face vaguely visible.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Shao Siming.

At this time, even Thief Zhi was briefly stunned by such a person who looked like a fairy in a painting.

"Hey, this beautiful lady, are you waiting for me here?"

With a smile on his face, Thieves Zhi asked Young Siming.

Shao Siming looked at Taizhi and nodded slowly and imperceptibly.

"I'm a little hungry now. Do you want to take me to eat?"

Thief Zhi said with a smile still on his face.

The only thing Thief Zhi responded to was a slow shake of the head.

Shao Siming's face still had no expression.

Thief Zhi looked at Shao Siming. Although he had not yet confirmed the identity of the other party, one thing was certain.

This person is very dangerous, an enemy rather than a friend.

"Oh, I just like beautiful girls. I can do anything you ask me to do."

This chapter is not over, please click the next page to continue reading!

Thieves Zhi stretched out a finger and shook it gently: "It's just a matter of beating and killing. Let's just stop it."

Shao Siming didn't respond this time. His left hand slowly sketched a Tai Chi diagram in the air, and a sinister aura quietly rose.

Thief Zhi looked at Shao Siming's movements.

Know something is wrong.

"Confucianism always says that men and women are not related to each other. Although I hate this statement, it makes sense after all, so... let's talk about it another day?"

Thief Zhi said with a smile.

But before the words could be spoken, countless leaves transformed by internal energy in Shao Siming's hands were already attacking at Robber Zhi like flying knives.


Robber Zhi turned around and ran away.

But those leaves are extremely fast.

Thief Zhi only had time to hide behind the tree when he heard the sound of leaves hitting the trees beside him.

The power is no less powerful than a strong bow or crossbow.

"You are such a fierce little girl, be careful not to get married in the future!"

Robber Zhi shouted loudly.


A leaf shot directly into Thief Zhi's ear.

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