A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Gai Nie's body fell backward.


Tianming quickly ran to Ge Nie.

And Fu Che's eyes also all stayed on Tianming.

Chapter 32 The Love of Father and Son

What kind of relationship does Tianming and Ge Nie have?

Master and apprentice?

Or father and son?

For old Qin people like Fu Che, the answer is simple.

Similar to the latter.

It is a kind of father-son relationship that is not absolute.

Gai Nie is Tianming's spiritual mentor and his martial arts teacher, although Tianming has not had time to really learn much from Gai Nie.

But for a teacher, some spiritual things are often more important than the actual content.

At that time, the word "xia" that Gai Nie drew on the ground with his sword was his first lesson to Tianming.

And for Tianming.

in his unfortunate childhood.

Or perhaps in his memory, since the death of the old couple, all the love in the world has left him.

Only after Gai Nie appeared did he truly have someone to rely on.

Ge Nie has, to a certain extent, replaced the role of father in Tianming's heart, and this replacement has been further improved over time.

So when Gai Nie fell down at this time.

The moment Tianming rushed forward, even Fu Che himself couldn't bear it.

This is a young man who has gone through a lot of hardships.

Even though he had once been well-dressed and well-fed, he had been favored by thousands of people, and he had been protected under his robe by the tallest man in the world.

But all this is over after all.

An assassination, a coup, a fire, a commission and a decision made in rage.

Even regretting it afterwards will have no effect.

Eventually the incident became a taboo, and the taboo became legend.

And legends will eventually become less true and false as time goes by.

Tianming supported Gai Nie.

He picked up the broken Yuan Hong and tried to connect it, but in the end it was just a futile move.

The tear-jerking scene made Fu Che not want to continue watching.

Instead, he looked at Shao Siming.

"It's very pitiful, isn't it? The only person who gave me warmth is now seriously injured and fell to the ground."

Fu Che said calmly to Young Siming: "If we encounter him again in the future, please be gentle."

Shao Siming looked at Fu Che, seemingly puzzled.

"He's my brother, maybe."

Fu Che said: "This child's current situation is a decision that my father regretted very much. It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, and he has no chance to remedy it."

Shao Siming nodded slowly.

At this moment, Gai Nie fainted.

Although Gai Nie was seriously injured, he was not attacked by Wei Zhuang after all.

So it's a lot lighter than previous dramas.

From Fu Che's point of view, death is inevitable, but it will take some time to recuperate.

Tianming was very sad and angry.

Wei Zhuang roared angrily at Wei Zhuang for hurting Gai Nie.

But it's nothing more than weak language like big bad guy and so on.

It's just a 12-year-old child, and he really can't say anything more poignant.

Even under Chi Lian's instigation, he quickly targeted the Mo family and others who had not taken action before.

The Mo family and others, who were already at a loss, are now even more embarrassed.

Words are not speculative.

Wei Zhuang suddenly took action and captured Tian Ming.

It’s another familiar plot from the original work.

A life and death battle between Liusha and the Mohists.

Big Hammer VS Machine Wushuang, Xue Nu VS Chi Lian and Gao Jianli VS Bai Feng.

To be honest, when I was watching the main drama, Fu Che felt that this section was really boring and long, so he just skipped to watch it.

Wei Zhuang grabbed Tianming.

At this moment, Tianming was struggling fiercely.

Wei Zhuang frowned slightly.

He casually threw Tian Ming directly towards Fu Che.

"Don't you want this child? Give it to you!"

Wei Zhuang said coldly to Fu Che.

Fu Che directly reached out and took Tian Ming's hand: "Why are you using so much strength for a child?"

Fu Che said helplessly.

Wei Zhuang was too lazy to talk to Fu Che. He just looked at the Mo family members who were about to rush up and sneered.

Fu Che took Tianming's lapel and lifted it in front of him.

"Bad guy, let me go. If you hurt uncle, I won't let you go!"

Tianming roared at Fuche.

"Don't let me go?"

Fu Che smiled slightly: "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"I don't care who you are, you are the bad guy after all. So many people and good people have died, all because of you!"

Tianming yelled at Fuche fiercely.

The psychology of teenagers is very simple. The world is always black and white in their eyes.

It's not his fault.

"If you curse me again, I will tie your head and limbs to five horses, and then let these five horses tear you apart."

Fu Che said to Tianming in a deep voice: "In our country of Qin, this kind of punishment is called chariot breaking. Of course, if you don't like it, there are also cuts in the waist and Ling Chi."


Tianming stopped cursing.

"Beheading is to cut off your body directly from the waist, so that all the parts in your body will flow out. Of course you can still live for a while, but it will be very painful."

Fu Che continued to say to Tianming: "As for Ling Chi, it is even simpler. This punishment is commonly known as being cut into pieces with a thousand cuts, which means your body will be cut into pieces piece by piece."


Hearing Fu Che say this, Tianming's teeth began to chatter.

"you you……"

After waiting for a long time, Tianming said to Fu Che with some fear: "Why are you scarier than that bad woman named Xue Nu?"

This chapter is not over, please click the next page to continue reading!

Fu Che put Tianming on the ground, but did not restrain him more, but said: "Since you know that I am a very scary person, then don't run around and be obedient. Maybe you can still be by your uncle's side."

The second half of Fu Che's words was lowered so that only he, Tian Ming and Shao Siming could hear it.

Tianming looked at Fuche in shock.

Fu Che didn't explain much.

His eyes were focused on the strange patterns on Tianming's neck.

Seal of sleep.

One of the Eight Yang Meridian Mantras of the Yin Yang family.

It is a forbidden technique that is close to being lost in the Yin Yang family.

"Can you do anything?"

Fu Che asked Young Siming.

Shao Siming took two steps forward and looked carefully at the pattern on Tianming's neck.

Then he stretched out a finger and touched it slowly.


Tianming screamed in pain.

"Does it hurt?"

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