Fu Che pushed Tian Ming in front of Shao Siming.

Shao Siming nodded to Fu Che, and then put both hands on Tianming's shoulders.

But his eyes were still on Fu Che.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Fu Che said to Shao Siming.

He could see the worry in Shao Siming's eyes.

The Mohist giant can be known from the drama.

Yan Dan has cultivated the Mohist mental method to the seventh level. Although it has not reached the highest level of the tenth level, it is already an extremely terrifying existence.

In terms of Yan Dan's cultivation alone, even if it may not be as good as Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie, it is definitely not far behind.

This is a very formidable opponent.

It is an existence that is an order of magnitude higher than Gao Jianli.

Shao Siming knew the difference very well, otherwise Shao Siming would not have decisively given up on chasing Thief Zhi an hour ago.

When Thief Zhi saw Fu Che handing Tian Ming over to Shao Siming, he rolled his eyes as if he had some idea.

The eighth suit slowly unsheathed Yan Dan and pointed forward.

A terrifying chill and murderous aura emanated from the elegant sword of the eighth suit.

Although it is a sword with a relatively short history.

But the murderous intent of this sword is no worse than that of Wei Zhuang's shark teeth.

"Your sword is too murderous. It may not be a good thing for the person holding the sword."

Yan Dan said slowly to Fu Che.

"Your Mo Mei is much cleaner, but what can it hold?"

Fu Che sneered: "Good or bad, after all, it's just a matter of thought."

Momentum is brewing.

The sword intent is accumulating.

A cold chill rose throughout the entire central hall.

Killing intent, hatred and a strong will to fight.

Even compared to the previous Guigu Zongheng, it is exactly the same.

Chapter 35 Raging Sword and Raging Waves

"The sword fight between Juzi and Ying Fuche has not yet started, but the killing intent has already reached this level. Compared with Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie just now, it is no worse. We can see two battles of this level today. I am truly blessed for three lifetimes.”

Gao Jianli looked at the two people in the field with Xue Nu's support and spoke with emotion.

"Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang have been famous in the world for a long time. They are both over thirty now. Naturally, they are giants. Needless to say, Ke Ying Fu Che..."

Master Ban's face was full of worry: "He is only 18 years old, but his cultivation is still not weaker than that of the top masters in the world. If this person is alive, he must be the number one obstacle to the great cause of countering Qin."

Time passed little by little.


A loud bang.

Yan Dan and Fu Che attacked each other at the same time.

The momentum was surging, and the collision at this moment caused the surroundings to surge with just the internal force.

The wind howled.

A huge shock wave rushed towards everyone, even knocking several soldiers holding shields directly to the ground.

Shao Siming raised his jade hand lightly, and a vortex barrier made of leaves appeared in front of him, protecting himself and Tianming behind it.


Tianming glanced at the bad woman behind him strangely.

He didn't expect that this bad woman would still protect him.

But soon his eyes were attracted by the battle in the field.

"Clang clang..."

A series of confrontations.

The Mohist giant has great martial arts skills.

And Fu Che is not weak at all.

For a moment, there were flashes of swords and shadows in the field, and internal energy surged.

In everyone's eyes, this battle is full of dangers.

Fu Che's moves are powerful and heavy but extremely fast, while Yan Dan's powerful skills are not as aggressive as Fu Che's, but they are as immovable as a mountain.

For a moment, the two of them were close to death. If anyone made a mistake, blood would be spilled on the spot.

This is completely different from the fact that Gui Gu Zong Heng held hands with each other even though the battle was fierce.

The floor beneath his feet was shattered inch by inch, and the central hall, which was already in a mess, was now even more dilapidated.

Everyone can see that the strength of these two people is about equal, and it is not easy to decide the winner.

"You are very strong."

Fu Che said to Yan Dan: "It's a pity that he's not strong enough."

Yan Dan didn't say anything, he just kept using his skills and supporting Che to attack and defend.


Fu Che snorted coldly.

The moment the eight clothes in his hand came into contact with Mo Mei, with the help of Yan Dan's power, Fu Che jumped into the air.

In an instant, extreme murderous intent broke out.

"not good!"

Master Ben blurted out.

At this time, Fu Che, who jumped into the air, already showed his fangs in the eight clothes in his hand.

Immortal cut!

Black sword energy suddenly erupted.

He jumped into the air and slashed down violently.


A loud bang.

In Yan Dan's hand, Mo Mei used all his strength to resist.

At this moment, the stone slab beneath Yan Dan's feet shattered.

However, all this is not over.

With the force of the counter-shock, Fu Che jumped up again in mid-air.

"Clang clang..."

Seven times in a row, he was killed on the head.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Yan Dan's mouth.

Yan Dan flew backwards and hit the wall of the hall hard.


Everyone in the Mo family suddenly panicked.

But Fu Che did not take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

fall on the ground.


Even Fu Che used the Immortal Slash with all his strength seven times in a row, a sure-kill move.

At this moment, the consumption of internal energy is also huge.


However, at this time, compared to watching the giant of the Mo family being chopped away by Fu Che.

The most surprising thing was Tianming.

There are very few duels between top players.

Tianming only knew that the uncle was very powerful, and from Shao Yu's words, he also knew that the uncle was a sword master.

But there is no clear idea of ​​how strong the Juggernaut is.

But now...

He suddenly felt that this bad guy was no worse than his uncle.

"So strong. He is as strong as my uncle. Even the giant boss is no match for him."

Tianming muttered softly.

"Cough cough..."

There was a coughing sound.

Yan Dan slowly stood up straight.

"I really didn't expect that after more than ten years, there would be a second person who could make me so embarrassed."

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