Chapter 42: The world is like a chess game, the layout is behind you

Ying Zheng's tone left no room for doubt.

This is the king who controls the world. Fu Che is his son and also his minister.

If the king wants his minister to die, it would be unfaithful for him not to die.

Although Fu Che didn't have such pedantic thoughts, he looked at his father now.

After all, he reached out and took the Tiger Talisman and the Emperor's Seal in his hands.

Either of these two things is enough to shake the world.

And confirm each other.

If one day Fu Che really needs to use this tiger talisman, the emperor's treasure seal will be the most powerful proof of the authenticity of the tiger talisman in his hand.

This is the guarantee that Ying Zheng gives to the two brothers, and it also adds another layer of guarantee to Da Qin Guo Zuo.

"My son, thank you, Father."

Fu Che said respectfully.

"Don't tell Fusu about this. There was nothing wrong with his character in the peaceful and prosperous times, but now the world is in turmoil. Without your help, it will be difficult for him to ascend the throne in the future. Thank you for your hard work, Che'er. "

Ying Zheng said with his back to Fu Che.

Putting away the treasure seal and tiger talisman, he helped Che come to Ying Zheng's side and stand side by side with his father.

"Your body is now..."

Fu Che spoke slowly to Ying Zheng, with a little hesitation: "What's going on?"

Ying Zheng took a deep breath.


Ying Zheng said: "Don't worry, there should be no problems in three to five years. I just hope that this time the mirage sets sail, the Yin and Yang family can really gain something."

"Is the Yin Yang family trustworthy?"

Fu Che expressed his concerns: "Those people are very mysterious and may not really be attached to the empire."

"I don't know either."

Ying Zheng reached out and patted Fu Che on the shoulder: "But it's worth a try, isn't it?"

"Calling me back this time may have something to do with the mirage's departure."

Fuche asked his father: "Do you want me to go to Songhai?"


Ying Zheng looked at the moon in the sky: "But it's not just about the mirage's voyage. In the land of Songhai and Qilu, the Qi State surrendered without a fight. Although our Qin Dynasty did not fight with blood, many of the Qi State's clan forces among the six Shandong Kingdoms were also intact. It has been preserved and has been secretly accumulating strength over the years. I want you to go over there and have a look."


Fu Che sneered: "As far as I know, Qi is the birthplace of Confucianism, and Confucianists are the best at confusing people. I think it would be interesting to come to the Confucian Jixia Academy in Songhai."

"How you do it is your business, I don't care."

Ying Zheng glanced at his son: "You don't need to enter the palace tomorrow. You can go directly to Songhai. I will send Meng Tian to assist you."

"General Meng Tian?"

Fu Che was stunned: "He's back?"

Half a year ago, Meng Tian was ordered to go to Baiyue to inspect the military situation.

In the third year after the Qin Dynasty wiped out the six kingdoms and unified the world, it sent 20 troops to march to Baiyue to eliminate the southern border troubles of the empire.

However, all this did not go smoothly.

The land of Baiyue has high mountains, dense forests, and miasma. Although the empire's 20-strong army was invincible, the people of Baiyue also resisted tenaciously.

The war has been dragging on for a long time. Although it will not cause the loss of troops or generals, it will also consume a lot of money for the empire.

Now Ying Zheng seems to have lost patience with the Baiyue War.

"I came back a few days ago."

Ying Zheng's voice was low, but there was a hint of murderous intent in it: "The war in Baiyue is not going well. I want to increase the number of 30 troops, and a total of 50 troops will be stationed in Baiyue. What do you think?"

"50 million..."

Fu Che looked at his father in front of him with a smile on his lips: "Back then, General Wang Jian, who was as stubborn as the Chu State, could only lead an army of 65 people. Now, just one Baiyue can use 50 imperial troops. Isn't it too blatant?"


Ying Zheng snorted coldly.

"The world is like a chess game. You must be careful every step you take. Now those people dare not move while I am still alive, but if I die in a few years, you will not be able to keep Fusu if I don't leave you something."

Ying Zheng looked at his son: "It is true that one Baiyue is not worth the 50-strong army of our Qin Dynasty. But if the world is in chaos in the future, these 50 people are your capital to wipe out Liuhe."

Looking into his father's deep eyes.

Fu Che suddenly figured out something.

That is the father who he seems to have underestimated himself.

I originally thought that he was self-willed, eager to achieve great success, completely disregarding the well-being of the people and the stability of the empire, so he went to war in all directions and carried out large-scale construction projects.

But now Fu Che understands.

Now the empire is suffering from internal and external troubles.

Outside, there were nomadic tribes such as the Xiongnu, Fuyu, and Donghu from the north looking around.

The empire built the Great Wall and stationed 30 warriors on the border to defend against border troubles in the north.

And this will undoubtedly place a heavy burden on the empire.

Indeed, with the empire's current military strength, it can ensure the security of the northern border even without building the Great Wall.

But the empire has internal troubles.

His father believed that he would not be able to deal with these internal enemies during his lifetime, and that civil strife in the empire would inevitably break out after his death.

Then he began to plan what happened behind him.

Once the construction of the Great Wall is completed.

With the combat power of the Imperial Legion and a small number of mobile troops, not to mention attacking along the Great Wall, they can at least stop the attack of the northern nomads.

After the construction of the Chidao across the country was completed.

Once civil strife breaks out in the interior of the empire, the border troops on the northern border can move south to put down the rebellion within a few days.

The same is true for the troops stationed in Baiyue.

The Baiyue Corps consisted of 50 people.

As long as Fu Che takes over the command of this army with the emperor's treasure seal and tiger talisman, he can go north at any time.

And Fu Che is familiar with history.

Even the world of Mingyue during the Qin Dynasty has some historical differences from the real Qin Dynasty.

But the basic context will not change.

The initial commander-in-chief of the 30-strong border army in the north was Meng Tian, ​​and Meng Tian's regiment was very powerful.

Now another 30 troops are to be sent to Baiyue, bringing the total strength of Baiyue to 50.

In this way, Ying Zheng directly reserved two field corps for Fu Che and Fu Su that could be mobilized at any time and had great combat effectiveness.

One south and one north.

North and south facing each other.

Since civil strife is inevitable.

Then Ying Zheng would make his own plan while he was still alive.

"Who else knows about father's plan besides me?"

Fu Che asked Ying Zheng.

"Meng Tian knows it, and your teacher knows it too."

Ying Zheng said: "It was your teacher who told me back then that you were worthy of such a big responsibility."


Fu Che smiled slightly: "It's not easy to get praise from the teacher. I didn't expect him to know about it. I thought that old guy was busy writing books and biographies in the mansion every day."

"I have read the book he wrote. You can also read it if you don't mind. He is indeed a master of the art of war in the world and the hero who unified the world."

Ying Zheng said thoughtfully: "I really miss those days. Thinking of General Wang Jian, I wouldn't be so worried about many things if he was still alive."

Chapter 43: Empire General, Golden Fire Cavalry!

The heartfelt conversation with his father last night still made Fu Che feel a little heavier.

Originally, he thought the situation was pretty good, and he and his father still had enough time to prepare.

But looking at it now, he thought too well.

Fortunately, there is still time.

After all, the division of nations in the world lasted for more than 700 years.

Each vassal state has formed a strong national consciousness.

It took more than 500 years to go from hundreds of countries to seven, and the Qin Dynasty unified the six countries in just ten years.

In a short period of time, it will be difficult to bring the old people of the six countries back home, and it will also be difficult to eliminate the influence of the old aristocrats of the six countries.

This is why, after Dazexiang said, "Princes and generals, Xiang Ning has a seed," all kinds of people sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain.

The fundamental reason why this king and that king are traveling everywhere.

And these are not things that an emperor can solve in just ten years.

It even requires the efforts of two or three generations.

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