And Luo Sheng is what Fu Che now considers to be the biggest threat to the empire's future.

To this day, even after killing many people in the trap, Fu Che still doesn't know what kind of organization it is and how huge it is.

Even if you are familiar with the plot of the drama.

The existence of the snare is only half-hidden in the main drama, and perhaps even the tip of the iceberg of the snare has not emerged.

Of course, for the plot of the drama that has been made more and more outrageous and increasingly unsatisfactory, Luo Wang probably didn't even think about the entire composition.

However, where Fu Che is now is not comparable to the animation.

He is no longer an outside spectator, but a real person living in this world.

If you are not careful, the consequences will be extremely serious.

The net is powerful.

Even if Fu Che has the Xuan Hu Guard in his hands, this powerful force can compete with Luo Wang to a certain extent.

But the enemy is hidden too deeply, and no one knows what else is hidden behind it.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The Mo family and Luo Wang are also mortal enemies.

Then it is natural to make it convenient.

As long as the Mo family doesn't commit suicide.

Fu Che doesn't need to touch the Mo family for the time being.


And now on the second floor.

Gai Nie and others are also paying attention to the aura below.

"What on earth is this man going to do?"

Gao Jianli's Shui Han was about to be unsheathed, and being discovered by Fu Che at this moment made him very nervous.

"It was this person who seriously injured Ju Zi, which caused the Six Souls Horror Curse to activate on Ju Zi. I really want to tear him into pieces."

Big Hammer said with hatred.

"Don't be impulsive. We have no chance of winning against this person."

Master Ben was very calm at this time.

"Master Ben is right. We have seen the guards around this imperial master before. He dares to appear here so arrogantly without support, not to mention that there is that woman beside him."

Thief Zhi said: "Don't act rashly, he is obviously not here to deal with us."

"Alas...there are thousands of brothers in the city."

Sledgehammer was heartbroken.


At this time, Gai Nie, who was sitting cross-legged next to him, suddenly said.


Everyone looked at Gai Nie.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and now the Thirteenth Young Master has the same enemy as the Mohist family, and this enemy's priority is even higher than that of the Mohist family."

Genie said slowly.

"Who is it?"

the class master asked.

"The net."

Ge Nie spoke slowly: "A huge crisis hidden within the empire is brewing, and what the Thirteenth Young Master has to do is to kill or weaken its power before the crisis breaks out."

"The net of heaven and earth is pervasive."

Master Ban said: "Luo Wang is the sharpest knife used by Yingzheng to unify the world. According to Mr. Gai, this knife is now going to bite back the empire itself?"

Gai Nie nodded: "It's very possible."

"The snare is by no means a benevolent creature. Compared to the empire, the snare has poisoned the world more deeply for hundreds of years. It is indeed a common enemy."

Gao Jianli said: "So, the person downstairs is seeking cooperation?"

The crowd fell silent for a while.

On the contrary, Tianming listened in confusion.

What kind of dragnet?What enemy?What kind of crisis within the empire?

These are really confusing Tianming's mind.

"smell good."

Tianming suddenly smelled a very fragrant fragrance.

"Is there anything delicious?"

Tianming's eyes darted around.

"What are you thinking, boy?"

Shao Yu on the side grabbed Tian Ming's shoulders: "I heard that you had close contact with that person?"


Tianming asked.

"That's the guy downstairs."

Shao Yu frowned: "That person's aura is very strong, even compared to your Uncle Nie."

"What, uncle is the strongest."

Tianming said unconvinced.

"Tianming, no one is the strongest in this world."

Gai Nie suddenly said to Tianming: "You have to understand something."

"What's the point, uncle?"

Tianming asked.

"One mountain is higher than the other. Maybe you don't understand it now, but you will understand it in the future."

Gai Nie said to Tianming.


Tianming rubbed his head: "I really don't understand."


At this time, Fu Che and Shao Siming were staring at the boiling pot in front of them.

A copper pot, the fresh soup inside is constantly rolling and bubbling.

Waves of fragrance are also constantly erupting outwards.

And there are all kinds of ingredients all around.

Raw meat, shrimp, tofu dip, etc... and some vegetables.

(I know this is the Qin Dynasty. In the main drama, the Kung Pao Chicken, Chopped Peppers and Fish Heads are included. Isn’t the whole hot pot overdone?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Isn't this just hot pot?

However, the scene in front of him made Fu Che's heart burst out with emotions that had been suppressed for a long time.

This is the taste of my hometown in that time and space.

But Shao Siming looked at the boiling hot pot in front of him without any expression at all.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen. After all, it's already dark now, and there aren't many ingredients in the store, so I'm just using this to entertain you two. Please don't blame me."

Cook Ding nodded and bowed in front of Fu Che.

He looked very nervous and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"That's fine."

Then Fu Che said lightly: "Reward."

As Fu Che finished speaking, a Xuanhu guard walked in from outside the door.

He bowed slightly to Fu Che, and then threw a money bag directly to Cook Ding.

The cook Ding took it and opened it. There were three golden cakes inside.

Chef Ding was shocked.

He still feels like he is surviving a disaster, and he never thought that he would be able to make money from this meal today.

Especially the three golden pancakes.

This is a golden cake.

This is a huge sum of money for any ordinary person.

"You go down."

Fu Che said: "If the ingredients are not enough, I will call you."

"Okay, okay."

Cook Ding left quickly.

Xuan Huwei also bowed to Fu Che and then retreated.

"Eat it, this is delicious."

Fu Che said to Shao Siming.

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