Shao Yu: "The famous Shao Siming of the Yin Yang family is actually a foodie?"

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Big Hammer: "Originally, I thought that my brother in the forging department was already very good at eating, but I didn't expect this person..."



Deeply shocked.

Fu Che followed Shao Siming and moved forward.

Slowly walking side by side with Shao Siming in Songhai City before dawn.

The sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the birds are flying in the sky.

But patrols can still be seen patrolling everywhere on the road.

The curfew will be lifted in half an hour.

Songhay, a coastal commercial city, will soon regain its vitality.

Songhai is one of the few vibrant cities in the Six Kingdoms.

Fu Che's hand was held by Shao Siming.

The two stopped.

Fu Che looked at Young Siming in front of him.

At this time, Shao Siming reached out and rubbed his eyes, with a look of tiredness on his face.


Fu Che asked softly.

Shao Siming nodded slowly, but had no intention of leaving.

"Want to sleep at my place?"

Fu Che asked the person in front of him.

Shao Siming nodded slowly.

"it is good."

Fu Che smiled slightly: "Maybe if you go to my place, you can sleep more peacefully."

Shao Siming took a step forward, put his arms around Fu Che, and closed his eyes.

"Hold it."

Fu Che smiled slightly.

Then he exerted force on his feet and jumped up directly with Shao Siming.


A pair of eyes were always staring at Fu Che and Shao Siming.

This person has escaped everyone's detection.

Looking at Fu Che's retreating figure, his eyes revealed a viciousness and bloodlust.

A spider crawls up the man's body.

Soon he disappeared again.

The wind in Songhai is still blowing.

The wind in the world never stops.

Chapter 50 The rain is about to come...

The air in Songhai is somewhat salty and fishy.

Qi is a country close to the sea among the six countries.

Its commerce is very developed, and its culture and education are among the best among other countries.

This is something that even Great Qin cannot compare to.

But compared to education and commerce, Qi is far behind in other aspects.

Ever since the Tian family replaced Qi, Qi, the once overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period, seemed to have lost its enterprising spirit, which Fu Che didn't quite understand.

If there was any country other than Qin that had the greatest hope of unifying the world.

The State of Qi is even more qualified than the State of Zhao, which has a sturdy frontier cavalry, and the State of Wei, which uses Wei soldiers to run rampant among other countries.

After all, Qi State is backed by the sea, with thousands of miles of fertile fields, no worries, and the land is extremely suitable for farming.

The population is also considered high among other countries.

However, all these natural conditions were not utilized in the end, and the outcome was a surrender without a fight.

Although Fu Che didn't understand in his heart, it didn't matter now.

Today's world belongs to Da Qin, and the people of Qi in the past were also subjects of Da Qin.

Everything has become a foregone conclusion, no matter how much you think about it, it is useless.

The sea breeze blew in through the window.

The curtains were blowing.

Fu Che sat by the window and looked at the noisy Songhai City outside.

Due to the distance, the noise outside reached Fu Che's ears at just the right time. It didn't feel noisy and filled the place with some smoke and smoke.

Shao Siming was already fast asleep on the couch.

The round chest rose and fell evenly.

The sleep was very quiet and gentle.

Looking at Shao Siming at this moment was almost a visual enjoyment for Fu Che.

This was something Fu Che had never felt from other beauties in any of Qin Shiming's dramas.

It is true that Shao Siming may not be the most stunning among all the beauties of the Qin Dynasty.

But it was Fu Che who attracted him the most.

This has never changed whether in the past life or in this life.

It was already past noon.


Just as Fu Che was sitting by the window, concentrating on admiring the scenery outside the window.

Young Siming on the couch whispered.

He didn't speak, he just opened his eyes, without getting up and turning his head to look at Fu Che who was not far away.

Fu Che seemed to feel something and raised his head to look at Young Siming: "Are you awake?"

Shao Siming blinked.

Her purple eyes were as clear as water, showing no emotion at all, but at this moment Fu Che could see from her expression that she was very relaxed.

It's like many shackles have been removed from my body.

"If you still want to sleep, you can sleep a little longer."

Fu Che said.

Shao Siming sat up from the couch and shook his head at Fu Che.

Sit on the couch.

The purple shoes are at my feet.

At this moment, Su Chen could clearly see Shao Siming's pair of long legs wearing purple stockings.

The exposed skin is as crystal clear as snow.


Fu Che swallowed unconsciously.

Looking at Shao Siming's jade feet wrapped in stockings.

I can't help but...

"When things here are over, after I return to Xianyang, I must ask my father to let us get married."

Fu Che suddenly spoke.

Shao Siming looked at Fu Che and seemed to have some doubts.

"I'm afraid that if I can't bear it, I'll give it to you one day..."

Fu Che said seriously: "You probably don't know your attraction to me."

Shao Siming frowned slightly, but quickly put on his shoes and stood up.

Ready to leave.

"Going again?"

Fu Che asked Young Siming.

Shao Siming nodded.


Fu Che let out a long breath, not sure if it was because of disappointment or something else.

Turning to look at Songhai City again: "Well, let's go."

There seems to be a bit of helplessness in it.

Shao Siming looked at Fu Che with his back turned to him and didn't know what was going on in his mind.

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