
Shengqi resisted with a giant tower.

At this time, he had also fallen into madness. The intense crisis of death made him use up all his strength to block Fu Che's attack.


Fu Che's blow in mid-air hit the giant tower hard.

The giant tower in Shengqi's hand was released.

The person hit the ground hard.


The giant tower fell several feet away and was inserted into the ground.

The chains had already been shattered.

Shengqi lay on the ground, blood spurting from his mouth, but was sucked back into his trachea, and he kept choking and coughing.

Fu Che held the sword and walked towards Sheng Qi step by step.

Killing this person will reduce the huge threat to the future empire.

"Prince and General Xiang Ning has the guts..."

Fu Che spoke slowly: "I don't know about the other people, but for you, I'm afraid I won't have this chance."

Shengqi's eyes were fixed on Fu Che.

It seems like I want to remember this face.

But at this time.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind came, and countless piercing sounds were heard in the air.

For a moment, a strong sense of crisis hit my heart.

Fu Che's reaction was extremely quick.

In an instant, he quickly dodged and came forward with eight pieces of clothing in his hand.

Most of the arrows that came from the darkness were dodged or blocked by Fu Che.

At the same time, a man in black with extremely fast movements rushed out from the surrounding woods. The opponent's movements were extremely fast, but the target was not Fu Che but Sheng Qi.

The next second, he picked up Shengqi and quickly ran away into the distance.

Fu Che wanted to pursue him, but at this moment the second wave of arrows struck.

Let Fu Che have no time to care about him.

Block most of the arrows and dodge them alive.


An incoming arrow was caught in Fu Che's hand.

The huge force makes one's arms slightly numb.

Not arrows but crossbow bolts.

It was even an armor-piercing crossbow bolt used by the extremely strictly controlled Dahuang Crossbow in the Great Qin Army.

The surrounding mountains and forests were silent.

The other party seemed to just want to stop Fu Che from chasing Sheng Qi.

Leave when the goal is achieved.

But the crossbow arrows all over the ground frightened Fu Che.

"Luo Sheng does not have such ability."

Fu Che whispered to himself.

This is probably a force that Fu Che doesn't even know about, and has even reached out to the Qin Army.

Obviously this power comes from within the empire.

Put away eight servers.

Pull the giant tower out of the soil and carry it on your shoulders.

"This is getting fucking messy!"

Fu Che said to himself coldly.

Chapter 55 Fu Che: "I chopped up a big stupid guy without eyes!"

There were heavy footsteps.

Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian looked behind them.

I saw Fu Che coming slowly.

On his shoulders...


Wei Zhuang said.

"It's actually that person's sword?"

Chi Lian was also shocked.

Yesterday, the two met someone on this mountain road. Although they did not make a move, the amazing aura of that person still made Chi Lian unforgettable at this moment.

But now that man's sword was carried on Fu Che's shoulder.

"It seems that he was not bored at all on the way here."

Wei Zhuang said.

"It seems so. The sword score is ranked No. 11, and the giant sword known as the supreme one in the world is not in the hands of its owner."

Chi Lian smiled and said, "It's a pity that I didn't see what happened with my own eyes."

"The sword is the most powerful in the world, but that may not be the case for people."

Wei Zhuang said: "The most indispensable thing in this world is people who seek fame and reputation. That person is far from reaching the height of the world's supreme being."

Fu Che saw Wei Zhuang and Chi Lian at the top of the mountain from a distance.

These two are really punctual.

It's not even noon yet, and I'm already waiting here.

"It's very early."

When Fu Che approached, he said to the two of them.

"This sword of yours..."

Wei Zhuang looked at Fu Che: "Is the battle very fierce?"

"It doesn't count."

Fu Che said: "If you kill a big, stupid guy without eyes, this sword will be his tuition."


Wei Zhuang said: "Black Swordsman wins seven, and Juque ranks No. 11 in the sword score. What does it mean for this pair to appear in Songhai?"

"It means the snare has arrived."

Fu Che said slowly: "It's just that compared to the snare, I have gained something deeper."


Wei Zhuang said, "Let's talk and listen." "

Just insert the giant tower into the ground.

Fu Che stepped forward, stood side by side with Wei Zhuang, and looked at Songhai City at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Songhai was bustling with people and looked no different from an ordinary city.

But only people like Fu Che and Wei Zhuang know that there are countless undercurrents behind this superficial prosperity.

"this thing."

Fu Che handed a crossbow arrow to Wei Zhuang.

Wei Zhuang reached out and took it, looking at it in his hand.

"The fine steel armor-piercing crossbow arrow is the crossbow arrow equipped with the big yellow crossbow in your Qin army. The big yellow crossbow can penetrate four layers of bronze hard armor at a distance of 150 steps."

Wei Zhuang said: "As far as I know, even in your Qin country, the production of big yellow crossbows is not large, and the equipment is very limited. It is an extremely important controlled military resource."

"Mr. Wei Zhuang is right."

Fu Che said: "But just when I was about to kill Sheng Qi, dozens of big yellow crossbows were shooting at me in the woods. Then Sheng Qi was rescued by a man in black with extremely high physical skills. ."

"Can I save someone with your sword?"

Chi Lian was a little surprised: "It seems that the origins of those people are extraordinary."

"Are they from within your empire?"

Wei Zhuang said: "Could it be a trap?"

"It's possible, but it's unlikely. The control of Dahuang Crossbow is directly under the responsibility of the Guowei Administration. It's difficult for Luo Wang to interfere with the Guowei Administration."

Fu Che said: "So I think this is another force within the empire, probably related to the snare."


Wei Zhuang snorted coldly.

"It looks like it is creating an unprecedented grand undertaking, but under this glamor, it is in danger."

Wei Zhuang sneered: "This game seems to be getting more and more interesting now."

"Don't hide anything from Mr. Wei Zhuang."

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