He must have seen something at this moment.

Xiaosi came behind the old man and looked forward.

But when I saw it, my eyes widened instantly.

Under the starlight, among the mountains in front of me, I saw an endless crack running across the mountains. It cut mountains and walls wherever it passed, like a sword from the sky, carving out a ferocious sword on the earth. mark.

"Master, this is..."

Xiaosi's voice was a little trembling.

The old man in front of him didn't answer immediately.

The wind blew on Xiaosi's body, and at this moment he felt colder than ever before.

After a while, the old man turned around and walked down the mountain.

"Da Qin's dragon vein is broken..."


Xianyang Palace, Si Tiantai...

Under the stars, above the Si Tiantai.

Tai Shiling held the compass and raised his head to look at the sky.

However, today's horoscope made Tai Shiling frown.

"Impossible...how...how is this possible?"

Tai Shiling held a compass and kept calculating: "How could this be so?"

"Sir, what's wrong with you?"

The deputy beside him asked Tai Shiling.

"This kind of starry phenomena has never been seen before in the hundreds of years since the founding of the Qin Dynasty."

Taishi Ling said in a deep voice: "The Ziwei star of the Imperial Dao is dim, the evil stars in the northwest, southwest, and east are shining, and the three stars of Tianshu, Taiyi, and Tianyi are nowhere to be found. Taiwei Yuan and Tianshi Yuan that are supposed to guard Ziwei Palace are also There is no trace, such a horoscope..." (It's all written in nonsense, just to create an atmosphere, don't take it seriously!)

The deputy also took a deep breath: What does this celestial phenomenon mean? "


"Tiger eats dragon!"

After a moment, the voice of a person beside Tai Shiling trembled: "But, the appearance of a group of tigers eating a dragon?"


Taishi Ling was startled, and after thinking for a while, his voice was heavy: "A group of tigers eating a dragon has only happened once more than 700 years ago."

Trying to control his body from shaking.

"Hurry up and tell Master Chang the news!"

Taishi Ling said in a deep voice: "Let's go and meet Mr. Fengchang."


Ying Zheng had a nightmare.

For a man in his 40s, his sleep was not great.

Over the years I have often been awakened by nightmares.

And tonight's nightmare...

The Qin Dynasty was full of wars and wars, blood flowed everywhere, and corpses piled up like mountains.

In the land of Guanzhong, Hangu Pass was broken, Xianyang blood flowed into rivers, and fire burned all over Guanzhong.

The centuries-old foundation of the Qin Dynasty fell apart in a dream, the world was torn into pieces again, and the mountains and rivers were shattered.

Ying Zheng opened his eyes in his sleep and put his hand directly on the sword beside him.

My master, there is more to come in this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the next part will be more exciting!

just a dream...

But there was already a layer of cold sweat on his body, and Ying Zheng was the only one in this empty and lonely dormitory.

The king of the world sat up.

In the darkness, he seemed to hear the wails of death, the shouts of the military formations, and the horns of attack.

"Dong dong dong..."

Da Qin's war drums echoed in his ears.


That was the howl of a fierce ghost.

Ying Zheng looked at the darkness in the dormitory ahead.

Shen Yue, Lu Buwei, Meng Ao, Wang Jian...

The figures of many deceased people appeared in front of Ying Zheng.

But then the image in front of him suddenly changed, it was a person struggling in the fire.

"In the 32nd year since I came to the throne, I have inherited the legacy of the ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty. I went east from Mount Xiao to wipe out the six kingdoms. With the strength of millions of warriors of the Great Qin Dynasty, I fought hard and finally unified the Liuhe."

Ying Zheng was sitting on the couch, seeming to be talking to himself or having a conversation with Ming Ming.

"I also know that the flames of war have devastated the world. In just a few decades, millions of people have been bleeding, starving people have died everywhere, and dust, smoke and withered bones have spread all over the world."

In the darkness, Ying Zheng's eyes were as bright as a torch: "I admit my guilt, but the unification of the world and the unity of the sea is the way of heaven! I lead all the heroes, lead millions of warriors, follow the direction of the sky, and follow the high road, which cannot be shaken by Xiaoxiao."

"I am destined to die, but the way of the Qin Dynasty will eventually bring blessings to all generations, and there will be successors."

Ying Zheng's voice fell.

Everything around him returned to darkness and silence at this moment.


The severe pain in his chest made Ying Zheng spit out a mouthful of blood.

Sweat dripped down his cheeks.

In the dormitory, he endured the pain alone.

King... so what?

Even if he is the king of the world, what can he do?

If you are human, you will die.

After a while, the pain subsided slightly.

Ying Zheng bent down to wipe the blood on the ground with the handkerchief.

No one knew how the king of the world spent that night in this dormitory.

No one can know.

Chapter 57 Meng Tian: "The tall building stands on top of tired eggs!"

In his sleep, Fu Che suddenly opened his eyes.

Strong murderous intent filled the entire room.

Sword in hand.

The intense heart palpitations he had just been in his sleep woke him up.

That moment of heart palpitations.

Refreshing into the bone marrow.

At this moment, Fu Che had an extremely ominous premonition.

But I can’t say exactly what happened.

Maybe it's just a physiological reaction, or maybe something really happened.

It also rained heavily in Songhai tonight.

There was lightning and thunder outside, and sitting on the couch, the thunder outside was mixed with the sound of heavy rain.

Pale electric light illuminated the room from time to time.

It made such a night even more terrifying.

Drowsiness is gone.

A dark wind rose in the room, adding to the stormy night.


Help Che to stand up.

Holding the sword and walking towards the door.

Listening carefully to the sound of wind and rain outside.


Open the door.

The wind and rain were coming.

However, at this moment, Fu Che's inner strength burst out.

Wind and rain cannot touch him at all.

The cold wind outside blew on my face.

The coldness made the little sleepiness in my mind disappear without a trace.

Standing at the door.

Although Fu Che's own soul grew up in a materialistic world, some things are so elusive.

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