Instead, he looked at the other two people present.

The leader was a short man. Judging from the actual appearance, he seemed to be just a child of fourteen or fifteen years old. He was dressed in gorgeous clothes. Just standing there, Fu Che could feel the warmth of this man from a long distance away. Power.

The star soul of the Yin Yang family, one of the two great protectors of the Yin Yang family, and one of the two great protectors of the empire.

His status in the Yin Yang family is still higher than that of the five elders including Shao Siming.

Especially the strength of this person.

Gathering energy into a blade, even Gai Nie once praised it.

Although Gai Nie is considered a famous poisonous nurse in Qin Shiming's world, the people who may have been poisoned by him are all extremely powerful people.

He tortured Gai Nie with one hand and picked him up vertically and horizontally with both hands.

Although it was just a joke, Xinghun's strength also allowed him to say such wild words.

Even if it's just to make up for it afterwards.

But it is undeniable that with Xinghun's strength, Fu Che is indeed an opponent worth fighting.

As for the person behind Xinghun, besides Shao Siming.

It is a beautiful woman who looks to be 27 or [-] years old. She is wearing a black and red dress and looks very capable.

Although she is not the most beautiful woman in the world, she is still one of the most beautiful women in a hundred.

But what worried Fu Che even more was this woman's hands.

A pair of dark red hands, extremely strange, fundamentally different from the woman's exposed fair skin.

The yin and yang family's chief commander.

He is also one of the five elders.

The top master of the Yin Yang family.

His strength is not inferior to that of Shao Siming.

The kung fu of Yin Yang Aiki mudra has been superb, and the most important thing is...

Yan Dan died. Although he was injured by Fu Che, he was essentially killed by Da Siming's six-soul terror curse.

Although this woman looks good.

But cruel.

However, what Fu Che cared about more was Shao Siming.

I haven't seen her for a few days. This girl seems a little different, but I can't tell what is different.

"The Thirteenth Young Master has come to visit me, but I am not welcomed from afar. Please forgive me, Young Master."

The three of them walked out of the door.

Xinghun walked in the front, and the three of them saluted Fu Che.

After all, he is a prince of the empire, and even if he is a protector of the country, he must have the proper etiquette.

"The Imperial Master, please wake up. Fu Che comes uninvited late at night. It is really against etiquette. However, it involves important officials of the empire and rebel forces. I have come here to ask for the help of an expert from the Yin Yang family."

Fu Che said in a deep voice.

"Young Master, you are serious, please!"

Xinghun opened the door and gave Fu Che a courtesy.

"National teacher, please."

Fu Che smiled slightly.

Hypocritical politeness...

The night wind blew Shao Siming's hair.

Looking at Fu Che walking over, there was a little fluctuation in his eyes.

"As far as I know, there are more than three senior members of the Yin Yang family in Sanghai. Where is Mr. Yun Zhong... sir...?"

Entering the main hall, Fu Che asked Xinghun.

Yun Zhongjun... one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family.

Although the combat power is called the shame of the five elders.

But when it comes to tinkering with some weird stuff, this person can be regarded as the Edison in the world of Mingyue during the Qin Dynasty.

For that body.

In a hurry, all Fu Che could think of was Yun Zhongjun.

"Mr. Yun Zhong is currently supervising the final stage of the construction of the mirage. Is there anything you can do, sir?"

Xinghun said to Fu Che, "Young master, just let me know."

Fu Che smiled slightly: "It concerns important members of the empire. It is a secret. Please Fu Che not to tell you. Please inform Mr. Yun Zhongjun to come back. The Imperial Master will naturally know by then."

Xinghun looked at Fuche and was stunned for a moment.

A sense of displeasure began to rise in Xinghun's heart.

However, a moment later, Xinghun's face regained a bit of a smile: "This is really a pity. I will ask Yun Zhongjun to return immediately. However, it is already dark today, and I am afraid that I will not be able to see Yun Zhongjun." "

"It doesn't matter, Fu Che will be waiting here tonight. The Yin Yang family has a great business, so they won't even give Fu Che a three-foot-wide sleeping place just because he came uninvited, right?"

Fu Che looked at Xinghun.

Xinghun smiled and said: "Young Master is joking. You are a blood descendant of His Majesty the First Emperor and the supreme noble of the empire. How dare the Yin Yang family neglect you?"

"That's fine."

Fu Che said.

Then he looked at Young Siming who was aside: "I won't bother the Imperial Master tonight. Please ask this girl to settle me down. Please find a more comfortable place."

Shao Siming looked at Fu Che with an expressionless face, but then said, "Yeah."

Although it was just a vibration in his throat, he didn't even speak.

This was Shao Siming's first response to Fu Che.


Fu Che had a smile on his face.

"In this case, I won't disturb you two.'

Xinghun looked at Young Siming: "Please entertain His Highness the Thirteenth Young Master, this is an honored guest."

Then he said to Fu Che: "I'll take my leave, young master, please help yourself."

After Xinghun left, Da Siming glanced at the two of them, and after Fei Fu Che saluted, he also left.

My master, there is more to come in this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the next part will be more exciting!

In the main hall, Che and Shao Siming were supported up and down.

"The bell rang when you came over."

Fu Che took Shao Siming's hand and said, "You also know that I'm coming?"


Shao Si Ming nodded slightly.

Then he took out a bell from his body and brought it to Fu Che's eyes.

"Jingle Bell……"

The bell jiggles.

Make a moving sound.

Also making a sound was the bell tied to Fu Che's sword.

"this is for you."

Fu Che took out the jade bracelet from his body.

"I haven't given you anything other than this jade pendant during this period. Things were in a hurry. I originally bought you a lot of things, but I only had time to put this on my body."

Fu Che slowly put the jade bracelet on Shao Siming's hand.


Fu Che looked at Young Siming: "I still have very good eyesight."

Shao Siming looked at the jade bracelet on his hand and then at Fu Che.

did not speak.

He just pulled Fu Che and walked out of the main hall.

The moonlight shone on the two of them.

And this time at a high place.

Xinghun looked at the two people walking further and further away.

"Sir, this young master seems not to have discovered our plan."

Da Siming said to Xinghun.

"Didn't find it?"

Xinghun's eyes narrowed slightly: "I didn't notice it, but he already had suspicions."


Da Siming was puzzled.

Xinghun said: "If you just want to ask for advice, just ask Yun Zhongjun to come to the general's mansion. As long as he gives the order, the old ghost will have to crawl back even if he crawls. Why come to my Yin Yang house?"

"My lord means..."

Da Siming said slowly: "He... is testing?"


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