Blood mist filled the air, and several assassins exploded into a ball of blood mist at this moment.

Fu Che waved his hand, and a strong wind blew by.

All the blood was thrown out the window at this moment.

But the strong smell of blood still filled the air.

Fusu was calm and composed, without even raising his head, and calmly drank a bottle of wine.

Shao Siming sat next to Fu Che, his eyes always staring at the uncovered delicacies in front of him, not paying attention to what was happening around him.

And Li Si...

"My lord Xiangguo, please forgive me."

Fu Che looked at Li Si, smiled slightly and said, "Although Fu Che is a prince of the empire, he is also a member of the army. Since he is in the army, how can he not drink blood?"

"Sir said yes."

Li Si smiled and said, "The Thirteenth Young Master has unparalleled martial arts skills. Li Si admires him."


Fu Che smiled.

But at this time.


A cold light flashed.

Li Si suddenly pulled out a dagger from under his body.

Stab at Fusu who is close at hand.

Extremely fast.

No time to react at all.

At this moment, Fu Che did not move.

Shao Siming didn't move either.

Several soldiers wearing leather armor rushed into the room, but there was no time to stop them.

The knife was in front of Fusu in an instant.

Fusu could even see the crazy and ferocious look in Li Si's eyes at this moment.




Fu Che laughed out loud.

"Those on the roof, please come down."

Chapter 71 Han: "Hello, my name is Zhang Han."

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The sharp blade stopped just a few feet away from Fusu.

Fusu's two fingers were clamped on the blade, preventing the short sword from moving forward at all.

A powerful martial arts aura burst out from Fusu's body.

"Li Si"'s face was full of surprise and confusion.

" could..."

"Li Si"'s voice trembled.


Fusu snorted coldly.

Put your hand to the side of your face.


A mask was taken off, revealing a very handsome and tough face of about 30 years old.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself, hello, my name is Zhang Han!"

Zhang Han said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."


The roof is shattered.

At this time six people jumped from the roof.

Six Sword Slaves...

Fu Che was not surprised by the arrival of these six people.

Because in the main drama, these six people are like this. They are here to protect you in name, but in fact...

"Thirteenth Young Master, the Six Sword Slaves came late to protect you. You deserve death!"

Among the six sword slaves, Zhen Gang, the leader, spoke.

"You can't tell me."

Fu Che waved his hand.

At this time, "Li Si" had a sharp look in his eyes.

In an instant, a cold light shone in his hand.

The whole body suddenly exerted force.

Instantly broke away from Zhang Han's control.

Sweeping outward, he was extremely fast and was obviously a top-notch player in the world.


Cold light shines.

next second.

Just heard a scream.

Bafu's flying sword came out, pierced the man's shoulder, and nailed him to the pillar.

"Cough cough..."

"Li Si" vomited blood.

Fu Che's martial arts are so domineering.

It was only because it was useful to leave him alive that he didn't kill him.

Zhang Han stood up, stepped forward and opened his mouth. After a whimper, a bloody tooth was torn out.

"You hide poison in your mouth, and you die to cover up the secret after you make a mistake."

Zhang Han smiled and said: "Yes, you don't look like a wild killer."

Looking at "Li Si" in front of him, Zhang Han also had a bit of a smile on his face: "I know it's difficult for someone like you to speak, but I happen to be a very patient person."

At this time, Zhang Han looked at the Six Sword Slaves again: "Luo Wang Six Sword Slaves... why are you here?"

The moment Zhang Han finished speaking.

I saw "Li Si" sneer, and the next second, a green smoke suddenly exploded, steaming throughout the room.

"No, it's poisonous!"

Zhang Han shouted.

"Want to go?"

Fu Che sneered: "It's better to stay."

Fu Che, who was still tasting wine, took action instantly.

At this time, Shao Siming no longer stared at the delicacies. Thousands of flying flowers were flowing in his hands, and the surrounding smoke quickly gathered in Shao Siming's hands.

In just a few breaths, the surrounding smoke miasma dissipated.

Everything is calm again.

But Fu Che's hand was squeezing the neck of "Li Si".

"Are you leaving in a hurry? If you leave without saying goodbye, outsiders will think that Fu Che didn't treat guests well and neglected you."

Fu Che said to "Li Si".

Li Si was struggling hard, but under Fu Che's restraint, he couldn't move at all.


"Li Si" let out a painful whimper from his mouth, and fainted in the next second.


He threw the unconscious "Li Si" in front of several secret shadow guards, and then glanced at Zhang Han.

Zhang Han understood.

"Put this man down and keep him under close guard. Anyone who dares to approach this man without a warrant from me and the Thirteenth Young Master will be killed without mercy!"

Zhang Han said coldly.


Several shadow secret guards took the order, tied the man up with chains, and then took him away.

Fu Che glanced at the Six Sword Slaves present calmly.

The audience has arrived and the show has begun.

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