Fu Che said: "Have you made a decision?"


Shao Siming's response has always been very simple.

Fu Che spoke slowly: "I will only ask this question this time."

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Shao Siming raised his head from Fu Che's arms, his face showing no emotion.

Looking at Fu Che, after a moment...

"I follow you."

The voice was faint, but it was the longest sentence so far.

"it is good."

Fu Che had a smile on his face.

He stretched out his hands to tangle Shao Siming's hair, and then hugged him to his chest.

"Just sleep a little longer, I'm so sleepy.'

Fu Che said.

"it is good."

Shao Si Ming said.


"That person was imprisoned in Fangjail?"

In the dark room, Zhao Gao said slowly.

At this time, Zhao Gao looked gloomy.

The original plan was ruined in this way, which was really not good news for Luo Wang and him personally.

"Yes, sir, it is indeed in the Tooth-gnawing Prison."

One of the snare assassins said.

At this moment, Six Sword Slave was beside him, and Zhao Gao looked at Six Sword Slave.

"You have to give me an explanation for this matter."

Zhao Gao said: "Why, that person is still alive."

The aura on Zhao Gao's body was very gloomy, giving people the feeling of falling into an ice cellar.

"Sir, Zhang Han was very close to that person at that time, and the Thirteenth Young Master was the top master in the world, so my subordinates really had no chance to take action."

Zhen Gang said.

"Ying Fuche, Zhang Han..."

Zhao Gao sneered: "These two people put on a good show for me."

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Just asked.

"This... is indeed a difficult problem."

Zhao Gao was hesitant, even undecided.

"It's a conspiracy. After all, both of them are the ones leading the army. They go straight and forward, but they can be so powerful."

Zhao Gao sighed: "We must find a way to shut up that person."

"The mouth of the dead is the strictest."

Zhao Gao frowned, and a strong uneasiness rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Heavy troops have been deployed in the Tooth-gnawing Prison, and there are also shadow guards to guard him. It will be very difficult to kill that person."

Zhen Gang said: "And it is also very likely to expose us."

A spider crawled up Zhao Gao's arm.

Zhao Gao was deep in thought.

"A rat-defying weapon..."

Zhao Gao spoke slowly: "Thirteenth Young Master, is this the effect you want?"

Zhao Gao thought for a long time.

"Now His Majesty the Emperor's trust in Luo Sheng is declining day by day, and the conflicts within the empire are becoming more and more acute. At this time, Luo Wen must not make any mistakes, and must not cause trouble for that gentleman."

Zhao Gao said: "I will create an opportunity for you, and you go to the Teeth-gnawing Prison to deal with that person."


Zhen Gang accepted the order on behalf of Six Sword Slave.

But strong uneasiness still boiled in Zhao Gao's heart.

This feeling has never occurred since I mastered the snare.

Too much risk.

If they don't get rid of that person, then Zhang Han and Ying Fuche will definitely use this assassin to create a trap.

And getting rid of this person will make things even more troublesome once it is discovered that the trap was behind it.

What Zhao Gao faces now is such a dilemma.


The comb passed through Shao Siming's long purple hair, which was smooth and had a faint fragrance.

The hand holding Che was gentle.

Looking up at Young Siming in the bronze mirror, the beauty was sitting quietly in front of the dressing table, very calm.

Originally, there was no dressing table in this room. After all, for a grown man, that thing was completely unnecessary.

But now that Shao Siming has moved in, he prepared one.

"It's beautiful."

Fu Che said.

Shao Siming didn't respond, but his cheeks turned a little red.

"I'll take you to meet some people later and do me a favor."

Fu Che said to Shao Siming.

Shao Siming turned to look at Fu Che, a little doubtful.

She really didn't know what Fu Che needed her help for.

"A favor that only you can help."

Fu Che said helplessly: "If you want to ask someone to do something today, you always have to give a big gift."

"what about me?"

Shao Siming suddenly raised his head and asked Fu Che.


Fu Che was stunned for a moment and didn't understand what beauty meant.

"You're...begging me."

There was a smile on Shao Siming's lips: "A gift."


A smile appeared on Fu Che's face.

He stretched out his hand and lifted up Young Siming's smooth chin: "I am all yours, isn't this gift enough?"

Shao Si ordered Yaoyao to head.

"not enough?"

Fu Che raised his eyebrows.

Shaoxing nodded.


Fu Che smiled.

But the next second.

He reached out and lifted up Shao Siming's veil.

Then leaned down.


Taste and stop.


Fu Che asked.

Shao Siming's face turned red.

Turn your head quickly.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Fu Che asked.

Shao Siming did not respond.

"Where are you now? There will be more shy people in the future."

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