The people around you are about to do something big.

A major event that could shake up the power structure within the empire.

The fact that she was still by Fu Che's side at this time only meant one thing - trust!

Suddenly I felt something.

Shao Siming looked behind him.

At this moment, at some point, there were already six people standing behind the two of them.

They appeared suddenly.

Even though he was as powerful as Shao Siming, he didn't detect their aura before they got close to five feet.

Masters, all masters.

A master who can rival Luo Wang Tianzi.

who are they.

Fu Che put his hand on Shao Siming's shoulder.

"my people."

Fu Che said quietly.


Six people saluted at the same time.

"All hands are on hand?"

Fu Che asked.

"Thousands of Black Tiger Guards have been ordered to arrive."

"The Xiaoqi Battalion is on standby twenty miles outside Songhai City."

"The pigeon team has completed surveillance of the entire city of Songhai and the surrounding area within a hundred miles."

"The Huben Battalion completed the encirclement outside Songhai."

"The Tiger Group has completed the handover with the Shadow Guards, and the Tiger Group is responsible for the safety of the eldest son."

"The Eagle Group has taken over the government beasts of the Gongshu family. All ferry terminals within three hundred miles of the coast have been heavily blocked, and there are naval forces on standby at sea."

After listening to the report of his subordinates, Fu Che's lips showed a slight smile.

"A dragnet... a dragnet has been a slogan for so many years. Let them see tomorrow what a dragnet is."

Fu Che's voice was cold: "Let's go prepare ourselves."


The six people left quickly.

Once again, only Fu Che and Shao Siming were left.

Fu Che looked at the silent young Siming.

"I have something very important for you to do tomorrow."

He took out a jade token from his body and handed it into the hands of Shao Siming: "They are not many in number, but they are my most trusted subordinates. You will take them with me when I am not here tomorrow..."


just now……

The car keeps moving forward.

After Fu Che caught the assassin.

On the surface, all the doubts about this assassination point to Confucianism. In fact, Confucianism has huge influence in the entire Qilu land and even the world.

On the one hand, Fusu's visit to Songhai was to prepare for the mirage's voyage to the east, but on the other hand, it was also one of his tasks to conduct an inspection of Confucianism.

Now that the Six Kingdoms have been destroyed, except for the border areas, the internal wars have been peaceful. Compared with the overwhelming momentum when conquering the world, how to govern the world is the top problem facing the court.

And the huge influence of Confucianism, if it can be used by the imperial court, will have a great effect on appeasing the people of the world and extinguishing the resentment of the people of the six countries.

So Confucian Fusu is bound to come.

With the reason for this assassination, it became natural to visit the Little Saint's Manor.

Of course, this time it was not just Fusu and Fuche who went there.

Li Si, the prime minister, and Zhao Gao, the commander of Zhongche Mansion.Chu Nangong, the sage of the Chu land, and of course the horse shaking his head.

In addition, there will be a mysterious guest today.

No matter who comes, Fu Che has only one focus today.

As long as Zhao Gao comes.

As for the others, it doesn't matter.

His hands stroked the hair of the child in his arms.

Although it is not a big war, what we need to do today is more important than a real confrontation between the two armies.

When young.

Fu Che once accompanied General Wang Jian and General Meng Wu to attack Chu.

It was a true war to destroy the country.

The 65 Qin troops were overwhelming and boundless.

Although because of his young age, Fu Che seemed to be very precocious to outsiders even though he had memories of his past life. However, due to the limitations of being a child, he could only observe and not participate in military decision-making.

But even so, Fu Che benefited a lot during that year.

It also had a profound influence on many of his future acting styles.

Now that all the subordinates are in place, it can be said to be a real dragnet.

But his opponent is Zhao Gao.

Even though Fu Che used his power to suppress others, how Zhao Gao would respond still made him uneasy.

Fu Che remembered that a famous general once said something very reasonable in his previous life.

"Plans are everything until there is war."

No one in this world can be said to have perfect strategies, Fu Che is the same, and Zhao Gao is the same.

Even his teacher Wei Liao and his father Ying Zheng are like this.

Even General Wang Jian and Bai Qi, the former number one warrior in the Qin Dynasty, also faced many unplanned situations in their military careers.


Always the most worrying.


Perhaps it was because of the swaying of the carriage that Shao Siming did not sleep well.

Shao Siming slowly opened his eyes and looked at Fu Che.

Stretching out his hand, he gently rubbed away Fu Che's frown.

Fu Che held Shao Siming's hand.

Compared with the coldness before, it is still a little warmer now.


Fu Che said.


Shao Siming nodded in response.

"Sir, we are still one mile away from Little Saint's Village."

Outside the car window, the accompanying chief attendant said to Fu Che.

"Well, be careful to protect the eldest son."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Fu Che responded.


The chief attendant took the order.

Fu Che stretched out his hand to straighten Young Siming's slightly messy hair.

The entire area within several miles of Little Sage Village has been closely monitored by the military.

The Little Sage Village is not a good battlefield for Fu Che.


Countless men in black were mobilizing in the darkness.

Luo Wang's hands are spread all over the Seven Kingdoms, especially after the rise of Great Qin. With the help of the rising Great Qin, its own power has gradually increased.

King Huiwen, King Wu, King Zhaoxiang... until today's First Emperor.

Strength keeps increasing.

Especially after the world is unified, Luo Wang, as a pair of eyes of the empire, can more smoothly penetrate into every corner of the world.

There are few places that are impenetrable.

The dragnet is all-pervasive, and it’s not just talk.

Today, Songhai is in a state of turmoil.

Although it is a sunny day, it gives people a chill even more than the cold winter.

Outside Songhai City, the unusual military maneuvers could not be hidden from the eyes of Luo Sheng.

Seven thousand brave cavalry and ten thousand tiger warriors are the main force of the Lantai Corps.

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