"Thirteenth Young Master, please speak."

Fu Nian said.

"If loyalty is not absolute, then it is absolute disloyalty. Mr. Fu Nian and all the Confucians should think about it carefully. Of course, everyone here can think about it carefully."

Fu Che said with a smile: "Among the many princes of His Majesty the First Emperor, Fu Che is the least educated, so my words are a bit rough. Please forgive me."

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Fu Che's eyes swept across everyone's faces.

Except for Fusu and Shao Siming, almost everyone felt a chill in their hearts.


Kendo Hall...

The people are seated.

Fusu ranks first.

Fu Che stood aside.

Then Shao Siming sat down next to Fu Che.

Everyone's eyes stayed on Shao Siming for a moment.

It is not a secret that Ying Zheng married the young master of the Yin Yang family, Fu Che, to the thirteenth son Fu Che.

Now it seems that these two people have a deep relationship, and their inner drama is also very exciting for a while.

"Ling Zhao, you just said that people have arrived. Where are they?"

Fusu asked.

"The master is already here."

Zhao Gao said.

"it's here?"

Fusu frowned slightly.

Seems puzzled.

"Ah...it's a blinding trick, it's all very fancy."

Fu Che said with a sneer.

With the voice falling.

Suddenly a gust of wind blows.

The bells on the eight clothes in Fu Che's hands and on Shao Siming's body began to jingle.

Fu Che raised his eyebrows.

Shao Siming seemed to feel something.

Suddenly, in the center of the kendo hall, a Tai Chi diagram of azure blue and dark blue suddenly appeared.

A clear, cold female voice sounded.

"There is no me in the world, I am everywhere."

There are still echoes in this kendo hall.

The scene at this moment surprised everyone, and some even exclaimed.

Blue mist rises.

And soon, a figure slowly walked out of it.

She was a young woman with white hair and white eyebrows. Her appearance was not unparalleled in the world, but her figure was excellent, especially her aura.

Absolutely impossible to despise.

A dress that is sexy yet still stylish.

As for who this person is...

Xiaomeng, the head of Taoist Tianzong.

But at this moment, Fu Che noticed one detail.

When Xiaomeng's eyes saw Shao Siming.

At that moment, there was a flash of surprise and hesitation.

Chapter 79 Fu Che: "Your method of provoking generals was successful!"

Although Shao Siming is from the Yin Yang family.

However, the identity of Shao Siming was complicated because of the special episode "Rasheng Tang" that year.

Therefore, people speculate that Shao Siming's actual origin is likely to come from Taoist Tianzong.

But he entered the Yin Yang family for unknown reasons.

Fu Che originally had doubts about this statement and did not ask Shao Siming.

But now, looking at Xiaomeng's fleeting expression just now, this question was once again raised.

Shao Siming and Xiao Meng are similar in age, maybe Shao Siming is a little older, if she really comes from Taoist Tianzong.

So the two of them may have crossed paths before.

A useless courtesy.

Xiao Meng sat down.

The seat is even higher than Prime Minister Li Si.

There is only less than three feet away from Fu Che and Shao Siming.

Still a familiar plot.

And there is nothing to say.

And Fu Che is waiting.

Today is a very important day, and everything that happens now is just the prelude.

This is an open fight.

At this moment, Fu Che looked at Zhao Gao, who was not far away.

Zhao Gao seemed to feel something.

He also looked at Fu Che.

Zhao Gao smiled slightly and looked calm.

This is a powerful and formidable opponent.

A shadow secret guard walked in from outside the door.

Quickly walked to Fu Che's side.

"Sir, everything is ready."

The Shadow Guard said to Fu Che.


Fu Che raised his hand.

The Shadow Guard retreated.

Three eyes focused on Fu Che.

One is from Fusu.

"What happened?"

Fusu asked Fuche.

"The assassin caught last time has not confessed yet, but it is only a matter of time before Zhang Han comes to recruit him."

Fu Che opened his eyes and told lies.


Fusu said: "We must interrogate carefully. It is better to find out such rebellion."

"It's natural."

Fu Che affirmed.

The two brothers also told lies with open eyes.

Most of the people here are extraordinary people.

With the volume of the two of them, it was completely audible.

The second look was that of Zhao Gao.

At this time, his eyes were gloomy, showing a bit of amusement, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

The net is huge. Even if Fu Che thinks he has laid a net, there are still variables in this battle.

As for the third gaze.

But it came from Xiaomeng.

Xiaomeng, the head of the Taoist Tianzong, wears a sword named Qiuli, which ranks ninth among the top ten famous swords.

The strength cannot be underestimated.

Not only was Xiaomeng at the top of the ranks, he had at least reached the master level, and he was truly one of a kind.

even stronger.

The appearance of this woman is a variable.

Because this one doesn’t seem to have a clear stance.

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