His mind was full of puzzles. Shinozaki Rika really couldn't figure it out, Rin was the same, and so was the cook.


Isn't he in the mine? It's good to make some money by digging some ore. The ore is valuable now.Let me edit a letter...

"Xiao Wuming, the prices of ores and gems in Dongmu City have been rising in the past two days, dig quickly!" The mine is halfway up the mountain.

under the rock wall.

Tohsaka Rin took the envelope and said slowly, looking at Xiao Wuming and others expectantly.

"See! Mining has a future. Who has the energy to dig with me?"

"Wait until I gather enough strength to talk!" Xiao Wuming remained calm. He suddenly remembered his newly acquired ability, "Rin, do you have magic power?"

"Magic power? No! Do you think I, who use gems, need to use magic power? Why do you ask?" Tohsaka Rin put away the envelope in his hand.


Xiao Wuming looked at Black Joan...

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Black Joan raised her eyelids.

Absorb the magic!

An invisible aura enveloped the other party.

Nani?Black Joan felt as if her body had lost something.

The magic power was instantly reduced a lot, leaving her no time to react at all.

But Xiao Wuming felt that the chakra/magic power in his body had increased a lot.

very good!

This skill works very well!

"What did you do to me!" Black Joan jumped up.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm just trying out my little skills. It looks pretty good. I can absorb your magic power and turn it into mine." Xiao Wuming laughed.

"You actually still have this kind of ability? That's great. Next time we go to the underground maze and meet my mother, you can come up and drain her dry!" Wakaba Jise stamped her feet excitedly.

Feeling the strength on his shoulders, Xiao Wuming suddenly had a wrong idea.

The spider in front of me is my power bank.

Absorb other people's magic and turn it into his own?

Arturia stood with green eyes, hesitating whether she should ask something.

But looking at Black Joan next to him.

I didn't dare to say these words.

If you want to ask, you can only ask later when there are no outsiders.

"Well... the food has been delivered, so I should go back and deliver water." Arturia said goodbye.

"Are you going back now?" Xiao Wuming.

"Yes, I've been here long enough."

"How much money can you make by delivering water? Why don't you stay? We are still short of teammates here." Rin Tosaka said, "Hospitable".

"I..." Artoria shook her head, "I'm used to being alone, let's talk about this later."

"Some people in Great Britain are not as useful as a spider. At least the spider brings some belongings to seek refuge." Black Joan of Arc was doing her magic on the side.

"Of course! I thought I came here with trophies when I took refuge." Ruoye Jise raised her head proudly.

The little you have is not enough for your food for a few days!Xiao Wuming complained in his heart.

But no matter how exciting Black Joan and the others are.

Artoria just refused to let go.

Seeing the other party's persistence, Xiao Wuming did not dare to strain the other party's nerves: "It's almost dusk now, why don't you stay here for one more night, we just have to eat."

Chapter 149: Calm down before talking

Thanks to Ji Tianwai for the reward of 1000 VIP points, Artoria wanted to decline. She couldn't keep eating and drinking here all the time.

Especially there is a French enemy here.

The other party saved his life and even ate up the other party's food reserves. No one else would have the shame to stay here any longer.

However, I still have something to ask Xiao Wuming.

"It's indeed getting a little dark now, so I'll stay here for the night to avoid disturbing you." Arturia convinced herself in this way.

Is it a bit dark?

Black Joan raised her head, and the sunset rendered the sky colorful.

Is this called the weather a bit dark?Although I, Joan of Arc, have little education, I am still a young aristocrat from the countryside, so I still have some common sense.

These people from Great Britain appear to be gentlemen and ladies on the surface, but secretly they are all kinds of dirty.


The French lady's face showed no trace of her French contempt.

"Come, let's have a drink! We won't sleep until we get drunk tonight. I want barbecue for 30 people." Only the smell of alcohol remained in Wakaba Jisei's mind.

Sooner or later, you will be poor. Rin Tosaka glared at the spider.

The stars are sparse and the sky is gradually falling.

The bonfire was lit and it was a new night.

In the mine, there is a continuous sound of clanging knocking.

Even at night, the adventurers had the attitude of digging whatever they could.

Fine wine, delicious food, and bonfires create a beautiful life for workers in a different world in the mines...


A thunderbolt from the clear sky broke the tranquility.

The sound of thunder was like a bucket of cold water poured on the heads of the diggers.

Rain Tiger Freedom Technique!

It's raining……

The field station of the Order of Saints.

Gildre, wearing a steel helmet and thick armor.

He was hit in the face twice by rocks, and his mentality almost collapsed.

A drop of rain fell just on his helmet.

Almost out of instinct, Gildre hid under the rock wall: "Quick, quick, quick! Put the guy away to avoid the rain. This weather is really inexplicable. It rains at any time."

In just a blink of an eye, the adventurers who had not had time to clean up were all covered by rainwater.

Everyone has become accustomed to the indifference and ruthlessness of the mine these days.

But those who deserve to be scolded still have to be scolded. This rain is really disgusting, raining down every day!

Even though they couldn't mine, they all celebrated the harvest day around the bonfire... crash... the rain got heavier.

The sound of rain was like a lullaby, putting everyone to sleep.

In the vast mist, Xiao Wuming's vision was compressed.Awww...

In the rain, an unknown monster howled.

The howl echoed in the mountains, and it was impossible to tell from which direction it came.

what sound?

Xiao Wuming, who was on duty at night, glanced outside.

He was worried that he hadn't had enough killing during the day, and now a monster came to his door, and judging from the sound, it was definitely a big guy.

Artoria, who had always been strong-willed, suddenly woke up. She had long been accustomed to being alone, and she would maintain the highest vigilance for everything.

Tohsaka Rin, who was sleeping, opened his hazy eyes.

Through the swaying sparks, I could see Xiao Wuming teasing the spider with the presence of the old god.

Her heart was filled with a sense of security, and sleep made her eyes quietly close again.

"Stop teasing, stop teasing, do you know what etiquette is? Don't touch other people's stomachs, where did you touch them!" Ruoye Jise bit Xiao Wuming's finger.

He didn't use any force, just held it gently.

Xiao Wuming used his other hand to scratch her belly.Ha ha……

Wakaba Jise couldn't help but roll over.

"I can't cure you, little one." Xiao Wuming chuckled.

Scathach and Black Jeanne, who were accustomed to making noise, didn't even wake up.

Even if he wakes up, he will never pay attention to this person.

Artoria, who was instantly awakened by the voice just now, felt that the two people in front of her did not look like companions!

Apart from the different races, they look like a couple!

He glanced secretly at Black Jeanne and remained motionless.

The other three were sleeping soundly and did not appear to wake up at all.

Taking a deep breath, I felt a lot more courageous.

"..." Artoria opened her mouth.

Wakaba Jise, who has multiple eyes, noticed the abnormality of the other party. She jumped on Xiao Wuming's shoulder and gestured with her forelimbs... Please give me flowers...

"Artoria, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Wuming asked curiously.

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