But even after seeing Xu Yang's aero engine, Professor Chen did not think of installing this aero engine on the J-8.Because the J-8 is a jet piston fighter.If it is to be equipped with this aeroengine, the design of the J-8 will need to be greatly modified.The aerodynamic layout will be significantly modified.There are currently no large-scale wind tunnels in China for verification.

It is precisely for this reason that domestic fighter jets directly copy the appearance design of DaMao fighter jets.This eliminates the need for wind tunnel testing on the aerodynamic layout.This is also a helpless move.

The aviation engine suppressed by Xu Yang is very different from the aircraft engine scheduled for the J-8.It cannot directly replace their scheduled flight.

Therefore, Professor Chen did not think of recommending Xu Yang’s aviation engine to the J-8 research team.

But testing the performance of the aircraft engine can be carried out in Beihang's aircraft engine laboratory.

Xu Yang sent the aircraft to Beihang Aviation Development Laboratory.

The test data is very surprising.

The temperature in front of the turbine reached an astonishing 1700K, and the thrust reached 120KN.In this era, this is definitely the king!

Professor Chen was also very surprised when he heard about the amazing data of this turbofan aviation engine.

So this turbine fan aviation engine was reported to Chief Engineer Gao.Unfortunately, General Engineer Gao rejected Professor Chen's suggestion on the spot.

"If we want to adopt this aircraft engine, we must completely overturn our existing design and start from scratch. It cannot be completed within the mission deadline. Therefore, even if this aircraft engine is advanced, we cannot adopt it." Chief Engineer Gao Professor Chen's proposal was rejected without hesitation.

Professor Chen could only sigh.

Xu Yang had already expected this result, so he was not surprised at all.His engine is no longer intended to be equipped for the J-[-], but is specially prepared for the fighter jets he designed.

"Little master, stop being busy, take a rest and eat." Guo Dabozi brought the meal.

"Hey, so many dishes?" Xu Yang smiled.

"Secretary Yang arranged it. He said that you have been too tired recently and I need to let you eat better." Guo Dabozi also ate with Xu Yang.The portion is so generous that it can feed two or three people.

"Is everything going well in the workshop?" Xu Yang hasn't been to the workshop for a while.

"It's okay. It's just that everyone is a little dissatisfied. We finally built the CNC machining center, but when it comes to using it, we don't have a share. It's all taken up by the group of college students. These college students are the technical staff as soon as they enter the factory. , and he started directly as a ninth-level engineer. The salary is higher than that of our eighth-level fitter. Many people are not convinced." Guo said.

"You, Lao Guo, are not convinced, are you? But what can you do? You don't have much education, and you can't use the CNC machining center if it is handed over to you. If we don't give college students better treatment, they will be willing to work in our factory Are you coming? When will our steel rolling mill be able to have so many college students who graduated from Qingdao University?" Xu Yang could tell at a glance that Guo was not convinced.

Guo Dapizi laughed.

"But this is so unfair."

"What's fair and unfair? They are top students, but if no one comes over, our machine tools will have to be moved away and used by others. Now that we bring in college students, the machine tools are still from our factory. Isn't it more cost-effective to get them this way? By the way, Hangfa The test has been completed and the performance is very good. Our next step is to build a fighter jet. Don’t tell others about this." Xu Yang said angrily.

"Build a fighter jet?" Guo Dabao almost shouted.

"Look at your potential. Virtue! Now I'm still working on the design. I don't know when I can make it." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang first made an overall design, and then disassembled it into several units, and then conquered each unit one by one.

"Have you heard about Silly Zhu?" Guo Dapai asked.

"What's the matter?" Xu Yang shook his head.

"Sinzhu was reported by people in your yard, saying that he often brought food back. He said that he deducted food from workers. And it's an old habit." Guo Dapizi said.

"How did the factory deal with it?" Xu Yang asked.

The factory investigated and found that Shazhu usually did not deduct food from workers, but would deduct some from it and take it back when serving meals.At first, the leader thought he was bringing leftovers. Who knew that the leader had kept the food for himself before he started eating.But Silhu did not eat in the factory during the reception meal. They brought some food back, but the leader had nothing to say.

"This was originally caused by the factory leader eating and drinking. Could it be that the leader had to deal with it himself first?" Guo Dabo said with a smile.

"Is there nothing wrong with Si Zhu?" Xu Yang asked.

"That's not true. If that were the case, the people in the factory would not accept it. The factory gave Shazhu a notice of criticism. In fact, it was a matter of three drinks as a penalty. Shazhu had nothing to do and continued to work as a chef in the cafeteria. You guys Those people in the hospital are unlucky, every time they go to the cafeteria to get food, their spoons are shaken by idiots." Guo Dabo said.

"Sinzhu is really capable of doing this." Xu Yang said with a smile.

"He doesn't dare to skimp on our food, otherwise Director Yang will skin him." Guo Dabo said with a smile.

The food here in Xuyang is very delicious.

Qin Huairu in the second workshop had a crying face.

"Silly Zhu is going too far. Every time I go to get food, I give you half at most. The key is that this bastard is getting more and more cunning now. I give you half soup and half vegetables every time, so you can't say it." Qin Huairu said angrily.

Now that her family has improved, Qin Huairu is willing to go to the canteen to get a meal at noon.

Unexpectedly, after He Yuzhu was put in a sack, he would often instigate people in the cafeteria to serve food to people in the courtyard and shake spoons.

The person's shaking of the spoon is not as obvious as before. It still looks like the spoon is full, but he deliberately scoops half of the soup for you.Even if the leader was watching, he had nothing to say to He Yuzhu.You can't say that the people in your courtyard don't have any soup at all, they are all dry goods.Then who will drink the soup?

He Yuzhu also confidently said that everyone should be treated equally.

However, Xu Damao and He Yuzhu did not get the good news either.Returning to the Siheyuan, it is the world of the working people in the Siheyuan.

When He Yuzhu came home yesterday, he smelled something wrong as soon as he entered the house.

As a result, I searched around and found several dead mice in the house.The most disgusting thing is that there is one in the pot too.

The same goes for Xu Damao's family.

What's even worse is that when Xu Damao was sleeping at night, he found something cold under the quilt. When he got up and took a look, he found that two cauliflower snakes had been placed under the quilt.Xu Damao was so frightened that he rushed out of the house wearing only a pair of underpants, and ended up spending the night at He Yuzhu's house.

The relationship between the two mortal enemies is getting better and better.

"If it really doesn't work, I won't go to the first cafeteria to eat in the future. Let's go to the second cafeteria." Liu Haizhong said.


The bangs were also shaken by Silly Zhu.

"Why did Silly Zhu become like this!" Yi Zhonghai sighed, even he was not spared by He Yuzhu.

Originally, Yi Zhonghai was not involved in the radio matter at all, but He Yuzhu still did not let Yi Zhonghai go.The main reason was that He Yuzhu felt that Yi Zhonghai had cheated him with Qin Huairu before.Now I want to come back with revenge.

"He is like this. He looks kind, but in fact he is very angry at heart. He will retaliate. Anyone who offends him in the yard will retaliate afterwards," Qin Huairu said.

"We have to find a way. If this continues, it won't be a problem, right?" Yi Zhonghai frowned.

Although he no longer expects He Yuzhu to take care of him in his old age, he has to guard against He Yuzhu taking advantage of his old age to take revenge in the future.

"How about we hold a hospital-wide meeting after we go back?" Liu Haizhong said.

Yi Zhonghai nodded: "This is the only thing we can do now."

On the same day, Xu Yang returned home and had just started making dinner when Liu Guangfu came over to inform him.

"Master, there is a hospital-wide meeting tonight. You can attend it after dinner."

Xu Yang probably knew the content of this hospital-wide meeting: "Okay."

After dinner, Xu Yang carried a bench to the courtyard.

By this time, many people were already sitting in the courtyard.

Jia Zhang, who was almost arrested before, seems to have fully recovered, but it can be seen from her eyes that Jia Zhang still feels uneasy and resentful.

Jia Zhang's eyes were like two knives, staring at He Yuzhu.

He Yuzhu was a little disdainful.

He naturally knew the purpose of the three uncles holding this meeting.

"Everyone, be quiet. The meeting is about to begin. I have a few things to tell everyone." Yi Zhonghai cleared his throat.

The yard fell silent.

"Recently, a lot of things have happened in the yard. This has caused a lot of conflicts between the neighbors in the yard. Silly Zhu and Xu Damao falsely accused the whole hospital of engaging in speculation and made false reports without any evidence. This is very inappropriate. Yes." Yi Zhonghai said.

"Wait a minute, sir, there's something I didn't understand." He Yuzhu interrupted Yi Zhonghai.

"That sentence?" Yi Zhonghai asked.

"What do you mean Xu Damao and I made false accusations? We are in the industry of reselling radios. Could it be that I made false accusations? Where did I report something wrong? It's just that I was careless and you discovered it in advance. Otherwise you will be finished sooner or later." He Yuzhu said.

"Then it's true that you were shaking the spoon in the cafeteria, right?" Yi Zhonghai said angrily.

"I didn't shake the spoon. Secretary Yang can vouch for this. You are not satisfied, but you just didn't take advantage of me. I used to take too much care of you, and I treated you well every time. Now I treat you normally. , but you are not used to it." Naturally, He Yuzhu would not admit to shaking the spoon.

"I can prove this. When I go to get food, aren't I the same as you? Others can eat, why can't you?" Xu Damao said disdainfully.

Chapter 130 The old fitter who refuses to admit defeat

"Zhuzi, do you really want to fight everyone in the courtyard to the end?" Yi Zhonghai looked at He Yuzhu coldly.

He Yuzhu was still a little afraid of Yi Zhonghai: "I, I..."

"Silly Zhu, few of the people in our hospital are sincere to you and will plot against you. You have helped so many people in the past, but who takes you seriously?" Xu Damao said.

"Xu Damao, shut up!" Yi Zhonghai was anxious.

"Oh, Master, you are so anxious. I didn't say it was you. It doesn't matter if you want Shazhu to provide for you in old age. You are a homeless person after all. As long as you are really good to Shazhu, Shazhu will provide for you in old age. It's reasonable. But why do you always try to sabotage Shazhu's blind date? Are you worried that Shazhu will not be willing to provide for you in old age if he has a partner in the future? It's best to let Shazhu and Qin Huairu combine. In the future, you can I will provide for you in your old age honestly." Xu Damao smiled disdainfully.

Yi Zhonghai's face darkened, and he sighed secretly: It's over!

This was his idea. He originally thought that others would not be able to see it, but who knew that Xu Damao revealed it.

Everyone looked at Yi Zhonghai.

Naturally, Yi Zhonghai would not admit it: "I have never done this. I wanted Shazhu to provide for us and our family in old age. But we treat Shazhu like our own son."

"Like your biological son? Would you let your biological son get entangled with a widow? Would you let your biological son often take care of the widow? Second uncle, would you let Guangfu and Guang help the widow every day? Third uncle, you Will Jie Cheng and Jiefang be mixed up with the widow every day?" Xu Damao said.

"Xu Damao, please keep your mouth clean!" Qin Huairu said.

"Widow Qin, I haven't talked about you yet, you jumped out on your own. When Silly Zhu was talking about a partner, how many times did you go to Silly Zhu's house to wash your underwear? Every time you appeared in Silly Zhu's room, Silly The object of the column will turn yellow." Xu Damao said with a smile.

"You're talking nonsense! I'm going to clean up the room for Silly Zhu." Qin Huairu was a little panicked.

"Everyone, you heard that a widow ran to clean the house of a young single man, wash clothes and underpants. Is this normal? And every time, she always picks up the point of talking about a partner! Is this normal?" Xu Damao said .

He Yuzhu's face was livid, and everyone in the courtyard looked at Qin Huairu with strange eyes.

Before, everyone didn't know why He Yuzhu couldn't reach a date every time, but now they understand what's going on.In a normal family, who would marry their daughter to a man who is entangled with a widow?

Yi Zhonghai knew that he couldn't let Xu Damao continue to be so messy.

"Tonight is mainly about dealing with the relationship between Xu Damao and He Yuzhu and all their neighbors. We will talk about other things later."

He Yuzhu said coldly: "I think it's best to explain these things clearly. Only other things can be explained clearly. I have been on blind dates several times, and the first meeting has been negotiated. As a result, when the girl came to the house, Qin Huairu He ran over, and after the girl went back, she started blowing off with me. Qin Huairu, what on earth did you say to someone? "

"It's been a long time ago, and I can't remember it clearly. If you can't find a partner, don't blame this or that. Don't you have any problems yourself?" Qin Huairu said coldly.

"My only problem is that I shouldn't have been kind enough to help your Jia family. As a result, I have been able to support a whole family of white sheep wolves. If it weren't for your Jia family's gift, I wouldn't have ended up like this." He Yuzhu said harshly.

"Silly Zhu, you have helped our family before. I am grateful to you in my heart. Even if our Jia family was wrong before. But this time, our Jia family didn't provoke you, right? You brought lunch boxes to our family, I I accepted it because I really couldn't give in. But on the one hand, you insist on sending lunch boxes to our family, and on the other hand, you are ruthless and file a black complaint. You want to put our Jia family to death! This time, you can also blame us. Are you bad at He Yuzhu?" Qin Huairu asked.

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