Although Xu Yang is now a graduate student at Qingdao University, in fact, Xu Yang did not even go to high school.

However, Lin Yong can say with certainty that there is no scholar in China who has more extensive and profound knowledge than Xu Yang.He is simply an omnipotent scientist.

"Yubin, what do you think this integrated circuit should be used for?" Lin Yong asked.

Chen Yubin shook his head: "I can't tell, but this integrated circuit board must be very powerful. It's even more complicated than the control system of a CNC machining center."

"That's right. Do you think this is the control system of the fighter jet?" Lin Yong asked.

"It's hard to say. Anyway, I can't understand this XCMG." Chen Yubin smiled bitterly.

"If we could understand him, we would become omnipotent scientists. I really don't know how he learned so many things." Lin Yong said.

"The gap between people is huge. Don't compare yourself to some people, otherwise you will die of shame." Chen Yubin said with a smile.

"Well, don't compare yourself to people like Xugong. It's not that they can't go to college, but they don't have to go to college. They go directly to graduate school and are even better than their tutors." Lin Yong said with a smile.

By the time Xu Yang had all the accessories he needed, several sets of integrated circuit boards had been made.

At this time, Xu Yang began to assemble.

Helping on the side were Guo Dapizi and other quasi-engineers who came from improvement workshops, as well as Lin Yong and other college students.

But except Xu Yang, no one knew what Xu Yang was going to assemble.

These sets of things are all assembled in Xuyang's experimental workshop.

It can be seen that this set of machines is extremely important to Xu Yang.

Now the experimental workshop has a CNC machining center, two aviation engines, and a large number of aviation engine parts.

Plus these sets of parts from unknown machines.

These are things that Xu Yang attaches great importance to.

Xu Yang is very familiar with the assembly of this machine, assembling the parts one by one like a puzzle.

The most popular thing has become something very weird, but also very sci-fi.

"Is this a robotic arm?" Lin Yong asked.

Xu Yang nodded, "It is indeed a robotic arm."

"What did you design a robotic arm to do?" Lin Yong asked in confusion.I feel like a robotic arm is of little use.

"You will know soon." Xu Yang smiled.

Xu Yang installed a batch of robotic arms in succession, forming a large mechanical array in the workshop.The robotic arm moves very slowly.Lin Yong and others couldn't see what use this robotic arm could have.Can it still replace labor?A robotic arm is not as efficient as a worker.With so many robotic arms, they may only be able to replace the work of a few workers, which is not worth the gain.

Xu Yang continuously inputs parameters into the storage unit of the robotic arm.

It took a long time to complete the input of all system commands and the settings of the robotic arm.

"Lao Guo, go get a set of CNC machining center parts. Test the efficiency of this assembly center." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang put the parts one by one on the conveyor belt, and the workpieces were brought to a specific position by the conveyor belt.One robotic arm immediately stretches out to fix the part, and then another robotic arm just fixes the second part and sends it to the position of contact with the second part.

The two parts are assembled together under the operation of the machine.

The two parts were then transferred to the next manipulator, which immediately installed the third workpiece that had been controlled for a long time.

The assembly speed is getting faster and faster, and almost no one at the scene can clearly see how the machine installs the parts of the CNC machining center in order.

The further you get to the back, the faster the speed. It would take Xu Yang several days to assemble a CNC machining center without any helpers.

But an assembly production line only took two or three hours to complete the assembly of the CNC machining center.

Lao Guo, take this CNC machining center to the side of CNC machining machine No. 0001 and test it.Xu Yang said.

Guo Dabizi was not ambiguous at all. He immediately took a few fitters to move the CNC machining center that had just come off the production line next to the No. 0001 CNC machining center.Then start processing some complex workpieces.

Each exquisite workpiece is produced from machine tool No. 0002.They look like works of art.

"Master, go and help measure it to see if it meets our own standards." Xu Yang said.

Zhao Xiangdong immediately took the measuring tool and started measuring.

This CNC machining center has not yet been debugged, but the parts processed are already of excellent quality.

"Xu Yang, this is excellent! This CNC machining center has higher precision than the one assembled by hand. This assembly center is very powerful! The assembly speed is so fast." Zhao Xiangdong said excitedly.

Guo Dayao figured it out.

"Little Master, tell me the truth. Is this assembly center just to test the possibility of using the automated assembly center for fighter jet manufacturing?" Guo Dabizi asked quietly while there was no one else around.

"Don't pry if you shouldn't. If our fighter jets are built, maybe our place will become a secret." Xu Yang said.

Guo Dabozi was convinced: "That's okay, I won't ask any more."

With the establishment of the CNC machining center assembly line, the production efficiency of the CNC machining center has increased several times.

If parts production can keep up, Xuyang can even produce dozens of CNC machining centers a month.

It is still extremely difficult to set up a fighter assembly center in this era.But what Xu Yang wants to build is not a truly fully automatic switching center, but the assembly of large parts of helicopters, which is not that complicated.

The assembly of some small parts can be completed manually, but Xu Yang can design some labor-saving tools to improve the efficiency of assembly.Including aviation engine assembly.

When Xu Yang was assembling the aviation engine before, he needed a large group of fitters to help.If equipped with assembly machinery, Xu Yang can complete it relatively easily alone.The efficiency of assembly will also be improved a lot.

After all, the fighter jet Xu Yang wants to develop is not a fourth-generation fighter, but a third-generation fighter, which can meet current needs.

Through the research and development of third-generation machines, a large number of technical personnel have been trained.In the future, when fourth-generation fighters or even fifth-generation fighters are launched, the aviation industry will likely be rich in talents and have very strong technical reserves.

But even just the development of an assembly center is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive.

There are already signs of wind picking up in many places, and even in the steel rolling mill, there is something wrong with the wind.

What makes Xu Yang very helpless is that instead of Deputy Director Li, Deputy Director Sun has come.Deputy Director Sun became director of the Revolutionary Committee of the steel rolling mill.

As soon as the limelight came, Deputy Director Sun rode the wind.

In the end, Secretary Yang was implicated by the big leaders and was soon dismissed from his post.

Director Sun immediately stopped Xu Yang's R&D activities.

"XCMG, you are going in the wrong direction. If you use machines to replace labor, what will our working class do in the future?" Director Sun asked.

"Director Sun. It is because of the nature of our society that we cannot exploit workers like capitalists. Think about it, if we replace most of the manual work with machines, will it free the working class from heavy labor? ? Let them pursue higher dreams. We are now a new society, shouldn’t the working class live a better life than in the old society?” Xu Yang asked.

Director Sun, how can 877 dare to answer this casually?

"Of course the working class will live better in the new society than in the old society." Director Sun said.

"The purpose of these machines I developed is to make the working class less tired and make their lives better and better. This direction should be consistent with your direction, Director Sun. Isn't this the direction of Director Sun? "Xu Yang asked.

"Of course this is the direction. Comrade Xu Yang, you have misunderstood my ideas. In fact, I have always been very supportive of your research and development activities." Director Sun wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Educated people are really terrible and will dig holes for you if you are not careful.

Director Sun didn't dare to touch Xu Yang.Because Xu Yang's family background is so good, there are a lot of fitters in the factory to support him.Guo Dabozi also led a team of people and was a huge force in the steel rolling mill.

"Little Master Liu, what did the man named Sun want to do with you just now?" Guo Dabao asked.

"It's nothing. He wants me to stop doing research and development." Xu Yang said.

"Don't worry, I won't let him cause damage. I have brought most of the fitters over now, and the security department is also ours. The one named Sun can't make much trouble. This steel rolling mill is now our fitters' rolling mill. !" In order to protect Xu Yang, Guo Dayi gathered a group of people when the wind blew.

"Lao Guo, don't sink too deep. Don't be unable to look back when the time comes." Xu Yang said worriedly.

Guo Dabozi glanced at Xu Yang and smiled: "Old Guo has always been the only one who cheats others, and I have never been cheated by anyone."

There are also powerful characters in the Siheyuan.

Xu Damao is still the same as in the original drama, rising into the wind. He defected to Director Sun and became Director Sun's right-hand man.This time, even He Yuzhu was pulled in by Xu Damao.He led the canteen team to follow Director Sun.

Liu Haizhong and Yi Zhonghai did not join Guo Dabizi's fitter team, but turned to Director Sun.Liu Haizhong was appointed as the team leader by Director Sun, while Yi Zhonghai served as the director of the second workshop.

This is interesting. Yi Zhonghai and others were originally sworn enemies of Xu Damao, but they all turned to Director Sun.But even though they all turned to Director Sun, the conflicts between them were not resolved.

During the day, he fights in the factory, and when he returns to the courtyard, he fights in the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai and Xu Damao both wanted to draw Xu Yang into their respective camps.

"Xu Yang, at this time, you must choose a side, otherwise it will be very detrimental to yourself." Yi Zhonghai found Xu Yang.

"Master, I don't want to get involved in your affairs, and you don't want to disturb me. This kind of non-interference may be beneficial to everyone." Xu Yang said.

Chapter 132 Temptation and Winning

"How can you say such a thing? Now this is not only a personal matter, nor is it only a matter in the courtyard, but a national matter. Xu Yang, you will easily make mistakes if you continue like this." Yi Zhonghai looked at it coldly. Xu Yang.

"Yi Zhonghai, everyone is a sensible person. I know very well what you are thinking. If you want to fight Xu Damao and the others, go and fight. I am not interested in these things. I don't want to get involved. But if you think that If I'm easy to bully, you've got the wrong idea." Xu Yang glanced at Yi Zhonghai disdainfully.

"You really don't listen to my advice?" Yi Zhonghai asked.

"If you are like this, then I might as well cooperate with Xu Damao. At least Xu Damao will not use his power to overwhelm others like you." Xu Yang smiled.

Yi Zhonghai immediately panicked. If Xu Yang cooperated with Xu Damao, then he would not be able to suppress Xu Damao in the hospital. He quickly said: "Of course, I have to respect your personal wishes. I will definitely not force you."

"Go and do whatever you need to do. I still have a lot of things to do here." Xu Yang said.

As soon as Yi Zhonghai left, Yan Jiecheng and others ran over.

"Master, did this old guy Yi Zhonghai come over and threaten you?" Yan Jiecheng asked.

"If he dares to threaten you, let's put a sack on him!" Liu Guangtian said.

Yan Jiefang agreed very much: "We are good at this."

Liu Guangfu also agreed: "Yes, we cannot let the master be bullied."

Banggeng said: "I will go to their house to order firecrackers at night. Let's see if I can scare this old guy to death!"

"Come on, please be quiet and listen to Master!" Yan Jiecheng is a married man after all, so he is much more stable than the others.

"What can he do to me! But we can't be passive about this matter. As long as we unite, Yi Zhonghai and Xu Damao can't make waves in this courtyard. Remember, what's going on outside, Let's try not to get involved, but our hospital must be stable. We must seize the initiative and not let shady people like Yi Zhonghai and Xu Damao cause trouble. It's not like they don't have problems, we can catch their problems and correct them. As for them. Guangfu, if you guys have a good family background, go ahead. Jie Cheng, if you guys have a bad family background, just follow behind. We need to make the courtyard lively and let the outside The people outside can’t catch us, but we can’t mess around internally. We also have to prevent Yi Zhonghai and Xu Damao from messing around.” Xu Yang explained the practices of Guo Dabozi and others in the factory.

Xu Yang's disciples agreed very much.

"I agree with this method. Yi Zhonghai himself is not clean. Before, he protected Silly Zhu, bullied Master, and bullied Xu Damao. This is his fault. If we grasp this, we can say that he is a feudal parent!" Liu Guangfu said.

"There is also Xu Damao, who is selfish. By the way, he also clings to capitalists. He marries a capitalist lady. Just this alone can bring him down." Yan Jiecheng said.

"If Silly Zhu dares to cause trouble, it will be easier to handle. He deducts food from workers in the factory, often undermines socialism, and takes things from the canteen home. Do you still remember the chicken theft?" Xu Yang said.

"Yes, yes, that's enough to make Silly Zhu unable to stand up." Yan Jiecheng said.

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