"Actually, if Director Sun wants to deal with Xu Yang, it's not completely impossible. It's just that Director Sun still wants Xu Yang to make some achievements so that he can take advantage of it." Yi Zhonghai said.

Director Sun knew very well. He had already seen that Xu Yang was not the kind of person who liked to compete for fame and wealth, and he had no intention of ostracizing him.There is no conflict of interest between the two people at all. Instead, their interests are the same.The better Xu Yang does, the more beneficial it will be to Director Sun.

Therefore, in the factory, Director Sun not only did not think about how to plot Xu Yang, but instead tried every means to protect Xu Yang.

"Many people have spoken ill of General Engineer Xu in front of me recently. I have to remind you here. Anyone can be missing from the steel rolling mill, but Xu Yang cannot be missing. Think about it, if Xu Yang goes to another The factory can definitely still make a living. If our factory loses Xu Yang, let alone achieve greater glory, it is not certain that we can keep this little bit of family wealth. Don’t think that there is no need for Mr. Xu to go to the workshop in person. The workers are all Capable of installing and debugging CNC machining centers, assembling fighter jets, etc. However, have you ever thought that as long as the assembly center fails, no one in the factory can solve the problem. Only Mr. Xu can solve the problem. Mr. Xu Once the workers leave, within a year, all the machines in our steel rolling mill may be down," Director Sun said.

No one realized this before.

"Director Sun, are you saying that General Engineer Xu deliberately held back a hand?" Liu Haizhong asked.

"Fart! Mr. Xu is not keeping a guard up, but he is guarding against it. Because Mr. Xu is worried about spies sneaking into our factory. If we don't keep a guard up, if the spies steal all our technology, we will be in trouble in the future. Can a Chinese fighter jet win against an old American fighter jet? Chief Engineer Xu told me about this, and I support it unreservedly!" Director Sun said.

"But the authority we gave Xu Yang is too great. What if something goes wrong?" Liu, the former section chief of the Propaganda Department, has now become the deputy director of the steel rolling mill.

Not long ago, Deputy Factory Director Liu wanted to arrange for a relative to enter the work area, but Xu Yang refused directly.Naturally, Deputy Director Liu was offended.

So did Deputy Director Liu? Shui dug holes for Xu Yang whenever he had the chance.

Director Sun glanced at Deputy Factory Director Liu: "What authority? This is not the authority given by us, but determined by the military. If you have any objections, you can tell them. In fact, Mr. Xu is also our factory leader. , General Engineer Xu can participate in many things in the factory, but General Engineer Xu puts all his energy on research and development, and others look down upon this power. He only wants to improve the level of our military industry and help the soldiers win the battle. Here At this time, you are still fighting for fame and fortune here. It really disappoints me. I don’t want to hear any inappropriate criticism of Comrade Xu Yang at meetings in our factory in the future!"

Everyone looked at Director Sun, a little surprised, wondering why Director Sun was so tolerant of Xu Yang.In their view, Xu Yang had clearly sidelined Director Sun and had divided the steel rolling mill into two and divided it across the river.

Xu Yang's authority in the military industry area is even greater than Director Sun's in the factory area.If this continues, from now on others will only know about Mr. Xu, but not Director Sun.

"Director Sun, I think whether it is a military industrial area or an ordinary factory area, it still needs to accept the unified leadership of the factory committee. Otherwise, the steel rolling mill will no longer be a steel rolling mill. It is better to separate the military industry." Deputy Director Liu still disagrees. willingly.

"Would it be good for you to be separated? If we were separated, our factory would go back to the previous years, with only dead wages and almost no benefits at the end of the year. Are you willing? Deputy Director Liu, you don't care about bonuses and benefits. The majority of employees still need them. . During the Chinese New Year last year, I saw that you were very happy after receiving the supplies." Director Sun really decided that Deputy Factory Director Liu was completely brainless.This kind of person should really be thrown into the workshop to tighten screws.

Everyone also had strong opinions on Deputy Director Liu’s suggestion.

You can talk to Xu Yang, but if you want to empty your wallet, what can you do?

"Deputy Factory Director Liu, whether it is in the military factory area or in the ordinary factory area, it is our steel rolling mill. In the end, the benefits also belong to the factory. In fact, the workers in the military industrial area have great opinions. They have been supporting our old factory area. If you want to give them away, they will be eager to do so! If you get rid of the burden of the old factory, I estimate that they can get several times more supplies for the New Year than last year. The bonuses can also be doubled."

"That's for sure! If they build a fighter jet, it will be enough for our ordinary factory to work for a year."

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Mr. Xu. Without him, where would these benefits come from?"

"That's right. But some people smash the pot after eating, throw down the bowl and scold their mother, just because they're full!"

"I think we have to protect Mr. Xu, and don't let some overfed fools force people like Mr. Xu to run away."


This is almost like scolding Deputy Factory Director Liu by name.

Deputy Director Liu did not dare to reply even a single sentence, his face turned red, but his resentment towards Xu Yang only grew stronger.

Someone in Deputy Factory Director Liu's family took advantage of the big trend and made Deputy Factory Director Liu ascend to the sky, suddenly climbing to the position of deputy director.

If it is really based on ability and qualifications, how can Deputy Director Liu be there?

After the meeting, Director Zhang from the factory office said to Director Sun: "This Deputy Director Liu really doesn't know the heights of the world, and he insists on having trouble with General Engineer Xu."

"He doesn't have anything in his belly, and he is where he is today only because of his family. For a person like him, if he didn't have the support of his family, he would have been involved long ago." Director Sun said disdainfully.

"Director Sun, I'm worried that this guy is still evil and may cause trouble after we leave." Director Zhang said worriedly.

"Let him seek death. Who can touch Mr. Xu now? Mr. Xu is protected by the superiors. No one can touch him! The last great victory is recorded on the above. If the man surnamed Liu is to be sent to the door, the superiors will definitely I will take the opportunity to give Mr. Xu a big gift." Director Sun said.


Xu Yang has already gathered people from the design team together, including the team brought by Professor Chen.

"This time our team is unprecedentedly strong, with a very experienced team joining us. So I hope we can appropriately accelerate our plans." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang looked at everyone: "Our goal is to design a bomber of epoch-making significance. The speed must be fast! The range must be long and the combat radius must be sufficient. An intercontinental bomber. It can cruise at high-altitude subsonic speeds, low-altitude subsonic speeds or high-altitude super speeds. Sonic assault can launch long-range missiles at high altitudes to attack outside the enemy's defense network. It can perform air defense suppression missions, launch short-range missiles, and can also conduct low-altitude raids and launch nuclear bombs."

When Xu Yang said this, everyone was stunned.

They had never heard of such a powerful bomber.

The use of nuclear bombs to attack island countries has historically only occurred on island countries. The United States dropped three nuclear bombs on island countries.

If China also has such a nuclear strike capability, then who will dare to provoke China in the future?

"General Manager Xu, can you tell us our specific design parameters?" Professor Chen asked.


"How is this possible?" Professor Chen was surprised.

Range is difficult to achieve, and altitude speed is also difficult to achieve.

With the technological level of this era, it is difficult for even missiles to reach a speed of more than 3000 kilometers per hour.If this bomber can really reach this speed, it will be almost difficult to intercept.

........................ 0

And with such a long range, it can directly threaten the old American homeland with nuclear weapons.

If such a bomber is developed, it will make the United States sleepless.

"How will you know if it doesn't work if you don't give it a try? We can solve various problems one by one. Solving any one of them will bring about a huge improvement in our aviation technology." Xu Yang said.

"General Engineer Xu, in fact, for now, we only need to develop short- and medium-range bombers to meet our defense needs. Even if we need to unify the Gulf, we only need medium-range bombers to meet the needs. This will make research and development more difficult. Very small." Professor Chen felt that Xu Yang's plan was unrealistic.

"Professor Chen, if we don't have a trump card that can scare the enemy, do you think we can attack the unified bay and surrounding areas with ease?" Xu Yang asked.

Professor Chen shook his head.

"If we don't have it, the enemy will. The enemy will keep the sword hanging above our heads. It will fall down at any time to kill us. Only if we have it, the enemy will be afraid. Ordinary bombers cannot solve all the problems we are facing now. However, Once the intercontinental bomber is successfully developed, it will immediately make the enemy frightened. But we have completely overcome all technical obstacles to the bomber in one fell swoop," Xu Yang said.

Although Professor Chen feels that Xu Yang's design goal is somewhat unrealistic, Xu Yang is the chief engineer. He can only make suggestions and cannot overturn Xu Yang's decision.

But when Xu Yang took out his previous technical reserves, Professor Chen couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"In terms of materials, we have optimized more than 200 formulas. The performance can meet the requirements of our latest design goals. In terms of aircraft engine design, we have made great progress in turbofan engine research. The performance of Turbofan-1 on the Raptor fighter Very good. But the aviation engines used on bombers need to be more powerful. It is expected to use four high-thrust turbofan engines, and the maximum thrust of a single engine must be more than 25 tons to meet the requirements..." Xu Yang began to put the technical foundation together Listed out.

"Can I see these specific information?" Professor Chen asked.

Xu Yang nodded: "Of course. We have made many breakthroughs in aviation materials. Although it is not easy to design a large thrust engine, it is not completely impossible. Now we still face a relatively big difficulty, that is, we There are no large wind tunnels to test our fluid design..."

"This is indeed a big problem. Although we have built several wind tunnels with the help of Da Mao, they are all small wind tunnels. The intercontinental bomber we want to design is very big, and it is impossible to conduct experiments in such small wind tunnels. ." Professor Chen was a little worried.This problem will eventually make it difficult for the bomber to meet the design target requirements.

"We can find ways to build our own wind tunnel laboratory. There are always more ways than difficulties!" Xu Yang said for a long time.

Chapter 145: After consummation comes transcendence

"As far as I know, it's not that we didn't plan to build a wind tunnel before. However, we don't have the technology in this area. When Da Mao assisted in the construction, we built several small wind tunnels. But after Da Mao's experts withdrew, all the All the data has been taken away, and we can only reverse-engineer research and development from these existing wind tunnels. But the progress is not very fast. As of now, we are not able to build large-scale wind tunnels. Not to mention large-scale wind tunnels, we cannot build small-scale wind tunnels. ." Professor Chen said.

It has been several years since the experts in the field were withdrawn. Thanks to the efforts of domestic experts and scholars, many aspects have been restored and considerable progress has been made.But after all, talents are limited and it is impossible to fully blossom. Some aspects have been left there.

There are not many talents in this field in the wind tunnel laboratory, and the funds required to invest are also very large, so it has been put on hold. Although some scientific researchers have been working on it, there has been little progress.

"But if we want to develop advanced military aircraft, we must build our own large-scale wind tunnel. With Da Mao's urine, he will definitely not help us in vain. Even in many aspects, it is impossible for them to help us, even if they give us money. No. We must build this wind tunnel. Although the Raptor fighter has superior performance, it has a big shortcoming, that is, it did not conduct wind tunnel experiments. The design is definitely not that perfect. Next, large bombers will have higher requirements and there is no wind tunnel. It is definitely difficult to achieve the target with experimental data," Xu Yang said.

"How about we lower the goal appropriately? This goal is still a little too high for us now." Professor Chen said.

Xu Yang waved his hand: "The goal is relatively high. But it does not require us to achieve this goal overnight. This is a relatively long-term goal, and it may take several years to complete it. If we lower it now, maybe in a few years, we The bombers were already falling behind."

Professor Chen nodded.

For example, the fighter jet they developed before was considered a relatively advanced fighter when the project was established. However, if it were successfully developed, it might already be lagging behind or even eliminated internationally.No, they are already lagging behind. Compared with the Raptors, the fighter they designed is not even a bit worse.It's almost a generation difference.

"Our team is so big now that we can't just set up one project. Our most important research direction has been determined, and we can also set up some smaller projects. Or short-term projects. In the future, our demand for fighter jets will definitely have multiple directions. Such as short- and medium-range bombers." Xu Yang said.

Professor Chen nodded: "In this case, there is no problem. Short-term projects can allow us to produce some tangible results as soon as possible. If we focus on long-term goals and do not have any results for a long time, we will always be criticized."

Xu Yang traveled from later generations and had seen many situations like this. There were no results for a long time, and it was easy to be criticized, resulting in the final project being unable to be carried out.

Getting results is also very important.

"Let's build a large-scale wind tunnel laboratory first. The performance of the Raptor fighter can also be improved," Xu Yang said.

"But none of us know how to build a wind tunnel laboratory!" Professor Chen said worriedly.

"Step by step." Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang first applied to go to the wind tunnel laboratory for on-site inspection, and then applied to review relevant information of the wind tunnel laboratory.

A few days later, Xu Yang added a wind tunnel laboratory design skill to his virtual panel.

“Wind Tunnel Lab Design Skills Simplified!”

"Wind tunnel laboratory design skills are being simplified...simplification successful...Wind tunnel laboratory design skills → design blower fan."

The next step is simple.

The blower fan has a simple structure. For Xu Yang, it is not difficult to design the blower fan.

So Xu Yang closed the door and brushed up his skills again.

Professor Chen came to see Xu Yang several times, but was stopped by Xiao Zhiyuan, "General Manager Xu has given instructions not to disturb him no matter what happens these days."

"Do you know what Mr. Xu is designing?" Professor Chen asked.

Xiao Zhiyuan shook his head: "I don't know. I can't know either."

Professor Chen had no choice but to leave.

He was really curious about what Xu Yang was doing behind closed doors to thank guests.

Xu Yang is still somewhat magical.

One person completed the Raptor fighter jet design!

One person completed the design of Turbofan 01!

There is also a Descendant air-to-air missile design!

This is something that any designer can be proud of for a lifetime.

If there was something that Professor Chen had accomplished by himself and he was asked to die immediately, he would not hesitate.

He knew that Xu Yang was working hard on the wind tunnel laboratory recently, but how could the wind tunnel laboratory be so simple?It’s not like domestic experts haven’t tackled the problem before.But there is really no way to crack wind tunnel technology through reverse research.

Xu Yang frantically refreshed his skills.

The design skills of the wind tunnel laboratory were quickly improved from beginners to beginners, proficient, and proficient, and then reached a small success on the second day, a dazzling achievement on the third day, and on the fifth day, Xu Yang finally successfully entered the fantasy world.

In the fantasy world, Xu Yang became a wind tunnel expert in the future world. The wind tunnel he built was not only a wind tunnel testing laboratory for fighter jets, long-range bombers, and large civil aircraft, but also a wind tunnel testing laboratory for huge spacecraft such as aerospace planes.

He obtained all the technical information and construction experience of future wind tunnels.All human experience in wind tunnel experiments has been acquired.

When the illusion ended, Xu Yang discovered that the wind tunnel laboratory design skills had turned golden.

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