As soon as the design drawings of the large wind tunnel came out, the military immediately arranged for an engineering corps to assist Xu Yang in the construction.

The steel rolling mill is assisting Xu Yang in developing large-scale wind tunnel turbofans.

The project progressed extremely quickly, which was somewhat beyond Xu Yang's expectation.Xu Yang did not expect that the momentum of the infrastructure mania had already begun to take shape in this era.

"General Manager Xu, there are some problems with the installation of the large wind turbine in the No. [-] wind tunnel. I would like to ask you to come over and take a look."

"General Engineer Xu, there are still some problems with the location of the No. [-] wind tunnel. The engineering team wants to confirm with you."


Xu Yang was almost busy.Because every step of the key construction project cannot be separated from him.If you encounter technical difficulties, you can't do without him.Even the tight deployment of personnel needs to be solved by him.

He is the only one who really understands such a big project.Although Professor Chen and other core members read the information, they did not digest the content so quickly.What's more, they are not experts in wind tunnels themselves.In terms of domestic wind tunnels, the level is already relatively low. Even those who are doing wind tunnel research will not be able to digest the technical information compiled by Xu Yang for a while.

Xu Yang's extraordinary level of wind tunnel design skills is too extraordinary for ordinary experts.

Even international wind tunnel experts may not be able to understand the models and formulas established by Xu Yang.

The steel rolling mill is building a large-scale wind tunnel, which has indeed alarmed many domestic experts.People came over and asked to visit.It's just that this piece belongs to the military industry project.Ordinary people have no chance to join this project.

This project will take at least nearly a year to be fully constructed and put into use.

It is impossible for Xu Yang to devote more than a year to the construction of the wind tunnel.However, according to the progress, the No. 1 wind tunnel may be put into use in a few months.At that time, some of Xu Yang's wind tunnel tests can be carried out.

Wanting to maximize the value of the wind tunnel, Xu Yang is preparing to start computer research and development.

In the time and space that Xu Yang traveled through, the first general-purpose digital electronic computer had been built in 58.This computer can perform operations only 30 times per second.

In 65, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Academy of Sciences developed Chen Gong's first large-scale transistor computer.Played a major role in the two bomb experiments.

In 74, Qingda University and other units jointly designed and developed the DJS-130 small computer using integrated circuits.The computing speed reaches 100 million times per second.

In 83, the National University of Science and Technology successfully developed the Galaxy supercomputer with a computing speed of hundreds of millions of operations per second.

With the technological accumulation of semiconductors, integrated circuits, microelectronics and other aspects of the steel rolling mill, it is now entirely possible to develop the first generation of the Galaxy's supercomputer.The biggest problem is actually the problem of talent.

It is simply impossible for Xu Yang alone to successfully develop a supercomputer.

Xu Yang is not alone now.He has the help of the military behind him and can mobilize resources from across the country.

Therefore, when Xu Yang proposed the concept of supercomputer, the superiors immediately approved it and mobilized a large number of technical talents from key institutions such as the Academy of Sciences, Qingda University, and National University of Science and Technology.

This kind of nationwide research activity in this era is very terrifying.

With a single order, thousands of people were immediately summoned together.Hundreds of units have also begun to provide security with all their strength.

Before the arrival of these talents, Xu Yang collected a large amount of information and simplified computer skills.

“Computer skills made easy!”

"Computer skills are being simplified...Simplified successfully...Computer skills → Abacus."

"I'll go!" Xu Yang smiled.In fact, this simplification is not unreasonable.An abacus is actually a calculator.It can be said to be a very old and classic computing device.

Nothing to say.It’s the liver!

Because Xu Yang himself has semiconductor technology, microelectronics technology, and integrated circuit technology, Xu Yang has long been promoted to Dacheng.This time, Xu Yang was brought to perfection.It's a pity that none of them were able to break through to the extraordinary.

Because when you reach perfection, your proficiency will no longer increase. Only through enlightenment can you reach the extraordinary level.

When these skills are perfected, they are still very helpful for improving computer skills.Skill proficiency comes very quickly.

In one day, Xu Yang improved his computer skills to a minor level.

I reached the peak of Dacheng the next day.

It reaches perfection on the fourth day.

Originally, the perfect level of skills was enough for Xu Yang.

But Xu Yang also wanted to upgrade this skill to extraordinary.So after the skill was perfected, he still continued to perform liver skills.

Xu Yang was stunned and asked Xu Yang to smash one of the abacus, and then bought two more abacus and came back.

Others thought Xu Yang bought an abacus to perform calculations.This is also normal, because when the two bombs were first developed, abacus was used to calculate some processes.This is really powerful.

On the fifth day, although Xu Yang entered the state of trance, he was unable to enter the illusion, and his skills were still in a perfect state.

On the sixth day, I still failed to advance to Extraordinary.

On the seventh day, Xu Yang decided to try on the last day or give up.

As a result, I entered a fantasy world early in the morning.

Xu Yang found himself becoming a Chinese computer expert, starting from the first generation of computers that operated 30 times per second and gradually growing up.In the process, I was also led into a pit. The saying is that it is better to buy than to make, and it is just a matter of using it.I used foreign technology products and was a little lazy. When I found out that I was stuck in the neck, I regretted it.At this time, I discovered that the magic weapon of self-reliance and hard work cannot be lost.Still have to walk on two legs.

In the end, Xu Yang led domestic aspiring scholars to catch up step by step, and finally achieved the goal of catching up with latecomers and surpassing their opponents.

At this time, Xu Yang also successfully became a god in the computer industry.

By this time, Xu Yang was already gray and old.

However, looking back on the contributions he made throughout his life, I feel that I have no regrets in life.

The illusion suddenly dissipated.But everything in the fantasy is still vivid in my mind.

In fact, in this era, the gap between China and foreign countries in this aspect will not be as big as it was in the 890s and later generations.If you catch up, you still have a great chance.

Unfortunately, there were many detours along the way, which eventually led to the gap getting wider and wider, until someone got stuck in the neck.

Computer skills: Skill level [Extraordinary]!

Another extraordinary skill!

"Since I've been given this opportunity, I'll try to choke someone else's neck," Xu Yang said.

Xu Yang finally stopped dialing the abacus and started compiling information.

He wants to divide the supercomputer to be developed next into several units.He must compile the information for each unit, and then divide the incoming relevant experts and scholars into several groups, with each group responsible for conquering a unit.Finally assemble all the units together.It becomes the hardware of a supercomputer.

In addition, several software units must be established.Experts in this field are each responsible for coding a software unit.Finally, after being tested by Xu Yang, they were fused together to form the operating system of the supercomputer.


"Little Master, Little Master!" Guo Dabozi rushed over when he saw Xu Yang walking out of the office building.

"Lao Guo, what are you doing here?" Xu Yang asked.

"It's nothing. I just haven't seen you for a long time. Come and have a look. We old guys can't help you now." Guo Dabo sighed.

"Why can't you help? This time the large wind turbine is your fault. There is still a lot of hardware that needs to be processed by you." Xu Yang said.

"You, don't comfort us old guys. We are really out of date. I have known for a long time that one day I can't catch up with you and I will fall behind. But I didn't expect this day to come so fast." Guo Daqiu Zi said with emotion.

Zhao Xiangdong smiled and said: "Lao Guo, don't be sentimental. We old guys just don't hold him back. This is not good. From now on, we will keep an eye on him here. Watch him get stronger and stronger."

Guo Dabozi said with a smile: "We can't help, but our little bastards can. I will ask them to read some books when I go back. They are not allowed to go out and mess around."

Zhao Xiangdong said quickly: "Lao Guo, shut up! Can you say such nonsense? Do you really want to hold me back?"

Guo Dabozi knew that he had made a mistake and smiled awkwardly: "It's all my fault for being so careless. I just like to talk nonsense. You can't talk nonsense about this kind of thing. Xu Yang, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"It's okay. If they study well and want to learn something, they can come to the factory and learn something from the college students in our factory. I need a lot of manpower here. If they can keep up, they can also come and learn. I At that time, we will prepare some basic content for them to learn," Xu Yang said.

Chapter 147 Cultivating Oneself

"Ah, this is great, but Xu Yang, don't get yourself involved because of them." Zhao Xiangdong was happy at first, and then a little worried.After all, going through the back door is not a good thing.

Guo Dabozi was ecstatic at first, but then he frowned: "It's actually not bad for them to be apprentices in the steel rolling mill workshop now. They can also be fitters in the future. When they come here, they really don't have that ability."

Xu Yang smiled and said: "I still graduated from junior high school. As long as they are willing to learn, this thing is not too difficult. I can take some time to teach them. Maybe we will recruit a group of young people to learn computer technology. In the future, We really don’t have enough manpower to rely on these college students. We can’t get all the college students from across the country to come to us. So should other industries develop?”

"In that case, it's okay. Xu Yang, after they come, you should hit and scold them. Don't touch them just because it hurts your face. If they don't live up to their expectations, fire them directly. You must not be fired. It's been a drag. It's not easy for you to be in your current situation. You have put in so much effort." Zhao Xiangdong said.

"I am also talking about Lao Zhao. If my family fails to live up to expectations, I will break his legs!" Guo Dabo said.

"Okay, okay, I know all those guys and they are all motivated. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to ask for them." Xu Yang said.

Of course, Xu Yang did not deliberately recruit the children of the fitters in the improvement team alone.Instead, he went directly to Director Sun to recruit a group of people.The starting point is a high school degree, or a technical secondary school graduation.

This group of people can be considered an elite group in this era.

After all, the level of education in this era is generally low.The rate of primary school dropouts is very high, and perhaps only [-] to [-] percent of people can graduate from primary school.Then only half of these [-]% can go to junior high school.

Those who go to junior high school, and those who can graduate from junior high school, are probably only [-] to [-] percent.The probability of entering high school or technical secondary school is only [-] to [-]%, or even lower.

From high school to graduation, the final balance may be less than 50.00%.Among the remaining people, even fewer can go to college, maybe less than [-]%.

In fact, Director Sun has been trying to recruit people to the top, and he has a very high vision, and only wants college students.The higher-ups are no longer working. The college students have been taken away by your steel rolling mill. Do you want other factories to develop?The higher-ups don’t agree. You already have thousands of college students there, and they are all college students from prestigious universities.

There are now a total of several thousand students in a university.In the past two years, the steel rolling mill has almost needed graduates from a university for several years.

Someone above said, "No matter what, we can't add more manpower to the steel rolling mill."

Xu Yang is now lowering his requirements, which is in line with Director Sun's wishes.

"General Manager Xu, I really can't afford college students. Don't think about any of them in the past few years. If you are a high school student, I will get you as many as you want." Director Sun said.

"We need a batch first. About a thousand people. Let's try the training first. If it works, we will continue to recruit." Xu Yang said.

"This is good. Even if it doesn't work, it won't have much impact on us. If it doesn't work, let them work as workers in ordinary workshops." Director Sun said with a smile.

"Director Sun, I suggest that we give priority to recruiting the children of our employees. This can also be regarded as a benefit to the employees of our factory. They grew up in the steel rolling mill and have feelings for the steel rolling mill." Xu Yang said.

Director Sun nodded and said approvingly: "The good news does not go to outsiders. When our factory recruits people, of course we give priority to our own people."

"But the rules are the rules. If he doesn't live up to his expectations after he is recruited, we will fire him directly and not even give him a chance to be a worker!" Xu Yang was still experienced.

Director Sun raised his thumb and said, "General Manager Xu is very thoughtful. Some of the young people are not high-quality, and they are just like rat droppings. We will never allow them to spoil this pot of good soup in our steel rolling mill~"! "

Just as a large number of experts entered the steel rolling mill, a group of 1000 high school graduates aged [-] or [-] recruited by the steel rolling mill also arrived.A large workshop was specially set aside to provide training for these one thousand young people.

As soon as these one thousand young people came in, they each received a study material.

"This week, your main learning content is the information on hand. After a week, there will be an assessment. Those who meet the standards can become formal students and receive internship wages from the factory. Those who fail to meet the standards will be dismissed directly." Lin Yong A demand was announced.

"Why? You recruited us, why do you need to take assessments?"

"That's right."

"You are just cheating!"


Lin Yong let these people howl for a while: "If you don't agree, leave the steel rolling mill now. When recruiting workers, our announcement clearly states that after recruiting workers, they must pass our relevant assessments before they can be hired." Become a formal worker in the steel rolling mill. Those who cannot pass the assessment will be dismissed. If there are still those who are not satisfied, please stand up."

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