The command center immediately burst into warm applause.

The next step is to check the system health status to see how the system is running.Which computing speed must be detected.The performance of this supercomputer is naturally far superior to that of the computer at the Computing Institute.The designed calculation speed reaches hundreds of millions of operations per second.

Not long after the startup test, the results came out. The peak computing speed was much higher than designed, reaching more than one billion times.It can be seen that the performance of supercomputer is much higher than expected.

Xu Yang was also very excited. You must know that even the Galaxy 80, which was only developed in the 1s, only has a speed of hundreds of millions of times.There is so much that can be done with so much advance at once.

The two bombs currently being developed can use this supercomputer.If supercomputers are put into use, the development process of the two bombs may be greatly shortened.

"General Engineer Xu, we have some data here that we would like to test with your supercomputer. What do you think?" A middle-aged man in his forties walked up to Xu Yang.

There is absolutely no simple person who can enter here.The person in front of me is certainly not simple.

"My surname is Cheng, and I am an engineer." said the middle-aged man surnamed Cheng.

"General Engineer Xu, let me introduce you." Director Ma from the Department of Mechanical Engineering came over and said, "This is Professor Cheng. He is now the chief engineer of a key project. They are here this time, hoping to use supercomputing to Perform calculations on data.”

"Have you constructed a mathematical model?" Xu Yang asked.

"Yes, yes, here." Professor Cheng handed a mathematical formula to Xu Yang's hand.

"Where are the specific data?" Xu Yang asked.

"Bring it over, here it is." Professor Cheng took out another data record book.In this era, everything is recorded in record books.

Xu Yang handed the data to Zhang Wenfeng: "Old Zhang, come and verify these data."

Zhang Wenfeng took a look at the data and started operating.After a few columns of data are entered, it starts running.

It didn't take long for the calculations to be completed.

It took Professor Cheng's team a long time to complete all the calculation processes.That time, the calculations all depended on the abacus.However, there may be some problems in the results of that calculation, which often lead to dead ends in subsequent experiments.Professor Cheng suspected that the calculation was wrong.It will take a lot of time to calculate one side again.

I just heard that the steel rolling mill has developed a supercomputer.I came here with the data.

Zhang Wenfeng copied the calculation results and gave them to Professor Cheng.

The results of several sets of numbers were different from those calculated manually by their team.

"Sure enough, there was an error in the calculation process!" Professor Cheng frowned.Several sets of data with errors were found.

Professor Cheng did not blame the supercomputer for making a mistake, because the other data provided by the supercomputer were basically consistent with the team’s calculation results.Only those sets of data are wrong.

"Professor Zhang, can these sets of data be calculated again?" Professor Cheng marked the data that needed to be recalculated.

"No problem." Zhang Wenfeng recalculated those sets of numbers, and the results were consistent with the previous ones.

"Wait, let me verify it again." Zhang Wenfeng verified it again and found that the supercomputing result was OK.

"Any questions?" Xu Yang came over.

"For these sets of data, the results of our manual calculations are not consistent with those of the supercomputer," Professor Cheng said.

Professor Cheng worked with his team to ensure that the results were correct.

Xu Yang looked at the set of data and then said: "These sets of numbers should not be calculated using this formula. Professor Cheng, are you sure about the formula you used originally?"

"Do you understand this?" Professor Cheng looked at Xu Yang in confusion.

"Although I don't know what the reaction result is. But I know a little bit about mathematics." Xu Yang picked up the ratio and started writing. He wrote a completely different formula.

"I think this formula should be used to calculate it, which is more reasonable." Xu Yang said.

"Are there any problems with other data calculations?" Professor Cheng handed the data in his hand to Xu Yang.

Xu Yang looked through all the data very quickly and performed calculations directly in his mind.Every time a set of data is viewed, a mark will be placed.

Finally stopped: "I think there may be a small problem with your formula. It is not completely applicable to all your reactions. And there are some differences between your reactions that need to be compensated. I think this should be the failure of your experiment. Reason."

"How do you know we failed?" Professor Cheng was shocked.

"The data is here! You didn't even find the right formula, how could you succeed? Xu Yang wrote down a series of formulas, and a compensation must be made here. Otherwise, the final calculation result will be meaningless. Old Zhang, you calculate all the data according to this rule." Xu Yang handed the data to Zhang Wenfeng.

After Zhang Wenfeng took it, he started calculating without hesitation.

"How much do you know about this aspect?" Professor Cheng asked.

"I don't understand nuclear tests, but I understand dynamics. I also understand mathematics, so I can naturally understand these mathematical models when I see them," Xu Yang said.

"If you join us, it will definitely make the progress faster." Zhang Wenfeng said.

"Wouldn't it be more useful if I join in this form?" 890 Xu Yang said.

Professor Cheng nodded: "That's true. With the participation of this supercomputer, the speed will indeed be accelerated a lot."

"And I also have projects here. But if you encounter any problems in the future, I can discuss them with you." Xu Yang said.

"Okay, if we encounter problems that we cannot solve in the future, we will come back and ask you for advice." Professor Cheng said.

With supercomputing, Xu Yang can also use data from the wind tunnel laboratory for calculations.Then find the best design solution.

The wind tunnel test data of the previous Raptor fighter jets has been collected. After taking it, we conducted a series of calculations and found that there is indeed a lot that can be optimized in the design of the Raptor.Wind resistance can also be reduced very effectively.

Then the supercomputer made a lot of optimizations to the design of the Raptor and determined an optimal complete upgrade plan, which can greatly improve the performance of the Raptor fighter.

After the appearance of the Raptor fighter is optimized, the next step is to optimize the turbofan 1.The performance of the upgraded turbofan 1 will be greatly improved.

"General Manager Xu, should we focus on our project now?" Professor Chen quit.The strategic bomber project has been suspended for some time.Almost all the members of the project team were pulled by Xu Yang to work on supercomputing.Now that supercomputers have begun to operate, the strategic bomber project is still in place.

"Whether you sharpen your sword or chop wood, we have supercomputing. All kinds of fighter jets and bombers can be developed like dumplings," Xu Yang said.

"Then you have developed it. If we want to take back Wanwan, we must completely control the airspace and territorial waters. The lessons learned from the previous attack on Wanwan were too profound. So many people were sacrificed, but in the end we still fell short." Professor Chen said.

"Our fighter jets and bombers alone are not enough. We must also have warships and aircraft carriers! Otherwise, with the support of Americans, it will be difficult for us to unify the Gulf." Xu Yang said.

"Someone will naturally take care of the ship. We just need to get the fighter jets out. Once we have strategic fighter jets, do you think the United States will still dare to blatantly help Wan Wan?" Professor Chen said.

"It's true that the United States is notorious for being soft and afraid of tough measures. Once China has the power to attack the United States, it will have to think carefully about interfering in the Taiwan Strait," Xu Yang said.

In fact, Xu Yang has long been prepared to continue the strategic bomber project after the supercomputing is completed.

The research and development of ordinary fighter jets is actually not very difficult for Xu Yang.After all, the Raptor's aviation engine performance is very good, and there will be no problem in equipping short- and medium-range bombers.At most, two aviation engines can be installed.It is enough to meet the needs of short and medium range heavy bombers.

Chapter 152 Brushing Skills

Strategic bombers are not so easy to build.You know, the strategic bomber targets he set were still among the best in the world even in the era he traveled through.It only needs to add a stealth performance, and it will still be the most powerful bomber in the world.

Using Xu Yang's full-level aviation engine design skills to design an aircraft engine that can meet the needs of strategic bombers will not be a big problem, it is just a matter of time.

But the design of a strategic bomber is not an easy task, and there will definitely be no problem in designing it.If possible, he could even consider designing B2 in advance.But with the technological level of this era, it is not an easy task to produce B2.

You may encounter various obstacles that are difficult to overcome in every aspect.

But that doesn’t mean it’s completely impossible.

The United States began developing stealth strategic bombers in the 70s. In the 80s, it began a strategic modernization project and ordered 100 B-1Bs.At the same time, construction of B2 began

Although the technological level and production capacity of this era are far behind those of the United States in the 80s.

However, with Xu Yang's simplified system, it is not impossible to upgrade the first-generation CNC machining center to the level of the 80s or even after 2000.

In addition, in terms of materials, Xu Yang has perfect materials science skills, so it is not impossible to solve material problems.

Professor Chen originally thought that Xu Yang should start the research and development of strategic bombers after completing the construction of the supercomputer, but what he didn't expect was that Xu Yang actually went into seclusion.

"I'm sorry, Professor Chen. Mr. Xu will be studying behind closed doors for a while, and no interruptions will be allowed. I will notify you in time when Mr. Xu ends his retreat." Lin Yong blocked Professor Chen's path.

"What?" Professor Chen was confused.Retreat?What to close?It’s not like people in the martial arts know how to practice.Are you serious?

"General Manager Xu is a bit special. If he finds that he is deficient in some aspects, he will study behind closed doors for a period of time to improve these deficiencies." Lin Yong directly told Xu Yang.

In fact, Xu Yang was practicing his skills behind closed doors at this time.Whether it's materials science, aviation design, or mechanical design... Xu Yang is ready to try to master all the skills related to strategic bombers.

Xu Yang discovered that perfect level skills would at best allow him to reach the top level of his generation, but transcendence could even reach a higher level than when he traveled through time.

Although Xu Yang didn't know that there was no more powerful existence above the extraordinary, once he reached the extraordinary, Xu Yang would almost become the top being on this planet within a hundred years.

In one week, the aviation design skills successfully reached the extraordinary level.

Then, Xu Yang’s aircraft design exploded.

The office is filled with paper airplanes.

When he ran out of paper, he asked Lin Yong to send him paper.

Finally, three days later, he successfully entered the fantasy world and entered the life of a talented designer.

He had a keen interest in airplanes since he was a child. As an adult, he worked as a draftsman for the best airplane manufacturing company.

After working for four years, he became dissatisfied with the status quo and then moved to another very famous aircraft manufacturing company.There, I started to participate in the design of aircraft fuel tanks, and then performed so well that many related companies began to borrow them to participate in aircraft design.

After that, he returned to the aircraft manufacturing company where he first worked.This time, instead of being a draftsman, he was serving as chief engineer.

Moreover, he participated in the manufacturing of an all-metal skinned aircraft and once again achieved great success.The aircraft he designed has become a special aircraft for many pilots to set records.

Two years later, he resigned again, but instead of choosing to go to another company, he started a business.He designed the first all-metal skinned passenger aircraft, which was adopted by airlines.

After that, he was no longer satisfied with the civilian field, but began to develop military aircraft and designed a maritime dive bomber.

But the company he founded was swallowed up by a large aircraft manufacturing company, and he left angrily again.

Subsequently, the fighter jets he designed were widely used around the world and favored by various countries.

He pioneered the design of the flying-wing bomber, which became the world's most advanced stealth strategic bomber.

When Xu Yang came out of the illusion, everything had disappeared.

A large amount of insights into aircraft design poured into Xu Yang's mind.

Aircraft Design Skills: Level - Extraordinary!

More than half a month later, Xu Yang walked out of the office.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and the sunlight was a bit dazzling for Xu Yang.

"You kid! You kid! You finally came out~"! "Professor Chen rushed over.

"Professor Chen, how did you know I would come out today?" Xu Yang was a little strange, but he didn't tell anyone.Lin Yong didn't even know he would come out today.

"You kid! I've been coming here every day for a while. How can you do this? You put us all aside and locked yourself up. What's wrong with you? Is there a problem with the design?" Professor Chen asked road.

"That's not true. I just feel that I am still lacking in some aspects. I should close the door and learn something quietly. Digest the information on my previous mobile phone." Xu Yang said.

"Ordinarily, it is right for you as a young man to love learning, but you are now the chief engineer. You close the door alone and the whole team is thrown aside. How can this be done?" Professor Chen said dissatisfied.

"Don't you have a design task on hand? A strategic bomber is a long-term project that cannot be completed in a day or two. I want to absorb some new knowledge, how can I reach the height of designing a strategic bomber?" Xu Yang said.

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