Xu Yang was originally planning to dig a hole for He Yuzhu, but by cutting off He Yuzhu's opportunity, his importance in the factory was suddenly lost, and his life in the cafeteria would be difficult in the future.

As for the big boss, Xu Yang has almost cut off He Yuzhu's chances.Now dig out the opportunity at the steel rolling mill.From now on, He Yuzhu can only live with his tail between his legs.

Xu Yang's predecessor was burped after a violent beating by He Yuzhu. Although Xu Yang and He Yuzhu had no direct grudges after time travel, Xu Yang accepted the body of his predecessor and naturally had to bear his karma.

Director Luo hesitated: "Master Xu, do you really want to prepare the food yourself?"

"Director Luo, is it okay?" Xu Yang asked.

"Of course it's no problem." Director Luo was a little lucky. If Xu Yang hadn't insisted on doing it himself, he would have been worried about who would prepare it.Now that Xu Yang insists on doing it himself, even if the dinner is bad, he won't blame the canteen.

Not long after Director Luo left, Director Guo came to the workshop again.

"Comrades, I just went to the factory office. Secretary Yang attaches great importance to it and said that we will provide logistical support for our comrades who work overtime. I will not go back today. I will stay with the comrades." Director Guo said.

"Director Luo of the cafeteria came here just now. Xiao Xu said that when he completes the improvement of the machine, he will cook in person." Guo Dabo said.

"Nonsense. Xu Yang has been tired all day, why is he still cooking by himself? What happened to the cafeteria." Director Guo was very dissatisfied.

"Director Guo, I asked for it myself. The chefs in the canteen are off work now, and the helpers don't have any skills, so we might as well do it ourselves." Xu Yang said with a smile.

"How is it?" Director Guo now looks more and more pleased with Xu Yang.

"It's almost there. All the parts that need to be modified have been completed. We will just reassemble the machine tool later. But it is too late today, so we will not test the machine. We will test the machine again after work tomorrow. In addition, we have to Some small auxiliary devices have come out, which can improve a certain degree of accuracy." Xu Yang said.

"Okay, you dare to reform. Secretary Yang also said just now, whether it is successful or not, it is good for comrades to have this kind of motivation." Director Guo said.

After Xu Yang processed several parts that needed to be replaced, he began to assemble the machine tool.During the process, some seriously worn parts were discovered, and replacement parts were reprocessed and replaced.Let the time drag on a little longer.

During the assembly process, these master craftsmen came over to help, applying lubricants and delivering accessories.No one is hiding away and lazing around.

After the assembly was completed, everyone watched with hope as Xu Yang closed the machine and started it.As the motor hummed, the machine began to run.

Just listening to the sound of this machine tool, these experienced old fitters felt something different.

"The noise of this machine tool is much smaller! And the vibration is obviously smaller. If I didn't pay attention, I thought the machine tool was not turned on."

"The accuracy will definitely be improved a lot. During normal processing, if there is a little jitter, serious errors will occur."

"Xu Yang is so awesome. He replaced so many parts and polished them by hand. He completed the whole process by himself. We just handed things around."

"It's really amazing. Da Mao's engineers are at this level," said an old fitter who had contact with Da Mao's technicians in the workshop.

Chapter 50 Renovation Completed

"It feels like there is nothing wrong. We won't know the details until the test is completed tomorrow," Xu Yang said.

"That means that the machine improvement has been completed?" Director Guo asked happily.

"It can't be said to be complete, because how much the accuracy has been improved can only be judged after testing." Xu Yang said.

"At least the machine tool can still be used. Even if it is not improved, it is not damaged. Right?" Director Guo felt relieved.

Xu Yang nodded: "If we develop a few more auxiliary devices, I think it should be able to meet the processing requirements of this batch of special-shaped workpieces."

"Then the goal has been achieved!" Director Guo had a smile on his face.

In fact, he was still very nervous, as if there was something wrong with the machine tool.He, the master, must still bear certain responsibilities.After all, Xu Yang's machine tool improvement was approved by him.

The workers left behind for processing in the first workshop walked happily to the canteen.Those workers who voluntarily stayed are very happy. Fortunately, they stayed today.Once this machine tool is successfully transformed, everyone will definitely have more or less credit.And I also had dinner.These days, being able to have a full meal and a meal of meat is a great reward.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, it turned out that the chef had already left.There are only a few helpers left in the canteen.

Ma Hua and Fatty were very depressed today, so they stayed until the end.Liu Lan also found an excuse and left.

Director Luo, the director of the canteen, did not dare to run. If Secretary Yang came later, he would definitely leave a bad impression on Secretary Yang if he was not here.

"Master Xu, we have prepared all the ingredients. One chicken, one fish, and five pounds of meat. You can use the other vegetables and fruits as you like. You can tell you what you need to prepare at any time. Ma Hua and Fatty are responsible for giving it to you at the side. Let's start." Director Luo doesn't think Xu Yang, a young man, can be very good at cooking.But it can be seen that this guy's benchwork skills must be very good.All the people in the workshop were surrounding him.

"Director Luo, your canteen is really shameful. Before our workers got off work, all your chefs left." Director Guo is not afraid of offending Director Luo.

Although the two people are both directors, the director and the director are also different.

As the front-line workshop director, Director Guo's status in the factory is much higher than that of the canteen director.

"Director Guo, there is nothing we can do about this. You didn't tell our canteen in advance that you have to work overtime at night. Otherwise, I will definitely not let the chef go back. They get off work on time, and I can't stop them from getting off work. Ah." Director Luo said helplessly.

"Director Luo, you are too stingy. There is only enough meat and vegetables to feed so many of us?" Director Guo was looking for trouble with the ingredients again.

"Director Guo, just be satisfied. The standard of hospitality meals in the factory is not as high as this." Director Luo said with a wry smile.He even got an extra pound or two of meat.

Xu Yang got into character as soon as he arrived in the kitchen.Just start working on those ingredients.

Ma Hua and Fatty were a little disdainful at first, but once they saw Xu Yang's knife skills, they knew that Xu Yang's cooking skills were much better than those of their two helpers.Even Ma Hua felt that Xu Yang's cooking skills might be much better than his master He Yuzhu's.

Xu Yang's cooking skills have reached Xiao Cheng (335/1000).Certainly not the chef in the canteen of the steel rolling mill.What's more, He Yuzhu's cooking skills are still in the process of improvement at this time.And Xu Yang has reached the level of many famous chefs.

Secretary Yang did not go to the workshop to see the machine tool modifications because he had to deal with some documents.

"Is the first workshop finished?" Secretary Yang asked.

Director Zhang of the office quickly replied: "Director Guo called and said that the machine tool has been installed and tested successfully. The performance will be tested tomorrow. Now all the workers in the first workshop have gone to the canteen to have dinner."

"Come on, let's go and take a look." Secretary Yang said.

When Secretary Yang rushed to the cafeteria, He Yuzhu was busy in the cafeteria kitchen.

"The food is not ready yet? Didn't you ask your cafeteria to prepare it in advance?" Secretary Yang frowned.

Director Luo said quickly: "Xiao Xu from the first workshop volunteered to cook by himself. We couldn't resist. We can only prepare the ingredients and wait for them to come over."

"It is true that Xiao Xu wants to cook by himself." Director Guo did not backstab Director Luo at this time.

"Director Guo, your workshop is very motivated this time. Is Master Yi the one responsible for modifying the machine tools?" Secretary Yang thought it was Yi Zhonghai who was responsible for improving the machine tools.

Director Guo shook his head: "Master Yi did not participate. Comrade Xu Yang is responsible for the transformation of the machine tools."

Director Guo took the opportunity to talk about Xu Yang's situation.

"Not bad. If our steel rolling mill wants to develop, we need young people like this who are diligent and willing to study. Where are the people from Xuyang?" Secretary Yang wanted to get to know this little genius from the first workshop.

"Xu Yang is in the kitchen. He said he is good at cooking and wants to show off his skills to reward the old comrades who work overtime with him." Director Guo said with a smile.

"Let's go and appreciate our Comrade Xiao Xu's cooking skills." Secretary Yang said.

Secretary Yang and Director Guo walked to the kitchen together and saw Xu Yang swinging the shovel flying.

The vegetables in the pot kept flying into the air, and then landed steadily in the pot. The rich aroma of the vegetables filled the kitchen, making people immediately want to eat.

"Is he Comrade Xiao Xu?" Secretary Yang asked.

Director Guo nodded: "I didn't expect his cooking skills to be pretty good."

"Almost, it's time to serve!" Xu Yang evenly divided the vegetables in the pot into several bowls, and then put the pot away.All several dishes are done.

Ma Hua quickly went up to take over: "Master Xu, leave this to me."

"Thank you for your hard work," Xu Yang said.

Director Guo quickly greeted Xu Yang: "Xiao Xu, come here quickly. Secretary Yang is here to see you."

"Hello, Secretary Yang." Xu Yang smiled at Secretary Yang.

Secretary Yang walked over and held Xu Yang's hand, not minding that his hands were oily at all: "You are indeed young and promising! Xiao Xu, how did you develop your cooking skills? I heard Your father was also an old fitter in our factory before his death. You joined the factory as his successor."

"Fitter was learned in the factory. Cooking skills were learned at home. My mother died during childbirth, leaving me and my father alone. Since I was a child, I have often cooked by myself. No. I want to develop my cooking skills," Xu Yang said.

"It seems that you are really an all-rounder. Let's go, you must take the front seat today. You are today's protagonist, the leading expert in the transformation of machine tools in our first workshop!" Secretary Yang took Xu Yang's hand and went to the canteen.

Chapter 51 We fitters have enough appetite

Several dining tables in the cafeteria were pushed together to form a large table, with more than a dozen people sitting around the table.

"Our factory has been receiving important parts from key units for some time. Director Guo has also reported to me several times. However, the requirements for this batch of parts are extremely high. Many brother units, including our Beijing Steel Rolling Plant, are helpless. Today, Director Guo came over and told me that the first workshop was renovating machine tools and preparing to start with this batch of accessories. I told Director Guo at that time that no matter whether the transformation is a success or a failure, you workers who dare to work hard are worthy of recognition. This time, a large number of outstanding workers emerged in the first workshop to participate in the improvement of machine tools. I quickly arranged a canteen so that our comrades working overtime in the first workshop can be tired, but we cannot let you go hungry! Director Zhang, please make this time Write down the list of comrades who participated in the improvement of machine tools. This year’s award for the Advanced Labor Medal will be selected from this group of people," Secretary Yang said.

Director Zhang said quickly: "Secretary Yang, I have registered all the names. Director Guo has also confirmed it. Including Comrade Xu Yang, there are a total of twelve comrades. Director Guo is not included."

"Director Guo is a cadre and cannot be counted. If he can't even compare to ordinary comrades, why should I keep such a cadre?" Secretary Yang said with a smile.

Director Guo is also very lucky. Oh my god, I'm lucky I went to the workshop today, otherwise I would have been taken down this time.Don't think that Secretary Yang is joking, he is serious about it.

Xu Yang understood that Secretary Yang was trying to show off, but it could also be seen that Secretary Yang still wanted to do big things.It's much stronger than Director Li's selfishness.

"Comrades, thank you for your hard work. It's late today, so I won't drink. When the machine tool improvement test is completed, I will find a time to celebrate for you!" Secretary Yang said.

The main reason is that I am still not sure whether the modification of the machine tool has been successful. If I drank alcohol first and found out the next day that the modification of the machine tool failed, it would become a joke.

One person made a big bowl of rice. Although there were not many types of dishes, the portions were sufficient, the oil and water were sufficient, and the taste was even better.

When we first started eating, everyone was quite reserved, but after eating, they gradually became ruder.We still have to grab what we need to grab.Otherwise, it would be a loss if you don’t have a full stomach.

Even Secretary Yang stood up to pick up the vegetables: "Lao Luo, didn't I ask you to prepare more meat? What's going on? I only picked up one chopstick and it's gone?"

Director Luo was so nervous that sweat broke out on his forehead: "Secretary Yang, it's my problem. The meat and vegetables prepared are a bit insufficient. I'll make a review."

Director Guo said something fair to Director Luo: "Actually, Director Luo is quite well prepared. Maybe he didn't expect that our workers can eat more than the leaders."

Guo Dabozi smiled and said: "We workers are all rough guys, not as gentle as your leading cadres."

Secretary Yang quickly said: "This is the true nature of the working people, and this is the true nature of our working class. Director Luo, next time we have a celebration banquet for the workers of the No. [-] Workshop Improvement Group, we will have double the meat and vegetables!"

"Okay, okay." Director Luo nodded quickly and expressed his gratitude to Director Guo.

Ma Hua and Fatty were watching hungry, but when Secretary Yang saw it, they also called over: "You have worked hard too, come and eat together."

"Secretary Yang, Comrade Xiao Xu's craftsmanship is better than Master He. In the future, our factory can also ask Comrade Xiao Xu for help when hosting meals." Director Zhang whispered to Secretary Yang.

Secretary Yang nodded: "We will discuss this later."

He Yuzhu had served the factory so many times before, and it was hard work without credit, so Secretary Yang was still not prepared to replace He Yuzhu all at once.What's more, Xu Yang is now capable of transforming machine tools, and maybe he will become an engineer in a steel rolling mill next.Only such a person allows him to host a reception?Let the superiors know about it, and they won't scold Mr. Yang bloody.Does anyone treat talents this way?

Thanks to the hard work of the fitters in the workshop, a table of food was completely eaten in less than 10 minutes. Some bold workers poured the rice directly into the vegetable bowl and soaked up the oil and water inside.

Oil and water are really rare these days.Although many of the people present are old fitters and their wages are not low, who doesn’t support a large family?Throughout the year, there are not many times when I open my stomach to eat like today.

Director Guo was a little embarrassed: "Our workers still eat quite extensively."

Secretary Yang shook his head: "Speaking of which, I am still not the top leader. The workers are not living well. From now on, the canteen must do a good job. We must ensure that there is always meat in the workers' rice bowls! Director Luo, I heard that the canteen If you have the habit of shaking spoons, you must put an end to it in the future!"

"Secretary Yang, we must change it! If all the fitter comrades encounter a situation where the spoon is knocked, you must respond to me in time, and the canteen will deal with the person involved seriously!" Director Luo was a little embarrassed.

He remembered very clearly that not long ago, it was because of He Yuzhu's incident of teasing Comrade Xiao Xu and Xiao Mantou that almost made the matter a big deal.

But afterwards, Director Li only deducted half a month's salary from He Yuzhu, and also ordered an internal review in the cafeteria.That review was not done at all.

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