"Director Luo, come here!" Secretary Yang said angrily.

Director Luo saw Secretary Yang's expression was wrong and ran over quickly: "Secretary Yang, what's wrong?"

"What did Director Zhang tell you?" Secretary Yang asked.

"Director Zhang said the portion should be sufficient. Today's portion is doubled compared to yesterday. I was watching Master He while he was cooking, and there was absolutely no cutting corners," said Director Luo.

"You said Master He did this? Is He Yuzhu at this level now? Call him over." Secretary Yang was very disappointed with He Yuzhu.Originally, he wanted to take He Yuzhu to the big leader's house.Now something like this has happened.

He Yuzhu walked over nervously.

"He Yuzhu, did you cook this dish?" the leader asked.

"I did it." He Yuzhu said bravely.

"Is this your level now? If this is your level, you'd better not do any receptions in the future." Secretary Yang said.

"Secretary Yang, I am not in good condition today. These dishes are not ready." He Yuzhu did not dare to be arrogant in front of Secretary Yang.He is usually arrogant, but that's just for looking at others.Chefs have to learn how to watch people prepare food.


He Yuzhu now feels a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have been impulsive. If he had cooked the meal honestly, there wouldn't have been so much trouble.Replacing this table of food would be a waste of money.The meat alone weighs more than ten kilograms.On the black market, it costs more than ten yuan.There are two chickens, and they cost three or four yuan.There are also a few fish.Fish is not expensive, but it still costs a few bucks.All added up, it’s almost 20 yuan.This is no small amount.

"Secretary Yang, I was wrong today, and I will compensate for these losses. Next, I will do it. I promise to give my best." He Yuzhu quickly went over to admit his mistake.

"Do you want to do it seriously now? It's too late! You will definitely have to pay for these losses! But I won't do the cooking for you! I asked Director Zhang to come over in person to inform your canteen. You can be so negligent. For a chef like you, I Where do you dare to use it? Go and do your work, you don't need to worry about it here." Secretary Yang's words contained a gun and a stick, which showed that he was really and completely disappointed with He Yuzhu.

Xu Yang followed Director Luo to the canteen warehouse. Fortunately, there was still some inventory in it.Otherwise, today’s celebration banquet would be really unbearable.

He Yuzhu didn't believe that Xu Yang was a better cook than him, so he kept standing in the kitchen and watching Xu Yang cook.When Xu Yang made the first dish, He Yuzhu realized that he had really lost this time.

Chapter 58 Yi Zhonghai: If I help him, who will help me?

There was no need to taste it. Just from the whole process of Xu Yang's cooking, He Yuzhu knew that he had lost. He lost completely. Whether it was knife skills, control of the heat, etc., Xu Yang was better than him. A lot.

He Yuzhu seemed to see the epitome of the Sichuan cuisine master whom he studied under, and Xu Yang was no less inferior than his irresponsible father He Daqing who ran away with the widow.He Daqing's character is not good, but his cooking skills are really good.He Yuzhu knew very well that he had not learned even one third of his father He Daqing's skills.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting." The food was put on the table and Xu Yang sat back on the table.

"I'm so sorry. Originally, this celebration banquet was all because of your contribution, but in the end, you were asked to cook." Secretary Yang smiled bitterly.

"It's okay, I happen to be quite interested in cooking." Xu Yang said.

"Your cooking skills are indeed good. In the future, important guests will come to the factory. Can I ask for your help?" Secretary Yang asked.

"No problem. I can still afford a meal. I eat a lot and enjoy all kinds of meat. My salary is not enough to spend. I almost spent all the money my father left me." Xu Yang said with a smile. .

"I'll ask the finance department to give you some subsidies this month. All the comrades in your improvement team will receive corresponding subsidies. Next month, after you take the fitter assessment, your salary will go up. It should be enough for you to eat." Secretary Yang smiled.

"Okay, on behalf of the improvement team, we would like to thank Secretary Yang for his concern and support." Xu Yang said.

"Your improvement team is still busy next time. First, we need to continue processing that batch of special-shaped workpieces. Key units are in a hurry. Now that we can process it, we must continue processing until we meet the needs of key units. In addition, we can process it now. We must continue processing it to meet the needs of key units. Well, the improvement of machine tools still needs to be carried out. It is not necessary to improve all the machine tools. Only a part of it needs to be improved. In the future, it will be specially used to complete the special task of processing special-shaped workpieces. In addition, the auxiliary devices you mentioned also need to be processed. Come out with a batch and improve the overall quality level of our steel rolling mill." Secretary Yang expressed some of his ideas.

"No problem." Xu Yang nodded.

Guo Dabozi said: "Actually, the people in our improvement group are Xu Yang's apprentices. We originally wanted to learn some skills from him and improve the level of fitters. Just in time, Xu Yang took over the work of special-shaped workpieces and followed him. Let’s improve the machine tools together with Xu Yang.”

"So that's it. You are all old masters, and you still learn technology 797 from Xu Yang?" Secretary Yang didn't know much about the situation in the workshop.

"Although we are old masters, our learning ability is not as strong as Xu Yang. Xu Yang improved his benchwork skills by reading books. We have been working for so many years, but we are stuck at the current level and can no longer improve. In the workshop, There was no guidance from a skilled master. Originally, we had no hope of raising the level of fitter. But when we saw Xu Yang taking his master from level five to level seven, we were moved," said Guo Dabizi.

"Huh? Apprentice leads master?" Secretary Yang was a little unbelievable.

Zhao Xiangdong didn't mind telling these things at all: "When Xiao Xu entered the factory, I was the one who took him. This kid had good understanding, was diligent, and was willing to study. He learned from me and suddenly surpassed me. Later, It was him who took me."

Secretary Yang laughed loudly: "This is the right thing. Youth is worse than the old. If one generation is not as good as the other, how can our steel rolling mill develop? I think your improvement group should always be maintained. Learn from each other and promote each other, and we must often Study and improve equipment and improve technical level."

Secretary Yang held a cup and personally toasted to the improvement team.

The improvement team is full of rough guys. When they drink, it doesn't matter whether they are the leader or not, they will punish everyone who needs to be punished.Poor little Xu Yang, how could he stand up to these rough men who took turns to drink wine, and he slipped under the table without a round.

The improvement team had plenty of food, meat, and wine. All the workers who came to eat in the cafeteria were extremely envious. They were envious, and no one had any objections.This big meal was earned by their own ability.It's not something special done by the factory.

The batch of special-shaped workpieces had been in the factory for some time, and the eighth-level fitters in the factory were at a loss what to do, but this improvement team overcame this problem.And among them, there is not even an eighth-level fitter.There is no level [-] fitter, but you can do things that even level [-] fitters can't do. This is your skill!

Anyone who has this ability is definitely qualified to let Secretary Yang hold a celebration banquet, and he can also have Secretary Yang accompany him to drink.

Qin Huairu found He Yuzhu: "Silly Zhu, there is a celebration banquet in your cafeteria today, can you get some leftovers for my sister? We haven't had meat in the house for a long time, and the three Banggen brothers and sisters are so hungry every day. Go and see them. His face turned blue."

Qin Huairu thought that He Yuzhu was the one responsible for the reception.

He Yuzhu was feeling depressed and glanced at Qin Huairu: "I can't even eat it myself! I'm sorry for your stupidity! Aren't those people from your workshop? Go find them! You can sit there yourself. Others know how to fawn over Xu. Yang, why don’t you go and fawn over me? If you join the improvement group, you can eat meat on the table. You can just pack the lunch box and take it back, and no one will care about it.”

Qin Huairu looked at He Yuzhu strangely: "Did you get shot today or something? Why are you talking so rudely?"

"I'm free!" He Yuzhu said, turned around and walked away.

He Yuzhu was responsible for compensating the wasted ingredients for that table of food, but He Yuzhu would not let He Yuzhu take that table of food back. In the end, it was all mixed into today's big pot of food and thrown out.It turns out that He Yuzhu spent more than 20 yuan himself to add meals to the workers who came to eat in the canteen.

He Yuzhu's salary for next month has already been deducted by one shift, and now more than 20 yuan will be deducted. Not only will he not receive a penny from next month's salary, he will also owe the factory several dollars.I have to stay and continue to have my salary deducted next month.He Yuzhu's whole body was numb.

What's worse is that the salary deduction is based on hourly wages. Without one or two months' salary, the most it will cause He Yuzhu some physical pain and the relationship with Secretary Yang will become tense. This is the most terrible thing.

"What's going on today, Silly Zhu?" Qin Huairu asked Liu Lan standing aside.

"He? He is stupid! Director Yang ordered him to hold a celebration banquet for the improvement team of the first workshop. As a result, he deliberately cooked the dishes in such a mess that it was inedible. Director Yang got angry on the spot and redid the dishes for the table. , all the ingredients were paid for by Shazhu. Later, Shazhu was not allowed to make the redo. It is estimated that it will not be Shazhu’s turn to serve the reception meals in the factory in the future. You still want him to bring a box lunch, but there is no way." Liu Lan was a little bit. Said gloatingly.

He Yuzhu was usually a mean-mouthed person. Ever since he broke up her affair with Deputy Factory Director Li, he looked down on her and often made sarcastic remarks.Liu Lan dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

The reason why she joined Deputy Director Li was not because she was a bitch, but because she was caught bringing lunch boxes back from the cafeteria.The whole family depends on her salary, so in order to keep her job, she had to give in to Deputy Factory Director Li.

Qin Huairu was dumbfounded. If this happened, Shazhu's lunch box would be hopeless in the future.How can that work?Without the oil and water from Shazhu, how will the family survive in the future?

Qin Huairu still has a relatively high-level pursuit of life. She can bear it if she eats cornbread all day long like the third uncle's family did.But the three white-eyed wolves in her family couldn't stand it!And the evil mother-in-law who loves to eat and is lazy can’t stand it either!

Qin Huairu ate hastily and quickly returned to the workshop.

Yi Zhonghai had no appetite today, so he made a meal of steamed buns and cabbage.Just returned to the workshop.He didn't want to stay in the cafeteria and suffer that excitement.

"Master, do you know about Silly Zhu?" Qin Huairu asked anxiously when she returned to the first workshop.

"What happened to Silly Zhu again?" Yi Zhonghai really didn't know.

"Si Zhu got into trouble. He must have wanted to take revenge on Xu Yang, but Secretary Yang also came over today to celebrate Xu Yang and the others. Si Zhu cooked a table of dishes, but Secretary Yang asked him to redo them all. And instead of Si Zhu, he asked Xu Yang made it. Liu Lan said that Xu Yang's craftsmanship is better than that of Sha Zhu. In the future, Sha Zhu may not let Sha Zhu cook the reception." Qin Huairu recounted what she heard from Liu Lan.

"This stupid Zhu! Why are you so stupid? How could Secretary Yang not be present for such a big event as the celebration banquet? Even if Secretary Yang is not present, Director Guo will watch Xu Yang and the others suffer? Isn't this courting death?" Yi Zhonghai Anxious.Although there was a little misunderstanding with He Yuzhu that night, he still put He Yuzhu at the top of his list of retirement goals.

"Master, what should we do now? You are familiar with Secretary Yang. Why don't you go and talk to Uncle Yang. When the time comes, let Shazhu make a good self-examination, admit his mistakes, and restore everything." Qin Huairu said.

Yi Zhonghai shook his head and said that he was afraid that he would have fallen out of favor in front of Secretary Yang.In the improvement team that tackles special-shaped workpieces, there is no one in the workshop who is the only eighth-level fitter.

Moreover, from Director Guo's attitude today, Yi Zhonghai also felt some changes.His importance as an eighth-level fitter is no longer what it once was.Now that Xu Yang has appeared, in the future, when people encounter more difficult jobs, they will not think of him as an eighth-level fitter.

Yi Zhonghai naturally understood the reason why he was able to speak in front of Secretary Yang before, because when these leaders encountered difficulties, they had to come to him, an eighth-level fitter.Everything has changed now.

"Now is not the time." Yi Zhonghai fell silent.

Qin Huairu also fell silent. With her shrewdness, she would not have thought of the reason why Yi Zhonghai did not go to intercede with He Yuzhu. It was not that he did not want to go, but that it would be useless.

"How about we go ask Xu Yang?" Qin Huairu said.

"You have a beautiful idea. We offended Xu Yang so much before. Do you think he is magnanimous and doesn't care? He didn't find a suitable opportunity. Now that Silly Zhu is seeking death, it's strange that he can intercede. What's more, Silly Zhu originally wanted to die. It's just for Xu Yang." Yi Zhonghai showed a weird smile.

On that day, there was a red paper announcing praise and a white paper announcing criticism on the steel rolling mill's publicity board.

The one who was praised was naturally the workshop improvement team, while the one who was criticized was naturally the chef of the canteen, He Yuzhu.

Yu Haitang, the new broadcaster from the Publicity Department, stopped at the publicity column and looked at the name on the commendation.Xu Yang!This name came to her ears repeatedly in the past two days.Especially this afternoon, Section Chief Liu of the Publicity Department assigned her a task to write a report about Xu Yang's deeds, and then broadcast it during the broadcast throughout the factory.

When Yu Haitang just went to the first workshop to understand, he learned that the improvement team was put on leave this afternoon.Because most of them drank too much, especially Xu Yang, the team leader.

"I am familiar with Xu Yang. He is from the same hospital as me. I watched him grow up. Do you think he is familiar with him?" Xu Damao came over.

Yu Haitang quickly took a step back and distanced himself from Xu Damao.

"Xu Yang is from your courtyard? Why didn't I know?" Yu Haitang's sister Yu Li is Yan Bugui's eldest daughter-in-law. Naturally, Yu Haitang has been to the courtyard several times.And Yu Haitang’s classmate He Yuyu is also in this courtyard.

"He didn't talk much before. You may have rarely seen him." Xu Damao said.

"No wonder." Yu Haitang nodded.

"Actually speaking, Xu Yang can be considered a genius. His father had an accident this year, so he took over his father's class and entered the factory. Now he is still an apprentice. As a result, he became the leader of the improvement team." Xu Damao doesn't like beautiful women. , like flies when you see it.

Yu Haitang felt a little disgusted with Xu Damao, but wanted to get some information about Xu Yang from him so that he could write a report about Xu Yang's deeds as soon as possible.

Xu Yang was sent back to the courtyard by a driver arranged by Secretary Yang. When he woke up, his head still hurt.The celebration drink today was the national wine, and Secretary Yang was really willing to take one out.But drinking too much good wine can get you drunk.

Gudu Gudu, drank a large glass of water.Sitting there, I was still a little confused. I would try to drink as little as possible from now on. If I told him about the rebirth and simplified system, there would be trouble.

Sandbags were played at home.As he continued to fight, he unexpectedly entered the illusion again.

He became a martial artist and practiced Taizu Changquan throughout his life.

He runs a small martial arts studio in a small town, accepting apprentices and teaching him boxing.

He was not well-known and could not accept many apprentices, but he could still support his family.

Life was very ordinary, he married a wife and had children, and his family was happy.

But the war came, and when he went out to visit friends, the vicious enemy massacred the town.When he came back, his family was ruined.

After burying his relatives, he performed a complete set of Taizu Changquan on the grave. Suddenly, the secret of Taizu Changquan was revealed. His Taizu Changquan transformed. He changed from an ordinary martial artist to a Grandmaster.

He broke into the enemy camp alone and single-handedly killed the culprit who committed crimes in the town that day. After that, he hid in the mountains and paid no attention to the world.

In his old age, he had a deeper understanding of Taizu Changquan and returned to his original nature.

Chapter 59 Black Market

The illusion suddenly exploded into pieces like glass, and then disappeared without a trace. Xu Yang found himself still standing in the room, in front of the sandbag.

Suddenly, Xu Yang punched the sandbag.The moment he hit the sandbag, it was like time stopped.

Then, with a bang, the sandbag exploded!

Although the sandbags are made of simple nylon bags filled with river sand, they are not weak in strength. They are smashed into pieces and need to withstand a huge impact in an instant.

Xu Yang quickly checked his fist and found that except for a slight redness, the skin was not broken at all.

I quickly opened the virtual panel and found to my surprise that Taizu Changquan had been perfected.

Taizu Changquan: Perfection.

This is Xu Yang’s second perfect skill!

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