"Lao Guo, what's the matter with being so mysterious?" Xu Yang couldn't help but want to laugh. This was not an underground activity.

"Last time, the thing you asked me to investigate came to fruition. The man named Li was very courageous, and he really made people guess right. This guy colluded with people from other factories, and falsely reported the price. The factory bought it The price of raw materials was falsely high, and the difference was divided among them. The goods sold in the factory were sold at a low price, but the other end reported a falsely high price. The difference was divided among them again," said Guo Dapizi.

"Has it been verified?" Xu Yang asked.

"This is actually a fact. The financial accounts of both parties were reconciled, and the true colors were immediately revealed. They just took advantage of the loopholes. The two parties are not a system, and the financial accounts of both parties will not be reconciled. Especially the accounts between public and private parties were arbitrarily controlled by Li. Manipulation. No wonder so many people gave him gifts during the Chinese New Year!" Guo Dabo said.

"What should we do next?" Guo Dabao asked.

"You hand me the evidence, and I'll hand it over to Secretary Yang. I guess it will have to be handled by the ministry in the end," Xu Yang said.

Guo Dabozi handed Xu Yang a notebook full of records: "Little Master, if you don't care about this, I'll just leave it anonymously in Secretary Yang's office."

Xu Yang shook his head: "If you beat the snake, it will be wrapped around the stick. If you don't beat the man named Li to death this time, we will be the unlucky ones. If the man named Li turns around and checks, you will know that it is us who are behind him. Such people will be punished - Restoration is very strong."

Guo Dabozi was not afraid at all: "What am I afraid of? It's not me who engages in corruption. I'm just a worker. How dare he do anything to me!"

"He doesn't dare to do anything to you, but he can give you some shoes to wear." Xu Yang said.

Especially when a strong wind blows, people like Li will immediately follow the wind.Xu Yang wants to take advantage of the strong wind before it blows to completely bring down Deputy Factory Director Li.Give him no chance to mess around in the rolling mill.Without this kind of people, the steel rolling mill would not be in chaos when strong winds blow.

Xu Yang took the notebook to Secretary Yang's office.

Secretary Yang took the notebook, glanced at it, and took a breath.He had been aware of Deputy Factory Director Li's behavior for a long time, but he did not expect that Deputy Factory Director Li would make such a big deal.If this is confirmed, we can definitely drag the man named Li out for target practice.

"How did you get these things?" Secretary Yang frowned.

"I had some festivals with Deputy Director Li before. Then I heard that many people gave him gifts during the Chinese New Year, so I paid attention. Unexpectedly, he was more daring than I thought. Secretary Yang, you can't keep this kind of thing! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles. . The steel rolling mill is at a critical period. If this kind of person gains power, all our efforts will be in vain. The CNC machining center is definitely a sharp tool that can help our country accelerate industrial development. The steel rolling mill must be stabilized." Xu Yang said.

"But it is precisely because our factory is in a critical period that I don't want to touch this person. Otherwise, once there is turmoil in the factory, everything may come to a standstill." Secretary Yang hesitated.

"A sharpened knife never wastes time in chopping firewood. If you don't deal with the person named Li this time, you will regret it soon. Now there are some signs in many places. I heard that the person named Li has also been very active recently." Xu Yang said .

Secretary Yang immediately frowned, picked up the phone, put it down again without making a call, and then said to Xu Yang, "Let's go find the big boss together."

Secretary Yang has obviously made up his mind.If Deputy Director Li is allowed to gain power.Definitely not a good thing for rolling mills.

Secretary Yang took Xu Yang to the big leader's house.

At first, the senior leader thought that Secretary Yang was going to take down Deputy Factory Director Li, and was not very happy. However, after reading Xu Yang's little book, he immediately became furious.

"It's not bad! This factory has become a cash cow for him! This kind of person should be killed! If you don't kill him, the people will not be angry!" The big leader slapped his hand on the table.

The evidence is conclusive and can be confirmed by just checking.When the authorities went to investigate, they could find more than just the things on the notebook.But there are far more than on the notebook.

Including Deputy Director Li, many people from the sales department, logistics department and other departments of the steel rolling mill were involved.Plus the units and individuals involved in this case.A hundred people were arrested.

This time, even Deputy Factory Li’s father-in-law was implicated.

Deputy Director Li is the most central one.Almost everyone involved in the case is connected to him.So in the end, among the people who were targeted, Deputy Director Li inevitably appeared among them.

Because his backstage was also implicated in his collapse, no one could exonerate him this time.The sentence was pronounced quickly and then executed.

The steel rolling mill has been hit a lot. Although Secretary Yang was not involved, as the leader, he also seriously neglected his duties.This was why he hesitated at first.

If it weren't for the recent excellent results of the steel rolling mill, Secretary Yang would also have been removed, this time just for criticism.A warning was given.

Secretary Yang is very lucky. If this matter drags on, he will be even more implicated in the future.Maybe the situation will get out of hand in the end.

This incident did not have much impact on Xu Yang.

Xu Yang went to Qingdao University to recruit some college students to help him carry out research in semiconductor technology, integrated circuits, microelectronics and other directions.

It was also thanks to his status as a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the guidance of Professor Wei and Director Ma that everything went so smoothly.

What makes Xu Yang very troublesome is that these graduates only come to the steel rolling mill as interns to assist Xu Yang in his research.It is not so easy to keep these people.

Nowadays, as long as you are a college student, you are a hot commodity, let alone a student of Qingdao University.Various units from all over the country are competing for it.

These students also have their own ideas.Even if you are interested in these research and development, you may not be willing to bet your career here.

After all, rolling mills are unattractive to college students from these top universities.If it hadn't been for the CNC machining center developed by Xu Yang, it would have been impossible to deceive these students.

"Secretary Yang, we have to find a way. It's best to recruit all the college students from my team." Xu Yang said.

"It's easy for you to say it. We are all the proud ones of heaven. Many units are much more attractive than our steel rolling mill. It is not easy to be able to come here for internship." Secretary Yang said with a wry smile.

"But. We don't have our own advantages, right? We are the only one in the country that can produce CNC machining centers! There are only a few companies in the world that can produce CNC machining centers. ." Xu Yang really has this confidence.

"But our signboard is really not loud enough." Secretary Yang sighed.

"Look for the big boss. If these students are listed in the department, will their brand be bigger than ours?" Xu Yang asked.

"Hey, that's true. It should be easier if the establishment is linked to the ministry and seconded to work in our factory." Secretary Yang's eyes lit up.

Because of the CNC machining center, the department’s results this year are particularly impressive.Therefore, the big leaders also attach great importance to the steel rolling mill.Xu Yang's research also received support from the ministry.This time, the big leader was very bold and went to the top leaders for approval.The college students in Xu Yang's team were assigned to the ministry's key research institutes.Finally, Xu Yang's laboratory was classified as a key research institute of the ministry.Xu Yang even served as deputy director and project leader of a key research institute.

That's how things worked out.

At the beginning, the integrated circuits for the control system were completely made by Xu Yang.When Xu Yang developed the integrated circuit production machine, he finally released himself.

However, most of the various electronic components on the circuit board still rely on imports.

A small number of them can be mass-produced in China, but the quality is not satisfactory.

Xu Yang was ready to simply break through all the components.Anyway, most of these components are technically figured out.After conquering the most difficult ones, those simple components were solved naturally.

When overcoming these problems.

CNC machining centers are continuously producing and assembling products.It took several months to build the first CNC machining center, and it took a month to assemble two CNC machining centers.It is expected that by the end of the year, the steel rolling mill will have nearly twenty CNC machining centers.

The workshops to equip these CNC machining centers are already under construction.

Of course, Xu Yang also knew very well that the steel rolling mill could not keep all of these twenty-tai CNC machining centers.Many key units are developing CNC machine tools.Including Qingda University and Beihang University, they all want to move CNC machine tools there.

It is not that easy to move, because now only Xu Yang is able to use these CNC machine tools proficiently.

Even if all these units want these CNC machining centers, they have to ask Xu Yang to help them train their operators.

Xu Yang was still willing to train and called the operator over first.The training cannot be in vain.You have to come over and help me with something.Otherwise, I will never help you train well.In this way, Xu Yang's several teams gradually became full of manpower.Every assembled machine tool was also put to use.In addition to completing the processing tasks of key units, most machine tools are mainly used to produce various machines and equipment needed.

Among them is the turbofan aircraft engine that Xu Yang has just completed recently.

Aircraft has more than 3 parts and components.

The accuracy requirements are very high.

There are a lot of special-shaped workpieces.

The aviation engine structure is complex.Assembly and disassembly are very complicated.

Even if all the parts are made, assembly is not easy.

Maybe when you dismantle the installed aviation engine and then reinstall it, you will find that there are many more parts.

It feels like ordinary people taking apart a clock.

If he didn't have a large number of manpower, Xu Yang would be exhausted just by inputting the part parameters.

With the CNC machining center, the processing speed is much faster.Setting parameters on time is also very cumbersome.Many times, parameter setting takes longer than the machining process.

Xu Yang handed over the aviation component drawings to these free laborers for processing. They did not know what kind of machines they were processing.I thought Xu Yang had designed a new precision machine tool.

It was impossible for Xu Yang to tell them that he was developing aviation engines.

After these precision components were manufactured, they were all moved into Xu Yang's experimental workshop.The experimental workshop has been vacated again, leaving only Xu Yang's first CNC machining machine tool inside.


Xu Yang is not prepared to let people in casually here.

Because if any of the drawings in his hand were lost, it could cause huge losses.

Secretary Yang has arranged for the security office to conduct strict security in Xuyang's office, experimental workshop, and CNC machine tool machining center workshop.

After all, it has only been more than ten years since the liberation. No one can guarantee that there are no spies in the steel rolling mill, nor can they guarantee that there are no spies among these students.

Xu Yang only reported the Hangfa plan to Secretary Yang.Secretary Yang should have reported to the senior leaders.

Not to mention Hangfa.The technology of CNC machining centers is equally important.



The parts Professor Chen needs have been solved.

However, Professor Chen's fighter development process is still not so smooth.

The new fighter jet has more than 1 parts and hundreds of new materials and processes.Although this fighter jet was developed on the basis of old fighter jets, the improvement in performance will bring about many unexpected problems.

The original production process will not be suitable for new fighters.

A very serious accident occurred when a new fighter jet assembled recently experienced a serious shutdown of its twin engines while traveling at supersonic speeds.

The R&D team discovered many problems through working all night long for many days.Although this is inevitable during the research and development process.However, if an accident occurs to a fighter jet, it may result in the sacrifice of the pilot and huge economic losses.These losses are very tragic.

Professor Chen has not had a good rest for several days.

This time, the pilot risked his life to control the test aircraft to land.Because he knows that the test machine is more precious than his life.Therefore, he risked his life and finally succeeded in saving the experimental machine.

Otherwise, if the test machine turns into a wreckage, the R&D team may not even be able to find the problem.

"Which fucking company processed these parts? Why is there such a big deviation?" Professor Chen couldn't help but curse.

The parts deviation that directly led to the failure of this test flight was relatively serious.However, the quality inspectors of the R&D team did not check carefully at that time.

"This is documented."

The processing unit soon found out.


Beigang completed some parts that were relatively difficult to process at that time, but serious deviations still occurred.

In sharp contrast, no problems occurred with the components at the rolling mill.Moreover, the parts of the rolling mill are significantly less worn than other parts.

"Hey, why are these parts not worn at all?" Someone exclaimed.

Professor Chen also discovered abnormalities in those parts.

When traveling at supersonic speeds, it is a great test for various parts of the aircraft.

This test flight failed because when it reached supersonic speed, the engine stopped due to machine failure.It almost resulted in immeasurable consequences.

Professor Chen made a special trip to the steel rolling mill with the spare parts.

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