"Yeah, I wish I'd discovered that before today!"

"Haha, it doesn't matter. I will help you improve it later, so just feel free to lose to me!"


The corners of Sid's eyes twitched wildly. As a person with the power of shadow, he should remain calm at all times, but now he is really in a huge crisis.

If he couldn't think of a way to end Mo Ge, then he would be dead today... It doesn't matter.

But the important thing is that once he loses, he will no longer be able to become a powerful person of shadow. His ideal powerful person is an absolutely strong person who will never lose.

[Believe in yourself, believe in yourself, think of a solution quickly!The more human beings are at their limits, the more they can break through themselves, and now is that moment!How can we defeat the whole person, how can we kill him! 】

The thought of running away never occurred.

Not only do those with true shadow power never retreat, but so do true kings.

【There is a way!Future king, let you experience it. For me...even if I give up my sword, I will still be the strongest! 】

It is impossible to win in close combat.

Therefore, Sid gave up the sword that he was good at.

He stepped back more than a dozen steps to distance himself in humiliation, and then his slime suit turned into liquid bullets and shot towards Mo Ge.

"Huh? Do you want to play remotely?"

Mo Ge narrowed his eyes. It was indeed a good idea. That slime suit was really convenient.

I saw Sid discarding all the extraneous designs on the suit, including the skirt, hood, collar, cloak, etc., and turned these slimes into ammunition.

For the ideal shadow warrior, a handsome image is very important, so Sid designed the suit to be very handsome.

But now I can no longer worry about appearance.

"If close range doesn't work, use long range! The power of every drop of these slimes infused with my magic power cannot be underestimated. Without armor, you will only be shot to death by my kite!"

"...Even though he said so, someone's expression looks very uncomfortable."

"Guwu! The one I am aiming for should have the absolute strength to defeat all dangers head-on. But now it seems that I still have insufficient training."

"It's true that you haven't practiced enough, but you won't have a chance in this life. You can continue in the next life."

Mo Ge split the slime bullets with his sword with one hand, and opened his storage space with the other hand, with a smile that could be described as cruel and devilish.

The next weapon was taken out.

"You want to play remote control, right? That's great, then I will play with you to the fullest!"

"This, this, this! You, you, you! You actually made this thing! How is that possible!"

"Don't be surprised. I have a lot of knowledge from my past life in my head, a genius sister, and subordinates of an experimental maniac."

Mo Ge grabbed the handle of the weapon.

The shell is as black as night and has six long, black and thick pipes, with a total length of more than seven meters. It is more domineering, exaggerated and unreasonable than the chainsaw magic sword just now.

Anyone who knows will be scared out of their wits at just one glance. This is - Gatling??????

As for the revolver that was originally made, I don’t know where it was thrown by Mo Ge~

Mo Ge: "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, with six pure depleted uranium bullets, [-] revolutions in one breath, saves the world with great compassion! Hi bro, are you ready to repent?"

Sid: "!!!!!"

With Mo Ge pulling the trigger.

Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta! ! !

The unreasonable super heavy firepower made those with shadow strength no longer dare to worry about the slightest bit of force, and ran at full speed to dodge this extreme firepower.

Bunkers and such are simply a luxury.

Because this is simply not a Gatling that humans can use, Sid Ganpaoyan??

This type of Gatling should have been placed on aircraft carriers to defend against air fighters! ! !

Only in this magical world can one use human power to carry out strafing.

"This is cheating! There has to be a limit to how outrageous it is! Can you have some fighting styles from around the world?"

"I don't care, times have changed! Let's make a big change!"


Sid didn't dare stop.

Although with his sword skills, even Gatling's bullets can hit him, but this breath rotates [-] times, and if he lasts for ten seconds at most, he will be beaten into a hornet's nest.

Although the slime suit has strong defense, it can only withstand a hundred rounds of bullets at most. The liquid suit will be scattered by the impact of the bullets. In short, it must not be resisted head-on!

But although it was of no use, he also obtained new information.

Sid: "...With such a serious phobia of lack of firepower, there is no doubt that this person must have been a flower farmer before reincarnation."

Mo Ge: "Haha, you have a good sense~"

Third more.

I have something to say about the forest!

I didn’t expect everyone to be so supportive. Today’s data has skyrocketed. If that’s the case... then we won’t hide it anymore. You can treat it as a painting, but that’s what I plan to do!

Wait until the first day it is released and it will be updated with 4 to 6 words!

And there will be updates every two weeks from now on!Each update contains 10 chapters!

Cheers, gentlemen!

This is the era of big updates!

So... smash me to death with your flowers!

Ask for flowers, tickets, and rewards.

Chapter 40, I Am Atomic!

"Da da da da da da da da~!!!"

The Gatling gun kept spinning.

It can fire thousands or even tens of thousands of bullets per minute, and each bullet can cause a hole of more than ten centimeters on the ground.

Sid could only seize the opportunity, pour his magic power and slash the ground with his sword to scrape away the dirt, and instantly made a simple trench to hide in.

Can't go wrong.

With such a severe phobia of lack of firepower and a tilt of firepower like a demon, there is no doubt that this person must have been a flower farmer before he was reincarnated!

"By the way, your bullets are endless!" He really wanted to report Mo Ge for using the unlimited bullets cheat.

The Fire Snake hasn't stopped since it first started, chasing him and shooting at him for several minutes... Where did so many bullets come from!Besides, it should be overheated anyway!

"Of course it's impossible to have endless bullets, but don't worry, I won't skimp on consumables in battle. I have plenty of ammunition!"

Mo Ge showed a confident smile. With [Space Magic], he can be said to be a mobile arsenal. Now he always has [-] rounds of ammunition when he goes out!

Don't ask, it's just a lack of firepower phobia!This disease is branded on the soul and cannot be cured even after reincarnation.

Moreover, Oliha Gang's gun body is harder than the super-hard titanium alloy in his previous life. He can shoot for more than half an hour without overheating.

"If there are weapons like this everywhere, eh, a rare opportunity in another world is wasted..."

"Don't worry, these weapons can only be used by me and will not be given to others. They are basically made on a whim in my spare time."

"It's already extraordinary that this thing can be made!"

"Because I am not walking the arrogant path of kings. The prince's side is very lively, unlike a certain person with the power of shadow~"

Times have changed. You have to control your power when you come out. You can use it for nothing. Mo Ge also has a lot of magic weapons, all of which were made with the help of Agnis and Eta.

"Damn it! Damn it now!"

Sid gritted his teeth and cursed angrily. The defending side would only miss out on victory. He stood up and decided to risk his life.


The slime suit condensed two long swords. He adjusted the remaining suit to cover only the vital parts, and then charged towards Mo Ge.

The two dark swords swung out afterimages.

Cut off countless bullets and bounce them away.

What a fierce and heroic advance.

Too bad it’s not calm enough!

"Da da da da da!"

Mo Ge did not aim at his body, but aimed at Sid's feet and fired, and his final advance was immediately interrupted.

"Restrictions lifted! Tactical smash!"

At the same time, the chainsaw sword in Mo Ge's right hand rotated again, and Sid quickly used the slime sword to parry.

But after infusing too much magic power, the chain saw's speed even exceeded three thousand revolutions per minute! !The slime sword was cut off instantly.

In the end, the Ba sword was placed on Sid?

"I won."

"Well, I lost...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Sid couldn't accept this fact. If he lost, he would lose, which meant that he could no longer claim to be a powerful person of shadow.

Of course he could choose to cheat, but in this case, the last thing he would have left, his self-esteem as a person with the power of shadow, would not be left.

Sid gritted his teeth and looked at Mo Ge.

There is no hatred between them, they just bet on their ideal duel and then lost, that's all.


"I still have the last sword."

"Want to play tricks?"

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