Your saint, something is wrong.

Before leaving, Miss Susu still came out with the sword in a chic manner. Of course, if Susu's vest was changed, she would have to take another bottle of Xianyu brew to leave.

Qin Road!If you don't show up again, your Niu Dadi tool man will be karma!

"Senior sister! I have something important to discuss, please reply if you see it!"

"I repeat, this is not a drill...Senior, don't lose the chain at this time!"

I don't know if it was Gu Changsheng's secret prayer that moved the heavens, but finally a weary answer came from the Kunlun mirror that had been silent for many days:

"What happened?"

Chapter 220 Preparations for the Foundation

"Senior sister, you finally appeared." Gu Changsheng hurriedly complained with snot and tears: "If you don't show up again, I'm afraid I will be hanged up by Lu Qingming and beaten..."

The Great Emperor Lu in Tianquan Ancient Road was stunned when he heard the words, and said in his heart that I wanted to hang you and Qi Hansu up and fight... But it seems that I haven't mentioned my plan yet, have I?Can you feel it?

These days, she has been busy using the fragments of the Dao Clock to deduce the treasures of each major sect, and the most caring among them is the Sword Tomb of Taichu.This sword mound consumed most of her energy, and even though she had always been so efficient at breaking through the barriers, she was not able to conquer this sword mound in a short time.

This sword mound seems to have a lack of yin and yang, and when one part is missing, the other part cannot be balanced, which leads to the unsolvable problem.

Lu Qingming is an extremely confident person. She doesn't believe that there are sword mounds in this world that she can't pass through, so she snorted coldly and changed her way of thinking about breaking through...

Since there is a lack of yin and yang, then simply use violence to control violence, everything will be cut, and there will be no balance.

I have to say that this method is indeed effective and very efficient.Soon Lu Qingming returned to the end of Tianquan holding a small pure white sword.

The whole body of this sword is filled with Yaoyang Qi, and there is a saying that a lone yang does not grow, but this sword seems to have broken this common sense... The Yaoyang Qi here is something that Lu Qingming has never seen before, whether it is in terms of grade or purity.

It is undoubtedly a good sword, but it is not the ancient sword of the beginning with a balance of yin and yang.

Could it be... the fragments of the Dao Clock were deduced wrongly?

With a lot of doubts, Emperor Lu returned to the end of Tianquan and planned to rest for a while, and asked the headmaster of Jianzong what was going on after the headmaster of Tianyanzong outside had repositioned himself.

"Senior sister, don't think about any bets at this time. If Lu Qingming comes back, if he knows that I said his fiancée is very moist... cough cough... Let his fiancee be a licking dog, how can I hide from that sword attack? You hurry up Think of a way!"

"Do you want me to go to your side to protect you personally?"

"Anyway, I lost this bet. If you accept the bet, you can ask me to do one thing."

"Sister netizen, is this too slow?" Gu Changsheng said tactfully, "Can't all of you be able to tear open the rift in space and hurry?"

"No." Lu Dadi said with a cold face: "Let's not say whether I know this kind of magic method, Lu Qingming's own tenacity is rare in the world, are you dreaming if you have such thoughts?"

"I can protect you for a while, but I can't protect you forever."

People's sorrows and joys are not connected, unless he takes Lu Qingming down and lets them taste what it feels like to be bullied, otherwise they will never understand what Lu Qingming will do.

According to Qi Hansu's tone, it will probably be a month or so before Lu Dadi returns. When the netizen sister rushes over from thousands of miles away, she may have to burn incense sticks for Gu Changsheng before leaving.


Lu Qingming pondered for a moment, then slowly shook his head and said: "You did reach out your hand last time, but you couldn't take away the ancient sword inherited from the Sixth Peak. It means that this medium cannot withstand the power of shuttle. Unless..."

Gu Changsheng: "..."

"Where I am and

The areas of shaking light are far apart, and the return date is uncertain. It may be as short as March or May, or as long as more than a year. "

After listening to Gu Changsheng's concise description, Lu Qingming immediately understood.Few people knew about her establishment of contact with Yaoguangyu, but Qi Hansu was definitely not included.She must have disclosed the news to Gu Changsheng, which made a certain yellow hair start to be prepared for danger.

"Then how about... senior sister, you can give me a few magical weapons, or teach me something to make me advance by leaps and bounds, so that I can face Lu Qingming head-on, what do you think?"

"That's what it says in the scriptures."

I'm going back, how come I don't know?

A butterfly flapping its wings lightly will make things develop to a place no one expects.Lu Qingming suddenly remembered the fragments of Gu Changsheng's restoration medium, and a black-bellied smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

She had said this before, but that was when Gu Changsheng hadn't recorded so much hatred with her.

"Then what should we do?" Gu Changsheng said with a bitter face: "Senior sister, you can't leave me alone. If it wasn't for your so-called old friend who entrusted me, I wouldn't be involved in such a thing!"

"That's fine too, but senior sister, how long will it take you to come over?"

Although Little Green Tea and Miss Susu have said similar things to him, but he has always had reservations about it—they are all young ladies, so they don't understand the mind of the suffering master.

"By the way, senior sister, did you say before that even if I really took Qi Hansu down, Lu Qingming wouldn't be angry?" Gu Changsheng suddenly said, "You shouldn't be lying to me, right? "

Emperor Lu pursed his lips when he heard the words, and sneered silently.

Gu Changsheng hesitated for a moment, and carefully probed: "I don't know if the medium we are talking to at this moment can be used to travel through the starry sky and the river?"

Then why don't I just wait for you to collect my body?

"That's the power in the storybook, not me." She said calmly, "It can only be so fast. This is already the result of my going all out regardless of the cost."

"That's it..." Gu Changsheng sighed when he heard the words, even the top yellow-haired saintesses don't have such a magic weapon of destiny, and it's probably impossible for a netizen sister to have one.

This time, Lu Qingming deliberately remained silent for a long time, and finally said slowly: "It is true that this matter happened because of me, that's all right, I will go to Taiyi Sword Sect and explain this matter to Lu Qingming, I believe he will not blame you you."

Lu Qingming: "..."

"I wonder if senior can help me hypnotize and brainwash Lu Qingming?" Gu Changsheng thought for a while and asked, "Probably the kind that makes him never kill me, and treat me as a good brother..."

But when she returned to the end of Tianquan, she found that it was not the head teacher who contacted her first, but a "hope to leave" that she had ignored for a long time.

"I just lost a bet to you, not losing to you as a slave." Lu Dadi said coldly, wanting to capture him:

"Yes, is it possible?" Gu Dahuangmao was a little flattered, he really had this idea, but he was just worried that Qin Lu would reject it.

"Who told you that?"

Is he going to be Karma?Who wants Karta?

Oh, it's Lu Qingming.

Especially when he was crying and yelling that he was going to kill him, a weird look appeared on Emperor Lu's face.

Maybe... this is the good opportunity God has given me?

"I understand what you said." Lu Qingming said calmly: "It seems that in the bet between you and me, after all, you are slightly better."


"Unless I try to project it to you through the media." Lu Qingming said lightly: "This is the only way, it depends on whether you are willing to try."

Gu Changsheng's heart skipped a beat.

projection?Does this count as a video call between me and my netizen sister, or does it count as me meeting her?

Chapter 221 Let You Hug For Three Seconds!

Whether it's face-to-face or video, Gu Changsheng really needs some trump cards right now to make himself more confident.The netizen sister is one of them, and Qin Wuyi is the other.

Of course, he can't be blamed for being too cowardly. It's really a yellow-haired emperor who hasn't developed yet and an emperor who has quietly developed for so long in the top sect of the Yaoguang domain. The two are not at the same level of strength at all.Who would want to play a match that was [-]% open?

He is not the kind of fate that can gain experience if he is abused, so of course he is not willing to give the head to Emperor Lu.

With this in mind, Gu Changsheng's initial worry about meeting his netizen sister was successfully replaced by Lu Qingming's worry about his return, and he replied in a deep voice, "How do you want me to cooperate, senior?"

"Advent projection requires the stability of the media channel. I have a way to maintain it here, and it depends on whether your side is stable enough." Lu Qingming said lightly: "You can use formations to assist, but you need to seek the help of the elders in the sect. .”

Gu Changsheng heard that Qin Wuyi had only one thigh in my sect, and asked Qin Wuyi to help me meet the projection of the netizen sister?Wouldn't that directly expose the fact that Qin Lu and I were arguing?

Regardless of the grievances between Qin Wuyi and Qin Lu, no one likes someone to lie to them.What's more, Qin Wuyi is such a powerful and arrogant goddess.Gu Changsheng thought for a while, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, senior sister, I have my own way to maintain stability."

Doesn’t it just need to be stable, the big deal is to repair the Kunlun mirror more!

"One more thing." Lu Qingming said again: "This is the first time for me to project such a long-distance projection. I don't know when it will be successful, so I will test it several times in advance. It is best not to carry your medium with you. It is best to put it in the A safe enough place."

"Why is this?"

After all, like Qi Hansu, he is a man of the past and present, but when he is serious, Little Green Tea does have a bit of a decent temperament.Even Gu Changsheng was stunned to see it.

"Senior Brother Gu, please don't hurt my little sister." Little Green Tea happily turned her head, saying no, but her body was very honest.

Thanks to the little sister Peixiu who came to the stage before, now Xu Mo is more or less worried about the appearance of the junior sisters, Huang Wentian, the rebellious senior brother beside him, also said: "Yes, thank you, senior sister, senior brother knows that you were very good before, but senior sister Sun The performance in the group stage is also not about replacing me or the big brother?"

The light from the broken mirror illuminated the whole room, and the bright starlight appeared in the shape of seven stars in the sky.The Thunder Tribulation that Gu Changsheng was most worried about did not come, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

If you don't put it under the bed, then put it on the bed?

What if she came to test me just when I was sleeping?Chatting with netizens under the quilt?This is not the noodle base I want!

After much thought, Gu Changsheng still decided to mount the Kunlun Mirror on the wall beside his bed.

The day finally came.He pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth and slowly joined the pieces together.

Xie Xiaolvcha is ambitious. She can hide in the group stage, but she will naturally not hide in the crucial games like the quarter-finals.She wants to prove that she is the best candidate for the talented and beautiful swordsman saint in this high-profile arena.

On the top of Pingjian Mountain, there is a sword light

After rowing one after another, the flying boat stopped in front of the mountain.Xie Qingzhi was dressed in a beautiful white dress, with her black hair pulled up into a neat bun. She was very different from her usual charming image, a little more heroic and a little less weak.

After doing all this, Gu Changsheng felt relieved, and slept peacefully for the first time in days.Lu Qingming, who came from the projection of consciousness in the void, saw that he had repaired the medium as he thought, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The sister of the netizen is really heart-warming. I was afraid that something would go wrong when I met Lu Qingming when he stabbed someone, so I offered to test it...

"Then you'd better come back quickly." A sneer appeared on the corner of Lu Qingming's mouth.It would be great to be able to hang up and beat some nasty guy as soon as he returned.

"Brother Gu, don't you like me dressed like this?"

The 70% completed Kunlun mirror is now quite large, and it is no longer the small silver mirror that could be hidden in the bosom.Gu Changsheng put the Kunlun mirror in front of the bed, thinking about where to hide it.

Gu Changsheng's life seems to have returned to the right track after getting the life-saving trump card after the return of Emperor Lu. Qin Wuyi and Qi Hansu are busy with some important events, and even Little Green Tea seems to be concentrating on it because he wants to play in the quarterfinals. Retreat, did not come to disturb him.

What he really struggles with is... If the netizen sister arrives and finds herself in a strange place if she puts it under the bed, will she hack him to death in a fit of rage?

First of all, as a mirror, it is a very reasonable thing to appear on the wall.Secondly, it was better to come out from the wall than to appear under the bed and his quilt.

"Senior sister, don't worry, I, Gu, always keep what I say." Gu Changsheng said confidently, "Then it's settled!"

Having said all of this, Gu Changsheng ended the conversation, and took out the prize of Subao's looting from the Qiankun bag: Kunlun mirror fragments.

Naturally, he wasn't worried that the Kunlun mirror would be stolen. Let alone whether someone would come to Sixth Peak to steal his mirror, the Kunlun mirror itself was not a magic weapon that could be used if it was stolen.He didn't even understand it himself, and no one else could unlock it if he took it.

"Because you may be affected by projection fluctuations... Didn't you say that there is a big competition in Jianzong recently?"

"Junior Sister Xie, are you really going to play in the quarter-finals of the Sixth Peak today?" Senior Brother Goutou said with some concern: "You have just entered the alchemy not long ago, and your opponent is the No. Senior Sister, are you sure?"

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