If you don't want to kill a monster, you can change it to a monster, right?Really have your big brother!

Right now, Gu Changsheng was the only one left among the three seniors. He flipped through the introduction booklet for a while, and then asked with a shy face, "You said just now that there is a sect theme, what do you mean?"

The green smoke is curling up, the fragrance of tea is overflowing, the small pavilion is full of thread-bound books, and a few ancient swords are displayed on the west side, which looks quite poetic and picturesque.He stood there and looked around blankly, and couldn't help but slowly typed a question mark:


The boy was stunned and said, "You want to use medicine to cheer you up?"

"Alright, sir, please go this way~"

cheating consumers?Although I don't have to fuck, you can't stop fucking me!

Just as the thought flashed through, the door of the small pavilion was gently pushed open on both sides, and an enchanting woman with a black sarong face came over, her lotus feet were not covered with socks, she just stepped on the wooden floor, the ankle The jingle of silver bells is crisp and evokes reverie.

"It's not...is your place... safe?" Gu Changsheng asked vigilantly, "Won't be caught by the anti-pornography?"

Gu Changsheng was immediately in awe when he heard the words, he never thought that the service of this heaven and earth is so considerate and thoughtful, no wonder it is so famous.

"It's the costumes of the disciples of the three sects and five sects of our Yaoguang domain. Whether you like the Taoist nuns of the Tianyan sect, the nuns of the Wanfo sect, the witches of the Zhuli sect, or the female Bodhisattvas of the Hehuan sect, you can find corresponding clothes " The boy blinked and said: "If it is torn apart, there is no need for compensation."

Gu Changsheng:?

"Two guest officers, have you chosen?"

"Then have you ever...entered the secret realm of an ancient powerful cave, and then took the aphrodisiac together with the fairy who entered it?

The kind of script that doesn’t have a lot of special features? "

"Then your fairies are also illusions?"

"Do you have... the kind..." The senior elder brother blushed and whispered, "The kind with monster ears and tails?"

"Okay, okay." Gu Changsheng nodded again and again, "You deserve to make money..."

"No, what I mean is... it's a transformed monster, and the ears are real." The honest and honest elder brother lowered his voice.

Gu Changsheng stepped into the teleportation array, and the light engulfed his figure. After a while, his eyes flickered, and he had already arrived in an antique small pavilion.

Big-eyed senior brother Xu Mo stepped into the teleportation formation while shaking his head and sighing, leaving Gu Changsheng speechless...

"You also want to have the characteristics of a monster?"

Unexpectedly, big brother, you are actually a Fu Ruikong?

Xu Mo, the senior brother of the dog head, coughed twice and said to Gu Changsheng, who had a strange expression on his face: "Little brother, don't get me wrong, I just want to see if I can absorb soul power in other ways besides killing monsters. I'm doing this for cultivation!"

"It's better to have the characteristics of a monster!"

"Eldest brother and younger brother, you choose slowly, and I will pay the bill when the time comes!"

"Look at what you said." The boy said, "This is a formal place, and those themes are all cultural exchange projects. What can anti-pornography investigators come here to check?"

"No, I'm just asking." Gu Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Just bring me a witch from the Zhuli Sect to chat with, and I want to see where she can go!"

"No need, I mainly just chat with her. If there is one more person, I can only play cards and fight the landlord."

Last time I was a fake Shuangfei and met a real anti-pornography, this time nothing will happen again, right?

Then I, the yellow-haired emperor, still have to be shameless?

After finishing speaking, Huang Wentian happily walked towards a room following the guidance of the servant, and disappeared in the light of the teleportation formation in a flash.

Gu Changsheng nodded his head pretending to be reserved, and when he was about to step into the teleportation formation, he suddenly remembered the experience of being swept up in pornography last time, and suddenly stopped in vigilance.

"Yes! Of course, it doesn't matter whether it's cat ears or rabbit ears..."

"Come on, sir, go slowly!"

"The guest officer was joking, do you want to add another one?"

"Okay, sir, this way please."

"What's the matter, guest officer? Do you want to add one more?"

"The founding purpose of our Tiantian Baiyujing is to let the cultures of different sects collide with each other, so that everyone can experience a different life... Those places are all evolved from the magic weapon of the illusion of the Guixu Realm, and they don't exist. .”

"Of course not. On the one hand, the evolution place of the secret treasure in the illusion of returning to the ruins is mainly for the pursuit of reality. On the other hand, if there is a change, we can teleport the guest officer thousands of miles away with a single thought."

Where is my witch girl?Where did she go!

"After all, killing too many sins will hurt the sky and... oh..."

Her dress is a bit weird, her upper body is wrapped in a few pieces of fabric, but her waist is empty, and the skirt on her lower body only reaches her thighs, with tassels falling in it, making people unconsciously seduced by the white beauty.Any man can't help swallowing when he looks at the woman's slender and powerful waist.

So white... oh no... such a demon girl!

"This little brother, is he the leader of the younger generation of Jianzong?" The witch girl slightly parted her red lips, with an infinitely charming voice that seemed to be scratching the itch in Gu Changsheng's heart: "I don't know why my brother came here because he wanted to How do you punish me, the witch of the Zhuli sect?"

"Should we punish here directly, or go to the couch over there and punish again?"

Chapter 258 The Correct Way to Treat the Goddess

Gu Changsheng gasped, and silently gave 120 likes to this "Heavenly Baiyujing" in his heart.

With this figure and temperament, I am guaranteed to be a demon girl who hates stuffed eggs... I asked you to bring me a witch from the Zhuli sect to come and chat with me. Did you choose me for such an expensive one!

I'm afraid this isn't a real fairy dance, is it?

Gu Changsheng suddenly sized up the witch girl very vigilantly, and asked cautiously after a while, "You guys...shouldn't charge you twice, right?"

The demon girl sister was stunned, and she couldn't hold back the flattery she had just brewed: "What's the second charge?"

"That means you are so beautiful...won't you pay extra?" Gu Changsheng thought for a while and asked, "If we just hug and do nothing else, will the price be the same?"

The red-clothed demon girl covered her mouth and giggled, her winking eyes turned white like silk and Gu Changsheng said, "Little brother, your way of complimenting people is quite special... just to be so sweet to you, sister will not accept your money today." .”

so good? !

Gu Changsheng's spirit was shocked, and the instinct of whoring for nothing made him excited immediately: "Come on, come here, witch, come here, I will show you today what is the right way in the world is the vicissitudes of life!"

"Little brother, slow down, I'm hurting you~" The demon girl in red was holding Gu Changsheng's hand, and a subtle light appeared in her eyes.

She moved lightly with lotus steps, and the silver bell on her ankle resounded with a special rhythm, which sounded clear and sweet.When Gu Changsheng pulled her onto the couch, the gleam in the eyes of the witchy young lady disappeared.

"Brother, don't be so impatient..."

The moment Gu Changsheng turned his head, a red wave of spiritual power flashed across the body of the witchy lady, and her spiritual consciousness locked Gu Changsheng's mind with the magic weapon of the silver bell.

This is the unique soul control method of Zhuli Sect. It is called: "Candle is always bright". It can light a bright candle in the mind of the target. The pursuit and fascination are like moths to the flame.

This method is especially suitable for interrogating information. Once the candle is lit, as long as the other party cannot take the initiative to extinguish it, they will naturally spit out all the secrets in their hearts.

Not to mention Gu Changsheng's alchemy realm with only two heavenly palaces, even monks with two more heavenly palaces would not be able to resist her spells.

The silver bell swayed, and the spirit wave spread, and the witch girl saw Gu Changsheng's face was in a daze, and then the two candles quietly hung upside down in his eyes.

Did this work?

What is Lu Qingming's rival in love?That guy Qi Hansu actually fell in love with such a weak guy?

Miss Yaonv looked surprised, as if she was a little skeptical about life.She couldn't figure out why the attack was so smooth this time, and she couldn't figure out why such a weak chicken like Gu Changsheng could make Qi Hansu wear the hat of a dog licking saint...

But should I say it or not, this kid looks quite pleasing to the eye.

I haven't seen you for many years, has the bright and stalwart Saint of the Sword Sect become a superficial witch who only looks at the appearance like me?

The demon girl was in a good mood. She gently stretched out a finger and tapped Gu Changsheng's forehead, as if she wanted to push him down on the bed for interrogation.Unexpectedly, Gu Changsheng grabbed her finger with his backhand, and the corners of his mouth showed

A trace of evil intention:

"Didn't you tell me not to be impatient? Why are you more impatient than me?"

Miss Fairy:? ? ?

She was startled in her heart, subconsciously thought that Gu Changsheng's powerful spiritual thoughts had extinguished her burning heart candle, and she immediately opened the distance to wait for observation, but Gu Changsheng's other hand had already caught it at some point. Her waist wrapped the arms of the charming and seductive Zhuli Sect Saintess in her arms, and she lay down on the couch.

The witch girl's clothes are slightly revealing, her slender and powerful waist is not covered by the clothes, showing a very beautiful figure.The covered capital of the upper body is swollen, showing the seductiveness of a witch.

Her lower body dress is also more white than flowery.With Gu Changsheng's embrace like this, he just leaned on the couch in a leisurely manner, while the young lady, the witch, leaned into his arms in a kind of cuddly posture.

The demon girl's eyes suddenly showed murderous intentions, it really is not a good thing to have the guts to steal Lu Qingming's house, this wave is indeed her carelessness.

Since that's the case, then I don't pretend to be a gentleman...huh?Wait, it seems that the candle in his eyes has not been extinguished?

The killing intent that had just risen up by Miss Yaonv was interrupted, because she found that the two heart candles hanging upside down in Gu Changsheng's eyes were still shining peacefully... and he himself was looking at her with incomparably obsessed eyes.

He didn't get rid of the control of the heart candle?Then why can he touch me again?

The effect of the secret technique of Zhulijiao is mainly to use the heart candle to control the opponent's mind. The controlled person will have a kind of almost god-like worship and admiration for the caster. If the technique is practiced to the extreme, it can even make the opponent's eyes blur. To commit suicide without blinking.

Because it's all for the belief in the gods in their hearts, they don't fear death... But Gu Changsheng's situation seems to be a little different.

The way he treats the Goddess in his heart... is to hold her tightly in his arms to profane? ? ?

Damn, what kind of righteous disciple are you!Didn’t your childhood education tell you not to blaspheme? !

Miss Yaonv felt that she was about to crack, she never thought that Gu Changsheng would be so deviant...

Wait, he even dared to dig the corner of Lu Qingming's wall, which means that this guy is a fearless and lawless existence...Since this is the case, it seems that it is not difficult to understand the goddess in his arms?

The girl took a deep breath, and the strange feeling of being held in the arms of a strange man made her somewhat overwhelmed.

She really wanted to slap Gu Changsheng away with a slap and step on his chest to press for information. However, Gu Changsheng is a disciple of Taiyi Sword Sect after all. It is said that Qin Wuyi, the elder of the Sword Sect, values ​​him very much. Even if you are upset, you can't hack him to death to vent your anger.

Oh, by the way, the person who came to eat with him just now seems to be the daughter of another elder, Xie Qingyi.

Hold back, hold back, this is all to find out information about Jian Zongli!

A small leak will sink a great ship.Miss Yaonv hypnotized herself like this, and suddenly felt that Gu Changsheng, who was holding her, was not so hideous anymore.She pretended to be submissive and said coquettishly:

"Brother is good or bad...I'm not ready yet."

"Where is it not ready?" Gu Changsheng smiled evilly: "It doesn't matter, if the road is not good, just wait a while, it will rain soon."



Why do I feel that this guy is really a member of the Demon Cult?

Gu Changsheng stretched out his hand to hold the girl's clean and flawless chin, gently raised it, his eyes were full of obsession and said: "It's so beautiful~"

The witch girl exhaled like blue, and lightly patted Gu Changsheng's cheek. She giggled and said, "Since I'm so pretty, would you like to answer a few questions for me?"

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