Not long after, there was a reply from the guard from the magic bracelet. After learning that the oiran lady who was supposed to come to "chat" with Gu Changsheng was knocked out in his room, the servant's expression changed several times. , After asking for instructions, he finally returned to Gu Changsheng honestly and said with a smile:

As for the senior brother... I didn't expect that Huang Wentian would lead Gu Changsheng to stay away from Senior Brother Fanggu in the future...

Gu Da Huang Mao was in awe for a moment.


Get out of my way!Has my senior brother been deceived by you?Or maybe Huang Wentian is fooling around with my senior brother Gu! ? "Little Green Tea's furious voice sounded outside the illusion. The young man seemed to want to speak to stop him, but was scared to move when Xie Qingzhi drew out his long sword.

"No... I just met a witch from the Zhuli sect. She seemed to have some plans for me. She pretended to be Bai Yujing's fairy and tried to control me with the secret method of the Zhuli sect."

Little Pixiu:?

"Hmph! Xiao Xiaozhuli, a demon girl, dares to fight with an axe! Dawei Tianlong!"

"Yanxi! So it's this witch! She dares to come to Jianzong!"

Gu Changsheng blinked and said, "Since Junior Sister Xie knows her, she must know her intention to kidnap me, right?"

What the witch girl didn't expect was that after Gu Changsheng's Yaoyin sword was bound by the magic weapon of the spiritual whip, which was originally invincible, the spirituality of the magic weapon was eroded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the energy of Yaoyin penetrated like a gangrene in an instant. .

It was night, Gu Changsheng sat cross-legged on the head of his bed, and began to review his situation.

"Do you remember what she looked like?"

"Junior Sister Xie said... let's go back quickly, I don't dare to stay in this room for a moment!"

A certain rebellious brother:?

"Junior Sister Xie is really smart." Gu Changsheng licked casually, "Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise I would have been murdered..."

Gu Changsheng smacked his tongue inwardly, thinking that Emperor Lu's attack was too ruthless... Such a beautiful little demon girl can hit her hard...

"Hmph, I don't bother to know that witch from the Zhuli sect!" Little Green Tea snorted coldly and said, "It's just a weak chicken who has been beaten and cried by Qingming... brother several times! If it wasn't for my house She has a kind heart, she was tied up by me long ago and handed over to the sect for a reward!"

It would be so deadly to be caught and raped by Xie Xiaolvcha!

Gu Changsheng: I knew that every time I wanted to let the bad atmosphere in the world of cultivating immortals blow in, something would happen!

But then again... Junior Sister Pei, where did you get all your knowledge about gender!I don't even want to complain about you!

"Senior get up first and talk carefully." Xie Qingzhi patted Gu Changsheng's back lightly and said softly, "I'm tell me quickly, is the second senior brother determined to lead you down..."

"Later, I heard that that guy actually became the saint of the Zhuli sect... What a cat or dog can be a saint!" Xie Xiaolvcha commented sharply with a bit of selfishness.

The reason for being moved is easy to understand. Xie Qingzhi's sudden appearance not only saved his dog's life, but also saved him the chance to invite Emperor Shenlu next time.

"What else could be going on, one of the arrogance who was beaten up by brother Qingming." Little Green Tea said bitterly: "Yan Xi, a demon girl with outstanding talent since she was a child, is known as the youngest comprehender of Hunyuan Dao Code in the history of Zhuli Sect. At the magic gate conference, he beat all the heroes, and he won the limelight for a while."

This is a provocation!If others know that Bai Yujing can have such a serious safety accident, I'm afraid it will greatly affect the enthusiasm of the old perverts.

"Guest officer, you can't do this... This is a formal business place... We really don't care about color..."

Gu Changsheng prayed to the gods, but the person who answered him was not Emperor Lu in the Tianquan Ancient Road, but someone who was worried about the return of his own exclusive licking dog.

Small green tea.

Netizen sister save me!

It's a pity that Huang Wentian is unreliable, and his father is even more unreliable.She was sure that if Huang Zun knew that his son had come out to listen to the music, he would be more excited and offer a few incense sticks to pray for his grandson as soon as possible.

Gu Changsheng didn't answer, but kept trying to take out the Kunlun mirror from the Qiankun bag to contact Lu Qingming.

"Forget it, that demon girl came after me, and I can't blame you all." Gu Changsheng said with tears in his eyes, "I, Gu, have always had a clear sense of grievances and grievances, and I will never blame others... What you just said is free of charge. Things should count, right?"

Gu Changsheng silently gave himself a thumbs-up in his heart, and Xie Qingzhi suddenly asked: "Senior Brother Gu, who kidnapped you from what sect and sect's demon girl? What kind of magic weapon and supernatural power did you use?"

"Then she floated away and ran over to challenge Brother Qingming." Xie Qingzhi said: "I don't know anything else, anyway, she went back with red eyes that day."

Lu Qingming in Tianquan Ancient Road is a very good soft meal target, as long as he discusses with her that he can log in as a substitute at any time when there is a crisis, then he will not be afraid of these former defeats of the Great Emperor!

There is also Qin Wuyi, the soft rice here is the softest and most fragrant, with her covering him, even if Emperor Lu comes, he will not be afraid!

Thinking of this, Gu Changsheng no longer hesitated, opening the Kunlun mirror was about to make a difficult breakthrough and enter the ancient road of Tianquan, but when his palm touched the mirror, he retracted it.

After all, the witch girl in front of her is Lu Qingming's licking dog. Even if Lu Qingming didn't show up in real body, but just logged in from another place to help Gu Changsheng fight, it's hard to guarantee whether she will see something.

The witch girl gave Gu Changsheng a meaningful look, and then her figure turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared into the illusion.

Gu Changsheng gave an extremely objective description of the figure and clothing of the witch from the Zhuli Sect, including the lotus feet without socks, and Yingying grasped the exquisite silver bell tied around her ankle... Xie Xiaolucha's expression changed immediately after hearing this, The tone is quite a bit of gritted teeth:

"It's counting..." The boy wiped the sweat from his forehead. This is the greatest authority he has won from above. If Gu Changsheng is not forgiving, then he can only let the high-level building owner handle this sudden incident. There was an accident.

"Tell my sister, who gave it to you~"

Sister, I'm afraid, give me a hug

Not only can he get benefits, but he even naturally shifts Little Green Tea's attention from the fact that he was spoiled by the anti-bone brother to the kidnapping of him by the witch... I don't want to be too witty.

"I'm the one who rewards me for being a good person and doing good deeds." Gu Changsheng said in a deep voice, "This fellow Taoist, I've already expressed my attitude. We can talk about anything you want, but if you don't cooperate, then don't give up." Blame me for being rude."

Little Green Tea:?

"Oh? You really have a lot of good things on hand." The witch raised her eyebrows and retracted her wrist, returning the spirit whip to its place.

Gu Dahuangmao was taken aback for a moment, and said in his heart that he didn't expect me to be so innocent in the heart of Little Green Tea, you even found an excuse for me...

The boy at the side of Bai Yujing suddenly changed his face, walked to the side and started to contact Bai Yujing's other guards with the magic bracelet on his wrist:

"Find the location of Anxiang Huakui immediately."

Gu Changsheng: "..."

When Gu Changsheng rushed over, he threw himself into Xie Qingzhi's arms, thought for a while that Pei Ningning was also beside him, so Yulu stretched out his other hand to wrap around the little Pixiu's waist, and buried his head in the two girls Weeping bitterly.

The flying boat was halfway through, and Little Green Tea and Pei Ningning realized it later: the last time they went to rescue Senior Brother Goutou with Gu Changsheng, this is how the Senior Brother Tian Yanzong met his junior sister at the inn !

Later, the Tianyan Sect was arrested because of the anti-pornography in the middle of the night... What does this mean?It means that such words are only said when a man wants to do something bad!

Xie Qingzhi couldn't sit still at that time, her little face turned black...

free?VIP card?Brother Gu, are you planning to come here often? !

The boy turned and left to deal with the accident, leaving only three figures of Gu Changsheng in the attic of the illusion.At this time, Gu Changsheng still hugged the waists of the two young ladies with lingering fear and refused to let go.

The face of the witch of Zhuli Cult changed, and in the end she could only reluctantly admit that this operation would end in failure.Taking Gu Changsheng away without anyone knowing, she still has enough time to torture and get rid of Taiyi Sword Sect's accountability; but if she snatches Gu Changsheng under Xie Qingzhi's nose...

"Senior brother, don't be afraid. Since you know she's going to deal with you, then leave the rest to my junior sister." Xie Qingzhi patted her chest lightly and proudly said: "Yanxi? I'm sure she will come and go!"

Is there such a possibility... Your baby's exclusive licking dog has a crooked style of painting!


Oh, she herself is prettier than a demon girl, that's fine.

"Is this the room?"

Seeing this change, Gu Changsheng and the witch of Zhuli sect changed their expressions slightly.The former is both moved and scared, while the latter's face is a little ugly.

"Then... what about the senior brother and the second senior brother?" Pei Ningning hesitated and asked, "If they are caught by the anti-pornography, will they be fined?"

"Junior Sister asked a good question. I think she should use the supernatural power of the Zhuli Sect... As for the magic weapon and physical characteristics..."


Both Sheng Xuzi and the saints of Zhuli Sect are loyal licking dogs of Emperor Lu. One actually challenged me to protect Lu Qingming's fiancée from being touched by others.

On the flying boat back, Gu Changsheng couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart and asked:

"Junior Sister Xie, Yan Xi, the enchantress of the Zhuli Sect you mentioned just now...what's going on between her and Senior Brother Lu Qingming?"

"We'll see you again."

The dirty exclusive licking dog can no longer be used in the future, right? (Blackening)

"Open the door for me! I want to see which vixen is stealing the house here..."

"Ah... you were beaten and cried?"

Xie Qingzhi was a little annoyed when she heard the words, but she really wanted to let Huang Wentian know what would happen if she spoiled her exclusive dog licking. If it was another fairy second generation, she could also activate the secret skill of suing the parents …

"You don't know how dangerous the situation just now is... I was kidnapped by the witch of the Zhuli Sect! I was almost kidnapped by her and sent to the Demon Sect to be tortured!"

A few days ago, I was trembling because I learned that the sister of the netizen was Lu Dadi. Will I be stage fright if I pass by so quickly?

And it's not a problem that the Kunlun mirror wall bug has always existed... How about first checking if there are any repairable fragments in Lu Qingming's plundering rewards, and then repair it to the point where it doesn't get stuck?

Gu Changsheng felt that it made sense, and silently dismissed the past thoughts, instead sat down and began to study the plundering rewards that had been suppressed and had no time to study.

At first glance, there seems to be no words related to Kunlun Mirror fragments in the plundering rewards, but there is another word about Kunlun Mirror that attracted his full attention:

[Kunlun Mirror Jade Slip: The jade slip of the ancient magic weapon explains that maybe you can find all the causes and effects here. 】

Gu Changsheng's pupils shrank slightly, and he couldn't help taking them out with a shake of his hand.

Kunlun mirror instruction manual!I finally got it!

In the middle of April, it's time to recast the glory of the eagle hitting the sky!First warm up 5k to test the water!

Chapter 261 Arresting the Criminal! (4k)

Gu Changsheng resisted the roar of excitement in his heart, and held the jade slips with tears streaming down his face.

How long has it been... How long has it been since the Kunlun mirror was synthesized!I just got the instruction manual now...

I almost called the system Geneva to refund the money!

Since he didn't have an introductory manual, he could only use it half-fumbled and half-blindly.At present, apart from being able to chat with Lu Qingming in Tianquan Ancient Road, and occasionally going in for a meeting, it seems that there is no other use for this thing.

Of course, being able to contact Emperor Lu in Tianquan Ancient Road is already a very remarkable function.But for Gu Changsheng, this amazing's useless!

Not only is it useless, but because of getting involved with Lu Qingming, he saw too many things he shouldn't see and touched too much, and he was in danger of being hacked to death by the exposed vest Lu Dadi every minute.

Now that the jade slip was in his hand, Gu Changsheng took a deep breath, lightly touched the jade slip decisively, and immersed his spiritual consciousness into it.The next moment his consciousness came to a bright galaxy.

This galaxy is so brilliant that it flows slowly like real running water, and the source cannot be seen at a glance.From time to time, a few extremely bright stars danced in the river, as if they were about to jump out of it.

Gu Changsheng looked at this magnificent scene of the Milky Way, and felt a little strange for a moment, and soon the stars around the river sensed Gu Changsheng's appearance, and slammed into him on his own initiative.

The starlight entered Gu Changsheng's body, and brought him a huge torrent of information. He stood there in a daze, his eyes seemed to flicker.

He saw the beginning of the chaos, saw that the heaven and the earth were not yet clear, a mass of chaotic air separated from top to bottom, and the Kunlun Great Realm gradually took shape at the beginning of the world.

Then there are the Seven Realms of Kunlun, each of which contains an initial chaotic ash mass, which has split into small pieces over many years, and finally merged together, turning into a simple and simple face. No fancy bronze mirror.

Could it be... this is the origin of the Kunlun Mirror?

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