"Who knows if you guys are in the same group? Do you think I'm stupid when I fight with all my strength in front of you two disciples of the orthodox sect?"

The young monk said helplessly: "Benefactor Yan, you have misunderstood. The poor monk is here to persuade you not to fight, not to help this benefactor to fight you... You should know that now is the time for the three sects and five schools to cooperate. We'd better Don't fight and kill, so as not to hurt the harmony among the sects."

"This benefactor, why don't you both give the poor monk a face, and let me resolve the grievances between you two."

"No, master." Su Bao spread his hands and said helplessly: "There is no need to talk about this matter. Who made him covet my junior brother and want to take him away all the time? Look at my little brother Gu. , these few days, she was so frightened that she didn't think about eating and drinking, and she was so emaciated that she was almost out of shape..."

The young monk turned his head to look at the witch girl, and said with a Buddhist salute, "Blesser Yan, is it true that the benefactor said you want to take her junior brother away?"

Yan Xi smoothed his hair with his fingers: "So what if it is, so what if it's not?"

"Since this is the case, then it is your fault, Benefactor Yan." The young monk said earnestly, "Benefactor Gu has no grudges with you in the past, and you have no grudges in the present. Why do you want to take him away?"

"You care about me?" the witch Yanxi glanced at the young monk and said indifferently: "We witches always do things according to our preferences. If I like to kidnap him, I will take him away. Do you have any opinions?"

"Furthermore~" The coldness on Yan Xi's face suddenly subsided, and he gave Gu Changsheng a charming look and said, "Who said he has no grievances with me?"

"Oh? When did Master Gu offend you?"

The young monk asked with great interest, Gu Changsheng's side was already alarmed, and he almost gagged the mouth of this monk who liked to be a pure passer-by with a piece of cloth.

You can shut up, you, if you continue to ask, I will be asked about the fact that I took advantage of the witch!At that time, maybe even Susu will look at me strangely?

"Master, in my opinion, there is no need to say more. There is no need to accuse someone! Even if I offend someone, it is because good and evil are incompatible!" Gu

Changsheng Dayi said solemnly: "Get out of the way, I will capture this witch with my senior sister!"

"That's right, if you talk nonsense again, I will suspect that you and this demon girl are in the same group!" Susu raised her sword and said with a look of disdain, "Why don't you all go up together? My junior brother and I are not afraid at all!"

Gu Changsheng:?

Su Bao, you bragging, can you not take me with you?

I know that your cultivation level is high, and your swordsmanship is at its peak...but if we fight with each other, won't I be the first to be instantly killed?

Qi Hansu, you have to remember that you are a swordsman!It's not a Buddhist cultivator who can milk and fight!

When Yan Xi heard the words, her flowers trembled with laughter, and the silver bells on her ankles and wrists rang crisply. She said to the young monk with a sarcasm on her face, "Inspiration, it seems that you two from the orthodox sect can't even get along with each other." How about it... She doesn't seem to be very grateful?"

"I don't know when Jianzong came out with such a rampant and arrogant guy. I have an idea, why don't you and I work together to subdue her?"

"Benefactor Yan, I'm a monk, so I can't violate the precept of anger." Monk Lingji put his hands together and said sincerely: "Although this female benefactor speaks rudely, I can't fight with you."

"Whispering, mother-in-law, do all of you disciples of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect have this kind of virtue?" Naturally, the witch girl didn't expect to be able to instigate this Buddhist disciple of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect, even though he seemed a bit stubborn. .

"Since you don't want to fight, then get out. I'm in a bad mood today, and I don't have time to play with you!" The witch raised her eyebrows slightly, then turned her head to face Gu Changsheng with a dimpled smile and said, "I can't think of the second time with my brother. It would be so unpleasant to meet, next time when we meet alone, we can't be like this again?"

"We don't know each other very well, why don't we see each other." Seeing that the witch girl is going to run away just like the villain's classic routine, Gu Changsheng hurriedly said: "Everyone doesn't know each other, so let's take a step back. , I will not bring my senior sister to arrest you in the future, and you should not think about taking me away to ask for information..."

"How can it be said that we don't know each other well?" Yan Xi's eyes filled with a trace of tenderness and tenderness: "Obviously we know everything in Baiyu Capital~"

Qi Hansu:?

You nonsense!

Gu Chang was so angry that he jumped up, thinking that I just touched you and kissed you, God knows everything... Su Bao, you believe me!I really didn't double cultivate with this demon girl!

"Amitabha." The Buddhist monk Lingji of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect recited again, and said with a serious face: "Master Yan, is it not good for you to say this in front of me, a monk..."

"What are you pretending to be?" Yan Xi, the witch, clasped her little hands and said, "Don't you understand in seconds? Why do you still pretend to be spotless? Oh, by the way, the knowledge of you Buddhists is similar to that of us normal people. no the same?"

Monk Lingji: "..."

The disciple of the Wanfo Sect took a deep breath, as if he was suppressing his anger: "Master Yan, please be cautious in your words and deeds. People in Buddhism have always been pure-hearted and ascetic. I don't know where you heard the rumors. I want to clarify, there is absolutely no such thing!"

Su Bao blinked and poked Gu Changsheng, pretending to be innocent, and said, "Junior Brother Gu,

, what are they talking about, I can’t understand it~”

Gu Changsheng glanced at her and said, "Don't pretend, it should be Little Green Tea's character who pretends to be innocent and pure in front of dirty jokes!"

"Are you in a hurry?" The demon girl said with a half-smile, "What? Didn't you say that you don't commit anger? You want to hit me?"

"Amitabha, as a saintess of the Zhuli Sect, how could Master Yan slander my Buddhism like this!?" Monk Lingji said, "Master said that Buddhist disciples who fight for their beliefs are not considered a warning... If you don't apologize, I had no choice but to grab you and enlighten you."

"Oh, I'm so scared~" Yan Xi rubbed his chest and giggled, "Anyway, it's not new for you people in the righteous way to bully the few with the more, do you want to come together?"

Monk Lingji didn't answer, but just stretched out his white and jade-like palm and grabbed it forward. Following his movement, a huge golden bergamot hand stretched out from the void behind Monk Lingji, and followed his movement to suppress Yan Xi. and go.

Yan Xi's figure suddenly turned into a wisp of green smoke under the huge Buddha's hand, and after a while, he teleported to appear behind the monk Lingji, and strangled Lingji's neck with a flick of the spiritual whip in his hand.

The spirit whip with fierce murderous intent glowed red, and the silver bells rang loudly between heaven and earth, but the whip wrapped around Lingji's neck did not feel like strangling flesh and blood at all, instead there was a faint roar of gold and iron.

Su Bao is not in a hurry at this time, the purpose of her coming here is for fun, and there is a show to watch right now, so naturally it is not worth doing it herself.

"Look, Junior Brother Gu, it's the body-refining supernatural power of Buddhism, called: 'Vajra Tower', practiced to the highest depth, the whole body is as if poured with golden glaze, and everything is invincible, and it cannot be broken." The saintess said with great interest. Explain it to Gu Changsheng.

"The witch is using Zhulijiao's unique method now, and the special ring tone can disturb the enemy's mind..."

"Oh, oh! Look, look, that monk summoned the Vajra Flower Terrace... Have you seen the huge Buddha image behind him? Do you think it is very practical for carrying things?"

"Wonderful, I didn't expect Yan Xi to use this trick to avoid the lock of the Buddha's Dharma image..."

Inspiration: "..."

Yan Xi: "..."

The fight between the saintesses of the Zhuli sect and the disciples of the Wanfo sect was supposed to be an earth-shattering battle of the century in the eyes of others, and it is rare for ordinary people to see it once in a lifetime... But it is such a solemn and murderous event. In the eyes of this female disciple of Jianzong who came with Gu Changsheng, it seemed to be a monkey show, and she would applaud when it was exciting...

Susu: Boring!I want to see rivers of blood flow!

"Senior Sister, stop talking, they're going to turn around and beat us together!" Gu Changsheng was about to cry, and quickly pulled La Susu to signal her to say less.After all, the opponent is also the top talent of the three sects and five sects, one is a saint and the other is a disciple of the Buddha. I have the advantage of two-on-two?

"Damn donkey, did we make a mistake?" The witch girl stopped her hand and did not attack again, but looked at Su Bao, who was watching the show, "She took Gu Changsheng to destroy my hiding place tonight. Why did she end up watching the fire from the other side instead?"

"Amitabha, don't worry about your grievances with this female benefactor. What we need to solve now is your insult to my Ten Thousand Buddhas." Monk Lingji said straightforwardly: "Unless you are willing to apologize, I will never stop .”

"What a wooden fish head." The witch snorted coldly and waved her hand to leave, but was photographed back from the void by the clever monk who had been on guard for a long time with the Vajra Flower Formation.

"I said, unless Master Yan is willing to apologize, I will never stop."

"Crazy! You monks are all mentally ill!" Yan Xi's face became more and more gloomy, and he turned to a shadowy corner and shouted:

"Sheng Xuzi, when are you going to sneak a peek in the corner?"

Chapter 280 Philosophical Thinking (plus more!)

As soon as the words fell, Monk Lingji's complexion suddenly showed a bit of solemnity, and Su Bao seemed to have expected this, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face.

After waiting for almost a whole night, the blood was finally flowing like a river!

Everyone's eyes followed the direction of Yan Xi's speech. Under the eyes of everyone, the pale complexion and slightly dark circles around the eyes of the Acacia Sect Sheng Xuzi showed his figure helplessly.

Still dressed in purple clothes, holding a folding fan, the faint black air between his eyebrows lingers, making Sheng Xuzi's temperament even more feminine and haggard, he shook his head helplessly and said:

"Why is our Demon Sect always unable to compete with their righteous way? It's because they refuse to cooperate well... Yan Xi, if you pretend to be at a disadvantage and lure Master Lingji to come here, wouldn't you win directly?"

"It's a pity...it's a pity..."

Sheng Xuzi sighed faintly, and he didn't know whether he was pitying the inspiration or pitying Yan Xi.The witch of the Zhuli sect heard the words and said coldly: "Of course there is no conflict between righteousness and evil, but we also have a lot of grievances and grievances between the Zhuli sect and the Hehuan sect. Who knows if you want to betray me first."

"Everyone is two-on-two now, so it's finally fair."

Monk Lingji frowned and said, "Amitabha... Master Yan, I didn't intend to entangle with you, but you slandered my Buddhism. This matter can be resolved by bowing your head and apologizing. Why did you cause such a bitter struggle?"

"I'm a demon girl. If a witch apologizes for slandering others, what kind of demon lady is that?" Yan Xi grabbed his whip and groaned with a smile: "Besides, I can't say if I slandered or not. .”

"Master Lingji, I, the Acacia Sect, should have the most say in this matter." Sheng Xuzi took out a silk handkerchief, covered his mouth and coughed softly, with an abnormal blush across his face: "Actually The words of Dashengnv Yan are true, most of you Buddhists do not take the usual path..."

Gu Changsheng:?

It's a good sentence to take an unusual path... Is this the level of education of the Holy Son of Hehuan Sect?

"Look, I'm right~" Miss Yao Nu giggled and said, "Actually, it's no wonder that desire is like a flood and should be dredged rather than blocked. The more you suppress your nature, the easier it will be to break the dam and go to other places." rushing away..."

"Shut up! Bewitching people!" Monk Lingji's fair and handsome face turned livid in an instant, "You Hehuan Sect and Zhuli Sect are the same breed, don't try to break my Buddha's heart!"

"Is this the Buddha's heart of the youngest disciple of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect? It doesn't seem very strong. Is there a story?"

"Oh, I almost forgot, Master Lingji's closest younger brother showed his heart to you at the ceremony, didn't he?" Can leave a descendant heir..."

Subao:! ! !

Gu Changsheng:! ! !

I didn't expect to be able to eat this kind of melon this time, it was really worth it tonight!

Monk Lingji's face froze when he was told, and the King Kong Huatai Faxiang behind him opened his eyes angrily, with golden light shining, and two huge bergamot hands left and right to suppress Sheng Xuzi and Yan Xi!

If he had faced these verbal provocations and taunts with his former Buddha mind, he would naturally have dealt with them calmly without sadness or joy.

After all, the good thing is that one of his most trustworthy juniors is not afraid of the secular world and confesses to him, which really has a great impact on his Buddhist heart...

So...he broke the defense.

Vajra glared, Buddha's light shone everywhere, and Sanskrit sounds resounded instantly in the silent night sky. Sheng Xuzi managed to dodge the angry blow of monk Lingji, and said sincerely:

"Master of inspiration, don't get me wrong, I'm actually different from her, I can totally understand your..."

"Sheng Xuzi! You'd better pick a time to make a fuss!" The demon girl also avoided the suppression of monk Lingji's bergamot, and Liu Mei scolded: "Right now is not the time for you to choose a partner for dual cultivation!"

"Yanxi, you are being a little unreasonable." Sheng Xuzi spread his hands and said innocently: "Is there any problem in finding a suitable partner for double cultivation in my Acacia Sect? Isn't this a normal thing?"

Gu Changsheng almost blurted out when he heard the words, and the way he looked at Sheng Xuzi became weird...

Sure enough, the previous guess was not wrong, the holy son of the Acacia Sect is also an unusual one...

"It's really a drought to death, a flood to death... There are so many high-quality furnaces in the Acacia Cult that don't have double cultivation, but they have to come out and not take the usual path... Can this also be a holy son?" Gu Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

The immoral saint on the side obviously heard Gu Changsheng's words, and said with a chuckle: "Little brother Gu, you don't know about it. Sometimes when there is too much waterlogging, you will naturally feel like a drought... Think about it if You have been hanging around all kinds of flowers since you were a child, and you have participated in various sports meetings organized by the elders, and you will definitely want to change your taste when you grow up..."

"Since childhood?" Gu Changsheng was shocked and said: "Then he and those elders of Hehuan Sect are doing double cultivation together?"

"Should it all be counted? Thinking about it this way, it's better for us Jianzong. It won't make people suffer from problems, and it won't make people lose money so that it's boring..."



Su Bao and Gu Changsheng's mutterings reached Shengxuzi's ears word by word, which made the gentle and handsome nobleman's face turn livid, and he roared out word by word:

"I was an adult then!"

Sheng Xuzi also broke the defense!

Yes, he did have some good memories of driving a big car when he was young, but later, as his talent was revealed, the elders who asked him to participate in the sports meeting became more and more high-level and older...even the kind of people who have been closed for many years The old ancestor of the Acacia Cult with a dry and dilapidated body also asked him to suck a few mouthfuls from time to time.

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