Although Xie Qingzhi was very dissatisfied with Gu Changsheng for not siding with him at first, he then thought about his potential.

Fu was still going on, but she had almost exposed this excellent Infernal Affairs in her impatience just now, and couldn't help but secretly blame herself.

Senior Brother Gu is still thinking about my journey as a saint at this time, how can I live up to his painstaking efforts?

"What's the rush! Let me tell you, Qi Hansu, this time I'm doing Senior Brother Gu face!" Little Green Tea glared back at her, and said with a disconvinced face, "You have to make sure you won't run away first!"

"I don't run, it's fine if I don't run!"

It's okay to give face to anyone, I don't want to continue to use this shameful posture to appear in front of Junior Brother Gu!If he couldn't control it for a while, the saint would probably become the first saint in the history of Jianzong because of such aggrieved reason!

Um?Wait...Since Lu Qingming and I are bound to Tong Xinjue, if I adjust the sensitivity to the highest, then she will definitely have other senses...

I want her to experience the suffering I have suffered... Is there still such a way of thinking?

No, no matter how you think about it, Junior Brother Gu is the happiest!

"Hurry up! Stop dawdling!"

"You think this is playing house! Take it if you want!" Xie Qingzhi said angrily: "This is the fairy-binding rope specially used for Qishatang that I stole from my father. The strong can be trapped for a while! How can it be so easy to untie it!"

"Then how long do you want?"

"Don't worry, let Brother Gu carry me to the bed first, the ground is so cold..."

Gu Da Huangmao:?

Is this huggable?

Little Green Tea is really good at it, he can deal with it!Free is really free, even Subao's benefits are not vague at all!

Before Gu Changsheng rolled up his sleeves and hugged the two fairies who were bound in an extremely attractive pose, suddenly a gust of fragrant wind passed by the window, and a sweet voice came from his ears:

"Brother Changsheng, can you hold two of them by yourself?"

"Do you want me to help you?"

Qi Hansu and Xie Xiaolucha's expressions changed slightly in an instant, and they said softly, "Be careful!"

Before the words were finished, Gu Changsheng moved his body forward in a quick reaction. Yan Xi's fingernails made a slight trace of blood on his neck, and it was hot and painful when exposed to the air.

She is still the seductive and hot demon girl, with her lotus feet lightly stepping on the void, not stained with dust.The silver bell on the ankle rings crisply in the night.

He subconsciously wanted to sacrifice the Yaoyin Sword from the Heavenly Palace to fight against the enemy, but when he moved his divine sense, he missed it. Then he realized that his poor Taichu Yaoyin Sword had already stayed on the ancient road of Tianquan .

Now that the spirit sword is gone, and there is one less thing in the Tiangong town, Gu Changsheng's combat power has dropped a lot.But even in his heyday, he was not necessarily a match for Yan Xi, the demon girl of Zhuli Sect.So he acted decisively and immediately tried to run away with the two young ladies Xie Qi who were bundled together.

As long as you let Susu out, you'll be nothing less than a witch!

However, the witch girl came prepared, so how could Gu Changsheng easily break the situation? She shook her palm lightly, and a black candlestick emerged from the void and swirled in the air. Bursts of black light enveloped Su Bao and Xie. The two little green teas also prevented Gu Changsheng from wanting to take them away.

"Hehehe... It's rare to see a good show tonight." Yan Xi casually suppressed Qi Hansu and Little Green Tea who were restrained, and then raised his hand and grabbed a certain yellow hair to his body Before, exhale like blue:

"Brother Changsheng, tell me honestly, have you always played so big?"

Gu Changsheng: Actually, I didn't play much. Why don't you come too?

"Bah! Demon girl! Let go of Senior Brother Gu!" Xie Xiaolucha said angrily, "Believe it or not, I'll ask my father to bring Qishatang to kill those rats in the gutter of your Zhuli Sect!"

"Yes, how can I not believe Miss Xie's words?" Yan Xi said pitifully: "It's just that I haven't seen Brother Changsheng for a long time, and I can't help myself for a while..."

"Hey, if you hadn't helped me get rid of Qi Hansu tonight, I really wouldn't have the guts to show up~"

Susu: stare at...

Gu Changsheng: Watch...

Xie Qingzhi: "..."

"Demon girl! Bewitching people, with a tongue like a tongue!" Xie Xiaolucha coughed a few times in embarrassment, and quickly changed the subject angrily: "Who knows if you have planned to take action a long time ago! I want to thank Qing Zhi Yingming I, who knows that it fell into the hands of a villain like you!"

"Let go of me, Senior Brother Gu, if you have the guts, we'll fight each other!"

Chapter 296 Hang up the demon girl and beat her?

"One-on-one? I don't dare to do it~" Yan Xi giggled and said, "Miss Xie is very precious, if you accidentally break it, your father of the Seven Killing Hall will not destroy the main altar of Zhuli Sect gone?"

"Since you know you're scared, why don't you quickly kowtow and leave?" Little Green Tea said without blushing, "Yan Xi, you're playing with fire, do you know that?"

"We demon girls generally love playing with fire the most... Don't you think so, brother Changsheng?"

As Yan Xi spoke, he stretched out his pale fingers and gently lifted Gu Changsheng's chin, licked his tongue and said, "Brother Changsheng, you don't know how much I miss you~ Your junior sister named Xie is really Good or bad, foxes and tigers drove me around, and several strongholds were destroyed..."

"If it wasn't for my little sister, I hid in the Taiyi Sword Sect with a clever idea, and I'm afraid I would never see you again." The demon girl looked like she was about to cry, and her voice suddenly felt a little chilly as she spoke. :

"You said, should I put this account on your head?"

"Miss Yan, please be respectful." Gu Dahuangmao said bravely, "I think there may be some misunderstanding between everyone, why don't we sit down and have a good chat?"

"Misunderstanding? What's the misunderstanding?" Yan Xi pursed his lips and smiled softly: "I've been staring at you for a long time...Qi Hansu and Xie Qingzhi were not by your side these days, I thought it was targeting you Set a trap. So I have been holding back and not making a move."

"I never thought that the two of them would be here today, but God gave me a good opportunity to catch them all in one go."

Gu Changsheng secretly said that something was wrong. Last time, he and Subao's Su Bao beat up the witch of the Zhuli sect together. With new and old grudges added together, it's hard to guarantee that she won't do something out of the ordinary. .

So far, I can only ask for help!The Wuyi Order given by Qin Wuyi has the function of calling for help, but it is a bit difficult to ask for help openly under the eyes of the witchy lady.

How about... use the Kunlun mirror first to go to Tianquan ancient road, and then invite Lu Dadi to come out of the mountain?

No, Lu Qingming is still recuperating. The trauma caused by refining the Yaoyang Sword is not small. When she left before, she didn't even dare to sit down...

I don't know who will die when Emperor Lu who is not in his prime meets the witch of Zhuli Sect who is in full bloom?

Gu Changsheng was still thinking about the best solution, when suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Su Bao who had been quiet all this time, and couldn't help being startled:

Wait, it seems that Little Green Tea has been talking to attract Yan Xi's attention for so long, and Susu hasn't said a word...Could it be?

His guess was not wrong. The first time they were trapped, the two friends who had grown up with each other started to urinate and tacitly began to find ways to get out of trouble.Xie Qingzhi was in charge of the main gun output to attract firepower, and Su Bao, who was the most powerful on the scene, tried to solve the predicament with his own methods...

However, it is a pity that since Yan Xi, the demon girl, has made a move, it is impossible for Hanhan to rush in without any preparation.She seemed to have noticed Qi Hansu's abnormality, but she walked over slowly without paying attention, and said with a condescending smile:

"Don't waste your efforts. The area around here is shrouded by the magic lamp of chaos from our religion. You can transform into

Yingyuan can't escape even if he runs far away! "

"Don't try to break free~ I know the power of the Sword Sect Saintess, so I deliberately set up a killing array, it will really kill people."

"Yanxi! Do you dare to kill us? Are you afraid that you will be wiped out!" Xie Qingzhi gritted his teeth and said, "Let me out immediately, or I will lead someone to level the main altar of your Zhuli Sect!"

"Whatever, anyway, there are only a few old things over there." Yan Xi said indifferently: "Of course I dare not kill you, but if conditions permit, it is still possible to torture you to vent your anger."

The lady saint at the side also seemed to have discovered that the killing array set up by the witch Yan Xi was not a joke. The spirit and spirit returned to the body, and a heavy look flashed in his eyes.

Everyone is a saint, Xie Xiaolucha's identity is also very sensitive, and Yan Xi absolutely has no courage to provoke the feud between the two sects... But Gu Changsheng is different. In the eyes of the outside world, he is more cared for by Qin Wuyi, and he is more friendly to others. Apart from the ambiguity of the Sword Sect Saintess, there is no trace of power behind her.

In other words, she is very likely to start with Gu Changsheng.

If I can't touch the saint, I can't touch you, a grassroots disciple?

"Yanxi, the grievances between you and me should not involve other people... You let Junior Brother Gu go, and I can fight with you."

"That's right! Demon girl, you should think about it. If you dare to touch Senior Brother Gu, I will..."

Before Xie Xiaolucha's ruthless words were finished, Liu Mei, the witch girl, reached out and pulled a few strands of Gu Changsheng's hair:

"I moved, what's wrong?"

"Ahhh! Yanxi, I'm going to kill you!" Xie Qingzhi who was provoked said furiously, "You dare to touch him again..."

"Huh? I moved again? What can you do to me?"

Gu Changsheng:? ? ?

Xie Shimei, please stop talking, if you keep talking, I will be bald by this witch!

Although the two young ladies' concern for him is real, it is obvious that Susu's concern for him is less harmful to his body.

"Miss Yan, let me be fair!"

"Don't say it." Yan Xi said with a smile: "You decent people like to say something fair, and I won't let you..."


"At first, I kept thinking about what it would be like when I meet you again." The witch girl squatted down with a smile and looked at Qi Hansu, who was cheated by the pig teammate Little Green Tea. :

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

"Qi Hansu! When you brought people to block me, did you think that this day would come!?" Yan Xi snorted coldly, "I lost to Lu Qingming because my skills were inferior to others. I admit it, but you actually brought a The younger brothers are blocking my only way and attacking me!"

Su Bao looked away in embarrassment, as if he didn't want Gu Changsheng to know that she had such a dark history, Xie Xiaolvcha's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he pretended to be surprised and said:

"I didn't expect Qi Hansu to be so dark-hearted when you were a child. I never knew it!"

"Sister Yanxi, I was really deceived by Qi Hansu before, and I thought you were a bad woman." Little Green Tea suddenly changed into a pitiful tone and said: "It turns out that we both It was a misunderstanding..."

"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's talk about it... Sister Yan, please let me go, I will take revenge on Qi Hansu with you!"

Miss Yaonv squinted at Little Green Tea, her expression seemed to be asking do you think I look like a fool?Xie Qingzhi saw the failure of her tea skills, and suddenly became a little out of breath:

"Yanxi, if you have the guts, keep trapping me. When my Aunt Qin comes, I will definitely strip you naked and hang you up!"

Gu Changsheng:?

Xie Shimei, are you serious?If it's true, I'll call Qin Wuyi for help right away!

Chapter 297 Someone is cheating, I am not joking!

"The little girl's mouth is quite tough~" Yan Xi sneered, "I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for your Aunt Qin to come over..."

"At first I wanted to beat you two to vent my anger, but since I watched a good show just now, I suddenly had a more fun idea." The witch girl said, licking her red lips lightly, Turning his head, he pulled the captured Gu Changsheng a little closer:

The fragrance from the red lips permeated Gu Changsheng's nose, and the witch's little hand brushed Gu Changsheng's cheek bit by bit, and asked innocently:

"Brother Changsheng, you said that if I share the bliss with you in front of them, will they faint with anger or shame?"

"What are you doing? Yanxi, I'm warning you...don't do anything to Senior Brother Gu! Otherwise, I'll never end with you!"

Gu Da Huangmao:?

"Junior Sister Xie, you don't ask her!" Gu Changsheng took a deep breath and said, "My generation of sword cultivators must resolutely fight against these demons and heretics to the end! The more you beg her, the more proud she will be!"

"Come on, witch! I, Gu, have never bowed to a witch in my life! If you have the guts, come to me and let my sisters and sisters go!"

Qi Hansu: "..."

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