"That's right. In fact, after I met the witch of the Zhuli Sect last time, Elder Qin was worried that I would not be able to escape in a similar situation, so he specially gave me a one-time expendable magic weapon." The red heart lied without a beat.

"It's just because it's a strange move, so Elder Qin told me not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary."

Xie Xiaolucha nodded lightly when she heard the words, as if she believed most of Gu Changsheng's words - after all, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible for Gu Changsheng to crush the witch by himself, so the magic weapon Qin Wuyi gave is the best explain.

"It turned out to be like this. Fortunately, Senior Brother Gu turned the tide this time, otherwise the demon girl would have succeeded." Xie Qingzhi gave her adoring eyes at the right time, and her tone was a bit emotional.

Being a goddess doesn't mean you have to be on top all the time, sometimes a proper show of weakness can make the exclusive licking dog arouse the desire to protect.Little Green Tea, who is well versed in the tea ceremony, is naturally very clear about this.

Of course, the more important point is... this time it was Gu Changsheng who saved the world, not Qi Hansu. If it was the latter, she would be called directly when the liquidation was made.

Xie Qingzhi, the inner ghost, what can't be done, No. 1 cheating teammate, come out!

Susu on the side didn't seem to believe Gu Changsheng's words, if she didn't have that experience of being pouted in the void and the familiar kissing experience, she would probably accept it as the reason for Qin Wuyi just like Little Green Tea...

But it's different now. Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will quietly take root and sprout. She has reason to suspect that Lu Qingming is playing tricks on all of this...

Tianshuang sword will, Lu Qingming will also!

Although Gu Changsheng deliberately turned his back on Susu's move, the astonishment and surprise in Yan Xi's eyes at the last moment can't be caused by a one-time magic weapon... Little Gu must have used some more shocking means to beat him away Yan Xi...

"Junior Xie, get up quickly, the ground is cold..."

Miss Saintess is still in doubt, Gu Changsheng has already helped Xie Xiaolucha untie the fairy rope, and was about to help her up when suddenly the world spun around her eyes, and a candle in her eyes quietly extinguished.

He fell headlong into Xie Qingzhi's arms, his cheeks firmly touching the little green tea.At first, Xie Qingzhi thought it was Gu Changsheng playing something fancy and eating her tofu, her face blushed and she quickly supported Gu Changsheng:

"Senior brother Gu! If you continue to tease my little sister like this, I will get angry~"

He said he was angry, but in fact, when Xie Qingzhi was supporting Gu Changsheng, he took a smug look at Qi Hansu, as if to show off her closer relationship with Gu Changsheng.

"Brother Gu...Brother Gu?"

She didn't respond to calling twice, but when she looked up, she suddenly found that Gu Changsheng's brows were furrowed, his eyes were tightly closed, the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood, and his whole body was wilting at an extremely fast speed!

"Qi Hansu! Come over and have a look, what happened to Gu Changsheng!"

Chapter 299 No more dual cultivation, let's go to Xianqing Pond!

Xie Qingzhi panicked now, and quickly supported Gu Dahuangmao on the bed, while anxiously calling Qi Hansu's name.

Miss Saintess's thinking was interrupted, she looked around and found something strange about Gu Changsheng, her expression changed suddenly and she walked over a few steps.

"what happened?"

"I don't know...it's like this all of a sudden... woo woo woo... Gu Changsheng isn't going to die, is he...?"

Qi Hansu's face was serious, he pinched Gu Changsheng's mouth, and first stuffed a life-threatening elixir into it, and then Tianshuang's sword intent poured into his body, temporarily freezing his spiritual veins, this was the relief. A bit of Gu Chang's anger faded away.

She slowly laid Gu Changsheng flat on the bed, then gently pulled his eyelids away, an extinguished candle hung upside down in the deep eyes!

"It's Yan Xi!" Qi Hansu gritted his teeth and said, "She just took advantage of us to talk to Junior Brother Gu..."

Xie Qingzhi was shocked when she heard the words, and suddenly remembered that Yan Xi unnaturally approached Gu Changsheng's cheek on purpose and looked at him, as if he was about to eat him...

At first, I thought that the witch was deliberately using this behavior to anger her, but I didn't expect that Bo Yanxi was on the fifth floor!

"Damn it, you witch from the Zhuli sect, don't get caught by me!"

"What's the use of talking harshly now." Su Bao said angrily, "Junior Brother Gu is in a bad state right now, more than one force is raging... let's think about how to save him first!"

"What's going on? Let me see..."

Xie Xiaolucha said as he stretched out his hand and put it on Gu Changsheng's wrist, closed his eyes for a moment, then opened his eyes in surprise: "How could there be the chaotic atmosphere of the lunar moon? What did the demon girl do to him?"

Right now, Gu Dahuangmao's body is very lively: there are not only the Zhulijiao skills left by Yan Xi, but also the chaotic energy of the Taiyin from his double cultivation with Emperor Lu. Among them... under the multi-party scuffle, he was directly put on the ground.

Gu Dahuangmao: "I am!"

Primordial Qi: I know I may be gambling, but the heresy that invaded today and you must die!

Miss Yaonv's Zhulijiao exercises seem to be incompatible with the Qi of the Beginning, and they don't see eye to eye with each other, and they don't agree with life and death.At this moment, the medicinal power of some of the chaotic lotus seeds of the Taiyin that Gu Changsheng had picked up from Lu Qingming became the best accomplice of the Zhulijiao technique.

Although they are cool, they are fatal to Gu Changsheng... If Susu hadn't used Tianshuang Sword Intent to freeze his heavenly palace and spirit veins in time, I'm afraid that the chaos in Gu Changsheng's previous plunder reward Candlesticks will also come to mix in the excitement...

"What should I do now? Brother Gu seems to be unable to hold on anymore..." Xie Qingzhi was angry and regretful again... In the end, it was her inner ghost who manipulated Su Bao, otherwise there would be It is impossible for Qi Hansu to make a move in Yan Xi no matter what.

Of course, all causes and effects have their determinants, if Gu Changsheng hadn't teased Emperor Lu, I'm afraid Susu wouldn't have come here in the middle of the night to find an explanation... let alone a clean little green tea.

It's too early to split the pot or anything.Qi Hansu

After pondering for a moment, he said: "Yan Xi's skills and the yin and yang energy in Junior Brother Gu's body were originally balanced and could be resolved by themselves, but it was different after adding the strange lunar chaotic energy..."

"For the current plan, we should quickly remove and dissolve the excess yin energy in his body..."

"Resolution, how to resolve it?" Little Green Tea was slightly taken aback: "Could it be absorbed by Shuangxiu...?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Bao's face couldn't help twitching... She was suspected of being pushed to death by Gu Changsheng in front of Qin Wuyi not long ago, now let me Shuangxiu help him resolve it?

Do you think I am Xie Qingzhi?The saint's ass still hurts now!

"Come on." Su Bao preemptively said: "In the final analysis, this matter is because you trapped me, otherwise so many things would not have happened!"

"Ah...me?!" Xie Xiaolucha stood up abruptly, and stammered, "I...I'm not ready yet...No, I haven't become a saint yet...Wait, Qi Hansu, you Don't blame me!"

"If you hadn't come here in a fit of madness to lift the bed of Senior Brother Gu, how could things have developed like this!"

"Xie Qingzhi! See how weak Junior Brother Gu is, you're still here!" Susu said seriously, "Don't forget that he is your good senior brother!"

"You have a share too! Don't let me stand alone! Even if I have [-]% of the fault, don't you have [-]% of the fault?"

Xie Qingzhi said angrily: "If you hadn't been playing badly for so long, how could you have been trapped by Yan Xi's formation for so long just now! Qi Hansu, you still say you are not wrong!"

The faces of the two young ladies were reddish, and neither of them wanted to show their free side in front of the other.After all, this is a question of dignity.

It would be great if a powerful third person suddenly appeared to help senior brother Gu double cultivation... The two girls thought at the same time.

A certain Lu Dadi who had been pouted:?


Seeing that Gu Changsheng's problem had not been resolved, Su Bao couldn't help but said: "Now is not the time to argue about this, the way to save Junior Brother Gu is not the only way to save Gu Changsheng, let's think about other things quickly while there is still time, or you will be killed." I really can only watch him being killed by you and regret for life!"

Xie Xiaolvcha's face darkened when he heard this, apparently also a little scared.She glanced anxiously at Gu Changsheng who was in a coma, and a flash of inspiration suddenly occurred to her mind...

Doesn't Aunt Qin's Xianqing Pond have the miraculous effect of purifying yin and yang, strengthening the foundation and cultivating the vitality?I remember that I was also once infiltrated by high-level Yao Yin Qi, and it was cleared after soaking in Xianqing Pool for a while...

right!Xianqing Pond!

Thinking of this, Xie Xiaolucha's eyes lit up, and Susu on the other side seemed to have thought of such an option, and cast her eyes on Xie Qingzhi, and they looked at each other.

"You know what I'm trying to say?"

"I know what you want to say."

"Then do you think it will work?" Susu hesitated for a moment and said, "Master's Xianqing Pool has never been entered by a male cultivator..."

"What are you afraid of! Anyway, Aunt Qin loves me the most!" Xie Qingzhi gritted her teeth and said, "We are here to save people. Even if we are found out afterwards, Aunt Qin will definitely forgive me!"


you sure?Why do I feel that the rattan whip in Master's hand will definitely beat Xie Qingzhi to the point where your ass will bloom?

Susu hesitated for a moment, as if she felt that the only two good options were already in front of her. If she didn't take Gu Changsheng to Xianqing Lake to recuperate the chaotic energy of Taiyin, at least one of her and Little Green Tea would be pouted. …

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's Little Green Tea who gets beaten first!Fight!

"Let's go! Take Junior Brother Gu secretly to Xianqing Pool!"

Chapter 300 One Soup Pond, Two Kinds of Tea Fragrances! (4K)

The two young ladies looked at each other tacitly, and each made up the idea of ​​letting the other take the biggest scapegoat.Immediately afterwards, Susu picked up the bedding and rolled Gu Dahuangmao into a spring roll, and put it on Little Green Tea's shoulder:

"Let's divide into two groups. You take Junior Brother Gu to Xianqingchi first, and I will go to Master's side to hold her back and prevent her from going there on a whim!"

"Wait a minute, why did I bring Senior Brother Gu there?" Xie Xiaolucha looked at Su Bao suspiciously: "You won't take the opportunity to bring Aunt Qin over and let me take the blame?"

"I, Qi Hansu, am such a glorious person, how could I use this method!" Susu glared at her angrily: "Besides, although most of the dangers of Junior Brother Gu are your responsibility, but Master You said that you want me to protect him, so naturally I can't shirk the blame for his injury!"

"Then why don't I go and hold Aunt Qin back, and you go and help Senior Brother Gu clear out the yin energy in his body?" Xie Qingzhi said again: "Obviously I am the one who pleases Aunt Qin more. , Aunt Qin is annoyed when she sees you, maybe she just went to Xianqing Pool to take a bath to relax if she couldn't think about it for a while?"

"Xie Qingzhi, do you think my fists are not hard enough?" Su Bao rolled up his sleeves and snorted coldly, "Master and I have always been happy and harmonious, unlike you, who think about making troubles all day long. You're so stupid that you want to be the Saintess of the Sword Sect."

"You! Qi Hansu, you have the guts to challenge me one-on-one!" Xie Qingzhi said furiously, "I want you to know whether this fairy is worthy to be the saint of the Sword Sect!"

"That's enough, that's enough, I don't have time to waste time with you here... You see, Junior Brother Gu is going to be cold! If we don't go, we both will regret it! Choose one, you choose one!"

"I choose... Aunt Qin... No, I choose to go to Xianqingchi!"

Xie Qingzhi gritted her teeth and wanted to use her cuteness to hold Qin Wuyi back and buy Gu Changsheng a chance to recover.However, she thought about it again, once Gu Changsheng cleared away the yin energy, opened his eyes weakly and woke up and saw Qi Hansu as the first person, wouldn't her favorability increase?

Why are the routines of heroes saving the beauty always common?Isn't it because people's feelings are more fragile than usual in times of crisis and adversity!Her exclusive licking dog was already vulnerable when encountering such a catastrophe, if Qi Hansu took advantage of it again...

Isn't my head so green that it can't be greener?

Thinking of this, Xie Qingzhi couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, and quickly took the job of taking Gu Changsheng to Xianqingchi, agreed a simple secret sign between the two of them, and hurriedly boarded the flying boat.

Susu didn't hesitate too much, even though her purpose of coming here was actually to find evidence that Gu Changsheng and Lu Qingming had hooked up.But right now, both she and Xie Qingzhi have forgotten their original purpose and tried their best to save the poor Gu Dahuangmao who was lying on the gun.

Although Gu Changsheng was in a coma, his consciousness was crystal clear in the sea of ​​consciousness.He could hear Su Bao and Little Green Tea's loud conspiracy, and he could also feel the terrible situation in his body.He actually wanted to say something about this:

"Let me down! I'm going to find Emperor Lu to double repair again!"

In the past, when I watched The Legend of Zhen Huan, the concubine went to bed with her

Wrapped up in a ball like this and being carried by the eunuch, he was now the one being wrapped in it. Gu Changsheng's mood was very complicated...

You said Susu, you want to take me to save my life, so you went...Can't you just hug me?What kind of fuss is going to be made by wrapping up a quilt without doing so much?

His situation is not complicated when it is said to be complicated, but it is definitely not simple when it is said to be simple—for some reason, there seems to be a natural sense of incompatibility between the Qi of Absolute Beginning and Yan Xi's Zhulijiao exercises.The preconceived Qi of Absolute Beginning directly regarded the Qi of Zhulijiao as an intruder, and mobilized everything to kill it.

Obviously, the Qi of Taichu has always won Gu Changsheng's trust with Zhongzheng's peace, but it is so incompatible with the Zhulijiao exercises, which makes Gu Da Huangmao a little confused.

Co-author, do the ancestors of your two families have enmity or something?

If he and Lu Dadi hadn't happened to double cultivate by chance before this, then although Yan Xi's Zhulijiao Qi and Qi of Absolute Beginning would still fight, the consequences would not be so serious.

But it is a coincidence that the previous double cultivation took away part of Gu Changsheng's primordial qi, and brought back part of the medicinal power of the chaotic lotus seeds of the moon that Lu Qingming had not refined and absorbed... Under the ebb and flow, poor Gu Dahuang Mao is about to be fucked.

Xie Xiaolvcha's flying boat didn't know how much the speed limit of the sect was exceeded, so it rushed all the way and soon arrived at Qin Wuyi's Xianqing Lake.

After getting off the flying boat, Xie Qingzhi first hid Gu Changsheng, who was wrapped in spring rolls, in a space artifact that stored living things, then tidied up his clothes and hair accessories, and passed a few rotating sword servants as if nothing had happened. The young lady smiled sweetly in front of her and said hello.

"Good evening, sisters, is Aunt Qin in there?"

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